October 28, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 22) • Page Image 1
…The _ ___ ____ ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, FRI1)AY, OACTOIBERf -2, log0. No. 22. Vol. XXI, COACH YOST WILL MAKE NO PROMISES "If Good Work of Past Week is Maintained We Will Have An Even Chance" NO 44 TO 0 SCORE GUARANTEE AtIichigat's 1one is sntitsts tay toS ra rose. lTh rimia'een5 plaivers slete 'Thurisdayi, tigiettii iittiManlager Spie aindtthe ciahsleft last eveingliti f tir'first eastern im sioll of thetseason~~i 'Te teaiiim siwiiki'its tedut...…