March 27, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 129) • Page Image 1
…the Z. a VOL. V I. NO. 129. ANN ARBdOR, MICHIGAN, FitIP AY, MARCH 27, 1s",6. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. NEW ~rRULE.S FOR ATIILET'ICS i6 BICYCLEIS 11 ACTION OF BOARD OF CONTROL tedean eto riveenotioethaltw15 1 SMD ULC { paseto make ahi" hid feor 1 S1MDEPUBIC bic ycleho ~lns',hi'.Pseaa. SWe tave secured the agency for te ( Rules of Chicago Conference 4~ DA'Y'TO N 15 Adopted With Minor Exceptions- I 11 yteR" whicIh has easned a Rule Against Coache...…