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July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…lfi ""MMMMN kk [ AmIchian DAILY Ann Arbor, Michigan 9 Free Issue Vol. .XXXVIII, No. 54-S Saturday, July 29, 1978 Sixteen Pages I Regents OK MSA housing, Legal Aid fee By BRIAN BLANCHARD After extensive debate during both sessions of this month's meeting, the Regents agreed yesterday to include the Ann Arbor Tenants' Union, Campus Legal Aid services and Housing Law Reform Project among the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) activities funded...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Saturday; July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily Church Worship Serices FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Washtenaw Ave. 662-4466 Summer Worship-9:30 a.m. Sunday. * * * LORD OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH (the campus ministry of the ALC-LCA) Gordon Ward, Pastor 801 S. Forest at Hill St.--668-7622 Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 E. Huron Calvin Malefyt, Minister 10:00 a.m.-Morning Service 6:30 p.m.-Informal Worship * * * ...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 3 State hopefuls debate abortion, marijuana By MICHAEL ARKUSH "There is more anger at the political The crop of Republican and scene than I've ever seen, and that Democratic candidates vying to scares me," said the gray-haired Pier- replace Gilbert Bursley as the 18th ce. district's state senator met at City Hall GEORGE GOODMAN, Democratic Thursday night, expecting to debate the mayor of Ypsilant...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily RECORDS Double Vision Foreigner AtlanticSD19999 Can the overnight success of Foreigner carry them through a trium- phant encore to their phenomenal debut effort? This Anglo-American sextet has found its formula in combining driving rock with awesome technical precision. Their new album, Double Vision, builds on the rockers from Foreigner, con- tinuing the exemplary execution and even improving...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…Miller WASHINGTON (AP) - The chair- man of the Federal Reserve Board suggested yesterday that major in- dustries establish their own price and wage guidelines to help control an in- flation rate that threatens to push the economy toward a serious recession in the near future. Chairman G. William Miller said business must show more restraint on prices. Although profits may be lower in the short-term as a result, he said, "in the long-run there ...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…Page 6--Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily N.Y. grads now must pass test ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - About 260,000 NEW YORK is second only to "The mere fact that the tests exist, newspapers. students who graduated from New California in the size of its school may providea stimulus to the schools," The department is proudestc York state high schools next June will population, it has 3.8 million students said Education Commissioner Gordon writin...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…HA tist plo est tst of the bet tri lit St The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 7 LEFTISTS PLAN NETWORK TO EXPOSE CIA PERSONNEL Youths gather for 'anti-imperialist' festival VANA (AP) - Six American lef- delegates as possible to explain "the OTHER MEMBERS of the group are globe. ts, including three former CIA em- kind of work the CIA does and how to James and Elsie Wilcott, who worked in The CIA has been increasingly alar- yees, ann...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily On finding the courage to wage war The Middle Parts of Fortune By Fredrick Manning St. Martin's Press 247 pp. $8.95 By Stephen Bennish FREDERICK MANNING'S war novel, The Middle Parts of Fortune, presents a philosophy which made participation possible for the soldier who examined the moral implications of combae. Manning ar- ticulated a philosophy no recent author has affirmed, one to which no s...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…cns vs. The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 9 Th7e University e Ann Arbor-based attorney representing hnson and the tribes, has managed to con- ract a persuasive case. E EXPLAINS THAT Governor Cass confer- red with members of the three tribes, and acted a treaty for them to sign on September 1817. One month earlier, the tholepistemaid, or University of Michigania s created at Detroit by an act of the Michigan rritorial governmen...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily AMR Aqp LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT FOUND-Fluffy brown tiger cat, Old Westside. 665- 2511.d82 FOUD-Wit dA02 SANS SOUCI FOUND-White kitten with brown markings and blue eyes. Spayed female. Found in North East Large one and two bedroom furnished apartments neighborhood. CallCarol, 662-7804. dA802 available for fall occupancy. Apartment includes, LOST-Striped gold with circles kitten, Law Quad heat...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 11 I I I I I 4k :8 IT I !Ji:l-- (ContinuedfromPage10> H ELP WA NTED PART-TIME JANITORIAL close to campus. Call 1-878-9991 evenings before 10. 92H812 PART-TIME SERVICE STATION HELP. 1220 S. University. Apply inperson. 96H729 MANAGER AND/OR COOK in a Kosher restaurant. 769-3078eves. cHc STUDENT SERVICES ASSISTANT wanted for work-study job No. 638. 20 hours per week, morning or afternoon. Call Mik...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 12

…Page '2-Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily WORKERS AWAIT COURT RULING Postal Union postpones ratification vote WASHINGTON (AP) - The union promised to hold up the mailings was rejected by a union advisory com- tee should force the union's negotiating American Postal Workers Union (AP- until U.S. District Judge Barrington mittee comprised of local union team to return to the bargaining table WU) agreed yesterday to delay the Parker rule...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 13 Koreagate probe virtually concluded WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House investigation into charges South Korea bribed congressmen to influence legislation virtually ended yesterday with special counsel Leon Jaworski maintaining he could do no more without testimony from a key, hold-out witness. Jaworski, who has been the House ethics committee's special counsel in the Korean probe since last July, ...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 14

…Page 1A-Saturday, July 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily State hopefuls divided on issues (Continued from Page 3) MIKE STIMPSON, senior budget of- ficer for Washtenaw County, pointed out that his financial background would allow him to fight the state's economic woes. "Ieknow the people in this district because I've always lived here. I've spoken to the neighbors," the Republican said. And finally, there was Ron Trowbridge, the outspoken Republican...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 29, 1978-Page 15 ROCHE! from Mich Tiger fan, after cho lighter. In repi: almost syr THE BO malady kn baseballc esteem in here, seco oh, well. The fan loyal and They are k hours after The sym IT WAS! not yet in t that I spott bumper st be true tha by the w stickers, ce that there than polit Boston. Red Sox Fever: Blazing bats, flame throwers, and those crazy Boston fans By LIZ MAC Then there is Fenway Park, t...…

July 29, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 54) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Saturday, July 29, 1978--The Michigan Daily BIG TEN KICKOFF LUNCHEON: Blue, Bucks still best, say coaches CHICAGO (AP) - It's been seven years since a "I tell them the truth ... The only, way to get Big Ten football season ended with anyone other their respect is to be honest with them," he said. reputation. But he also felt things were looking up than Michigan or Ohio State in the top two spots. "The secret to motivation is to gain a ...…

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