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February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…She of %lommolk A VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MtICH., THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. No 112 ....Our Special Line of.... DO ATHLETES DIE YOUNG? Foreign and Domesticl Director Fitzpatrick Answers in the -! A Q B i Negative - Claims That Proper i-ABR ICS and Strict Tra ining Cani Only Benefit a Man 1 FOR SPRING ta 111 ics 111(10 has benilaul dicsC sham of hte -s to the results has arrived andic1S ar- naturied by athletics oil te en- i e(till heallth o...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE -UMVE SITY UlF MICHIGAN DAILY. PubishdDaly- (Modas exeptedfdoefett colegeeaxa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN. Ot oe B tle OC -Aru uB14-1.1, "M lt' :t. 3 S 5:Stale Steet 1th Photo'. 3. _3NteStt'Poe 82. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. H,", '1) RBUSINESS MANAGER, -- . E ELaretee.ItL EDITORS: ATIOI.EICS, - . D. HDarst, '111 A.H. MlDor .t,fitE. w. AKsT:.o,'l I, Mi~ss LK. SANK 3 Cas. DsOeoO'0t ZS.H. Wooeftotar'Od WP. CAaYa,'1 L w. A. BafSCittItat.'03 0 ...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Lasi qi Saturday Was our opening day for Spring Hats. We showed the new styles of the celebrated HAWES HATS. Those who saw them were much pleased with them. They are sel- lingw ell and will undoubted be more popular this sea- son than ever. You're invited to exam ine them . x x*04D'P E49i 117 MAIN STREET z s a a :s r . :.z a .a. . °Er 3: . " :: :~s ;: 33 s~s3=3 3 .a: a : e =; ? : . -i "3 s w '.C iC :i i: 3:s...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OFi MICHILGAN DAILY POPULAR :BOOKS CLOTH BINDING 255 EACH iIL.ACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor izabeth and tier GermanGarden An English Woman's Love Letters looks Everybody are Reading and Talking About.: _A~aay Adams Sawyer and ;\asons Cor- meer Talks. etred, by tephen PhiOl i ps. -VAigloa, English and F'rench edition. !Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a hl.OT LUNCH Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sasrtoriatl ...…

March 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR, SPRING has arrived anl is ar- ranged for insmectnion. We have the largest a:- sor inent in the ciy, 6. H. WILD CO., wo8 E. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED' PEANUTS received fresh ' every day.:.. . WILDER'S PHARMACYS YOU KNOW where to e... A GOOD LUNCH AND 1 SMOKE . . { Jolly, 3105 :14 State 1Street. . , 9 -- ; ® , x .' , r - i 1 [TI1 ANN ARBOR, i, MICI.. ilTHURES DAY1, MAiRC...…

March 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. U, ~ Junior Social in Barbour Gym _ The I3a1rhour otottootoom so'%ill IOe Pubishd Dil (Mnda s eceteddurng thlcott 11 optItot:)the .1 221w oto Slttr- THlE UNIVERSITY'Of NMICHIiGAN (A 2% V21itll'i '1 01 av Cot3t0 d";1 MAIN OFFICE. HBRANCH OFFICE .thtt het' event Nvill Ie to' 1110150 ir ooliNse Argooo B1dg,lainooSt. .3b S. StateStreect. kle Both 'Pthtos 03. -Newt Stowe 'Phoneot182.0)(. Phto is otitototototo lo...…

March 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF N11CH1GAN DAILY Inside TailIoring Secrets 4I Drafting patterns and cutting cloth to your measure is the c's ,dentific" part of tailoring. Putting the pieces together with I rsubsidiary parts to ''stay" them, to shape theml and mold themi to your individual form is the ''executive' part of tailoring. Q COMPLETE LINE s$ OF Spring $55iti ngs 5 Fiue fnish and accurate fit. Qualities that accentuate the lines of a good figure, or ...…

March 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY S,ECIAL'- SALE NOTICE ONE WVEEK '-'N .Y Wse have our roost excellent tine of seasonable Aents Agents l00 students wanted to can sass "and CHE.VIOTS Itnproved' gasolinielathlss. Solk, WritingPa--teron the iahl waiting roar inspection, onl Sia1st. riigWaer 'e wilt shioswyou nearly 500 different styles of irouserit gs. We offer SUPERIOR MFG. CO11AN' yo C st i ii 5Cthe finest tine in the city. r329ous S. Main S...…

April 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

… 1 . - r _ ' J ## VOL. Xl. .Our Special Line of.... { Foreign and Domestici FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sort nient in the city, %i. H. WILD CO.i { z I t r ANN ARBOR, A1IOJ., SUND)AY, APRIL 28S 1901, No. 154 MICHIGAN'S REVENGE A Tito: ttgb O~usingAN DELSO R Excellent Team Work and Timelylilt- k thillinig eisoduie occureiidt n Hnred - ei-eiiit at the U. of At. limit hou-se, Oe ~ ...…

April 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -11 i-ml 1d not try for any in irei rliil erhalf, so the crtowdi of Publitshed Da iy (Montdays eweptedidttitl i 1,500.1 ci itoIt ha gthe(red to se the1 Cliire year, at totI~e hibrtke 1111 1toil tail tothlig tot citY' gu it itt <hi of praise for the ttoys oil thei THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN Nvo ~tut. NIAIi tOFFICE Bii.CciiOFFIC 'lilt' Illoittt'ii tis the lhue-tilt211C ArgisB~ti littMain St. 335 S.Statie Stre. ...…

April 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…TEI CUNlYEEFSITY F '1ICI3IGAIN DAILY It's Just as E asy. e£' ' .- cr .;c-... =:_ c..r ..a.- ir....s :c - ..,, :.rEr -. : ' w6i la 'Ai ii iii iii 'A ii iii 'Ai iii iii * To cut to fit as to cut haphazard, if the cutter knows hL- business. One of the principals of our tailoring is that the cutter knows his business, and the makers know the. business. {Happy=go=lucky" work will -not do in a n case. Of course, such workmen command ...…

April 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…TBlL +'UNIVERSITY 01 MICJHIGAN DAILYT NEW BOOKS AS Iu'a lacn, by Drisatud. UnL:!e .etry, zi story of tin' Sltale Coasat! by ('btarbe %sflv r Mun. Thiat '\ iwAvirisig A1air, by A.. Mtao nodB arb.Our. the Viitto of Eltaostli, by Elitnor Gilynt. Like Ainotiter Helen, by G eorge 1-ortonl. tihe Story of Sarah, by Ianise Forss- Iu nd. When Blades Are Out atns Lore's AflbI by Brady. 'The Loveo Letters ut the Kitng, by Lo (t'alitenne. The Lotve Lotte...…

May 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…Sber I D 'all VOL. +XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY. MAY 2 5, 1901 No. 17t9 ..Our Special Line of.... F~oreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sor ment in the city, 0. H. WILD CO. io8 E. Washington St. Appelton's led ical Books COMPLETE 1LINE A C WILCDER'S PH1ARMACY 0 JOLLY'S ! 0 IFO UTAIN x' P'OR T[IE RIGHT DRINKS Strawberry Crash l0C QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE FOR A...…

May 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…r THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN :DAILY. * I 1. ig htI1. trng hpyendto \fe. .RA I N OR SH IN I -- horses aod cosequetly lot. The TRACK MEN'S N. Y. SHOWING aeastern sonr had been used to traiing The 10"$3.00 Shoe is the shoe i rough weather and could5 staud the to wear whenthe weather is uncer- _ _litreI the broad ,jump.thowever, no tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it Fishleigh Gt Pints in Three Events- suoe semtoii bile ablle ti:jmpi antd while i...…

May 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…TEE UNIYFI3SITY OF MIC B]GAN DAIL~~a .._. . ., .. s . ".a"s-. . a .r , i.. ...a. F. s-. C.s.,r, S ¢" C..C"f +"r. T"R . . F"C:"S:" C.p{;,.1G. S"r.. i' . K.S C. . . 9 ii r ti i tili Y i a Y nio 6, i Ali lii Yi Wli r& . Ladi'es' Knox' Has Exclusive Shirt Waist Pal ____________________ Patterns- Sailors M .ttern9 ..No to ali9 G OODSPE9 117 MIN . TREE 9 3 3 33 3 33 33 3 3 3 3 3 x 3 3 3E 3 'r.3 33 3 33 micbizan Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE...…

May 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…4 " Jerseys We have them on all kindsc combination of colors, also mal them to order for class teamsi any colors selected with name als, letters or monogram at c rates. Caps We also make class caps to ord with any monogra design su witted Sheehan,& Co UNIVERSITY BOOKSELLPR, 320 South State Stree You can get a HCOT LUNCH TUTTLE'S OS oth tats St. TYPEWVRITERS For Rent. For Sale Thesis Work Carof oly Done. Typewriting. Mimeographing EDWARDS BROS...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…v "I-- 'J. 'l. , ' -+ " V H +N _ '% W f '' . rr ~ J ,+ ..a 'r. .f f . ! r~ r + .... F '1 'v .... ^ % , ",,, rte . t.. u :+ w+ :'~ . / -- . j' ,.., _ r ' _ _ 'l l "f. I. , . '/. f --' l V ' ,- ./ != ._ .,. :i. , , - . - .._. ._.. f- =f. !. Y, f. . f J' - y /. V ' _ . 'f. "-- t. '! _ ^ ./. " r n '4 - 7i - :4 's -:5 ~G N p .... ^ ,rI.. r _ -l -" M - T . N. f', 7 7± --, J :, _ _i Ir i.. { ry j. "f ... v I _ i i.:. f l . . . . +" .. hr ,.y . . f y....…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue: Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color-1 ings. The largest assorfnment in the state. WILD 600 io8 E. Washington St. ; QUARRY'S FOR Druge%,s and Stuident'sc Supplies of all kinds. Cor. State and N. Univeisity, CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better ...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS. S~ ~~~Ills I l g isubject ma-t Itliylliet tesi Serv.1tesof William MeLWenh. I will rietireh tisihe would e be ttetetiug bs tribute l'the. lIaeted chiefC The Course of Lectures meets with general approval ii, ronsil ,mlIttI iid. ltat- _--~~~A'~I7NIlVi S and the sale of tickets is already large. Both itoliitleisittantduwll nitlilalted No 5 i' unitxttt i i df in i altledeligt f iill ltiat litle, it will h lis hir lst apit...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICRfIGAN DAILY.-NEWS. ltis id.goways fam is t risiler i-i-ti booked to rmore hii ntears l itosn I: f his timely subiect 1)}- a matitlPondst -sid thtbi iin trance and is 3a inti-rnationaI onid she is in ft-literotie adnc lists his gnat popla!ityit so oentetly gtatiid-Y to handle i topfttt of secring him tbt cannot onittyAitl 5girl t t ev-i'dist il- is niiiit terta iner.-. (onc o1tit e a i ne t ittitgiulIylty airlyt. at histisme alta- a iei...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN,.DA1LY-NEWS s~tutri: l.4.l44..44.l4..4l :111 111::i + 4. I I + + + The Most GoovioGing Tihing that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy' STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a tman who has worn theta. We cannot commtand the language with swhich to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be-. neath the coat collar of their coats, and they' are so proud of their refutation, that tot...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIGAN DAILY-:SEWS + ToiL-ET ARTICLES. I71ICRf SUP"PLIES, FOR THE GYM + j PIIA IitMiA Y r -. ' ii- 1 '3i'---C ' frtorcii f t ti-tor + * Our st-iz i-s-art- ,is. it* t.. lsl' 324 South State Street.+ .+++++ ..+++++++.4+++++1.++++++++ Or+ P ..:.+++i++++++4--+++4-1+++++++++++++++ LAW STUDENVS EGNES If you wartLA~W BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can ys rii1 to ttir(ctsltiIof ou suplliy you at.. Ica sae yufo 10 t 5 ercnt onal f 'a, FAIR PRICES As...…

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