May 29, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 1
…IV% lc AW VA Ole,, FIRSTr YEAR. AINN ARBIOR, MIH., THIURSDJAY, MAY 29, 1902 No. 174 OFFr FOR fHICAG eiotd of AitlLzilln OFF~ ~ ~ FO HIAO lae to hiOi it, oln, fori third pilacen. N i 1 V r I l 1110 liisfa.ool Track Team Leaves Tomnorrow-A even ild like;s l throNv of 120 Forecast of Results 'nl odd Seet Ilime wvin Thle sotn 1put ouliil 'o liw 0011 by itolLlilg th, 1, , ill iloi w ih SoliillI 111111 Sno0w in for ~te illi 'Ih Iino Se I o evenl t. ...…