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February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…DAIL: EWS tb n,., cr '~ ~AU.ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRtTARY 2, 1902. FRESH-SOPH ENTRIES cl}I L I4ng.{144 'Md-i(.'lif'. PENNSYLVANIA TEAM Med4ic; EarrI n. 444 Lt Zt Sr44t.'4 heLge Number Ever Entered in Lit; Ohulhh. 0 Lit: 144.i Wi'n-, : A Sort Sketch of the Men Who Are Such a Meet. S' l1444fl'44'l. '(4. l. to Meet Michigan Deater. 1444w l'at41et11. 144144444 i 44414 02414-144[( (4 ol("411:4444o 4en1.1i4.4i~ f : f lt [ni iot 141 1 11e 4 411...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWSI lt* 0* 4 - I. LLi Di r 2 z Qt W F41-irA14,1 P i, at-a trotta sw-int- COMPR~tNO tltt l)]' it t it't-u lit a1lTIa titt-ttttt F4 L -rlW'It, tit taIlnil l".It-i I i, t<t-it The Ui. of Ni. DAILY, 17th -ia iti iiIt tfeara.ttlttIt -The 'V'ARSITY NEW* S y Ttiitaa-l. Iil~n lttEIt<II~l :Ill.tia aa ~ait Au a-a i ttis itIt - itta at-ta1i I' 11411 a 1i . t-- - i#'1Itec. ur t ;1 1 tit-, a1'1 ':!', i a t a '1n alt1 t t).. t i i y ,'...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS AH, BUT THEY ARE DANDIES! Our new assortment of Bath Lobes,1 our) ingC vsoarn Sokiong ackets. +I A~ll that you could desire of our stock s complete ' thee lnes and t xill he to so, r advantage tjorkth tere o h-) rr pi n S. M4ain Street. MD anS YIN&ILL~ _______ i 1 2121t1) 44 11+++ K+++K-1 l 1111 Jl J- SOHANZ OHAS. DIET.AS 555o~ TAILOKS 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET ! EX(.ELSIOR LANERT DFAY WORK P SPECIALTY':1 AFNDWORK- ? s...…

February 28, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…TH I H G ND I I-EOur Spring Woolens have arrived. We invite your inspection.... = Importing WAGNER C& CO., ailors 121-123 So. Main St. PIGKWIGk Billidard FriOP An Bowlinu BETTER THAN EVEg 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY .AVENUE T Ae tNItE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. jI! #8; Dpoi.aht. 3 Thad man.qi o t att atytatag' SERVICE. 7 lil-ti t 'T a d OAD Ea . '. rE : wihn'Hat r EOTO COLUMBUS utt.1 ie Write J. . LANDMlAN, General Traveling Agent,* W ......... F. J...…

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