July 29, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 1
…PRICE 50c THE ONLY OFFICIAL JFOR THE REMAINDERI l FTE UMRI T HW (OL VR1NE NWSPA NSPPER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 29i AL-SIADS OSIACE YPSJ CAME FDIDI1f; Today Fr Normal Crew Whill'Try (in Ferry Field j the New Testament as Found in tse 'Jo Avvenge Deifeatof Lasti Manuscripts and Early Tlransla- Week tions," (illustrated), Prof. H. A. - Sanders, West lecture roonm, Plsvsi- EX7PE("rI'llldWl) '1'O)BEgPRESE~l'NTr cal lahorat...…