May 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 177) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily AN N ARBOR.'\IICIGAN, ITHRSDAY, iMA Y 28, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No 177. - ---- TEAM MEETS CRACK EASTERNERS TODAY Syracuse Comes Prepared to Turn Tables on Varsity--Runners Arrive at Philadelphia. "'he Micthian-Syae ga1.0 wn nhiolh woill be palled oflt on the vast 11011) II thinsb111) 101 aferoo 1roise toethe harld est fought gam~le on the oc schedule. S1110 lIoys front Nen Ylk~0 have beehn plaonning reven ge ev'er 011, S1111...…