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January 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…She ulo Of 94 PaiL 4 VOL. X. ANN X. FfH,, MI1CHL., MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1900 No. 91. W Noel'BHOYS' EAGLE." toueihing at Anan Arhotr, in tardee to FESTIVAL ARTISTS. oelOld Paper Published bil Vni sailed i an oatyany, and arriv ed int tert Schumann-H-einch, Contralto, cersitit otudents 52 Years Ago. tnt i thb citti eett Been Engaged. TM aaj. ettC.neansoStat St.ttoeaihnnttahat l thelI e ti will ra Fine soeepel-tts itn tert-tigttain t deat H ...…

January 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…2 Publih ed Daily (Snay ecepted)i during the Colege yea, at THE UNIERSIIY Of MMCIGAN Oooicao TheoInlond Pess enninoog Block. Both Phooco. I47. MIANAGING EDITOR. F.BNooE~A RD. '00 L. HlUsINEOS MANA(EI. 0I. II51.lac.'00 L. S,'ITO RS. ATHILETICS, ...G. tD. ccacc, '1 B r. R. woovowo.'WOL. Aln. MrtooeOAoa.'O E A. G. BOoooa '02. E. J. B. WOO, 00, L.J.MNooosooc,'00, W. D. llcoso, '0M, Theolbshocio-aoprice of cikeso 1).is00250 tor he 0011g l yecrowih ...…

January 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01: MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. H ILDEBR AND THE NEW TAILOR, pI 120 WASHINGTON ST. MICHIGAN (CENTRAL The NiagaraFalls Route." k 1Rentschler, tbe flboto~vaPher. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effert Naonmber19, 1899. Detroit Night Exprecs..........5, UI ED Atlantic Express ..............74 Granad Rapids Expresst....... ....110" Mail andfExpess.......:.34 at N. Y. Bostont Special ............…

January 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. IlOc. l0c. We have bought the re- iaider of the ediitioni of the $1000 In Your Inside Pocket Istwht uca ave oasitooveot mdtto your ordrby us,5We actica perfect fitor notaxe Calloand seo obligation to box. Cu lmxese ass o cet of over 3000 sapl siso.All SWool Ssan Or c ots Cerem$12.00)lip. Goodrich, Wrglher & Murphyi, Fcrono oeritNaional D. fI TINKERsF & SOIL' HJATTERIS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for ocnd...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…be 't.of $ 4 Pai1 . VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, RICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1900. No. 137. TO0 BE OUT Changes of tie Demonstrative Ipse, The Lat Number of the S. L. A. SpringClarence Linton eader, University of Course Will be Saturday Night. Sp i.gSoon For Baseball Practice. Michigan; An Inscribed Cylix by Champ Clark is one of the all-around Announcem ent The gradual improvement of tie Drs recently brought to America, men in Congress. He has a...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…2_ Publiehed Daily (Sundays excepted) dureing the College yeoe, at. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orpicia: The Iolanod Press, Henning Block. Both Phone 147. MANAGING EITOIR. F.ENGELHARD,.'01L. BUSINESS MANAGERc~. 0t. It.HANc. '00 L EITORSO'. ATIILEO''CO, . 0. . It. IleDOs , '01 E T. R. Weoooo, '00 L. A.t11. MCttoos ott0 A. G. BRooNEc. '02. tE. J. Bi. WooD, '00, L.5J. MooTG¢E ac, '00, W. D1. HICEYo, '00 M, R H. JEEG'AN,'100 L. W. A. KNIGHT,'101L....…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01' MICIGAN DAILY. . JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE--NEVER IN PRICE. H IL EBR ND TE NW TALOR120 WASHINGTON SI. MICHIGAN CENTRAL f 'The NiagaraFalls Route."lVeutschler, the photograpY herI)~L. LENRAlarmDRDI Clocks SI. lam 1 iaet GE TOING AST.-na- ----19- - 18----9 U. of M. Pins 50c to 10.00. Fine D~etroit Night Expresse.........5 55 A. M.Watlepar Is pcily adAtlanticis EpeT 710, HIT AISTS ReAaEsiOgORpecialt Mai and Ex...…

March 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MJCHIGAN DAILY. 4 THE U~4IYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. F. Hopkinson Smith's Works C:aleb WNest, Master Driver. Tom Grogan. Trhe Other Fellow, Short Stories. STUBI remember that we can Fountain Pen, the Laui wse fully guara ntee. 'Yb, MARTIN'~ Crescent Sterling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EIIPOR~IUM Bic D. 9 TINKERF & SOP' H~LIATTERS ANDOUNIHR - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -- jHeadquarters for isupply you with a $1.00 uASs, CArS, MoN'...…

May 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

… Yf f- --1 ALI) r IFS n. _ t.Y .. - .4 f 7 fill nn VOL. a - ANN ARBOR, MICH. TUESDAY, MAY 29.,'1900. - No. 180. rl~l .r -.DICORATft P GM high school of Detroit and they 'meet SaM $O - on t i dapop at Bennett Park at We sajTels the °Tale of the 0p 5,j~ es h cf ae As -Crnell-Michiqsnj Downs Penn. ''iestern Chmpionship. to fight it out 1is also witt be an t- n a Est ame 7 to 2. Announcemw l ir--h Decoratioo Day gooesshisletsfor Ptsiggm o hu no...…

May 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…T 2 THE t N I 1AtAi'i Y f0 1 1k-t1I 'GASN DAILY _. ~younZg manI who is busy that is most in LOOK TO US 0 ~. ~demand. It is the brave fellowe fighting U . tn the rantks for whom shoulder straps FO ate waititng. Go bravely at the work Pufsead Daily (Sendatsexa eptedt dart g the which Provtdetnce puts within yottr reach Cottege year, at Retmetmbet that fitte sayinig of Carlyle thsat te best teacher for the dttties that THE UNIVERSI4Y OF MICHI...…

May 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN -DAILY. 7 ILAI[ fBO dod OXFORDS.. .....11111 .. ........ ...... ....... 1......... ..ALL NEW AND UP TO DATE OODSPJF E D' I, Halve You Seer) Our New Dorcas Sboes? 19SUh MI T MICHIGAN CENTRAL °sI ',The Niagara Falls Rote." l~1Ietscter, the ph~otographer. 4 Alarm Clocks $1. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect April 19, 1x99. , U. of M. Pius f50e to $10.00. Fine OIOEAST..- Watch Repairing a Specialty. "etiit NightExpr...…

May 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…T~c ivm~~x~ ) M0J) ALLY 1 °-fRI1 - A FS~i1==fR REI,- . LEEK, MI pIRONS, LFJ-R" EJTO. ADE .ANDGOLF BALLS. YeRan mitessw We carry- the -largest assoitent of all makes Ain the ciy Our clerl s, e bp t :te 4(MFrS and will gladly give you any in- -formation desired in the pur- "chae of outtfit. Wlle eAnn Aror Agents 3for the Ifwing wellknown lobas: JWILTaIE D NN, McGREAGObR, I HARRY."VARDEN, r~ig your od -G~T~als an4 x- change-them for new. Theeha...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…be Nor Patti)* VOL. XI: ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29,:1900. No. 6. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrved and is arrangedi for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the eyles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H, WILD O,, so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS' AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM O...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITYOF(ifMCiGAN 'DAIL'Y. PublishedIDaiy' (Sndys x te) doring h Clleg yar3a THEf UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAN OFtIC BACHOFFICEo Args Bldg Mi St. 330 S. SttStet. Both 'Phoes 13. No11 Stt 'Poe 18. MANAGING EDITOR . H. BoAtS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. EGEtltltAstO.'01 IL EDITOS - ATHLETICS - G.D. HBotsoos. 01 E. A.H.MCoDtlAtt.'l E. V. T. Es'oo'03 W. A.KsIGTl'.'t1Ll. Mtss,. SRt0'03 The tsutciptiott pieoftteDtttioti3$.50 tottollege year,00.w...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 -6- cc: *.If-; *g& - d" 6 "E 'Kg"L SgE :egg: : "dE "E5:E:,.ks'" :tw"ts: k '"r. ia:as: ic. s" r" '"ec. s"+E" .er s"GesW.4m C:"!C"OC""E"!5 < "G"Vr"E"C"Fw"6 6.6"¢"c"c . c u c. c ... o. a HIGH-CLASS TAILORING If YOU are particularabout the style, cut and make of your clothes, we want to see you. Mir. White, for several years with one of the best firms in Chicago, having taken charge of our tail...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH NVRIYO MCIA AL FULL LINE GYMNASIUM,' FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS Can be found at Our Store Sehn& o.320 S. STATE STREET. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTiNG NONE. ARTI5TIQALLX "." I CANICALLT We will be glad to prove it to you, Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD' 106 E. Huron . When we fill a prescription it con- I I' II/IIIV tains exactly ...…

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