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September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…Sbe 4 *~ -VOL. X1. ANN ALIBO1JR MICH., FRtIDAY, SEPTEMBER~ 28, 1900. No. 5. Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter Of T900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The Farmv careful attention is given to tiretstylts and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. 6.,IHe WILD CO., ' OLD 6"DOC" NAGELE Dies During the Ssmmner Vacation-- Another...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE UNVERSITY' OF MICHIGAN~ DAILY. ~~ ~~~ ~Ropmi Rents Have Gone UD.g Sh e on Owng ti the impression wichie has gottnahondthat there will be do ter- at a Sacrifice ribl Oos Snds podh ate olsrtush this year, maiy -tf the LLCreeyat Cin35t toss speopthotlave raiseid the prke of I he iway our shoes 'are going will Til NIVERSlITY 01 MI"C IGAN tutu' n s. I> ' , surprise you, and the prices that Mev0tIcaus BRA-iCtpas:vssae riteIfguesare umaking them ...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN :DAILY. 3 A iAe iti+ ti ti a qii ii"o iii tiii iili c 1 ii;, THE VA RSIT 4% i t t' HA' buy te Vasityflat Vt-tAT A"S Mfyu arsaricule nrs aboutyour eadwer. 4'4 FALL STYLES READYi c ' 3 i zr i33333 i i3 3 33 ii 3 3 i 3 MICHIGAN. J ENTRAL "TheNiagara Falls Route. R CENTRAL STANDARD TIME.Noontefora Taking effect September s<o, 1900 ~ woitefora GOIG A T.+ 709 N. U N IVERSI T Detroit Nght Exprces.....555Ax.+ tWeT ha...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY A FULL LINE TYMNA$IUM, FOOTBALL, GOLF GOODS' be found at Our Store Sheehan & Co. 20 S. STATE STREET. ktrolt, YpsiI4nti and Ann Ar- bor Railway. 1rs leave for Detrit anti ynilanti ,w ry half our,oaginning at 7:15a. m. si-wtil 7:45 p. m:;after that _to+Deatroit Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 000sA f the-mit inviting styles for fall and Winter Snilings that were ever brought t...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…v "I-- 'J. 'l. , ' -+ " V H +N _ '% W f '' . rr ~ J ,+ ..a 'r. .f f . ! r~ r + .... F '1 'v .... ^ % , ",,, rte . t.. u :+ w+ :'~ . / -- . j' ,.., _ r ' _ _ 'l l "f. I. , . '/. f --' l V ' ,- ./ != ._ .,. :i. , , - . - .._. ._.. f- =f. !. Y, f. . f J' - y /. V ' _ . 'f. "-- t. '! _ ^ ./. " r n '4 - 7i - :4 's -:5 ~G N p .... ^ ,rI.. r _ -l -" M - T . N. f', 7 7± --, J :, _ _i Ir i.. { ry j. "f ... v I _ i i.:. f l . . . . +" .. hr ,.y . . f y....…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue: Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color-1 ings. The largest assorfnment in the state. WILD 600 io8 E. Washington St. ; QUARRY'S FOR Druge%,s and Stuident'sc Supplies of all kinds. Cor. State and N. Univeisity, CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches Are Better ...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS. S~ ~~~Ills I l g isubject ma-t Itliylliet tesi Serv.1tesof William MeLWenh. I will rietireh tisihe would e be ttetetiug bs tribute l'the. lIaeted chiefC The Course of Lectures meets with general approval ii, ronsil ,mlIttI iid. ltat- _--~~~A'~I7NIlVi S and the sale of tickets is already large. Both itoliitleisittantduwll nitlilalted No 5 i' unitxttt i i df in i altledeligt f iill ltiat litle, it will h lis hir lst apit...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICRfIGAN DAILY.-NEWS. ltis id.goways fam is t risiler i-i-ti booked to rmore hii ntears l itosn I: f his timely subiect 1)}- a matitlPondst -sid thtbi iin trance and is 3a inti-rnationaI onid she is in ft-literotie adnc lists his gnat popla!ityit so oentetly gtatiid-Y to handle i topfttt of secring him tbt cannot onittyAitl 5girl t t ev-i'dist il- is niiiit terta iner.-. (onc o1tit e a i ne t ittitgiulIylty airlyt. at histisme alta- a iei...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN,.DA1LY-NEWS s~tutri: l.4.l44..44.l4..4l :111 111::i + 4. I I + + + The Most GoovioGing Tihing that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy' STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a tman who has worn theta. We cannot commtand the language with swhich to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be-. neath the coat collar of their coats, and they' are so proud of their refutation, that tot...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIGAN DAILY-:SEWS + ToiL-ET ARTICLES. I71ICRf SUP"PLIES, FOR THE GYM + j PIIA IitMiA Y r -. ' ii- 1 '3i'---C ' frtorcii f t ti-tor + * Our st-iz i-s-art- ,is. it* t.. lsl' 324 South State Street.+ .+++++ ..+++++++.4+++++1.++++++++ Or+ P ..:.+++i++++++4--+++4-1+++++++++++++++ LAW STUDENVS EGNES If you wartLA~W BOOKS, new or SECOND HAND we can ys rii1 to ttir(ctsltiIof ou suplliy you at.. Ica sae yufo 10 t 5 ercnt onal f 'a, FAIR PRICES As...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…A ;', GAN. 8 . -S LiI5ApiC-A MOtRE STUDENTS FROM EAST 11t.11 t 3NtI e xxlr ' I tIi ! LI . , lx I ii- I - l ' Ii\ 11 Fill !HMN '"o'iIi 1,"''. xx laxi itixix01x1,11 i Ili V tx ii xxx x 'iIi il. v ix - - o iii lii iix_;x it r r t t . n lii lxAl.- r vi x " ' i ii"I lv. Cannot INow itC 1 _ lEntI-Aer Collegeli ll,1; ,iiii ii ' liii Irix ,xx ' t.~ I . x * ' II'. . a . \ i a i :\ 1 - - \ . i x l.'. \.rl i iu r , i In e ' I L v 'F>x I 'l k P ixllx 'It ...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…DTI E °Nv ICI IIG AN D I L' YLW ' 7r r J .,._ l - :? a; h ,.. ,'.. . .. 7 _. ,. ,T '. . Tailors1 t ' i <.. N xxw and Second Hand 0 1, r t1E 1,,I lw :w - have jst receiv- edane line of Woolens for fall. din ter.The' rgJest r~asorT- aan n'~ct (ii AN AiEOII LII FOP ., EII)ITOR,;, iI lIIAI. NE A I 3. A &' .. .. . s. .. re..v. New and second Hand. The Best $1 Fountain PEN III the City. New & Second UHad Books Itr mir i iBash te" itl; 1'1)1] 1,ly O ...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…" . .b.. . f e. .p. ". iiil f ,iii '. ivaii ' eli lr nIn 11lirtU- u Ieiht NV ii t _ a®lWhiat, cnsieringthey -Ier hnaia s ri ady. i inaleschool uder 3 agovernment ior Even at Zrich cx erthiiiashort o W m niliirrtii. Thie tlenioles lhidiIeei jisitwl Irvifavii g l Ii a itviv xi w 4y S l v vsl I wAith the bIrillant ti i l c l vi vto i ic~ t 0 h r vi iiii it Ithi- >o;..,'' fit tiS ii g sit t o f ndItga 1i ll 1 6? _ s ai l ' zu I 1 /motffrCur...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…GoodMorning. Havo You Road the Daiyi N A' all ~Za N Ni I N N1ii .. N 1 .1 1al u srito'pic ti It N- ,}- -w.,C t as'llteclawo U ni1Val'Si V r1h " t~ Ut v e . lry ,S tu d e n t h is 0O w nI A g e n 1. Save Soicitors Cormmisono s.1t tl" t it ' t }ti(': f11" . . 11 11 3';t i 1 ' ' ,'i , , , :' :A. ' tF,' J i' i. l r i - ;,, r t'4''k{ 4 rz ' t't111. ~ 111_.. .. ... YItil I (t t l ( tl ii il)I 71tt .t. , 1t t, tl f 12 5 . . I r .: .iyl t Ill. ~i .1 p...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…TiHE ICHiIGA KDAILY--XEW ATU NI APAEL THE RIGHT THINGS AND N \' im 1,, I iss ii to V <1sl lt" i ti i l, t iii 2 IM e 'si F r1 s1 in1 STEI BLOH CMPAN WADAMS RYA & RULE LlN'+'2E''CSCI1M 1TTi &7 tAPFll{ .Li. Tr- Shee I3 i THE ORiGIN OF ANI ARBOR'S to>e of Two Lirst Settle Jbath :itedci nt itt 1 a i a C iie Fhoto r-~r~ 121 E. Washington Street TI>1l Kt} 1." it , I' Wl il Ain 3NAV is XV iutlt .1llS~t rS lt l Al I 11-V aliteld I S1. 106 1,. I I ooii...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…Y " I I '. I at 4: 1'ha 1K 'a :r_.afir"a j a 'Y. ' ~ ' ' t a~ ~ ~ ' ^Y IA IatXNI t Cw, ,rr i q tI 'er. (hI l . ! Cllu PER~FECTION (1 S. LA!11P IROYAL" CENTEORDRAFTI LAi IP IIHOME"SUPPLY STORE A LIithmautPLAY I )and iOISI Wool St iig PRO 'HNO\ &SChAfAIBLE. 'AAE FtE GRILL ROOM State and Liberty Sts. t' mhc ald-clt . 01el azt t~I r. t a. CORRAO & CO., Props. CIa .1" ~Modern Job Printing r The KtindYa rea Lookating lFa' Phone 281-2r, 215 S. Main S...…

September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly VOnL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEIDNESDA, SEPTEMBER 2a, 1904. No. 2 FIRST SCRIMMfrAGE. B[ST IN THE LAND. First and Second Teams in Lively a yiNvM t.i Michigan's Engineering Equipment is Unsurpassed i hs Cuty Mi-up-StuartanDDereeShoimt onBuilding - Up Well. ehBulig 1h t vv te t i ~s uildng oi 1Iesi tis-ay aftrnon ths r owdttioI f 5ttti ithlbsstheilirtsi (rsitir oltheci msa ii st aorslai t Perilriy FM sldl hidirhoIistsis tialy rss...…

September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .a. .. ®... . aa 1'VH1F11I C 1-I MA N DhAil .V_ BEST IN THE LAND. fffifff~fffffff~ff I III. 11.I£I3 IT re1iI.Iow;' W E E WOULD HAVE: l tiil ,a.. ,1, ... ,I ( lIt im (1Coti d liiia, I(') S e e Fl lows 1ar a-.1'____}11ee .Here, A ai iio ol lt d t}'( Ill Elii tnI ttli iiide - l I lifee t d c . 1 It 1 1'(wII t I-i( V(tt f v lt t a -t I1t F. tcl tilt-a taI it 2ilia5c -il a rounidt it a nd Il 't'a rt + istta- l<itIla aiiw te best ...…

September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag s Home Supply Store t ~Corner Main and Washington Streetse Fish Nets, Padiocks Waste Btasktes, Brusihes, CasrI Rack",: * Purses aintlPiinks-tlionl-;, K-t etes, Scis,i, P -cis P' iltt ei, Ash $ S Tray s, Piper -t Vet its, mSitiicn et,,tiali, ,I iw(ls, Strtipsan ° t t ipeRaksat-popular11 prices.Tills ts the lwtcx E. Gj0 . e iii I itt * Buclel ie a1ri rde 0 F uo Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats L. ADL...…

September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OYSTER Are uaware of tow [Y[RCUI&N6CO.Y ii- Will give free of charge with evecry puircae of ating Ilcasdejarl r's A $12.OQSUIll OR OVERCOAT, for lie Rcasl Ladies adGentlemen... + 9- A Pedometer .f ----' Leading Clothiers, Batters, Furnishers +lnDyad~iJI A pedoeiter wil regis- .*. 0tn DtaydndsNahtce. 09-111 [ast Washington SI. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico i CALIFORNIA Are Best Reacted via a' St, Louis, World's F air City, i: rAND ...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dall.y "o>.. V\I . NN \ AICLII(), 151 1Q11 Ifj-k o.'fl+11I [) , S I. V'II[Ii'.I 28, 105,. No.-3 VARSITY WORK SHOW= ING IMPROVEMENT The lia olr, ()lko fat lclia ". in Scrimmage Varsity Easily Scored Four Touchdowns-- Fullback Longman Out of I the Game. 1 o;Crl aisf atlna ll100101, te -411 \01u te sriulll~e S hld oil Nothl i~t1 ,i; l +t. r uld lit in much hotte c~l~lcllhi 0 tai'hil p~r l'( o -t~i )ihllioro )acla lnc"l c re...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…G. H. WILD a 6q9 Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS Ikae large-ta"I tt A tle cit f< ni ~ vc e S tles in Wooln- r itntlemn nwe at(Of A l hh -latss--fabi t It A tpeitaste l fo o- JnG. H.WILD &CO~ v.6 6a 311 S. Sate Si. IfVt oud';eeIookstorc 3201 Sae S. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-IHAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE MedicalI IBttks Chemnical Bootks Engineering Boks Latin; Grteek, French and (erman IBtttks HEADQUARTERS FOR Dtawing Intumnts and Engineer ing Spplies. Sheehan ...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…'1'. XX C l5ICII ISA N I)A , Y SPALDING'S aFFICIAL .. FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR. 1905 - Edited by WALTER CAM$P p AYNG t I;I. ~v ad pI".ur in' ia emebain vr 0 iacsPrie lOc 1'or sole' by all New, .XI ewr. A1(1111 Goad A. G. SPALDING ra BROS. (iEORUiE BSCHOFF' FLORIST Chio1ieCu~t Flowers .-eced Paiet Chpin St., ietweeIiHurn ad iter Ae. Phn 009. STATE SAVNGS BANK WV. .1. Roth ,Ig. ''.V. SI XXX' WVn. Arnold - I Xe. V. C. Vagha. Ja.II. XX XXXIX C. 7i Mil...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE, 10Mis'CTAN DAILY i~our'1"rtittsD til q oiIosd arying Paar -Ai Sise isg sr N 'rait:s V' ('(ti, (Ao) ill, J1H ,C/ C~O iiuiia1 ALWAYS ILEAD-. QUALITY ~OVI RCOA1 S STY LEroc:.s 1<AINCI)AIl VARIEITY S' ITS PRICEh ABlER- IUA -iERIY An id~ps'cisssofol 055 xt'sis e stock by the student lbody is respectfully solicited. .%I .s .t STORES: 200-202 S. MAIN ST. (iRANGER'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING Grsund Floor on Mayo rd Street Opes s aturdtsy .'tcrninit....…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… I o H w o *..- * I Hk'' AA A1 0 .- 'A H_ A .q H- n 1 *:n IG 00L If M1 --- ^ I i H t' t -4- A i y ._ c U l ti v y C r Z t- L C ' 4 L L. b4 > .r H Q 0 p F-- 0. _ , r ' J s , . t. rte.. "' v ^r/ f ; /. . I, ". t, l: J 01 …

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…rn «-3 fi =t I J f Lq n V* t^ u jr, o n « Q "t S .... ."'.+ M" v ,,; N Q . n ry fs n V u , ro ro s r_ - o xf L r1 F"_ r_ V J l V j .tea r 0 H 0 rr IO RIDi r- FLF-i- F S _ tt G1 - ,. t4 . m T' . :. i7'4 . p %c -0 -° c f 1; y = - F~ ~ FCC 'I 77 N ' f7 :N f s r. r n w n m W v w cf 10 ____ w w r,.ti y o _ rt y r rr .L.. LL ' . n :- _.rr "." " CI =' CF - CFCC? C) CA 4 =.....CCD CO C = CDCCU (-I x z i. rt r I^ia Z7 ft t F - J -...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…I--- THE MICHIGAN bAtiY Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURONFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET a i t 3 CLEEIESI ETFFurnishings tor Dens and Frat houses, U. ot M. Banners and Souvenir,, in the Latest Designs Mack (Q o. fi'M I Wt l iAND) Mt CI1ANICS 11%K 10115 A ti f lION 511.1 1,1, taO, $50,000, Sorplus and Profit,, 565,00 -i 'tt' toxv o r it. A. NVI1o1o1t" M. \-t O Ma til UNER~AL AM0010 511;F01 CAT1 FO...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…TIIILu t rI1A A DA11lY IIOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington 'I he L-irgest A-slv tnei of Studetnts' Room In iiuigs. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery r11 rrors Razors Knives Scissors leather (foods Banners Pillos Soaps Jewelry Flaying Cards Lanip Trimmings We Cut the [Price on Alarm Clocks HOAG'S RAH! RAH! RAH! Mll1)(' I y n1 Nt1 ill - Ina 41 I )f Vnes t st Proof11Linen, ,9xf; f1 t+a1";11114 11 4l1 )fIl 1. S. LI,15Qt...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…* Th MiciganDaily vl. Vok: . AN~N ARBOR, MAICHJIGAN SATURDAY. SIEPI'I\IMRR 28 , 107. No. 5. FOOTBALL SEASON WILL OPEN TODAY Varsity Meets the Reserves This Afternoon in Initial Clash of Regular Schedule. For the first time since the fatal var- sity-alumni game-fatal becas it sounded the tdethi knell of Michigan's chances, bringing as it del the injry to Joc Curtis-Michigan students will have an opportunity to see a football game on erry Field...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…TH% MIC 7s15AIL!Y- _ G, . M. ild Company The Largest Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Everything rquired for Sufts, Overcoats, Fancy Veilsgs and Trouserings, ard of hig h class fabrics and special styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street ROOKS Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books at 2Che University Text-Books for all Departments. Drawing Instruments for En- g...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…'THE MICH IGAN DAILY S e eU N T I M E L Y H A Z I N G A c a s k m y og hts s .n d s s e s i t a t S c o t t ' sI N SelfFillingA GAIN CENSURED Some very nice rooms very reason- LK A E SefFligabl Er6 Church street. - 3-9 To load a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any ____ink, press the CrescentFiller and see it ill its own FABER President and ex-President of rtcetiest stditontsm for tte least The College tank like a camel saking its thirst...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…YHZ ~e~ttSAt I5I1~ -~ --_ If IT'S FROM CAL(INS' IT'S 60OD Har. Wte Sop, - 0e Tooth Brushes Hard aterSoapl~c Every brush that we sell Common soaps don't lather at ?i~e to 40c is warranted well with city water. not to shed. Sanitol pB Twel 'lake the Sanitol ofler,12. 70 Rub -dry B t ow l worth for $1, and you can use all the prseparations. Nto other cotton towel is as Ask us. good. 35 cents up. Register Here So that your friends can Wash Rags, ...…

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