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May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

… COMMUNICATION: PROBLEM SOLVED See Page 4 Y Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ait~j MUCH COOLER High-54 Low-35 Cloudy with occasional rain, scattered frost. r.:e r.vvr. r- Inn. ...,.ter .--- .4 LXAi, NO. 17U ANN ARISU, MICLiGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX FAGSa 417"i PA(U i1 Union Board Revises Bylaws, House. Rules. Directors Agree To Investigate Possibility of Public Meetings By DAVID MARCUS The Union Board of Directors...…

May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…TOGO' THE MICHIGAN DAILY" FRIDAY, MAY rwn TIlE 1~HCHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY = = GC Finishes Year's Business JUSTIFICATION: Daniels Speaks on Russian Marxism a By BARBARA PASH Student Government Council Wednesday approved a motion by Roger Seasonwein, '61, to rescind its action in appointing the dele- gation to the National Student Association Congress in August. The Council approved Season- wein's motion appointing the fol- lowing as NS...…

May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGE (ennedy Asks for .Money for Space, Foreign Aid President Requests Speedup 1 Cites Need In Manned Space Program By DUEL TRAPNELL President John F. Kennedy yes- terday asked Congress to approve measures that he said would speed up the space program, put an American on the moon in this dec- ade and make our ground forces more ready and adaptable to the problems of the space age. He also told Congress that, in ...…

May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…"We Don't Want No Troublemakers from the United States", Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Where Opinions Are Free Truth Will Preval" INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Kennedy's Challenge is Answered By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT KENNEDY has called the nati...…

May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 5

… - W~..S WS * a.rsaaaA a PAGK ~TY~ I I 1 TRANSPORTATION RIDERS wanted to Houston, Texas June 13. Call NO 3-9914. G23 DRIVING to San Francisco on June 22. Passenger(s) desired to share expenses. Reply Box 14. G22 DARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military supplies. SAM'S STORE, 122 5. -Washington Wi BUSINESS PE RSONA L BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Aul...…

May 26, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 170) • Page Image 6

…IN SYK THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRMJ 5.MA ii ~E ~TT~A'U U#A'W' a~ r nli1AY, *.In Z Twins Halt Bengal Streak 3:57.6 MILE: Burleson Confident For World Mark By The Associated Press Jim Lemon's sinle to left field in the 11th. inning drove home Lennie Gareen with the winning run as the Minnesota Twins edged the Detroit Tigers 7-6 yes- terday to break the Bengals four game winning streak. The victory went to Paul Giel, the third Twins' pitcher, ...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…V A PHILOSOPHY FOR THE UNIVERSITY See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom FAIR, COOLER High-79 Low-52 Little temperature change; chance of thundershowers. VUJ.~. LAAII, No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Legisla tire Resolution Condemns Red Seakers Ni1ehuss Claims Bill 'Expression of View Says Regeiits Set 'U' Lecture Policy, Opinion Carries No Legal Weight House by a 52-28 vot...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 26,1$62 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. MAY 2fl. 1982 y;,tea V a/lli) l llal NV) 1V VN 9 AIRBORNE INSTRUCTION: Flying Television Serves State Music in the Air NOTES DIFFERENCE: Claude Lectures on Peace, Disarmament By MYRNA ALPERT One of the latest developments in educational facilities is the Midwest Program on Airborne Television Instruction (MPATI). The flying television station, a four-engined...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA 'd Chinese Officials et To Stop Refugees' fights into Hong Kong HIT WAR DOCTRINE: U.S., Russia Adopt Propaganda Pact GENEVA M)--The Soviet Union joined the United States yes- terday in a proposal against war propaganda which condemns the doctrine that war is inevitable. The draft proposal was the first significant East-West agreement reached at the 10-week World Disarmament Conference. It was submitted to the confere...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Second Year EDIrTD AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS aWhere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. . ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1962 ACTING NIGHT EDITOR: DENISE WACK...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 5

…PAGE l /iV4a VlY L7 L[1LL1 a j (Continued from Page 4) _1 as follows: (1) Sr. Research Ceramist- PhD in Ceramics-recent grad. (2) Jr. or Project Engnr.-BS or MS plus sev- eral yrs. exper. (3) Research Metallurg- ist-Adv. degree Metallurgy or BS & research exper. (4) Physicist-BS in Physics, Ceramics, or Metallurgy. (5) Ceramic Engnr.-MS in Ceramic Engrg. . Bronson Reel Co., Rochester, Mich.- Sales Trainee. Men with general col- lege bkg...…

May 26, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 171) • Page Image 6

…six THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. Y 26, S!X THE MICHIEAN DAILY ~ATTTRDAY.. MAY 2R aacsavav.a rra.a ITA- NV, AVV, I-M SPORTLIGHT by John Scochin All-Sport Titles Decided Although championships in the spring sports have not yet been decided, teams have already clinched all-sport titles in three of the five intramural divisions. Teams in the social fraternity, residence hall and professional fraternity competition have already sewed up I-M cr...…

May 26, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…PROFESSIONAL BOXING MUST BE OUTLAWED See Editorial Page i[17,4 C SirA6 ~~E*aitF WARM, SHOWERS High-S Low-63 Hot, humid today possibility of thundershowers Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 16-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1965 SEVEN CENT S FOUR PAGES Senate Limits Rights Bill b Debate on Voting Invoking Cloturc 'U' To Send TEACH-IN. MORATORIUM: Leaders Say -Associated Press MISS LOLA BELL HOLMES, abo...…

May 26, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…sueety-Fith Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS VIET NAM, LAOS, CAMBODIA: Monsoon May Affect Asian Future - - -, Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. Truth Will Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprin...…

May 26, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY v A rzn+ n+rtmwlkp THE MICHIEAN BAILY PAGE THREEn 6 House Passes Foreign Aid Bill Without Change Corps Tries To Stay Young WASHINGTON (P-With Den yesterday passed a $3.37 billion f out changing a penny of the total. 'I All Republican efforts to amen easily defeated. The scene now shifts to the is over the future form of foreig amount for the coming fiscal year. Contrast to Past In contrast to ...…

May 26, 1965 (vol. 75, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY. MAY 21q_ 14# THE MICHICUAN flATlY WFfl1%TI~flAV 1~fAV 91t VT LiL.N Ii 0 L i a irlt7 Z 4 0, 1zy 0a Clay Knocks Liston Out in Record Time, 0 ChallengerI Dropped in One Minute Clay Asks To Meet Floyd Patterson Next LEWISTON, Maine P)-Heavy- 'weight champion Cassius Clay knocked out Sonny Liston with a short right hand punch to the jaw in one minute of the first round last night, the shortest heavyw...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…EUROPEAN NATIONALISM FINALLY COMES OF AGE See Editorial Page C, 4c Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom 743 A & ,,atly SUNNY High-82 Low-48 Continued warm and mild; little change in temperature VOL. LXXVI, NO 17S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES More Space In Colleges This Year Hue Funeral Procession 1 S { DAILY PARTIES ARE THE LIFE of a dull surnme Join The Daily, and The Best Parties in A *...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1966 NEXT WEEK: .DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI N " ;{, J:YA:J:"""":^ .Y:N.:;, M.a"* .:;:L.. . . . r:".. .~M: :4J..Y M:rAr1:.:r :;:::..." .,:J ~"1 .:Y..." JM f:~.. . .M'" r". rM '': . 4N S Shaw 's 'Misalliance To Be Presented George Bernard Shaw was a man seen through many eyes. And well he might be, for the+ famous English dramatist (1856- 1950) wore a great many ...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Irmlict frilloir" TITUSPAY MA 26,1966THEMICHC3A DA~Y n rq ,fl. - PAGE THREE E: Romney Seeks Third '.Officials Believe Ky Now in Firm Control OREGON PRIMARIES: Morse Sees Hatfield Victory As Success for War Critics Term a LANSING, Mich. ()P)-Republi-< can Gov. George Romney began a third-term Michigan spring yes- terday that could be a workout for a distance race to the White House. Even as Ro...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

… ul r irl igttn ttil : SOUND and FURY by Clarencee FaniU. Viet Nam: It's T ime Now T o Pack It In Whbeo Optnons Are Free T'ruth Will Prevail Editorials printed in' 0 THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1 Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 420 The r th 966 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinio...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…PAGE FIVE THURSbAY MAY 26, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUR~DAY, MAY Z6, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAflI~ 1l VU J CA - -. 1' i " " 7 u I For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. MUSICAL M! RADIOS, REP, DSE., OAIRS UNIVERSITY MUSIC:HOUSE INC 518 William (Maynard House) MUSIC-4omesti and 2-Foreign Music 'books and all accessories NO 2-55W9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAY...…

May 26, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY: MAY 29. 1969 PAGE SIX THE MiCHIGAN DAILY ThITIR~UbAV 'MAy ~a io~iti LiiIUJL%1711t1.1y 1f1,C1A ord U, 1f7UU 0 5 MAJOR LEAGUE ROUNDUP: Cleveland Annihilates Detroit, 13-2 HARVEY CHOSEN NEW CAPTAIN: Frosh Brighten Track Picture fy T)_UT\1WILKINSONx~ A ampionships - . H ilrpaeti -miernt h 2 -yadhg 1 By The Associated Press DETROIT-Chico Salmon hit three run-scoring singles and Sam McDowell and Tom ...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…1954 DISMISSALS: MELODY LINGERS ON See editorial page P SirCtg1 ~Ia it WARMER High-83 Low--52 Partly cloudy; possible thundershowers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVII, No. 18S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1967 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA, SIX PA House Approves Continued tuent Deferments * * * 4' * * * Panel To Set Up Grad Guidelines{ WASHINGTON P)- - The House power away from the board was 200 Students at M...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TAVO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 26, H PAGE TWO THE MICtIIf~AN DAiLY FRIDAY. MAY Z6, 1 I I FOUR WORLD TROUBLE SPOTS: Britain Struggles To Maintain Remnants Of Past empire Without Military Conflict Death Tolls AMA Survey in Chicago Shows li New High Wide Variation of Drug Prices TI XJ dE3t 4 LONDON (/P--Britain, the leon- tatingly would have used troops call off his harassment of Gi- ine power that dominated the or gunboats or p...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIlE MICHIGAN fl411V mmm PAGE Evacuate U. S. Dependents Judge Rejects War Crim Testimony in Levy Tria From Egypt, Israel Posts , a t COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP)-A military judge yesterday threw out testi- mony of war crimes in Vietnam as a defense for Capt. Howard B. Levy, the Army doctor charged with disloyalty for refusing to train Green Beret medics. Col. Earl V. Brown, law officer at Levy's court...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

… h1w 31 4t Dan Baily .Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OFTHE UNNERSrrY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Oinins re l 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. x .,T .",,,,",... "t: . ,,- . NEws PHONE: ,764-0552 ...._._ Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. rf' '", s2 -ROGER RAPOPORT ...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1967 ACHE MICHIGAN flAI LY i _.-- - For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:30 to 2:30 P.M. FOR SALE MOBILE HOME-1963 Great Lakes Mo- bile Home 10 ft. x 55 ft. expando. Carpeted, washer and ryer, excellent condition, 761-6388 after 5 p.m. B20 SMALL TABLE model TV. $10. 665- 5182. B18 1965 LAMBRETTA TV 200cc. 1500 miles, ivory, excellent condition, helmet. After 5:30 call 668-7758. B14 F...…

May 26, 1967 (vol. 77, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGESiX ~lEMICHGAN AI_ . ,.va.aras.a } atw.aa a rrv. a v v Superbowl to am ',GREAT SHOT AT IT MiamiiBest Spring' for Kaline Leads Detroit 4 For '68 NFL Playoff To Early Surge for League Pennant NEW YORK (A')- The Super Bowl football game was awarded to Miami yesterday and will be played in the 70,000 seat Orange Bowl on Jan. 14 between the 1967 champions of the National and American Leagues. The Nationa...…

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