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October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 1


October 28, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 Mencken and the Academics A Critique In Perspective O NOT speak of him," EDWIN J. PATTEE dignity of dramatic critic, took coun- said Kingsley of Heine; sel of a cortain Nestor of the craft, he was a wicked man!" who told his, above alt things else, to H. L. Mencken, also, was In his chauvinistic overtones we ature" (Century), by Fred Lewis Pat- he terestim, antt thices way to once ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER~ 28, 1923 Named To Succeed R l. IE T -ME ousa T'ells Of ALPI + ROBINS TO ,SPEAK Harvey- At Loudon -Tea AId C As U S. _m ass dor RR",Up Genea ON CRISTANIT A~L.S./mbasad~rFOR PERACOMMITTEEShsfmu adMnayngt odteAp -CHRIS I 9 1INITYJohn Phllip Sousa, when here with~ NiagaraI Union Opera committee chairmenI an interesting story of a concert at near Ma ilaoInllV4(nowti Economist Will wvere gamed yesterday' by ...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PA(IE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 a tROBERT 'E 'D ERS N S 4 {f f Z X i At1;l -NE 7r 7 7 01 it _ : ', _ i 77.1ti . , tI ti1.O?1 101 0A7- t .. k C7o111.' r S I t~. a110r(1t 7011111011 to pply l1.0 Ct 1 Andt,10it 1,to t'Le vr td wodns trut 7 to '110 l''0u -r'ude , anguta. awkarltneos, akr1 nd ,, ald .1 1,1"ous t dot'lar one, I steadi suppte tithtness tthat tosthel= 1t= "'1 t,10howevr, thlat1itosnot moot tartting fe...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…28, 1923 TH MICHIGAN DAILY Y, EWA CEL TO OPEN FAssociation Will :Luivii ('ainlnign ' sday11'0oCarry On Work "WILL1 OPEN WORIK VQIALJJY tents of their gymnasium lockers last j i r i~ ~nr year may reclaim them tomorrow and _ h-HUSE fHCKEYu Tuesday from Mrs, Blackburn. IU I iJ IFI~ The Freshman Girls' Glee club will.IJ~ M~ J ~lT~~r i neet at ,4:30 o'clock tomorrow, inUIIIIL Barbour gymnasium. All mcnilers; are requested to' be present. l DE...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 "It is of course the duty of all good economists and kind persons to prove and proclaim continually to the poor as well as to the rich that respect for the dead is not really shown by laying great stone on them to tell us where they are laid; but by remembering where they are laid without a stone to help us." (John Ruskin.) "How funny, how disgusting life is: You meet some one, do no end of fool- ish and wicked and mea...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…THE' MICHIGAN DAILY ST NDAY,' OCTOBER 28, 1923 ......................... 6 . .. . 4OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. OF T11lE UNITERSITY OF MICIGAN Pulished every mornin'g except Monday during the UIniversity year by the P'oard in Control of Stud(-nt Publications. Meinbors of Western Conference Editorial .,sorvi tion.I The AsTi~e ress is exclusively en- itied fto the am for repubication of all news dispatches cctd :o it -or" not otherwu-e err ditcd i...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY S2',fP.'taP i Lt2,,12) Music and M iusicians 0.RLANDO I3EZDE '- are two (isti iiltd oisill (issz ~rc1'y> e'11dhrt ft in it incrrc t s'iiii', it K t } 011!?i. of i thatI ii ill 1 1 i ii e-(otok i pitlace 'oni tlep (cccist reetii, n £Vc' ,v ,,rain. 't tfor 5GalliCutitito tOtt iii1tt l linthe te ie River' (.11tohes)te sasprp iriis as is tiosh ittilt i ni (iIll!.l's tyn" t fe t a'iii ii. s;1tad 'Iocy itegraing tti u...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE I.. I , I . - I t . . Egyptologist To Describe Work In TA Valley of Kings" t ongregational Church Secured for J] portance of discoveries in Tut's tomb tural work or into the field of agri-4 S, C. A. VOCATIONS Union and the Student council. The and other excavations. cultural teaching. 5G only remaining step to assure the Animal nutrition, sanitary sciences: MEN P LAN MEETevent is the...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 5

…1CCHIG N DATL PACGE FIV'E JOHN L. STEVENS .E'' t t F t: eI al xi~tl x xiritlxx r:?~t ri.1tiit ' o tL; r< n ~xr t Lxl:3 tzx!1,-cii fo=i x x i . V" of x il ,a . 11: :> i li'1.1 zii.1101o (leCai ,l xiii' he Niitti iIii 'it}D aIisl Ll II S isL0'i l iii' ('^a 't!'a tecullls, li' iffoild have xllxxxe pae t'# t~t ,e ieiclt loir t1o'(' theit i i°?Ei o ixon, is axa-Ii 11(1ofithe'Thel~ ta1'ol 1bi'lxi' xxiiievenxxiSx11is xlxxdis i.l , l'1ii 0ii I l ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 6

…~HE M.ICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2F,, 19' 1 $13110 J a +']Yp¢ 1 .. ,. I h C R . Q 1 , , .w...a. .. -. xr-.rrw1b01 A' ° i°a ° raa'a emi-u+c .cuw lw1V acr: D:-SaSi Neller kicked off to Kipke who re-0 nd2 yrst ison3 Ihiin 1n9nCnin0innf line. Kipke kicked to Lyman who I LIiYII.dJ fumbled but recovered on his own 30 yard line. Neller wvent through left ! R tackle for 10 yards as thle quarterIT DF TS UPH ended. Score: Michigan 12, IILA....…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THeE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 AIIERICANA* Chipico thermos dioxygen, temco sonora tuxedo Books and W riters Resinol fiat bacardi, camera amico wheatena; Antiskid pebeco calox, oliotyco barometer Postum nabisco! Prestolite arco congolium, karo aluminum kryptok, made into a book that will attract the Crisco balopticon lysol, jello bellans carborundum THE WOMAN DE- general reader and the busy club wo Ampico clysmic swaboda,...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 7

… HTHIS. COLUN LaSS COLUMN CIVJ±S ClOSES AT 31. "DAERTISINGT 3 P.M, OPTICAL i i _ _ *, j f, < ; . ,,. k t . ------ Classified Column Closes at 12 o'Clock Noon, Saturday. "Jimmie-$he-Ad-Taker" 4.t w .,: k LOST FOUN~TAIN PENS^ f I AL;PHA OMICRON PI PIN-Name on FOUNTAIN PENS back. Reward. Call 2949. WE HAVE fountain pens of nationally a L - i . Lv ' .""' '"' " " ... - ° 44ROWN LEATHER BILL fold con-. taining sum ofimoney. Reward...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, OCTOBE~R 28, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE SMIS v HENUKEN many h is interesting, original, and And so if the proessoashoutld still And what excitement thi volley O (Continued from Page your) 1ottn brilliantlHe ha introduced a insit tha t he is nota critic,I might ekenian phrase and dogma is pro- constructive criticism," If the tit wholesome and vigorous tone into the conur 0a(1 say, "No, Meloken is not duing! The osn's trenchant at ic," ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 8

…University Senate: The first regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1923- 1924 will be held in Room C, Law Building, at eight o'clock on the evening of Thursday, Nov. 8, instead of Monday the 19th as at first announced. The order of business will inclus e: 1. The annual report of the'Secretary of the Senate Cuncil. II. The proposed ,formation of .a Naval Unit in. the University. III. Consideration of certain natters; relative to...…

October 28, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PAL c. E IGH i 3t' THE M I H) GAS' DAI ICY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2S, 192' MHAV. DoCUI THE MUCI-GANDAIY SNDY CER2,12 HAVE you ever thought of it as a salary and attempted systematically to save part of it? It is altogether probable that it would be possible for you to do so without greatly inconveniencing yourself. IT is a fault commonly found with college stu- dents that they lack a sense of responsibility which every successful man must have. Th...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 9

…op Section Two 00 va, -ar , A61 73att Section Two VOL. XXXIV. NO. 31. PRICE, FIVE CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 2UNDAY. OCTOBER 2S, 1923 If STUDENTS WANT SPECIAL TO IflWAl ONLY TWENTY HAVE SIGNED) FOR RESERVATIONS ON TRAIN ACCOMMODATIONS ARE OBTAINABLE AT UNION Reservations On Wisconsin '.rain Being Taken Now by Dennis Donovan Students signifying their intention of making the trip to the Iowa game on the special train sanctioned by ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 10

…TEN TAHE MICHIGAN DAILY r ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 £1 A LER HEA R w finds no lodgment in a nation where I Firpo Given Demonstraton campaign JO L f ~ ~ l H A E SNW FOSSIL BEDS IVAL H ONORS ROOSEVELT the discontent which is justified se-I Cll, Peru. Oct. 2Clui Angel portance cootn Vi4 hun 'g Firpo, arriving from Colon yesterday, WESTEla R N II f l f EPOSITSl-crsaprmtrmd.was greeted by a demonstration sel-plcin IIIL, Iam aC IHaJie(+In~d rndc...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Relation Of R. Military P only 200 second lieutenants for the Reserve. In 1921 this was increased . T.C. T'o fiur t r"2"'0"E"1 C.Or1 to 1,000, last year to 2,000 and this *^ D isyear about 3,100. Of those graduated e { the University of Michigan produced 4 in 1921, 13 in 1'22 and 55 during the s . pa st school year an iition q By 1ajor William T. Carpener sacrificed on account of lack of dtn- a...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 12

…TWELVE A THE MICHIGAN- DAILY SUNHA S OCTODER 28, TWELVE SUNDAY, OCTORER 28, 1 STARTING SUNDAY, STARTING ' SUNDAY The Daddy of ( 'omedy Classics Unquestionl ably-~. \ P t _. J~ JAMAL 't } 1"AdM1I ]Sp'iL To or mny rieds an ul pa Toso n Abrw9ae uhrzd u oa0~ngr u 4. 1 f ti~~ 4r duction has, and believe that you will agree with us. 2H"R E E RO0USIN Who 0ad ahMaeiece; hsh our -iecommendation of the STERLNG COMEDYvqualities whi...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 13

… SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 Mencken and the Academics A Critique In Perspective O NOT speak of him," EDWIN J. PATTEE dignity of dramatic critic, took coun- said Kingsley of Heine; sel of a certain Nestor of the craft, "he was a wicked man!" who told him, above all things else, to H. L. Menken, also, wasoIn his chauvinistic overtones we ature" (Century), by Fred Lewis Pat- H.c ecen lo a c rknsrisof11.W erIbe i...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 14

… PAGV TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28,J1923 .. , azd thc ROBERT i' BART1RONT, HENDERS 9N VI' MitARCHt OF lls it Irs1'all "'Et1RIt' r o T3i. iES ' a -ura- You niay A 05hardani . "-e r s nane- heiee,^, sdei01' r'C' en'1 I-s at1 51 it istatet'ast " 1 do-' --"Oc i IAI c-tii5015an10e i-soarc t ia ne .0 1toie, Lhis E 10 A 1 zonma. -re : cot a sr trci'.' o~v p r_1Iyht -the -t1_- e.'se Paine1t Roswie io teeIos -ct-ps1 at'an11-tin. t--S ....…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 15

… SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY LT,5d. "It is of course the duty of all good order to belong to him, and the day economists and kind persons to prove comes when you don't know one an- and proclaim continually to the poor other. Each takes his turn." as well as to the rich that respect for -(Georges de Porto-Riche) the dead is not really shown by laying from "Francoise' Luck. great stone on them to tell us where they 'are laid; ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 16

….. . .... . .. .. .... . PAGE FOUR, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 192 -- - ... ... .:.__ ___._ m: Music and Musicians ORLANDO BEEDE There are two distinct points in- ed Liszt's "Loreley". Were she able volved in Galli-Cur5l and her type of to sing it in a correct fashion, one program. One of them is that in he might over-look its place on the pro- exquisite presentation of "Way Down gram. But for Galli-Curci to attempt Upon the Sw...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 17

… kUDAY, OCTO"E1 23 TIE MCHIGAN Autumn Interlude JOHN L STEVENS , DAILY PAQE FIVE Th71ie t iiinleriis rise o 11tr lite stvens and a ta itwould have-/ sro ( an ioi , ,.r dcoy s, the skirl of '. t ownv!i r r 1 arY fYrm:r, .. _. r 2 .tt3:- f: t-tx at fcatr r , old t lie ree~l <s a healthy rat ow su s vs fi~s timet, Who ctrclt Warily, just against 'Lh.e strain of s--plit be oo, 1 the sy-line. Now, I-wo anlder, aiti renof a soutwr 5 ti, u , k- ula...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 18

…lPAc E 1lK Th I14MII GAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28,1923 AIERICANA5 ". Chipico thermos dioxygen, temco sonora tuxedo' o " an a+S+e7it 2r Resinol fat bacardi, camera amiCo wheatena; B o o k an dAntiskid pebeco Calox, oiotyco baroneer __________________________________________________Postum nabisco! restolite arco conglium, karo aluminum kryptok, made into a book that will attract the Crisco balopticon ysol, jlo hellans carborundum. THE WOMAN DE- ...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 19

… SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1923' THE MICHIGAN DAILY parE SVWN MENCKEN many, he is interesting, original, and And so if the professors should stil And what excitement this volley of (Continued from Page Four) often brilliant. He has introduced a insist that he is not a critic, I might Menckenian phrase and dogma is pro- "constructive criticism." "If the trit- wsolesome and vigorous tone into the concur and say, "No. Remstken is .ot ducing! The man...…

October 28, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 31) • Page Image 20

… PAR EIGHT THE MICIH GAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER S2 1923 } 1 lilbl: n 1 1 1 11111111111 11 l1111111illlll111 11Ii t1t11111M 1111, 1~ l 1ll I1 1H M i33 1 !~i l l111 AVE you ever thought of it as a salary and _ attempted systematically to save part of it? It is altogether probable that it would be possible for you to do so without greatly inconveniencing yourself. T is a fault commonly found with college stu- dents that they lack a sense of res...…

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