March 28, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 130) • Page Image 1
…foL.. I1. -LNo. 130. UNIVERSITY OF MIzIIGAIN, TL ESDAY1, .MAIIGII28, 1893. Pi'so,, Trtro CenTs. SOCIETY'S CHANCE,. '1hirsday eveing. ITult will appear PROF. SALMON'S LECTUR. ,. Thiuir1lpaTil vn 0some of the boxing cenits, this d -a +_o ;s Th uir1lpaTil vn.1Thie Ethics of Domestic Service Dis , ~ 2~ Opening of the Gym-Glee Club thumllb having imlprovedl SuifCie tly cussed andl Some FRemedies Concert and the Hp oatotiiit it05 ir711m fforc.f Onc ...…