May 29, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 180) • Page Image 1
… Yf f- --1 ALI) r IFS n. _ t.Y .. - .4 f 7 fill nn VOL. a - ANN ARBOR, MICH. TUESDAY, MAY 29.,'1900. - No. 180. rl~l .r -.DICORATft P GM high school of Detroit and they 'meet SaM $O - on t i dapop at Bennett Park at We sajTels the °Tale of the 0p 5,j~ es h cf ae As -Crnell-Michiqsnj Downs Penn. ''iestern Chmpionship. to fight it out 1is also witt be an t- n a Est ame 7 to 2. Announcemw l ir--h Decoratioo Day gooesshisletsfor Ptsiggm o hu no...…