May 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 178) • Page Image 1
…1 TheMichigan Dily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, M AY 29, 1908, No. 178. VOL. XVIII. c a t i r t 1 YALE'SMISFO PROF. VA N TYNE YAL~fi in MISFOR UN~Ei of vsPenn hs is aah who hhas ttwice bhbeen the itntecollegtate chatmpion Second itt FAVOR MICHGAN h hunded tieive to Stevens, of EXPLAINS FIGURES Ye hr oGmlo Princeton, atd fotrth to Shemnat, of Dartmouth. All Stevens, Eli's Sprinter, Out of ececp t h last natted are to second Author Answers ...…