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January 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…, r. f _ _ t _ _ f I ' t. _ . -' _ __ :f i r, % '- r. -" _ > t ... ,.. , j y_ F.., .r y - : % ,_ _7 7 I- - i, f " .t - .. _ ' ~ f . 1 E =. s l .y C'T'tn- -4 C,, "Tm fz z 7 :v f Cl) # z (I,+ . i -f. ._ T /, .j .r ^/, J - _ - i !. _ . ... , j t m e _ > _ _ I s .n, 1. 'f: =, - , r. ., _. _- r r r; s r ,... r- c r Pr " :r, .. : - c c^ ,, r c " .. …

January 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…trousrs DAIL~W IM 141 NG trouscrs ThUofM.______1_i_1t~ The U. :1 4W, N .A &A j ~hn 'FAT NX2'cr v ~tfe .. ttrt I fr' I' h-C d dtI :21 I~ tt s~it i tr W ;11l 51 Ma hi' i12:] a was 114x( nor !4rip2gh 1 am Iplaying 1±1 . 11 *4 i! : 1o* itic o havo S a I 1 11 - lif21]t ic WeI:\ ANmi4 sg tA I'"adh f 1 -ell W' 114 t \ w s, :11 :' Ha i : ti Ha .:Q p & lIay . AM, Nl, 5 1o n x so Iht 1to WXe irs:: n, he oshow:500 of1 thein' O t -I :;l tliit 108F1. Washi...…

January 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…tI E I t 11I i II' A II 1 I Lo'x Crown, Broad [rim, Flat Set, re different fr rn what yo) will fired ctsew,'h'r,- \X/ A < ' 6 KO. 017f\iL'KI r t i 2y 21C,2A M55 'l e 1.A 1'ii1C-{kET ltEi. 151' THE HIGHT IHINOS AND ENOGHOF THEM i11 I 3t1. O u 1k ll1':X il t ( Suits, 0\. er,-oat,., Hats, C--, and all the - tIiit'1 ; 11 l 1 II, I ir t~~t '11 1 t~i ti' 1i t' 1'~ lf1. I 1(1 111+i, ~C5CF~~iS DN PIG1S UTR xF S. . a 1".1," i I4 L + II 1 j, 'I~* .' .1*...…

January 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…T[IIS WEE Cutting, Reyer &o %ILO YES ' Al 1Lovell's Corner Storel 342 S. State St. N ' : 1,4 t :'t t1T1:I , }C+Fi . t t)jl" Lamps (ias Pottiles ! i aI t 3"~ : - -------------- 'F~iI1K, ! it'i'i T'c lItAMIN i. IiTI t tEA ,Ili.torT IE: C'or. Mittad Huron "its. IIi. ott S' olim's AMISMLN 'S IFi~tL\t lil = ": l jt !i l 'j ' ! 0. M. MARTIN. [SL1FI s. ! FUNERAL. DIRECTOR O (Si ''Q)i t. 4t1) Air. Thco' t esi- ow st e c ,1' ;.:nth o 'Ph'iw:,14. Am...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…1111 Us. 01F N. DAILY. - _- VOL. XII. MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, Gives Comprehensive Views on Important Subject of City Government -Advice to Young Men Mtayor Carter FL. Harrison, of the municipality of C'hicigo delivered a very interesting and instructive ad- dss to a lrge nuimb(r of students in University Hllutyesterday evening M yor tHaririoiitook for iio theme, "Soe.uePhases 01fSinicipl Problems," and the maniier' ini s...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVRSIY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. rr Inteclttso lt fiytee(THE U. OP FM. DAILY f2'' tteItitthr _________________________________________________nofrticle' ti ngth'0 "ied Spring Enterred (mnccrtn. reaot ntt AwlnnAlr Ioo'e. iniio l-tint. recentlyin A Cheap Pe A nnouncementt Tha Isiio~ - -______ -- -.__.___ . , _ c tn ein i i sh w rk %il i .ANAOINO DT 1) 00 ,''Uht "or'o'ii' t lae iii t li r r Itt iatgest inid nmost ER t I , 1 )Ti t ii').U; I' 211n1...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVE:RSITY 01? MICIItAN I)AILY. If you want to know J ~hat smartly dtressed' S ill1tar ,to s sa no i asiitoseare sa _________________ ~ ~rt ah9 K sdiS itt& pte Thisis orthfYU ATNTO 1 'Y H Ii OU) V1?:LT oJt:I tIr V ' ilO Y UBLR3ACH& SON r; Branch Store on State St. .,. ~ PALACE AND PARISIAN That's the le wh~~ ilere you gets up1-to-date work, with tile least trouble to y-our- selves. D)omestic finish a specialty. M. F, DOWLER, Agt.; Phone 6...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…"IEi 1NIN'ISIX 01 Nl''.5 G N I' IY I~'I~ LE~I1[R FORALL DRESS OCCASIONS Our Styles are Exdlusive1L See Our Windows Before Buying PURITf1N 8tI0[ 60.,III,&MfIIN TR[[T RENTSCHLIDR, ARTISTIC FRAMING Estimatescheerfully giv- We sell PHxoTOGRAI xI. AT RENTSCILER'S. en for framing all kinds ice defrCor. Mlain and Huron Ss. Phone sag, 3 rings. [ofyPictures,and all work T ~~~ies GRADUATE SUICIDES CALENDAR j the best manner at' ."Former U. of M. Man End...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…THE Iis oIZ N. DAILY. VOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICH., S. TLRDAY, MIARIIIL2-, 1903 No.1 lI 3 MARTINIQUE AND VOLCANOES (,~htn"hre bde h ed Notii t sih ofiiigi5tio c is-is and ProfessorRusells Lecture Last Night ttits-sdItheit- site-sist. U Before the Schoolmasters Club WEs-s lte itVa5say '0,sriwienPrf Rutsselii its --itsy'arised tin-iss in and the Academy of Sciercei e s Pnity cSiliburning-rni.tssg Pronfesnsr I ssi . lRusseli, ofithe ss tis mudi an...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVER4ISITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. Spinlg A nnouucenienl _tll lA l t l ill liof lo t jili1i l ill:11111 Arlll b' l iii'-jo t11.5WilAC . D CO 10E . Wash . CSt THE U. OF M. DAILY thi ll egro' yea ali tta t 'ii' it ity o Siclt- a ,ly heJ i ii tiDaly- est. tl ,ir C ilhull NInc) BSUSINEiSS 1'IANA(SFR, R040W1 It. ItHUSTO)N, )0 .4 EDITORS, Athletics OE iNlIRAL NEWS AL ~rAl li. 14' c 'ii'0/, .i,. JIkrc a '~. ,thu 1. 1'xleGF cI J l,*6 MI it .ctit I ...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to kr ow We cam- a collh iplee l) iof what smartly dressed E son ask to seethsea Standard Apparatus VESTS ~ Stein= i 11l z~lCl: ftti~ 'F'ANCYf>I< AN __________ ~ i>pf~E~RBA HsN = A 'i \i P LAe n D PAt1 1 RISIA p+ a T l p,01CCI Laillidr A nc A T',the lw1e1(wheilre you 11 c-to-date \wor:, Nwithi eiaPst trouleiCto your- sC:Ives. 1Donst ic fini 01a sp. cilt. M. F. DOWUR, Agi. Phone 657. Office, 402 Ma...…

March 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. y u r it a n AR CO IN G IN EV ERY DAY C u s t om3 5 S 'O S EIRN W H P S4 0 PURITf1N 8fIO[ 60., III & MFIIN SJR[[T RENTSCHLEIR, (ARTISTIC FRAMING Windsor and Newton's Fresh PHOTOGRAPHER - AT RETSCHLH'S. Watercolor Paints Cor. Main and Huron S18. Phone 389,3 3 rins. Strawberries AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR AT At our so(1a founanDFRE every[ay noiw. All t1110 .1121lt IitI I' 1horoloyStuday,Ma1rch 6,2-eRIE other hot and se...…

April 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…1111 'Js OiF N. DAILY. VOL. XLII. ANN ARBOR, MIH., TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1903 ATHLETES RETURN the "Victorious Five" Reach Ann Abor From Their trip to.. Philadelphia v tttri llaj t y ofMichgans trto. Fiatickveroet I hitniie niaatinnd-ty afn o . (itll I ra nagl t tiil t, seilds patched to fhe Dal it' l hi I dlayied intrtln 0 i i ln it Nvasiintiuvi in li st tirlesre. ni ia oodnlisized 101Yii It o e tip. on oWNMMtevc till' Pent fer. y. Coer anldvWi i...…

April 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring Announcement T1he lrgest andniost clte lin!iite of YOOLEN~ in A nn Arbor still bse foundls at C". iH. Wild 'k Co.'s, 108 IE. Washinlgttonfit. ('rentt pain~s ha5ve, beeni takellilli the selection of rill suit- Ings, trollscrllitigs' sver- coatings for thissniO. f. IWILD coo 108 E. Washington St. Spalding's Off ci]j 5ase 1BaI1 Guide 1903 now ready H U. IT (f>Z <AtsAtb(J '11011 sillIllilliollt.LIf II'l o TH...…

April 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN DAILY. WHITE! r VESTS FANCY 'r/rn Lend tone and quAty to your i h drts . than phased with tic ncwstylesirLkic cffccts. n f yy '--ltt t r whia men son If you want to know W ~ e crry a complete lire o t smartly dressed will wear this sea- I U a~ ~ tandard Apa tu ask to see SadR~ddU for S= Qua ii-i ( vi 1 andidQuantitativeSt it Blocli Uinary Anyis martII'Inthp-Q I Aolt:;0thn e 1211 lr0 ii a WHEIMuI 1 IiJiUIII Liuhnschm...…

April 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…T1HE UNIVEURSITY OF 'MICHIGA~N DAILY. j pu r itan ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custo I$3. 50 ASK TO SEE OUR NEW,,,SHAPE5 $4.00 PURKI1±1N StIO[ 60., III & MfiIN TI [[1 ..... O r ' y a . ., .d , a .ti : ; :r ., RENT'SCIOLL t ARITIC FRA1 tMING 0Windsor and ewton's Fresh I10101 OGRAILttR.A ilLNSCULEI'S. Cr Mi*adHuo tsohoe383rig.Waecoo Pit Strawberries Ao isdUinSs Poe2. nsaO'~~ 011 Magazine ty Colege Graduates ('0iM11 IN SAT'l'11IAY I I NNG.N 1110 I lll...…

May 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…Vol '1x1. A NN Atwoi'=, 1 Cul.. TIIU17iSD)AY, m ' 2 , 190:311o. 176 'ADA.- OPENED FIRE ( Defeated in Plitics. DR. GABRIEL CAMPBELL, inet oph'st is-s. Atrits p ra- ('mines I. (lynia revs-oit'r-iitits_______f o t sin sslsnrtisitees till h e isn L ffronrriy C osnte-rs- slssli t-n it~s ie- ie irii tittiii cte~re "fr 11i\t~lyComttePr~ - \\ ho ha 5051n55tll l alsot 1realiti-u Grainlate of the University of TIC1-Idich l lcing tch sover the work rac- ...…

May 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Spring An nouncement 'omplt linet115of in Ann Arbor wvill be found AtG Ii. H.Wild &( Co.',)108S E.I Washingto n t. Great ptains have beenl taken in the selection of all suil- inas. trouserits & over- THlE U. OF M. DAILY Enteras seconclot 'matter at AtrnnSArbor of thet literary departmentt of the UVol versity, whomelheered oil the Nvorkers, Witt) adiee ando mfrt 'Ilte sloth twillIprobtaly prottareos i IPopular ...…

May 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…r TAR~ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -- . 1'f W. a4 WHITE VESTS ' FANCY Lend tone and quality to your dresz. 1'au -ill be more than pleased with the n C1.11 st) ?es,, fabric c"feels. r. r If you want to know JItI T what smartly dressed JL .I men will wear this sea- son ask to seej tho-erwho ar itrs tetd. rO REMIND Stein= CBloch Smart Clothes IinIdeosdIMitf & Apfel ( Apparatus, Inotruru4cuts and ail sup- pilies necessary to equtp a odern Sailbo...…

May 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Two= iec Suis i Twe ds,5erg s 119111 . Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. RENTSCIILER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 1 You wit a de assortment of Dark R oomniPCH.TMai A PER , Poe39 AT RENTSCHLER'S. PI1C T U R E S Abolished Cor.___________and___Huron____Sts. ____Phone ____3__9,3 ___rings.__ Suitable for wedt i g and OTHE COLEGESCALEDARoiler gifts a Negatives dveloped and OTHR OLEGE CLEDA prints 1m.1(e all by day DeF...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., WE~sDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1903. No. 20 CRUCIAL CONEST Al HAND D[TROIT WANS CLINICS. A [AST GiAMEl. "[V[RYMAN" TO B[ IV[N. Only One More Practice Before Min- Detroit College of Medicine Wants to Senior Lawn Defeat Senior Engineers' Morality Play of 15th Century-Of nesota Journey-Fast Scrimmage Affiliate With the University. Game Called Because of Unusual Dramatic interests. Yesterday-Close Race For D...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

…- ~~~~~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. * Yu nieNesi Fall Allloullcement.. The Largest and Most Complete Line of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor xwil1)e found at G". I. Wildl & os, 10 +last Washington St. (Crat pains hae 11(10 itaken i n the selectoni f llsuoitingxx. truing on\. o vercoa05 titxn s for this xx.aion G, H. WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. SHELIIAN'KS C es lix.'t Plaxe; nin Ihe Iityiforstyl SText- BooksI Ageitxxor i Keuffel & rser's Drawing In- 3 - struments...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…FTHE MICHIGAN DAILY._ L ~ You athilic. young fe'go's W1ho are looking odd hooh Al All Vast eho theo a well as of goodt mscie Y~oure jstfosllw Al Dorothy ii Styes. 'lothes widl by farther iblutue Ft1~OR ADIES.$.0 oxl Clothe ;'lollL)' The only shoe that is eiuy shaped to the bns uee * I 4* ls 110r'ollswil and ligamrents of the foot as theyj are revealed by X-Ray I * t nco Photographs. New~~~115 Lieo [+ UTIOR ONCE wont you try a pair1 that are no...…

October 28, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "' "' ""' +y i"s"+'F4r"*f r+°+7 t +°*i" s44+i +t+a a* *+" 4' 'yf y+" 4 y + iOUR TAILORING SDEPARTMENT,.,,. is gaining in popularity, Come anid see ns he-., fore p~lacing yonr order. 4 PRICES FROM $15.00 TO $40.00. "* Best kind of wor kmanship guaranteed. Manager.109-111 Washing~ton .St., EMast. G. 3 BUS, Cutin , R~yer ~,).Co4 f i i +s* i i iH *,-1 4..41f 1+*" f f r + f"+10 4- +*"141r + w+4+i~+++++ '+r4* +"*i ++ " ° i++ *+4...…

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