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September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… o ' to i ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. No. 3. PRACTICE UNDER LEA. j Announcement -- The Men Work Willingly belt there isc Our special line a Dearth of Material for the S 'ith te advent ofliead ('ac u m of (freign and Langdoss Lea the prospe toiar a it "b domestic fabrics ning team at Michigan this year ae"' For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has to cwach his methods of handling tit arrived and is arra...…

September 26, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_ ,_. f .r . f. r. w - 7, r J .. - % . -- r. " _ i, _ " ry " f , - 7^ - J Y ....- r.r.e r - rr " !. - , /, G w v. r M, C r r-. r t-+ v tf s . iJ. = r u y -_ " _. t. n ^, , f ', - n .. j '!. "" f _ .f r -. zz 77 T. r. - J ~ - _ _ ^ '^. 1. = r = i. _ '.t f rte. !i, -!" .. ' y _ - _ '/ co w >, . 4.f \ +l " 4.. + v ,. '/- 'J. f"'i. j i. rt ! f .sue ;a. ._ " f '"" +- ^ ^-" ,_, ". _ - ,-" '" of -+ H H _ t r w .A P t' rt C,) ,: - C~ ~ r Ul ' ! ;' . _...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…I 4 D i rS 1 4 -, ., : I '+ : - -i I^_.. 4 f i .I<' ; i' rr"° i °" ^: J 77 i i 4-4 "Fr t © U2 "r " rrJ n "' "r ct ^ M r^ J . 77 CIS Z:j Ui) LUJ "I. r t: ... . . - .- .-. - i ._ 't. r' l: -fie ..- 'J. e ! ". ! t; :f. j "i. C.... :z 71 tf . , Q1 rY f / "- i't s-/ f . i-+ . C.J w " 1, - . ® _ ut. r t'', r + v. _ n M t "Jy _ ./ .. ._ _ ' , I x in t_ - .,-. - ., J . , - .., ;- .t 1. I - , _. + . ~ !. 'f. '!e ®. '!. U, .. LU. 'Lv ' I ~: :! p 77 . r ...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOLUIE XVI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1905 NUMBER 1 FOOTBALL MEN AT WORK IN EARNEST ASSOCIATION DOINGS. STUDENTS POURING Men Go Through Stiff Workout in Preparing for This Season's Hard Schedule. That Michigan has the hardest task in winning the western championship this year that has been faced since the advent of "Hrry Up" Yost and his methods is evidenced by the fact that the coach, although not sending...…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vi.XVII. \JK1,r 3E, \JI'll f; I 1I N I I K iNt. 2., THREE ELEVENS REPORTI FOR INITIAL WORKOUT Large Squad Responds to Appeal i'tl+x1+1 t '1c t t'l'(1 For Candidates .Coach Yost ti' l' 1I '+1L t Drills Mein on New Ruls 11t I I 111ftt1I OFT iENGL+II111(L2t+LLEGIi S I t l'roi l - r i wed 113 Itutltll'i~l -£ii(ltiiii tli I'itriri Is. Ab)AMVS WILL REVISE HALF MILLION DOLLARS THE RAILWAY RA[ES' NEEDED FOR BUILDINGS Professo...…

September 26, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…SThe ,Michigan Daily Vol,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TH{URSDAY, SEP TEMBER 26, I~p7. No. 3. HAMMOND RETURNS AND BEGINS WORK Veteran End Gives Coach Happy Surprise - Quarterback Posi- tion Causes rierry Fight. Hfarry Hammond, end on the varsity for the past three seasons, reported at Ferry Field yesterday afternoon and will immediately begin football practice. Hammond is another of the veterans who, with Newton and the others, was not expect...…

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