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October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…I AM) COOLER TODAY r S ir i!3an ~Aaitg ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE .1 I No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1918. PRICE THREE HIGAN-A'IGGIE I I ASSURED HALTH BOARi ALS FROM MICHIGAN AND M. A. C. VISIT STATE BOARD PONED CONTEST TOi LAYED HERE NOV. 231 ity Receives Announcement of ecess of Athletic Director With Joy FRESHIES 1o HOLD MEETING TUESDAY Freshmen who are anxious to learn the traditions of Michi...…

October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY [CIAL NEWSPAPER AT THZ NIV$RSITY OF MICHIGAN hed every morning except Monday he university year by the Board in of Student Publications. R OF THE; ASSOCIATED PRESS Lssociated Press is exclusively entitled ise for republication of all news dis- credited to it or not otherwise credited paper and also the local news pub rein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, , as second class matter. iptions by carrier or mail, $3.50. sAnn Ar...…

October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…>ng, the Maize and, ed one of the worst eason yesterday aft- at a time they were e shots of a genuine ot all. pulator of the like- ished with his duet etting two men at a he entire Varsity and' at them. Coach, coaches and mana- cessary to withstand ilt. was over, the hurry- iad to give a few of cents to the photog- likeness was also , the official photo- 918 Varsity football . at Ferry field, yes- just before practice. OF YEAR UNDER SEARCHLI...…

October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…PEACE wil .f 1,500 DELEGATES FROM VARIOUS its STATES AND MANY PROMI- nue NENT MEN WILL SPEAK pus . old To confirm opposition to a prema- ture peace, to sustain the determina- tion of our people to fight until Prus- sian militarism has been defeated, and PS to focus the attention on the only ad- vantage the American people seek to gain from the war, permanent peace nen guaranteed by a league of nations, are sity the objects of a great Win-the...…

October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…"HGAN DAILY BY MAJOR U. S. DEVILHOUNDS CAPTURE GERMAN TRENCHES BY STORM Washington, Oct. 26.-To advance seven miles against a hurricane of German fire, machine gun bullets and big shells, is not all glory and ex- hilaration even for a United -States marine. This is disclosed in a series of vivid pen pictures of the tremend- ous fighting in which those American boys participated on the Marne salient written by Major Robert L. Denig, of the tm...…

October 27, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ENT COUNCIL PLANS RE- )RGANIZATION AT MEETING Meetings and Elections Put Off Until After Influenza Epidemic h matters as the reorganization student council and the holding ss elections and meetings will cussed at the meeting now being d by the members of the stu- ouncil of the year 1917-18, who ending the University this year. expected that the vacancies in uincil will be filled and then the on of class elections be brought...…

October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 1


October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…TI "HIGAN DAILY dEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press is ,exclusively entitled use for republication of all news dis- :s credited to it or not otherwise credit- this paper and also the local news ,ed herein. ial newspaper at the University of asn. Published every mnorning except y during the university year. red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor as 1clah'matter. es: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub. ons: by carrier, $2.g0; b mail, $3. 00. ad s...…

October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

… F'I ii It VL~iOPPONENT ka Team Stronger Than gan Eleven According To Dope.. Mici- MAIZE AND BLUE WARRIORS ARE SLIGHTLY OUT-WEIGHED Cornhuskers Number Eight Teterans sFive of Them Playing Third Year. Michigan varsity meets its hardest opponent on the 1917 schedule this af- ternoon on Ferry field. Nebraska's Cornhuskers, eight vet- erans strong, will furnish the opposi- tion, and the Wolverines will be forced to fight from the start in ord...…

October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…ess Days for Ann Arb d from Page One) meats we serve nuts eese, and heartier des- tless Day Wednesday Alpha is setting aside according to Valora tewardess. "Next Wed- xpect to inaugurate a ," she said, "the girls eggs, and cheese which place of meat. We are vidual economy on sug- rl is willing to do her e Lewerenz, matron of Gamma, said, "We are regularly on Tuesday. ot have a wheatless day, graham and corn breads a week." d Fish on Meatless ...…

October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…A. 1 1.L.1Y1.1 ,f The Stela-Boch Co. 1s2! Imagine Yourself' tlive one" in this 3-button STEIN-BLOCH Coat! No padding--no stiffen- ing--nothing but honest f a b r i c, hand tailoring and "style galore. " .1 Prices $20 to $40 I Lindenschmitt, Apfel Co. LC.SMITH, CORONA,- UNDERWOOD and other high ,grade type- writers FOR SALE and RENT Fraternity and Social Stationery MIMEOGRAPHING and PRINTING TYPEWRITING 0. D. .MORRILL 322 South St...…

October 27, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…[DAILY II -- ----- o A Walk Over RED CROSS MAKES PLEA FOR CHRISTMAS BOXES our, Savalier" For Women Boot of unusual value, ost distinctive style. In irk brown and 'dark tan ussia calf, with the new w military heel. Li sizes: Triple A to D :':a .. 0 a. A o _ *0 # a " ° . C SENDING OF COMFORT "SAtMIES" IS PLAN KITS -TOI alk-Over Boot Shop loffetetter, Prop. 115 S. Main Street The American Red Cross has issued a call for aid in suppl...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…U THE WEATHER ANN ARBOR- FRIDAY PARTLY CLOUDY AND WARMER f I Tr }' .'"'" kj : 4P r : J o'' 'D ., ' i: . 4.:4.i... is } i.n_., i a.[O ]IK au~ t"'. , '.>>. i. "1Y a' UNITED PRESS WIRE DAY AN) NIllIT SERVICE THE ONLY 3IORIN6(G PAPER IN ANN ABOR VOL. XXVII. No. 22. ANN ARBJOR, MICIJGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1916. PRICE FIVE C - tom.. HUGES : ; f f .;# , 3 r a y 1 r n r, +re x ^r-; 1 < .5 x a w i , ,,: . ay , ,, , .fJ , y ,,, 7-7 jLLE...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…- cT- SENI UPHOLDS EDITORIAL Leading Merchant Tailors State St. .ew Your Room the River At School On the Field - -m Vherever you need electrical supplies, engineering tools, padlocks, Litlery, clocks, thermos bottles, gym clothes or sporting goods, REMEMBER 3witzer'S Hardware nly Hardware near Campus 310 STATE I. P. Note Books Yoxxr Name Isn Gold on Cover Fre. of Charsge rh Slater Book Shop ".36:-0 Goodyear Wingfoot Rubber Heels Save ...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…RVES BEAT__CRUBS 13 TO 1 i II ZEISER .AN BRAZEL BIG GRON GAERS AllSetfor C. C. C. Heet with Orange FRESHMEN DON HIGH SCHOOL IN CLOSE GAME ceedlmgs. after which those actively engaged during the afternoon joined the ranks of the other men practising signals, and kept busy until after the lights went on. Toward the latter part of the Pray the high school players seemed to have the hunch on the yearlings. Kerr.2 Tomorrow morning at 10:4...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

… RIT ALUMNI HULU S6 SMOKER SATURDAIY nbers of 'lu to Gather to Watch Results of Cornell Game .etaining the same spirit that pos- sed them during their college days, Detroit alumni will hold a gather- of all Michigan alumni of the Uni- sity on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 11, the Board of Commerce in Detroit, eceive the returns of the Michigan- nell football game. his affair will be in the nature of moker with refreshmeats and en- tainment in abund...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

… ow you the en's v SUitS, Hats Caps and Furnishings :, -- - --, .-- ' ' ." .. ~ EDUCATE VEEZUELAS TO BIND RELATIONSHIP U. S. Minister Secures 110 Scholarships in American Schools; 107 Already Accepted (By United Press.) Washington, Oct. 26.-One hundred and seven boys from Venezuela now ITALIA SPEEDSTER TO TAE BREATHING SPELL Dario Resta Has Smashed Records and Won Prizes in Every Famous Speedway Race By Hamilton (United Press Staff C...…

October 27, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

….®s.,. . - ___ s. ._ . i APERS SAY I 1"NDO 7 49. N. UMI've r-sty ING TO THE SCARCITY OF DYES AND THE EM- RGO ON WOOL, THERE IS GOING TO BE A SHORT- AGE OF GOOD WOOLENS FOR MEN'S CLOTHES. This is true, BUT our showing for Fall and Winter does not evidence it. We have the best assortment of all wool fabrics for men's Suits and Overcoats that we have ever displayed-and at prices withiu reach of .all. Our $25.00 line will be a pleasant surpris...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 1


October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - - i -- 1 ] ALL OVER ou try on the finished suit or t we have made to your meas- here will be no places where ment is too tight or too loose. t, you will have absolutely per- ting apparel, right in cut, right , right in every way. G. 11. WILD COMPANY g Merchant Tailors. State St. a . ' .. " l r ; s ' r b I 'i i ' ' ' 'j, i j' 14 . r i y 1 ,; ' : NEW AND SECOND-HAND A; Departments Drawing Instruments [. P. Note Boo...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…'T142 IMICHIGAN bAti 4~hW l V Ti I L d I FT qt r f1 1 I _ . . : , p +' 't orOGFrvr I l a I IRSI TALI TWICEYE1STERDAY or Recovers Fumble and Sprint. to Within 1) Yards of Gal Before Being Tackled FRESHMEN VORl HARD G FOR EIDELBURG GAME' FORHARSITYTEAM I'll Pre',ent Changed Line-up When it Plays Against Buck- eyc Squad Decide on White Numerals, Six in Height; Will Be Sewed Back of Jerseys Inches on After a week of inacti...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

… i THE MICHIGAN DAILY. }d I FEATURES - FACTS - FRIVOLITY F EXTENSION SERVICEJ ORGANIZED FOR THE BENEFIT OF PUBLIC Department Was Organized to Meet a Growing Demand Upon the Part o People of the State A INISTEREI) BY HEADS OF UNIVERSITY FACULTES OFFERS MICHIGAN CITIZENS ALL OF THE RESOURCES OF E THE UNIVERSITY Including in its scope 10 divisions or sub-departments, the university ex- tension service is administered undery as many differen...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY. I I .M , e 1 way ~The °itin-iJlocn Co., 1916. S.f CLOTHES FOI U. of M.MEN You will find Clothe here in The Big Stor that you know are rigF -Adler's for example. You will like to loo over.the new weaves shades, and styles th fashion making firm ha put out. The acknowledged lead- ers in men's fashions for more than sixty years, have correctly interpreted the style needs of the real American, as shown in . . Qth r L...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY. tl ''' E a ll Walk-Over Fo ot- Wear FOR'. MEN . AND. WOMEN Same ,goad old raitiy sold in your Home Town. Larger selection designed{ e-3pecially for College wear. Guaranteed results are what I r f _ _ _ . . 0i you want in - Film eveaopen If you find a single defect, we charge you nothing rLS + 0 .C0 1, O' s t~ R Cart represents Style No. 733 i LYNDON , English Calf-skin Bal B...…

October 27, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…ie Michigan I SUBSCRIBE Daily ____ PRICE FIVE CENTS. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1914. 25. ., , TT'S RETURN IT ERS VARSITY lot Resumes Prac ice With 'ed Arm Hanging in an Unwieldy Position ER BECOMES LATEST DATE FOR LINE BERTH Coaches Drill Forwards; e" Heston New Aid to Yost's Corps Hughitt was back in foot- sterday afternoon, and Wol- .ron stock took a big jump. i field general was able to' ynsford's passes, and kick...…

October 27, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY liE M HI ANDAILY 11 ngs, 6W ,. LI SOODS a!! Goods of all kinds 0O to.$5.00 of m Shoes f r I S KEli *Official nerd" aper at lie Tiversty f Michigan. Pub lshre y'eery Wing e~eet Moenday durink "the "tnversity eir.m I ntez'eI at the pot-,oflice at Ann Arbor as second-class (natter.-" Offices, Ann Aror Press Building. Sub- by "carrier, $; aby naail, $zro. Want ad. statiops: Quarry's, -Univ. Pharmacy, C. II. Davi...…

October 27, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…DAIL4Y h. 1 I : I are ready to show you the Kodak- Developed° and printed. over night. Try all the other places, and then come here a n d be satisfied. That is what 10ots of others have z ~ done',. Fi40lms Mien's Suits, Overcoats, Ba lmacaans, Hiats, Caps and ~u rnishin~gs OWn in1 the City REMEMBER We have a lull line of Patrick.,Duluth Mackinaw Coat~ Sweaters Balmacaans and Society Brand Clothes ) CALKIN'S. PHARMACY s 324 South...…

October 27, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I .LEGE MEN HAVE THEIR N IDEAS ABOUT STYLE 250_MORE Lyndon s 16*" oh R'VCEIVE U YESTERDAY At the old price $1.00 This is the last lot of these "i4" books that we can buy to sell at this price,~ so get busy. Phone 1701 Phone 1701 I AJ ESTI C THE HOME OF GOOD SHOWS F you're a College Man and hold a reputation among your friends for wearing decisive and distinctive cloth es, you cannot overlook our Fall and Winter fabri...…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…r_ Li ie Michigan Daly SflAILED TO ANY ADDRESS $3.00 No. 23. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUND)AY, OCTOBER 27, 1912. PRICE FIY ;USE. ELEVEN PROVES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VOTE FOR PI ESIDENT. - x -- A TARTAR FOR WOLVERINES RSITY SUFFERS BAD RELAPSE -D PROVES EASY PREY FOR iDDENLY REJUYENATED M EN F THE EAST. VIE PLAYED IN THE MUD THE WEATHER MAN { )....... ... ,....... Taft * ( ).............Roosevelt * ( .......…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…AA LAIL Y :al Platform 1s THE MCHIGAN DAILY SOfficialnewspaper at the University of Mich- * igan. t Price andQuality H. Wild co. Taiors and Importers 811 South State Street ve aters he weather is cool you will need a good warm keep warm, nade in all colors. GREY, BLUE, WHITE ian & Co. aF P22 ros t .. ,.. I eif this veloped. power. to hold" r i >i l w TYPE WRITERS New and Rebuilt - All Makes FOR SALE OR RENT O. D. MORRILL 322 S....…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…r._ ICULTY MEN ARE ISSUED E ESSRS F N(mA('EI i Ohs ANI) WO{RKS loll L VOLUME ON ANNIVERSARY Committee athers Speeches mt Other 3literil Relating to ele- bralion Last June. Various member. of the university faculty are engaged at present in writ- ing or editing manuscripts dealing with subjects connected with their special line of work. When published, some of these books will be used as texts, while others are intended prim- arily for the...…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…Conscientious, CLEAN WORK give us a trial-We will convince you that re K. now Hn apoow to do Laundry Work which is not an apology ra Methods Modern Containers Prompt Service TOLEDO LAUNDRY CO. netts, Bell 1460 H. E. Wilgus, Bell 651 CALKINS' TIARI"1ACY When you buy, you go where you were treated well before. That is why we treat you well. SENATE WILL RECEIVE NEW I FACULTY IEN. (Continued from page 3.) two high schools in Toledo costing ...…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

….. sents the Animals .or, "Blowing Their Own Hornsl" / ', .Af11 ...P. R. ti/I psi A - q . .ho~l.. ai.e There's a lot of satisfied men riding in our band wagon. -Not necessary for us to blow our own horns about StelnBloch Clothes, -But if you haven't a seat we want you to get on and ride. They give satisfaction-we'll prove it by a strong record. all colors and styles $5 to $10 -hmitt, Apfel & co= IR Tlophono 7186J CLOCKS and you will ge...…

October 27, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…,, The Season's it Shoe I MRAD IMAR $6.00 I .11 WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the Bfig White Shoe $4.00$6.00 SENIOR WOMEN'S SOCIETY PICKS ELEVEN 1NEW MIEMBERS Mortar Board, senior women's soci- ety, has elected eleven new members. They are: Agnes Greene, Mary Jack- man, Margaret. Kinney, Hazel Little- field, Georgia Maier, Irene Murphy, Ruth Post, Mable Rose, Elaine Shields, Florence Senn, and Marguerite Stan- ley. WYVERN ANNOUNCE...…

October 27, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…-5 Michigan A Reliable Directory of Reliable Busines ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBET 27, 1911. OL ________________ 7 ,' I T VANDERBILT PLAYERS WILL PROBABLY USE YIELD HOUSE. Lockers are in Place and the Showers are Ready. TILL 'ou Is In all probability the new Michigan' field house will be opened to accommo- date the Vanderbilt team "which ar- rives in the morning," said Director Bartelme last evening. "We have not Scrim- def...…

October 27, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…w THE MICHIGAN DAILY4 T l l li A N Di gan so' there is toM uri. he00000PNOM l!# !'t Q'#Ofca rsn# h I I-,; C! S ~el n v t ed s " e 1 1 e" _.C ssaTo#I Ty is trib ole ___________Publshe e $xc oi+w11n day throughout the scho ea of the university song. This custom for" Suits, Overcoats and Trousers.,Aj~~WJo~AI minds .ov of hevistosndewomes__l I a$1SO State *Street * lr [W ~s1, I ~lr LfJU14ISK AN ALOReS -__ .thereof may be -avided at future" 'd« 1:...…

October 27, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…2C z_- " ifFw yM eaW w " ! Y1 1Y!'"'!M"'P dtl ~A~IfliLjf~Wi I III W~1 r"W;m D , oml I ampomm am 411 PNP- ft AM -W19v3 .icla IrnusdiT Lots Ofroom for the xercise of 00 taste in selecti Cheney Cravit. combinations, cha ar s incu and All 'tubular in anPin-proof. oss, 123 E. Liberty St. 01!! T. "AAY31AI! 'dl 10o' wW1 89 511012O 9n Ia na~Iv i .wgb u"Wh No ri iW~riiA1 r--- SgR THU~ a0 . Me 'V lIs 100 car D l l Vi AIU Prof. Bunker o ...…

October 27, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…TIDE MIC~fG.N tDAIL J l; HE LATEST STYLES ISH. LAST visible Eyelets I $4.00-- $5.00 $6.00 - o* STAT E the Big White Shoe"STET HlM & ,COMPAN Y,. 'TROlL UMIHIGAN ce mn 'the maiiufacttnre of Fraternity Jewelry D ig esol d ISelusive Society Pipes iss Pins and Rings Sainr ed Catalogue, also Price List of B.,dges4 l!uDI'TORIUM SOON TO BE A REAL- ITY.* l (Coininue from Page i.) Wiggins, in. descriptive geometry, to take the place of Assistant Pro...…

October 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan -____l ANN ARBOR, MkICIIIGAN, T1IIORSI) XX', OCiiIIR 27, 1910. No. 21. Vol. XXI. VARSITY GROSSES LINE FIVE TIMES' Straight Football and Snappy Attack Characterize Work of Regulars PICARD MAKES 2 TOUCHDOWNS the l t llrClllmid C II IC stll X01 lls fronta1I\\ 11 11111 vie11point.1 am s hut1110 ex 11111 ceponl, lbut the11me1 tiese wereico1111siCtlyeffct11ive . gill ii.,t llto ln o rtunI Ci o 111 ceIIl te 1110tho 10ists of11 1 1 c 0 ...…

October 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…ii AI J-)N IJ~L G. H. WILD CO. 311 So. S TAATE STREET Openng Dsplay of Fall and WXinter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 SO. STATE STEE a,. io rS EASE UP ON THE PRO'S N't yn th stna si 1 St ldoyou ,i ,Chn- t al pice,2 5.00 in i ,p. The Students Typewriter Supply C. Roo-t 4 Prss Bilding. Oposit Maesti C. E. BARIN[L[ Law Medical Dental I argest Stok iMichigan Sond-han'd Iaw Books 1~a 5W i Mei'tOcl Dictionares Quz B oksetc Comnpleteim: t...…

October 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…A Blue Serge /t ''' r,,,,toootoI1-01Hoa p,. ooo 0 tootootS W (or Broadway, at 54th St. NEW YORK Snii t7od ,tattedw u ev soehue n rth ISt . u0111 ad ,,1 5.1100ie coxnes in mtoghty lhat 1) for au 3WANTED d(d af ter it had1chott occasonnal chatnge 'l ieu un h is affl of attire. autI 3- bo, to delive r oight odrnovs ' KEPT BY A COLLEGE MAN Excllttvauetotor triunn.L1"0(n1t 'zCollege Men Always Welcome Fxoarietotr3altt(o011, ph oa33 r2.2 3 . I Iot.o...…

October 27, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN. DAILYt Come -in! Mr. Good Dresser And inspect the biggest and nmost exclusive selection of imported and dlonmestic woolens in town. This season more than ever Before we are able to show you the choicest in fashions and fabrics which will be worn in the recognised style centers by men who know how to dress well. High Class Tailored Garments niade to your individnal measnre at remarkable reasonable prices. To look means yon buy, ...…

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