April 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 149) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII1. No. 1 49,. ALBION TRIMMED IN EXCITIING GAME Pitcher' Battle Results in Close Score of 2 to 0-Whipple Al- lows But Two Safe Hits and No Bases on Balls. 11111trs w 8k n(at111 m a th faur o hefstbaenl gne i ,i 1111111l 1 1118111111ut1t o i :. and Ito ase11111 al. 0 1 1111 '111nin time.. l I 11111c1also allmvcd n') \pas 1e-1-1 f11 1 rt ni lll1 111 Mellon it t sor 1all1d1ou1 .t11111plat, an an e11111, 118 M1111 (r...…