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February 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…VJ-heU# of Pai1F VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH.XEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1900. No. 112. FARMRS' NSTTUTE i nl1.Afte t og by the Glee cloba and te nmechanic arts, ii order to ring ~I rodeos t ell begani his address on I Pomote the liberal ad practical edu- i ctiic i lie spver~y H 1obe I sbstance cation of the industrial casse in th Anone et A Large and Etihusiastic Audience ilsiw seseral pusuisits and posssiooo of is io Atteolda e'PRSIcENts r iS tr i sic...…

February 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…2 Pattcened Daily (uaaystyaCptahl dtreng the tcllg yaaaat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN. irans: The tlad Pcss, ienning Blck. Bth Phonea11 IIANASING EDITOR . ENEAaRD~s, '1t L. UINEISS IANA(EII U. HatIIteA-F,'0L. &THLIS,t, . . (I . 10. lUTTaca, '01 E P. p. Waaaaaa,'OOcL. A. H. 11Datrc AtL,'0lkE A G. Bctata. 02. E. J. B. Non, '0, L. J. MOtlaaacactet 0tN. a. Itcteec, 'a M, ite, clee ea r, ta e ua r deiceliverytbettare no anl'a elec. Neelce, cmmucation...…

February 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSI'TY 01"MJCHfGAN DAILY. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 " -. a- r-_ -_a- -_r- - - ®- - o'' - o aaTiTiT T T .T T T T 4PINc 4L T Aoetac4qy o t/c TT TT . ° Iti l 4 444% Styles in HATS arriving daily ---KNOX, ++ STETSON and VARSITY'S---Correct T" dressers wear our HATS.... 119 South Main Street 4' , . L-t-0-- -t-IP--,P--,P--,P--*--9--Il--*--#--W--9-- .4,, -~ '~0~ ~ +++++++++++++++++++ MICH...…

February 28, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…4 THRE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUSi - _®_-._.__I i [HRECEIVED $1000 In Your Inside Pocket Iswhat ocsaeono a sito ercoatos ma~ doeto re yuso. Weguaranteetaperfect fit'o s ale. Caltand senoobligatonoto buy. Ootimmese asstt otf ov 3000tt sam ploes le s ou All Wool Suits and Ovo atfroin $12.00 up. Have Goodrich, Wsllier & Murphy, FomRom oerst Ntina and ~ MU&. STA[BL[R BtPhns, No. S. 119 W. Washington .St., Ann Arbor. Ow - .......U. ot...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…She of %lommolk A VOL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MtICH., THIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1901. No 112 ....Our Special Line of.... DO ATHLETES DIE YOUNG? Foreign and Domesticl Director Fitzpatrick Answers in the -! A Q B i Negative - Claims That Proper i-ABR ICS and Strict Tra ining Cani Only Benefit a Man 1 FOR SPRING ta 111 ics 111(10 has benilaul dicsC sham of hte -s to the results has arrived andic1S ar- naturied by athletics oil te en- i e(till heallth o...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 2

…THE -UMVE SITY UlF MICHIGAN DAILY. PubishdDaly- (Modas exeptedfdoefett colegeeaxa THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN. Ot oe B tle OC -Aru uB14-1.1, "M lt' :t. 3 S 5:Stale Steet 1th Photo'. 3. _3NteStt'Poe 82. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. H,", '1) RBUSINESS MANAGER, -- . E ELaretee.ItL EDITORS: ATIOI.EICS, - . D. HDarst, '111 A.H. MlDor .t,fitE. w. AKsT:.o,'l I, Mi~ss LK. SANK 3 Cas. DsOeoO'0t ZS.H. Wooeftotar'Od WP. CAaYa,'1 L w. A. BafSCittItat.'03 0 ...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIYERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Lasi qi Saturday Was our opening day for Spring Hats. We showed the new styles of the celebrated HAWES HATS. Those who saw them were much pleased with them. They are sel- lingw ell and will undoubted be more popular this sea- son than ever. You're invited to exam ine them . x x*04D'P E49i 117 MAIN STREET z s a a :s r . :.z a .a. . °Er 3: . " :: :~s ;: 33 s~s3=3 3 .a: a : e =; ? : . -i "3 s w '.C iC :i i: 3:s...…

February 28, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OFi MICHILGAN DAILY POPULAR :BOOKS CLOTH BINDING 255 EACH iIL.ACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor izabeth and tier GermanGarden An English Woman's Love Letters looks Everybody are Reading and Talking About.: _A~aay Adams Sawyer and ;\asons Cor- meer Talks. etred, by tephen PhiOl i ps. -VAigloa, English and F'rench edition. !Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a hl.OT LUNCH Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our sasrtoriatl ...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…DAIL: EWS tb n,., cr '~ ~AU.ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRtTARY 2, 1902. FRESH-SOPH ENTRIES cl}I L I4ng.{144 'Md-i(.'lif'. PENNSYLVANIA TEAM Med4ic; EarrI n. 444 Lt Zt Sr44t.'4 heLge Number Ever Entered in Lit; Ohulhh. 0 Lit: 144.i Wi'n-, : A Sort Sketch of the Men Who Are Such a Meet. S' l1444fl'44'l. '(4. l. to Meet Michigan Deater. 1444w l'at41et11. 144144444 i 44414 02414-144[( (4 ol("411:4444o 4en1.1i4.4i~ f : f lt [ni iot 141 1 11e 4 411...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWSI lt* 0* 4 - I. LLi Di r 2 z Qt W F41-irA14,1 P i, at-a trotta sw-int- COMPR~tNO tltt l)]' it t it't-u lit a1lTIa titt-ttttt F4 L -rlW'It, tit taIlnil l".It-i I i, t<t-it The Ui. of Ni. DAILY, 17th -ia iti iiIt tfeara.ttlttIt -The 'V'ARSITY NEW* S y Ttiitaa-l. Iil~n lttEIt<II~l :Ill.tia aa ~ait Au a-a i ttis itIt - itta at-ta1i I' 11411 a 1i . t-- - i#'1Itec. ur t ;1 1 tit-, a1'1 ':!', i a t a '1n alt1 t t).. t i i y ,'...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS AH, BUT THEY ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Lobes,1 our) ingC vsoarn Sokiong ackets. +I A~ll that you could desire of our stock s complete ' thee lnes and t xill he to so, r advantage tjorkth tere o h-) rr pi n S. M4ain Street. MD anS YIN&ILL~ _______ i 1 2121t1) 44 11+++ K+++K-1 l 1111 Jl J- SOHANZ OHAS. DIET.AS 555o~ TAILOKS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET ! EX(.ELSIOR LANERT DFAY WORK P SPECIALTY':1 AFNDWORK- ? s...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…TH I H G ND I I-EOur Spring Woolens have arrived. We invite your inspection.... = Importing WAGNER C& CO., ailors 121-123 So. Main St. PIGKWIGk Billidard FriOP An Bowlinu BETTER THAN EVEg 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY .AVENUE T Ae tNItE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. jI! #8; Dpoi.aht. 3 Thad man.qi o t att atytatag' SERVICE. 7 lil-ti t 'T a d OAD Ea . '. rE : wihn'Hat r EOTO COLUMBUS utt.1 ie Write J. . LANDMlAN, General Traveling Agent,* W ......... F. J...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…1111 Us. 01F N. DAILY. - _- VOL. XII. MUNICIPAL PROBLEMS Mayor Harrison, of Chicago, Gives Comprehensive Views on Important Subject of City Government -Advice to Young Men Mtayor Carter FL. Harrison, of the municipality of C'hicigo delivered a very interesting and instructive ad- dss to a lrge nuimb(r of students in University Hllutyesterday evening M yor tHaririoiitook for iio theme, "Soe.uePhases 01fSinicipl Problems," and the maniier' ini s...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVRSIY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. rr Inteclttso lt fiytee(THE U. OP FM. DAILY f2'' tteItitthr _________________________________________________nofrticle' ti ngth'0 "ied Spring Enterred (mnccrtn. reaot ntt AwlnnAlr Ioo'e. iniio l-tint. recentlyin A Cheap Pe A nnouncementt Tha Isiio~ - -______ -- -.__.___ . , _ c tn ein i i sh w rk %il i .ANAOINO DT 1) 00 ,''Uht "or'o'ii' t lae iii t li r r Itt iatgest inid nmost ER t I , 1 )Ti t ii').U; I' 211n1...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVE:RSITY 01? MICIItAN I)AILY. If you want to know J ~hat smartly dtressed' S ill1tar ,to s sa no i asiitoseare sa _________________ ~ ~rt ah9 K sdiS itt& pte Thisis orthfYU ATNTO 1 'Y H Ii OU) V1?:LT oJt:I tIr V ' ilO Y UBLR3ACH& SON r; Branch Store on State St. .,. ~ PALACE AND PARISIAN That's the le wh~~ ilere you gets up1-to-date work, with tile least trouble to y-our- selves. D)omestic finish a specialty. M. F, DOWLER, Agt.; Phone 6...…

February 28, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…"IEi 1NIN'ISIX 01 Nl''.5 G N I' IY I~'I~ LE~I1[R FORALL DRESS OCCASIONS Our Styles are Exdlusive1L See Our Windows Before Buying PURITf1N 8tI0[ 60.,III,&MfIIN TR[[T RENTSCHLIDR, ARTISTIC FRAMING Estimatescheerfully giv- We sell PHxoTOGRAI xI. AT RENTSCILER'S. en for framing all kinds ice defrCor. Mlain and Huron Ss. Phone sag, 3 rings. [ofyPictures,and all work T ~~~ies GRADUATE SUICIDES CALENDAR j the best manner at' ."Former U. of M. Man End...…

February 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The Mchign Daily 1Vo l. :IV . A N N A RBO R, M IC . SU N D A Y , FEBR U A RY 2S , 904 , N o. 104 SOPHOO1R[S WON. 6RAUUA"r TAYLOR. 6R[S' AITL[TIC MEEUT. ORATORICAL CONTEST. Final Score 46 to 43 -. ose Breaks All Professor Taylor Lectures this After-; Committees Appointed to Make Ar- Class Oratorical Contests well Under 'Varsity Records for Shot Put- noon in University Hall-Scholar- rangements for the Meet-Numer- Way - J. G. Welch Wins Junior Th...…

February 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…10 l MI11H1-103N dDAILY. IReduction ~ Sale I * As we have too large a stock of fancy " SUITINGS AND " T ROUJSERINGS on hband we will sell the ti at reiluce prices S to miike room for or * Spring and S u in in er S Woolen. ie "re aii * cll i efore yo lace yoiii oder -A .4 4 G. 0HI. WILD & CO., 2 108 . WASHINGON SIRII[. ISweaters ! -4(OF"F !ALL SPALDING'S MAKE 0 'sNo . 11. 'tUs,$4.13 B.3(), :1.003.75 it Fl0J)()3.75 O i11. ttf) 3.75 0 ( olor na ...…

February 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THES MICHIGAN DAILY, JUST I .ii>:. t . Ititok1S.c to Dorothy Dodds t o fLoitm i .S {BakSis "'s AIJI[SSrI IT .he Clothoer women---fordwomen. ® >~.$3.00 [OR LADI[ES $3.00 $1,$2'UTZ * The only shoe in the world designed by a f i*.1 MI ot i~nSr~ lACk ~ CO.., - - Sole Agent s : 21*ouh"anstet -t 1 21E. Washington St. ~ "r OifNi Nioi i iONi®is iOi iOioii ir NirNi iONi®i®®! Established 1881 l1b681uron Street, Eas BURCIIED'S F'INIE TAILORING TRADE ...…

February 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIIGAN4 DAILY. *:*+ 4+4444'i I as - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 DISSOLUTION SALE STILL ON . SomeSoccal Brgais Let i someS~ecal Brqans Lft i ~ + SFLANNEL SHIRTS, + ~AND 'SWEATERS + SCUTTING, REYER & COU 109-111I Eastl WashingtonI t 4 FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD FOOTBALL POKER... Combines alf the interest and excitement of the two great American, gamnes. Li nen. UTd LA ARE THE BEST. ,.I ~ .~" s +« e a +4 ...…

February 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

….--i ..""i CCU Q bA ..... v .,. i - - ~--~ - 1., 41 "r'V _ r J - - f «'' , f ,, r - . r " , C ' o O "f . ;,, re. " . t .. ^ -. . ^ ^ ' J ;., re . z trF1// ^ V .. ' J f '- _ r' " .J. 7Z7 , ( i,. " . 1 l .J ° .' r .. . - . . 0- r- -. ,.,t. J 9 ,.ir ; ;_r.0 - ~ w < v:O0 (... r . ; -.f ,, ,j .. J {.w _ H _ J f ', J f ' ' V . ' } - r 0 o Lc fa L 4.4) .14 D . . . . ~ r. I. 'rt _ _ J _ J. !, J t-+ 77, 1, _ ir i " 77, .I J '" ^+ 1. .~i J - ' .. r _ .....…

February 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…off~f~fffff asf+ e THEF 1ICHIGAN DAILY.' it ti ~i1,v tt tXI.'. l ,f it 11 11 t t f pigII. XI * o n 1 '2tr'i:5'e~lc '~ s .'..a h n 7' lit:t^c lt\ 1" 11 krte?3. lA LLX (n t1.5 f 0 i'uit ("i d til' t1, ttlAVi ,%tI 'dLA. I lO y T ailorng Ida NI.3r THE NEWV SPRINGix X I X. hls Ay I i WVOOLENS ARE 11 11:vt A. iiV IREADI\(I I rt!tyl1r At Ip 4 1 iM* 1.1 2I 1t rt1 A d the ZStyles are R'IE S, A I ltI't:.3i 3 : n s ally HZandsom etitlul'\ii-( 11 1~ o i'1...…

February 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…TPl MICHIGAN DAILY. IntludiRIIf1.1SR XII NMIl ro 4 A BN OI Overcoats make.wilhesold at1-4 off rdulr pwy i+ $22.00 OVERCOATS rnaos $16.50 + $20.00 OVERCOATS raows $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS nown $13.50 + $16.00 OVERCOATS riow~s $12.00 + $15.00 OVERCOATS mownc $11.25 j F$12.00 OVER.COATS riowsc $9.00 + LVTZ, Vhc Clothier' 21 7 So. Mal iii St. '. SUIT CASES. $1.65 =$.0=$.16pt 20 ,to Steamer Trunks, Dressing Tru:n.ks,1 \Wall Trunks# ' In AllSees and ...…

February 28, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…T IMI C IT I GA N ]DAILY. IP H 0 G 0 P H EIK . : . . . . _i QxQi,; - :jp, t+ f 'r. F ~ _ Wa~kOveri. ..for.. # 1 AND rN Factory=Store Study with a Good Light Thri o u ltligt ta THE WL3L51BACH EA)IiiLAMP~ A L S Y E A T A !.T n n A r b o r ( P : n i a n A.G. S aldin( Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES ST RIKING BAGS GYM4NASILM GOODS A. 0i. SPALI)INOi & BOROOS. .00 te to Order n Rne Call[ t. n MAK&Co To AiL 4ION, MH...…

February 28, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily' ANN ARBOR, -MICH-IGAN, WE-,DNESDA Y, FEB-RUARY 28, 1906. ,.OL. XVI. NO. 104- FRESHMAN ATHLETES 11HIGH CHiARAMFTER OF CAST WILL BE ORGANIZED I\iFT~ C E~I Of tie iersons taking the leading Director Fitzpatrick Aims to Develop par ts tin ihecsssscinir Verein peesenta- '[earn Work of Freshmen for Meet to f"i )e jotirsalistet.' several Ihave -To Elect '09 Yell Master. berst scet in past s-ears andI somte are itinmVsetsmslts....…

February 28, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY jSprinig, 1906 IOUR STORY Attractive Styles *New Colorings 3FOR M[NWS W[AR THE MICHIGAN DAILY. cticr tttielloh tecolilegesc cre ethe Pnteed asconadtlassmaterat the Ann olfctie l ttitlgiiiiiitglillt the'sell- Arbor Posticlice. iate",iiccitccil. il hi' iii ii lof Ithe tr~nln til v hld 1a 't thtat tllctioii Puiblished daily (tlaidact exeptittfiiited (ming , a Ilinithet hlci lt istsi c.of college tthe cotlege year', at 17 FEa...…

February 28, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY for Art and Skill in Tailoring Class Caps Call eOr A Full Line of Samples of the W. and xwili be li iibe1 the ('xxziiiii or ia ,beisecn at ihis stare of i:5, and iwhich w ereim ost, i ti Weate sole agents. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the CityCK . 106 EAST HURON STREET M C and Gowns C'. (xI.,o Cipxand (i cccx is reoii xd sii tnnhedial'thxevgradating 'x xi ixE fxcxix viilxipixiv y''l ICOMPANY 5i ' ii ii 1 xx vi '...…

February 28, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY flocking Valley Ry. I CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotsvin Toledo and Co- lumnbus S. E. CLARK, 32, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i In and more Kodaks PRICES REASO...…

February 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily A\NN' AIM,( )RII-AHGA TIt\ ' RISI)\Y, VKi'i\Y 28, 17. VOL.. XVII. NOi. 1) UNDERCLASS ENTRIES WILL CLOSE TONIGHT Director Fitzpatrick Exrects Meet to be Closely Contested-Classes Are Working Hard. tim lo. , a, it lit iSif lt freh-so lile t ofitlilit ti i gh ee ont o in rpdy n il t ili-i--it11 lii th i lii ~ vcct11lig 7I rt i t-ll {'o-i- night, whetilte tituclIdose tit - iwte it ilth bIh clIs i i ii itI he t s-ol - sne It ...…

February 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…f I i r 1 r r '!Y :r. r" Ct1 ro u e^+ rD r-" n fD rr 0 0 2'. rc ..i r. 7. .0 n r 2. )no2 y 0 A Ns - - r 4 I v H "t t+ 4^ r+ tz w V.+ w 0 C. '3 tz i Poo y o Cd 0 n A A O p y a xa w 0 a PIZ- -r pas f~ L~U CDV M-.- e, ' ' r* ". r- .. : : " . .: C. i ."i: a...... rs. ® .. r, 1 "" .i.- lt : JL . ,. i' . %' 1 _ rJ i. - " r , ., , , . f _ . i'i :+ y' - .- r, w : - -- z ' - v: . , m' n - :Tl x w to) u r -i .. {"' 4.. 7~ Q r _ X "...…

February 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…1' 1 .l I l i I ; \ N 1) \I1 , A Great Mid=-Winter Sale Lasti ng for TEN DAYS ON4LY SAKSUITS anA OVERCOATS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN We Mtust Do This ini Order to Make Room _For Our Spring Stock STAEBLEK( QWUERTH WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50-FOR MEN AND WOMEN $4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED) -- f f t' .. .r Some eery pretty de- signs for men and -,.omeni in dull kids and caltskins, also a very complete line of patent leathers. Come early whileth...…

February 28, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…I in N ) in i~ in' Be your own Beauty Doctor THERE: is hut onrc method of acqring and retaining a bcaurtifull, clear, delicately tinted co)1d)exionr. The pores of the Skinn iist hirt lbe rid of all im- purrities, and the circulation gently stimulated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. 4 & Ponipeian Massage Cream builds uip and rounds out the contiour of the face and form hy cleansing, exercising, and feeding the skin thr...…

February 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…I.a ThJ"JL'hignD --__YI a .t N P& \fll1A 'TIA TA9 ~ ~ ' lB. 109, VOL. v Ill. 111.V 1,\ 11.1\1)_\/1\t Y1AI-A1,i.k1411 1a 1'1.4'21~;4 y 1 J J-44Jd;1tV 471\ J. ,SiJa ,tyw, _. ATHILETESAWAIT STARTING GUN Hundred Entries n for lfdoo *eet-Fourteen Relay Teams Out-Hill at E. 1. A. A. Meeting. Cii prpja'atios hae 1been complete 10)theope1)nin11911)et of the indoor trac se)s tollndfromi all iai)11000111005 ill metoll 11)11)toIb1)0a00iteesting one...…

February 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DA!Lt I -- G. L. Wild Company Our Springtog line of ne Imported and Domestic IWOOLENS]J Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street Bargains in Recent Fiction Books that have sole for $1.20 we are offering at 50c Half a Rogue McGrath Pain Von H...…

February 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…7 Hixi MICHIGAN DAILYr. " . ... Sam Burchfield's ine Talorinj Deliver The Goods ~am Burclifield Co., 10O6. EAST HURON ST. .0ROWN'S. Drug Store 120 E. Liertyt. ALARnI CLOCKS 1 $1.00 $150 _$1.75, All tihe bset ake, a d fully guaranteed MHWIOAN PINS AND~ FOBS 25c up to $5.00 IVBi-WSTCtI RIPAIRING A PEClALTY. Watchi4eapector for the Ann Arbor Railroad 1.. L.,. fAPMAN", 206 S. MAIN ST. Branch 304 S. State St. turkish 'alrd gyptain AL W1ETADFN6 GB...…

February 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…TfE MICHI NDAL c OUR PRICES- 15X415o00 5X40 15to040 15X05.to40 151o40 15 4l5t4 5!°40 15 to40 15to540 151to40 15 t040 15 to40 15to40 15to40 1540150to40 15 to40 : .15 to40 15to40 15to40 5to40+615t4o40 1I5to 40 15 to40t40 150406 40Ulto40 151040 15to40 151o40 150o40 151040 15 to40 15 to40 15 to40 15 t 40 15 t 40 15 to40 E ' UNIVER~SITY NOTICES , anld rtils a Itoitight .at..7 o'clock. shorp iebiilot Hall:.:.Fischler,, leader. T'1 s C.._f .sioctll...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil \\' ltt N\ C 1~\NS.\) tIb Da d 8 l(i \Vol.. XIX. SOPHOMORES,,-WIN FROM. FRESHMEN No Records Broken in Indoor sleet; iood Form IDisplaytd "Throughout; Finarl Score 54-27: boai~,l o -fc tdihc"_tiotilt ivin - f R, )- dic the ivi-rl ' i t h irkn IrI c c m vr l )iolr t lii rafet t h the cvut. 1lll ithle fr ies d the Or rko i l :uti nches;' 1 j1( It. the It -- 4 fllto il ( 1111(1 hig "m teshtpt hr m te t;- elle L; fe t inchs. Il...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DIAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! G. H. Wild Comfpally M4ERCH-ANT TAILORS . Have received a large line at woolens foe SPRING and SUM- MER io (Menium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and King's Tan. We have thr Blarney, Hudson, Cooshberland, Cheter, Orient, Pet- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Woes- teds. Please come early and hav...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE. MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchificld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver. The Goods Sam Burclhfieldl &.,.CO. a EAST HURON ST. (In to "TI LE & COI., 3013 state St. 101' WHEAT or B3UCKWHIEAT CAKES JOLLY'S t0S S. STATE ST. S - 1B w B Own Wake BEST SRI AR PIPES Wat led1tint to1Cracktor Itua i Owlrac - - $1.75 to $5.00 '4olls$1.00 ) I$I.5O A MiBt ANCUt Bell Phone, 9i8, 2R4 Homne Phone, Os 11. A. DOLPH & CO. 1cet orh (.M.t arti 1 Funeral IDirectors 2...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…Tit E MICH1IGAN DAILY t1 010 10d. The0100t1 1'ooo' totliot' !Ihitc-c-cSpin. r i.,K MALCOt L M,. Prop', 118eEt.Liberty St. UNVRIYNO'TICES r. 5of 11 4 1;c c 1" 1"~1<1 1 711 11c A llh' Ni 1111 (11111111 ril I~a a [>.' 111 '00 11111 10 FIUSE M ENT11S Attractions Coming to The New Whitney MONDAY, MARCH 1 AL. . Field's Greater Minstrels +65-BLACK FACE ARTISTS-65 P rices 25-50-75-$1.00 Seats now Selling TUESDAY, MARCH 2 THE BIG MUSICAL SVCCES S "I...…

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