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June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

… L V~ ihga AL n-D IL Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 34-S Wednesday, June 28, 1978 Sixteen Pages A W. Cart scien Chin exch anno WI said bein sign of o busi agri TH by F advi the s Four Heal as w offii Agri Pc disci Zbig nati tripI Pc pan. and tech Hl tere that agri reso ener Hou volv an e H play Carter to send 14 advisers to China ASHINGTON (AP) - President Soviet Union, with whom U.S. relations er is sending his highest...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily CTY COUNCIL ROUND-UP A fac Cit T pro dev T est ago yea app ann eva yea bei B Group asks tax hike for parks plan to create new parks and improve existing citizens park commission would be a prerequisite for favor of the EDC, which is intended to bring more ilities was unveiled by a citizens committee at the asking voter approval of the parks plan. business concerns into Ann Arbor. y Council m...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-Page 3 Seminars offer frosh more personal touch By R. J. SMITH With hopes of combatting the com- mon freshperson scheduling problems of crowded introductory classes and too many teaching assistant-taught cour- ses, the literary college (LSA) has un- veiled a program of seminars for en- tering freshpersons. The courses will be limited to no more than 15 freshper- sons, and are to be taught by past a...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-.Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily ,michigan DAILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 Vol. LXXXVIIl, No. 34-S News Phone: 764-0552 Wednesday, June 28, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Regents sympathize with tuition woes T HIS SPRING the Regents tentatively ap- proved 8.75 per cent tuition hike for un- dergraduates. This will undoubtedly deny many des...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…N The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, June 28,1978-Page 5 Devils and Chekhov at Stratford By OWEN GLEIBERMAN Special to the Daily Aldous Huxley's book The Devils of Loudon has served as the source for two adaptations: a Ken Russell movie, and the play by late British playwright John Whiting. Both play and film are slick, sensationalist surveys of man's poten- tial for wanton evil and degradation, and in both, there is considerably less than meets...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily Russians (Continued from Page 1) Crawford's arrest was believed to have been in retaliation for the arrest of the two Russians, Valdik Aleksan- drovich Enger, 39, and Rudlph Petrovich Chernyayev, 43, who were accused of accepting "doctored" U.S. defense secrets from an unidentified U.S. Navy officer who was cooperating with the FBI. They were released Mon- day to the Soviet ambassador in the ...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday; June 28, 1978-Page 7 Attorns Mississip in their rt nominatio 35 years Eastland. And in won the nominati Harvey Jr WITH precincts votes, or6 or 34 per early sup north Mis: Riley t CarolinaI De Ch Str Miss. governor upset in Senate primary By The Associated Press 54.8 per cent, to Harvey's 81,997 votes, WITH 1,014 precincts reporting, didates split the 390,000 votes an ey Maurice Dantin upset or 45.2 per cent, wit...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

…Tech Hifi's Once -A-Year In ventory Sale. (You oan thank June 30th is the end of the fiscal year at Our once-a-year Inventory Sale lasts all Tech Hifi. Which means our bookkeepers are our bookkeepers week in all Tech Hifi stores. The Tech Hifi faced with the job of counting the inventory in for thi one) guarantees (7-Day Moneyback, 60-Day De- all our stores. * fective Exchange, 90-Day 100% Trade, etc. That's no fun for them. And it's expensive...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 9

…- ---- ' U TEAG 650 cassette deck.......... 42 Garrard 630 turntable.................. $ 59 Sanyo TP1 020 turntable........................$129 The following specials are at 8-Mile Bargain Center store only. (open boxes and demo specials) Studio Design 46 speakers (pr.).........$109 Philips 312 turntable (repack) (cartridge optional)...................$129 JBL L26 speakers (pr.)..........................$159 TEAC 170S cassette deck............…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 10

…Page 1-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily ERA gets new life SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) - The proposed Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) gained new life in the Illinois Legislature yesterday when 16 co- sponsors filed a resolution inthe Senate seeking its ratification. Less than a week before, the Illinois House dumped the proposal for the second time this month. BUT THE RESOLUTION'S chief sponsors, including the Senate president, said they wi...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 11

…FDA cites dangers of laser light shows By TIMOTHY YAGLE Add the Blue Oyster to the ever- growing list ofrthings that may be hazardous to your health. This is the latest warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the same folks who extolled the dangers of food coloring, hair dyes and aerosol sprays, among others. THE PROBLEM WITH the Blue Oyster Cult is not oysters or cult ac- tivities. It's lasers. The cult is a rock band whose spec...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily LOSTANDUUD LOST at Division and William-Medium-sized white cat with green and yellow eyes. Name is Tut. 668- 8136. 74A630 FOR SA LE WATERBED, doublebed size. Land & Sky mattress, Safeway heater, liner, foam-insulated frame, pedes- tal. 1 year old, mint condition, warranteed. Phone 769-2078,6:30-7:30 p.m. 5B630 MEN'S 10-SPEED BIKE. Volkscycle Mark .XV. New.Shimmana600gears.$175.995-3970. dB63...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 13

…Daily Classifieds. W fifaf- D a9 GIBSON EB-2 bass guitar, Fender Precision bass guitar, Rickenbacker amp. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. pcXtc USED 5STRING BANJO. Call769-1400. pcXtc CLASSICAL GUITARS-40% off list. 665-7348. eXtc Pevey Bass Amp., 200 watts, one 15 in. speaker, callDennis, 761-9431. pcXtc USED MARTIN D 18 with case, like new. Call Don, 761-9431. pcXtc ROAD, EARTH, FENDER amps.; SM and PE microphones; Gibson RD, Lee Paul gui...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Wednesday, June 28, 1978--The Michigan Daily Nazis jeered at Chicago rally From Staff and Wire Reports A small band of uniformed Nazis showed up in Chicago's Loop Saturday night, but hurriedly withdrew in the face of a barrage of eggs, sticks, firecrackers and beer cans thrown by thousands of howling protesters. "Death, death, death to the Nazis," the protesters shouted as Nazi leader Frank Collin arrived at the Federal Plaza almost a...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 15

…Sportfolio Go West, Big Fella ... Stand back, Karl Malden. Watch out, Golden Gate bridge-Walt Downing is coming to San Fran- cisco. Downing (left), the former Michigan center, was signed by the NFL 49ers yesterday to an un- disclosed contrat. Downing, who stands 6-4, 254 (he's even bigger when he inhales), was San Fran- cisco's second round draft pick in last month's collegiate draft. General manager Joe Thomas said the signing of Downing comp...…

June 28, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 34) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily SIX-RUN FIRST KO'S INDI CL were toda: Th tivat on th was Dieg the N FR chan futil histo batte time. 6-1 vi Da Tiger St foL (two the p hits put t eveni Tht April succu kept Fri bad p who f to wa win i pitch every first . RO to cei and coaxe hurle Fri pitch Alexa near Rozema fumigates By PAUL CAMPBELL around third and scored while Alexan- Staub, "and r SpecialtoThe Daly der was still searchin...…

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