May 26, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 167) • Page Image 1
…ahe Michiga al ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ER IIDSf1Y, MAY 20, i1911. Vol, XXI. No. 167. I %INIOR GIRLS IIOLTI) FIRST EARLY ONSLAUGHT PRACTICFOR ,-'PLY DEFEATS MICHIGAN Syracuse its Smith in First Three Rounds ad #ins By 5-0 Scoro COTTRELL PROVES EFFECTIVE (Speial to te Ilwttitm Dail.) Syric'., N. V, lay 25-Seven safe hit silffSmith in tie firs threeiings prve ichiligant' unidig toasy. The "s ir" isa.nio imatch for tie Syrcss slitggers. and the ...…