September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daly VOnL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEIDNESDA, SEPTEMBER 2a, 1904. No. 2 FIRST SCRIMMfrAGE. B[ST IN THE LAND. First and Second Teams in Lively a yiNvM t.i Michigan's Engineering Equipment is Unsurpassed i hs Cuty Mi-up-StuartanDDereeShoimt onBuilding - Up Well. ehBulig 1h t vv te t i ~s uildng oi 1Iesi tis-ay aftrnon ths r owdttioI f 5ttti ithlbsstheilirtsi (rsitir oltheci msa ii st aorslai t Perilriy FM sldl hidirhoIistsis tialy rss...…