March 26, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 127) • Page Image 1
…i je i .of , n. mlaIjj. VOL. I.-NO. 127;. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, SATt:RI)AY, M'ARCHI 2(, 189f2. PRICF, THitFEI CENTS. In-Dour Athletic Meet. andi honors wvere quite etenlyd(iriiiet. one in twentr for their whole sums- r OF YOUR - 1 Thle meni clinched frequentiy to ber. When the three literary classesCIYBAG lit as I sicnti1snuen a themselves. ''lie secoiii[ roiudl'fuirnishs fifteeni canidiates eacht the U iIt wt'tii estsoe vt u air clear...…