March 27, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 130) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN AIdBiiI. 11)11 IGAN. \vlFi)NlI 1l.AY, NiNCAllI27. 010. Z 1 t t0{. INTERCASS' MEET WILL cnntconceivvivehw sc iecnC COM~E OFF SATURDAY tlnditowalily lvi cihiltioil cdicl s11 ci clii. NdCt som d i l,, am Finals of RelayRaces, (ym Team chiilrni will hiv equal ight Sii is M Competition aril Fencing Tour- itolthecexercis (Iftheiv Iisc namontwill be Features. -Contrariy to Il l pinil ions. ifindI thatI - alost I...…