January 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 87) • Page Image 1
…TeMi1chiganDll VOL. XIV. ANN ARIDO, 'MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1904 No. 87 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. j[fl~l~A ttSA TE. EDUCATIONAL FRANCE. Professor Russell Gave interesting --___ Career of French Students Given by Letr n"Volcanic Eruptions" o mte ' Mr. Frank, of the Engineering De- LctreninCommsttec IJ U on tbe IUniversity Yar IBook Pre- prmet Lust Evning-MueumeLec ture Room Crowded. sented Their Report at a "ekctingj inU ni----- vetity11a1 Lst...…