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February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…TEXANS TAG ATHEISTS AS COMMUNISTS See Page 4 Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :4Iaitt~ .0* WARMER, FAIR VOL. LXiX, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES Propose Change In Athletic Board By BARTON HUTHWAITE A recommendation designed to "broaden student representation" on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics was passed at last night's meeting of Student Government Council. The pr...…

February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, Udani Compares Russia, West Science Education FINAL EXAMS STOLEN: University of Texas Investigates Cheating 24-HOUR SERVICE ... from Yellow & Checker TAXI Service "The educated Indian frowns on c Russia because he knows of her f past," he continued. Speak on Panel Speaking at the weekly luncheon of the American Insti, - tute of Chemical Engineers' chap- ...…

February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Kerr Says Need Plan For GOP By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Henry H. Kerr, Jr., '59, charged last night that the Republican legislature should stop putting all the blame for the present financial crisis on Gov. G. Mennen Williams and formulate programs on their own. Kerr, who is chairman of the College Young Republican Federa- tion, spoke at the Young Republi- cans meeting The main reasons for the prob- lems, he said, is the lack of ...…

February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…"You Didn't Bring An Umbrella?" Sixty-Ninth Year EDITD AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN n Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 14bh WTi. PSTUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mst be noted in all reprints. 3DAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN ...…

February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 5

…DAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA( t r I I' (Continued from Page 4) ma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega. Delta Chi,3 Delta Tau Delta, Gomberg House, Kap- pa Sigma, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Delta E'psilon, Phi Delta Phi Sigma Alpha Ep-i silon, Sigma Alpha , Sigma Nu, Tau Delta Phi, Taylor House & Jordani SHouse,Theta Chi, Triangle, Zeta Psi,I Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Upsilon, Nu Sigma Nu. Plays Tonight through Sat. - Rossini's comic ...…

February 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…THE ~MICHIGANT Ib&TTFV ..,a rta SLa.* vvt" f'f&vn.3s f+s fig +rt mrrer: rs- rr...rt..' ... aa. av i.aa vaaa vtai' a raaa.i THURSD6 AY, FEBR6UARY 26, 1931 - I S PORT-WHYS The BIG Meet1 O YOU'VE GOT 140 PLANS for tomorrow night? Have you ever seen a gymnastics meet? Well, it's about time you did. Gymnastics: one of the most fascinating spectator sports in the vorld. A sport that demands every physical talent of the competitors; ne that play...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…WEST'S INDONESIAN POLICY DISCUSSED See Page 4 Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t tly JPIMLAF e° 00 "" b " WINDY, WARMER VIII, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 FIVE CENTS -1s ommittee Charges 4rimrnal Violations Lawyer Cannot Explain $75,000 Deposited in Bank Two Years Ago WASHINGTON (41)-A House committee chairman said yesterday eral Communications Commissioner Richard A. Mack and others >lved...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY d Circuit Television System A&D Plans Expansion Of Program Department of city planning in architecture school is expected. to expand to a full five year course, according to Prof. John W. Hyde of the planning department. At the present time, students may choose planning as an option in their senior year and graduate with a degree in city planning. The new proposal would make it a full course of study in order to ,train the...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

… WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1958 TIE MICHIGAN DAILY VALE! WENSAFBRAY2,15RTEMCIANDIYPG ,. r.:.. art JCommet BY JIM BAAD Michigan Seeks To Extend Dual Meet Streak to Seven ost Il' Swimmers Toda V Basketball'-What's Happened? W MHMICHIGAN'S basketball team tumbling deep into the Big Ten cellar after starting the season in championship style, the questions are beginning to fly. Why the collapse? Why didn't the team take up where last year's...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…e t' 01 4r ~tgn aily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "This Will Keep Out Foreign Salesmen" Men Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" CHORAL UNION SERIES Obernkirchen Choir Performs Brightly AMONG THE LARGE NUMBER of childen's choirs blossoming around the world, the Obernk...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 5

…THE MWICIGAN ,DA dist Wesleyan Guild Holds ip Groups, Talks, Retreats i flL ('CLASSIFIED A. or: --Daily-David Arnold ELIGIOUS TOPICS - Members of the Methodist n Guild meet, for informal group conferences. 'N' BOWS. By MARY STATON Reviving student interest in Christianity and providing furth- er supplement to the social and infodrmal values of Christian edu- cation are objectives of the Wes- leyan Guild, said club president John Lucas,...…

February 26, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 103) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 5ROOTS DIPLOMACY' te To Honor International Students )w's International IStu- to b held in Lansing, ribed by Governor G Villiams as an expression e roots diplomacy." ty student Bastiampil- {? inuel, Grad., who will esponse to the governor's eech, explained he is to thank the governor r> portunity for good con- Student Day provides. ig Out Conditions el ,an engineering stu--. a Ceylon, says he will t the conditions under' ei...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…NEW ANTI-BIGOT FORCE See Page 4 Ci 1 4e Latest Deadline in the State CODCOE 4bF :43 a t I CLOUDY, COOLER. VOL. LXVII, No. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 EIGHT PAGES __ President Warns Mid-East Nations Says Communism Threatens Hard-Won Accomplishments WASHINGTON W)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower broadcast a warning to the Middle East countries yesterday that international 4 communism could "smash all their hard-...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…TUESDAY, FEBRUAR~Y 26, 195'1 I. PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vroman Forecasts Future Admission Standards Rise YOUTH COMMISSION: Prof. Freud Receives State Position ;CRINI By SARAH DRASIN 4'l S4) (. "Today's standards for admis-' sion into college are rising and I think they will continue rising in the future," Clyde Vroman, director of admissions said recent- ly. The increased demand for high- er education has caused this rise, Vr...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACl: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAt~W 'PU'DU'W r *~axd . .a .ba.4Er v t i CAUSERIE RECITAL French Actress Calls Play Unique Hails New BLACK CRAWLING THINGS: 'U' Museum Displays 'Insects-Bizarre and Beautiful' Mme. By BEVERLY GINGOLD 4 By EDYTHE HABER looking Luna moth. a maji~. "The Comedie Francaise is' unique as a theater in that it is run today on basically the...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…AT THE MICHIGAN: Iy ait dgn &titg Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, FEBRUAR=Y' 6, 195'7 TILE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1 9 5 7 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Women Vie Prospective Bridge Players Offered Series of Lessons For Positions In Leaciue Petitioning To Continu^ } For Sophomore Posts By Freshmen Students Petitioning for sophomore Lea- gue posts, by freshman coeds, will be open until 5 P.M. Tuesday,Y. w March 11. Coeds may fill the officesI of Second Vice-President, ...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…PAGE six THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29,1957 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26,1957 rack Hi c key Hopes Lifted Miehigan Smashes Illinois; Conierence Hopes Raised PRE-ELECTRIC SHAVE LOTION By BOB BOLTON Michigan track coach Don Can-I ham was wrong again. All last week Canham was cry- ing the blues as Saturday's meet with a rough Illinois team drew near. Visitors to Canham's office last week .might haN o thoug...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2957 THE MCHIGAN DAILY PAGE AVVIM" TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1957 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE~V rnwWv AAXIV QrI T JOIN : Cage, Swim Squads Victorious Natators Top Michigan State, 58-47, As .Hanley, Hopkins Set More Marks Chemical Engineers Civil Engineers Industrial Engineers Mechanical Engineers Metallurgical Engineers Economists Business Administration Iti. CCU RSGT, ft r -Daily-John Hirtzel SPARKPLUG -- Jimmy Shear...…

February 26, 1957 (vol. 67, iss. 105) • Page Image 8

….; RIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ug'yFug11AV- rV'It~TTA 1Dv on4ar LlUnal1HY, rrLSKUAttY 26, 1151 l 'M' Pershing Rifles Group Places Second in Meet By JOHN DeMOTT pyeballssc I11c k e d and brass sparkled as Michigan's D Com- pany, Third Regiment, Pershing Rifles drilled its way to a second place victory in Infantry Drill Regulation (straight drill) compe- tition in Purdue's ROTC Armory Saturday. Illinois' snappy blue-shirted, white-scarfed C...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…By PETE ECKSTEIN "Come on, in to the Union's 1956 Open House" the loudspeaker loudly instructed passersby, many of whom had stopped to stare at the two-tone, brownish-violet sports car on the street, Those who followed instructions were greeted by a Union repre- sentative wearing a maize and blue ribbon reading "HOST" and passing out programs soon to be improvised into fans. "Are they free, Daddy?" asked a local toddler with a premature insigh...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 1

…SUPPLEMENT ;C4r tir PLACES, PEOPLE, EVENTS Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page One* BERNE, SWITZERLAND TRAVEL With leisure and money at their disposal, more Americans are discovering that the world does not end at the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This year travel abroad will become more prevalent than ever, and thousands of Americans will be deposited on the shores of England, France and Italy to investigate the treasures an...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…71 TR MICHIGAN IDAILV .I k'r St'TNDA'Y'', F'MRUART 28, 1958 TIfl~ MICHIGAN DAILY f SU?~DAY, FThRUA1~Y 26, 1956 Sweeps O'Reilly's Surprising Leap Breaks Canham's Record r a Gym , Mat i the two-mile. Only Iowa's Ted Wheeler has equalled this time. In the low hurdles, Wolverine Tom Hendricks took second in the first of two heats, but in doing so injured his knee by banging it against a hurdle. He thus was forced to withdraw from the...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY C..-1-. rI- .- - ^1i f ^e P Page Two i I vnrv un i Sunday, -ebruary, 26, I1956 i The Places ... Paris, London, New York, Rome-The Capitals of the World PARIS By ROBERT F. JONES AMORPHOUS, chameleon1ike, the metropolis adapts itself to the tourist's preconception. It sprawls, seemingly trapped, beneath the pin of his formulated phrase. He may stereotype it to death, for all it cares. Your tastes may be high, me...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…p 26, 1966 TILE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 26, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE aww"O"Wo . Cagers Halt Losing Streak, 78-68; IEElS Pucksters Slaughter Montreal, 10-1 IBarron Sparks Victory; Kramer Leads Scoring By STEVE HEILPERN Michigan, sparked by the ret1urn of guard Jim Barron, broke a six- game Conference losing streak by scoring a 78-68 basketball win over Wisconsin at Yost Field House last night. Barron; a forgotten man sinc...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 3

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three s 1 a A C f 1 t G r k F r t K l t a t t t LONDON Black-jacketed, stiff white-collared men and the legacy of a great way of life By GEOFFREY DE DENEY Is the City of Westminister, the STRETCHING from St. James 'o UNLIKE any other city in she governmental centre of the coun- Regent's Park, from Bucking- world London i two cities try. ham Palace to Piccadilly Circus is Cenoerldrondo.n...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…C 1 Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "What's The Real Inside Dope?" hen Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 NEW YORK You Stand in Times Square C And Wait for the World To Go 3By By LOUISE TYOR She has the historical atmos- Daily Associate Editor phere of Boston, but with a de- O THE VISITOR the three ided difference, for atmosphere is T only a part of New York's charm, words New York City connote but almost all of Boston's. rushing crowds of people, blind- She takes the metropolitan aura ing, fl...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…I FEBRUARY 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE SEVEN YEARS WITH A.E.C. Keeley Heads 'U' Security University Professors Dispute Carnegie Report (4 PROFESSORS COMMENT: Faculty Policy Role Lessens By DIANE LABAKAS Sevep. years of Atomic Energy Commission work have been ex- perienced by Joseph J. Keeley, University Research Security Of- ficer. Keeley, head of the University Research Security Office, came to the University in September, ...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 5

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sundy, ebrury 6, 156 HE MCHIAN DILYPaaeFiv r Common Denominator BIT OF THE BEST, BIT OF THE WORST b (continued from page 4) goes down to Greenwich Village for a more specific purpose than the more than 1,800,000 people whc to observe the Bohemian way of live within its limits and make New York what it is. life. "The Village" of the past is in MOST of them came to Manhat- the past. for...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 6


February 26, 1956 • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Su ndin FP~r bn , 2 1956 Pa SxTH H N A"Iur y,reoruary-, k he Baroque Genius Bernini ROME City Of Three Ages AN AMERICAN in Rome finds over. What the tourist may be his thirst quenched by chi- quite surprised to realize is the anti, hunger appeased by pasta, dominance of Baroque Rome in and his eyes and mind occupied the heart of the city, and the sig- with Roman art and Roman his- nificance of Gian Lorenzo Beri...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 7

…r I ui u u i 333e Ii e uiixlw uIdI III iflhllv l l os lo s III ;> I; 3:1 9VIS ]I.IHM inijaflO(Op}jaadt :saIA4s .i~l4o AuDW 'Auow puo S61.L r" f, .49)fDD doj dod padi i4S 569. , . , "s.~uod wDaa:) aaj padi4S 56 ' °.." ..esno jalooI009:)lpadpa1S 56'E ... s4joYS 4OamS u, 4pogS Padu4S /..6 . !' ." "* ",' ., sdoh unS padu1~S S6... . e., ,J8-04S P!1oS .JO 4 S6.g.. ,... ,.. "sIuod 4H6iJIPINOS 56. , , , ..4115 4oqoun~l plloS s~S4Jo5 :3IDW~r P!I...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 7

…Paae Seven Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY udFerua-..y26,1956THEMICHIGAN DILYv a 1 America s T 0 C 9S Tinsel City By TAMMY MORRISON ( a family resort, too. Particularly in polis that would be hard to dis- A MERICA SEEMS to have more the summer, when prices are al- tinguish from the industrial parts than its share of tinsel cities, most reasonable, do young couples of Chicago or Detroit. cities built on the shadowy half- wit...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 8

…Sundae. Februcarv 26, 1956 Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~i inrev F~hriin~'v 26. 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *~~1I ~ ~ - - - - Twyc n TH MCHGA.DALYSuda..ebrar.2,.95 The Places ... ARRANGEMENTS tours and passports Paris, Loncwn, New York, Rome The Capitals of the World PARIS By ROBERT F. JONES AMORPHOUS, chameleonlike, the metropolis adapts itself to the tourist's preconception. It sprawls, seemin...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Page Eight iHE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Pleasure-Loving Miami (Continued from Page 7) of July and the latest De Mille epic. Not even in his wildest, dreams could the most talented of the Cinemascope set designers have given birth to this monstr- ous cancer that is a final, damn- ing testimony to the pleasure-seek- ing instinct of mankind. FOR LITERALLY miles, Collins ...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 9

….. .... ...... .... .......... : . . 4 . ... ..... ...... . ... Page Fourteen THE MICIAIGAN DAILY. Sundav, Februarv 26, 1 95& Sunday,. 'ebruary 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pag Forten HE ICHGA DALY unay. Fur yr 9 1 90 F Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY~ TRANSPORTATION: air and sea. 9 LONDON Black-aCketed, stiff white-collar . ._____ ; 1JRANSPORTATION to Europe runs the gamut from orchids, perfume and portal to porta...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 9

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY D. ^,& khaftAL Page rinw The People .. . The Face of A Country Is Found In Her People A PHOTOGRAPHER'S VIEW NUNS ON BEDLOE'S ISLAND, NEW YORK - SERVANT GIRL, ALEXANDRIA ABOUT THE PHOTOGRAPHER The photographs on this page were taken by C. G. Christo- fides, instructor in French, De- partment of Romance Lang- uages. A relative newcomer to pho- tography, Christofides has done work in his ...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 10

… w foge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Sunday, February 26, 1956 ... .!r . 1 T r-.- .. - r NEW YORK You Stand in Times Square And Wait for the World To Go By Daily-John Hirtzel NEW YORK: more of everything .1 By LOUISE TYOR Daily Associate. Editor 0 THE VISITOR, the three{ words New York City connote rushing crowds of people, blind- ing, flashing lights, taxi-cabs driven at break-neck speed a...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 10

…Page Tern THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 "EL TORERO" The Matador of Bravery and Daring is a Spanish National Hero I By SHIRLEY KLEIN THE young prince charming, tall, slender and handsome, walked quietly into Madrid's Palace Ho- tel. Immediately the lobby began to buzz; old men with diamond stick pins, young students and working men, American tourists flocked to his side. In Spain such popular- ity can mean one of several th...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 11

… elve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, Februory 26, 1956 Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... _ _,. _ . .......I S..nd.... Jury 26 ..9 6 - -- --, - THtIHGA AL Work ... Common Denominator BIT OF THE BEST, BIT OF THE WORST By SVEA BLOMQUIST WHEN YOU TALK about spend- ing a summer in a "work camp," most people look at you with a kind of puzzled expression on their faces. Sometimes they, just laugh and say, "Oh camps are for child...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 11

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pnne Elevem _____215H M H N A THE EVENTS .. . Festival Gimmick Sports Abroad By ERNEST THEODOSSIN Next, U.S. ambassador to Italy AMERICANS glancing over ad- Clare Booth Luce promised un- vertisements for obscure Amer- savory repurcussions if Americans lcan and foreign films often find daksow the controversial suchchoce nfomaton eveledBlackboard Jungle." Everything asuch hoice information reve...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 12

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26 1956 Sunday, February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Sunday. February 26, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .._ .. _ , -71 The Baroque Genius Bernini J7 ,HE NNrl ,S ROME Festival Gimmick Sports City of Three Ages PIAZZO NAVONA WITH THE FOUNTAIN OF THE FOUR RIVERS AT THE END OF THE SQUARE I AN AMERICAN in Rome findsc his thirst quench...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 12

…Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday Februnrv 26, 1951 Page TwelvyeTHEuMICHyIGANDIL I Work. .. By SVEA BLOMQUIST was already enrolled in the group, WHEN YOU TALK about spend-I od. ing a summer in a "work What it cost me was the price camp," most people look at you of an airplane ticket and $60.00 wh . for room and board, which am- with a kid of puzzled expression mounted to about $1.00 a day. -on their faces. Sometimes they just laugh an...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 13

… Page Ten THE MICHIGAN D A ILY Sunday, February 26, 1956 Sunday, February .26; 1956 THE MICHIGAN DA IL Y P:-.....g...e-- ten.:.....::-..... --...--. .T:-:.H:.....E ..... .. -.- -.- . : - IC.GA.D A L Y ..d . .b --y 26.-95 Sunday, February 26; 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I. "EL TORERO" America s The Matador of Bravery and Daring is a Spanish National Hero Tsel City AROIND TA " The us By SHIRLEY KLEIN THE young prince charming, t...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 13

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY Pnn Th i rc Sage 2 6Crreen I P l a y..A different slant on how to travel By DAVID KESSEL quently ignore the relatively mild prices of food and gasoline began food, together with the problem counts of the perils of a recent ONE cold winter day, for reas- Boston winter. to discourage these unfortunates. of maintaining adequate lubrica- Boston ice storm, which had ons which will be made cle...…

February 26, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 96) • Page Image 14

… THE MICHIGAN 'DILY Paae Eiaht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, February 2.6, 1956 Pleasure-Loving Miami DAIQURIS & TROPICAL FISH (Continued from Page* ' of July and the latest De Mille epic. Not even in his wildest dreams could the most talented of the Cinemascope set designers have given birth to this monstr- ous cancer that is a final, damn- ingl testmn t hepleasure-iseek-f afemel afeter h otifte motel. 'The hotels are palaces, and ...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 14

…Page Fourteen THE AAICIG-IAN DA LY ® w- ____ I: Sunday, February 26, 1956 TRANSPORT ATION: air and sea t II 1I KENTUCKY DERBY FRENCH LICK Departing May 4 ... from $84.50 TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 1313 S. University NO 2-5587 i i i RANSPORTATION to Europe runs the gamut from orchids, perfume and portal to portal car- peting to the eight-day student steamship. Airline and steamship companies both offer a variety of accomoda- tions to satisf...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 15

…Sunday, February 26, 1956 T HE MIC H IGA AL D,,..n C..L . ..,n. d ,FT.H I rage Fifteerm I ARRANGEMENTS tours and passports THE GUIDED TOURS PASSPORT PROCEDURE f , "Months of planning and ranean, Gibralter, Sicily, West SOMEWHERE in the midst of 2. Two recent photographs, S years of experience have one Europe and North Europe - 11 packing suitcases, making res- 2i- inches by 2I,% inches, on a v countries in all-returning on Aug. ervat...…

February 26, 1956 • Page Image 16

… s A, '' Strawberry, blueberry, lime, licorice and coffee! Help yourself to a flavorful helping of 'our iced poplin solid and parfait stripe switch-abouts crease-resistant, washable refreshments for rollicking, frolicking in the sun! ti ' a.3 d .' , .^ ' > f t jxi < <. .# .. ? ,; ti 5 ? : p. Solid Halter Top ... ...........3.95 Solid Bermuda Shorts .,.,,....... 4,95 Solid Jamaica Shorts ,..,... ....4.95 Solid Clamdiggers ..,...........495 S...…

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