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February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 .ddommaki.- . 46 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 110. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1928 EIGHT PAGES ,< r, (Q 3 a n. . ,,,. ,., . Sa,. { a f; yY4;'. r ,fix Y ' Y I ! ;. : w t L , P. ~ .1 . N' HO..-~ BLES T ou L S WOLVERINE TANK SQUAD BEATS Seniors To Present Funds. Collected To Memorial Campaign I C !Yf r ; r NQUERS BoIl RECORD)'IN 100 Y ARID FREE. STYLE RELAY RECORDS BROKEN 31...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO T II~: CI I ICAN DAILY ts °. . ,ie T l--'P* ,-FAT:*' 2G, 1929-N T f.....C.G A N D A L Y .U .., FE.U...., 1 28 I Venerable Mason Hall, First Building On Campus, Contains Soul Of Tradition! By Kernel was taken only after seven years of Students who shiver in the cold debate, from the founding of the Uni- classrooms of Mason hall, and who versity in 1837 to 1814. Even then it coiJllain about the (ilapidated con- was decided that t...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

… SUlTNDAY, FEBRUARY 26(, 19,28 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - PAGE T IIIRlii ------ --- -- CONITROL O FODTOSBEB OET PLANTED IN POFTO B~ O UY FlE7EIDISCU'SSES lREC'ENT spell, \v rnnAi s' 1, CI 'MI1SSISS1PPII16 Di E~tl?; ll iar rc cl ss s i1) S;ivics <13d S lAW F S I'S It I: 31 F 1)1ES g, Svc I clt rblV 1- (,III- e l''('51 Fc -club c( . t '(" I m II. "?Uan has robbled the father of !1)1 ',;t en said h F e iii's I WO P~l e Avatet s of its legitinmate...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR TNF MTC'HMAN T)ATT .Y ,TTNT)AV"_ FT+,RR.TTA R.V 91;. 1()12 11i- T N C AN ' TIVCAA. . L ...' l '~.l11 l ' 1 A1.- ' INTMUbAV Pri'flPTT V9Lll O Zul. A A II.trA.A zs ,ZS , Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatche...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1928 TNF MTCNIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE 0 ovUv i~h4Wa avuaeT caaA uV ioa 1 1l TI-W' M1rI4TflAN DaTTYi y a * X11, _ WAMIM ma'WIM, &I 1.- .. ....... ...... - ti l ' PRACTICE CONTINUS ON PLAY OF JUNIOR Cast Is Urged By Assistant Chairman To Be Present At Rehearsals To Prevent Delays MUST PAY TWO DOLLARS With practice going forward stren- uously in preparation for the appear-t ance of the 24th annual Junior Girls'1 ...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…'AGE SIB.. I T T-IF MTCHMAN DATTY STINF)AY, FEF3RUART 26, 1913 c - . ..__ . ._ . . _ . _ - . _ _ _ _ . ._ _ _. _ _ _ - .-' __F. ._ _- . _. _ _ . . . _ -__ __ ._ . _ . _ - _. ~4N~'T'~AV PT'~PTITAThY t~ 1.2R U A THLE TIC BOARD SAINCTIONVS EX TENS IVE PROGRAM FOUR NIW PpRjOJEICTS MEET ITH_ APIPROV Li Pro'vides For 30 'ew Tennis (Courts, Artficiial lee Plani And G~olf 1 Pract ice Area CAPPON TO REPORT SOON~ In pursuance of the policy of ...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, FE]BRUA.,RY 26, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - __________-- --- -V Yea nitnA IOWAN TAKES THREE FREE STYL VET Comparative time trials held in con- junction with the Varsity swimming meet between the Mlichigan and Iowa squads earned the Hawvkeye yearlings a victory, 35-24, over the Wolverine fres3hmen in the first telegraphic Lose match ever comp~eted in by Coach Malt ,Mann's first year squad. Iowa. wa-, enabled to win largely tin alig...…

February 26, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 110) • Page Image 8

…PAE EIGHT' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 192g .3 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN } To Subscribers R Of ecord t Choral Union Patron Tickets: You are respectfully reminded that in accordance with oiflcial notice con- tawined on, the Festival coupons attached to season Choral Union Tickes ($7 seats only) the same seat locations may be retained for the \lay Fsiival PROVIDED that the coupons with reservation fee of $4 each are rev d at ...…

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