November 28, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 51) • Page Image 1
…K an Da, AAIllUR, MICHIGAN, SAAVRDAy , A{-)VIAIMI'R 28, IooK \a. 51. VoiL. XIX. READY, TO WRITE US UP--WAY UP Slosson of New York Independent Leaves for East Monday With Material for (lood Story. i1(11ittn MN tnllw lc n c ld- cNt, of Ne1 ()k1it, \-II rue tri'ls tilt I inte titcd taes.'1 M . lo s n itt 1111 i li tc t~ t i le 1 '' 11111 trlt a t icg . I t o 1111 ir tt i t p NdNiI e i: pr fss r fch111 -1- "'i detot 111d11nd1t s 11~ the ri d ro...…