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February 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -TC1IJGA-V, \\'I)NJE.SIAY. , Fi3l' RY 26, i908. No+r.. JUNIOR ENGINEERS' DEFEAT FRESIIIMEN Tie at End of First Half-Final Score 38 to 29-Dunsmore Stars for Winners. Before ait enthusiastic crowd that com- pletely packedi the gym track, the junior engineers uefeateui the fresh engineers hy tim score of ;38 to 29. The game was fast antI furiots, oth teams shosig remarkable accuracy in asket tossing ...…

February 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The MichIganDily ANN ARBOR, M II lI (JAN.TlKI.Y llil\IY a, ). VOL. XV I. NEW MEN SHOW Six v: lt M yd 411 _ E UP FAIRLY WELL CLADS T10THE1UN1ON. Preliminary Meet Opens the Season'meeing 14 RoomC,1at114111X1 t..C Satisfactorily-Relay learn 11141 IInI.l ThI 1114 1114 of11 theI l Breaks Record. i -141ia0 %1 XII I 11551 h ier Ie. h las - p11 411 to h in11 1114of 4 .lng a Istu XXXII IX noI I XXXiti) 11111' 111111 IX ill teXind I 11 1141111actin l...…

February 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…She 340( 94 Pai1~4 VOL. X. :ANN ARBOR, MICHi., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2(3, 1900. No 110. Spring Announcement 1Gi. H. WILD &Co. ITREE RECORDS G(30 conscientiously finished inperc on - ______ diton iid appairently without First Indoor Meet Pronounced a Leiblee woO the forty-yarddasinii' Great Sucess theielcor(1 timue of 4 3 -seconds 01ih 1as so f 1111be 1 4quald 1but over The first indoor meet of the season, ( ealcis IThe hurdies dot not callt fo...…

February 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…Sbe Ear 4 V'OL. X1. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1901. No 110) ..Our Special Line of.... I Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar ranged for inspection. We have the largest a- sorment in the city, 6. H. WILD Co.I 108 E. Washington St. WATER COLOR OUTFITS AT WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND SMOKE it. E. Jolly, 308 S. State Street. NOTHING LIKE THEM~1 Trowbridge's Chocolate Chips ...…

February 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…z '= r . _ 'J f J J .- .. . _ f. J .. -T . .l f ..A ..... fi v J "f. -. ^/ / ' J / , M r, ; L. r _ r 0 N, v: N <r , .. ,f = .:, ,^~ ; C - - J O , F \ f f ff r y . ) . 'f ' " ' ' w f «. O 'j v . j 1 "" :l v-+ ". r f , ._ ._ ~ " _ r. "'7 t1 . .: rr', ! - ,.- i .- - . J ' v v _ J J o J j C,} f!) " y ; z o a f.1 c 1 r [- . ^J_ - _ .. j :l :. j. i, _ ,.r ...., i ,-.. "I; !. . . .. -- J , f. ' r J J ." S' V +r .1 . f v J .,. J r f / r" _ d Y f, y' _...…

February 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…Tm! us. of N. DAILY. R<}.x IiT . AINN ARIBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARhY 203, 1903 No. 107 RESULT IS UNCERTAIN a dtro te w no -prasiios 1ai betwenttt ti' S. I, A. adGo(.o,'bt- 'ateome of Saturday's Meet Between ,'intont ( lull" ad, .thetr-nay bhota thne'Varsity Freshmen and D. repetitotn of h at straggl. twhnt S. s Pe~e atial itust Ihe oncudetl', Sittptlynthat 11e 1J. S.1S prb~elnal~a t. L. A. i gotng tan-tter intt a c -t rovry with the Godtot...…

February 26, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…i p A41 T ix YEAR. FORESTRY DEPARTMENT Al-'NT ARBOR, I CH., WEDNESDA Y, 1'E'1 VAt ; li5 - FESH -SO PH MtET :. _': T...Auaxie xxi'ci ence ' 1i ix' . B P lixu 'Thiiil il assi C ie Ot l l ;I i i l ia t' : 3 5 .5 lxTill tt{ i ii \1 ' I . 1 1 11 ; :II l ; I t+' 0 xii I x 1:; ttl t 1'('I2i x' (11 (I(g±ylixix (xx'"'' I .Ixx 'xxi'tx' M'iO'RE L O Nxi 1'(l 110'0'11i 1 -0:10 t x'ill It li ii" ''( ' i +t h ( x ii" xx i i lxx ti tl, xx II xxxi xx :I .lix l...…

February 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan 'Daily Vol.. XiV. ANN ARBOR MICH. FRIDAY, FEBRUA\RY2, 194 No. 102 [ RII-flSOPI. ENRI[S. BAD COIN FOUND. GRAflIAPI LAYLOR "E[RE. JUNIOR LAW BANQUET. Yeserda Edwoard I Ialot, a Junor he1nq1sis0s)ow1 fl LreNumber of Contestants in Sat'Mdc arden of the Chicago Commons will gvng1111 fln ewycondcone; m;ai111eacI classn10 is i fl urday Nights Meet-Relay Races (fl olin the1111od il11Monroe'0( Lecture at University Hall Sun w(of les elaora...…

February 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The Mcia al 'aN Ai-': OR.\ttClItG \ III)_\Y, II 1-i \Ri 2(iOi). fT T . No.f 03-* ENTRIES MADE FOR FRESH-SOPH MEET C test Between Undercasses Promises to be Close-Opp- nents Drawn for Relay Races. Saturday night ithe aiieuat fret-oph it fe trics iby xbo ih clase it trisesln toIle o- f more than ordintar) interet. 'xt'here aii-rtaargijter. Sili etered~i in eatch iii t bi ltiec tis olthi me more tttha tin ii ipt otih al ali tti- grade meniin...…

February 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DA!YSV G. I. Wild Companly Our Spring 198 line of fne Imported and Domestic WONES Is now ready It iicldes all the latesttNovelties iSades and UptoDate Ptterns ins Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Qays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfull solicited G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street Bargains in Recent Fiction Books that hate sole for $1.20 we are offering at 50C Haf atRogues. Sit i Pain IreIf 5 Lion and the...…

February 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

… -1 . Y^ .*' t -. - 7, 7 O C p. 0- .iv :I a c 3 Q , UJa - J q = p x w - ~ - - -- - Awl Q- - a v 77 72 72 r r Q 0 O_ _: u O a/ ?L a (Q M . 9Q -- 13 z n/ <2 H z 2 H U 0 (/) H (9 0L U 00 L 'ft z .i '- , G r,, , ." f .-, = .. ' O _ s.. "' '; ' I .. _. ~" { f T S Ca - G i /: ... .-. . f U.' .n... :J ... y .-. "=+ - " J J t "' r f f f ^ 7:7 v - i t: ; f -77 Jt t ^ i t .. _ /mar WON a f N 0 1 z U V Q m m O F. c ~ -~ z o Ul9) ~ 2-A >1g ...…

February 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…TI LUN =VV YLI 3IY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 Paniarhd Daily (Snay ecptett) Ottog th Colleg yettt, at THE UNIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN o) 'eono Te tnlad PrestHnonoh otog Bloc. Both PhoonO1t7 ;MANAGIN'G EDItTOR. F Bttnttot.D'01 L. 1USINESS MANAGER. 0. It. 1HoNS,.l'00 L. EtDTORIS. ATHLtETICS, . . t,.. HtNttt, 'Otto r. R. WOOhtotttt'0O L. A.t. MtO)Ottotot,'O E A G. Bootootto '0. E. J. B. ROO. '00, L. J.MO01olttttY'0, tt1"o" Yo,0tOM ittcolletget'yaro, ...…

February 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…'r lEUNIVE~RITY 01,MICHIGAN DDAIL. lt. 1 t'MFaculty Will Control ~ [Continued fromt First Pge.j Published DDolt (Mtaias o pi ddiitg invtil to oifpte, otd (doso 0o1eqittl- CnirgC ear~ 0 ity with the otheir. Tin onerne THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 110W 1131)00 ll the ;A ett Sctoostwtin Mats 0 it Beae Geni Iendttea. Thieiatittiti I ) ofhoNsre o eAgitt lion.MtiSt. 33,0Sttew Sret ue ipybcuei a as Bt Phoitoco13 New Sito O'hnei18. ltdoitiyho-nei oe -...…

February 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…T- 1 ~lGAN DAILY. TI-111 ffffffffffff fffff TE 71IC H IlGA NDAILY.! * .1 Spri gf ,MaaiEto, J.-:NLY'4 E. f f . olrinrra ~ Ili K. r' - N 4~I 4:)T(. 1 . A F * VOOI.INS AIR.E 1'4' ,11' Ir t P s '; .1 Ea l(- a -,J t Liiiusually lHandsomec * 4LA. In * Oficeflor:1444 2:3011 :30111)and 6:30 to7:30) Address:. At 111.A.THI 0'PSON, lBusiness f « AI II h iI l It', 331 Packet'd .5t., ITelephone t'461. +3il1 lS. SMale St.'_____________ ;t .1 't i"1 I"l 11 A...…

February 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…THE U~NIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. spring A Anouncenient Thes lgesot 11(ani os roinlets iiie oi WOOL~N~ i Ain Arbor wsili be found it G. 11. WVildl & Co.'s, 108 E. Wasltintilfit. Great 1pa118 have been taken in the selection of all suit- inigs, tronserings &' over- coatintsf for this seon. Go HO WLDco. 108 E. Wash. St. THDE U. OF M. DAILY; Entre 4ax ieodctx matter itAon Arbo Poxt Office. ttecolee ye'~at ts e tniersity ofichisi- gan, by hes Mic...…

February 26, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…1I1' M CdlL(TA DLAILY--NEWS da.. .- i e.....- -g - i~ O^ !G . -.te - 0.~ zm ALL EW - ... 5 51 ii THIN WHITE 6 5c, -ross SLIDE BOXES f'1 For 5slides.... For 100 slides- ..... .. For 200 slides . . . . . . Ii" 1' IJUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUCi STORE R& E. JOLLY'S For rFine lunches, Chocolate, Bun Bons, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos and ~ Cigars. . f I 3084S State St. :lI_1 6 Law Books. Medical Books, 11I ' at If Yo ais l I to ) y elo xI U11I i] Change, c...…

February 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. *~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ly few are acquainted with the ma- B ne inwhich this fllowshipt is nmain- Redu / ' O nered s cd class mac.oeat the Ann stadedtand the iifficltisswhict the SS if" i lrbt Pot as mat estudent committee tat carries the colegeyer. t i hwasthigton streel, This is oe of few ifttt tie otly (bseeni orse den trune ) Phne Olt felosimage whlyb2St MANAGING EDITOR : ! mmittee and maittained largel yty S alseEOY HMA...…

February 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY t THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' 3tootoio i ~ A A a 9-4 A 6. IL Wild Comfpaly MERCHANT"TAILORS : Have received a large ine of woolens o SPRING and SUM HER in (lNenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Silver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mole. Royal Gray, and Kings'Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cmberland, Chester, Orient, Pet ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Fdeal Empire, Raburn, Irish Boating ITwed, and London Wvrs teds tlease comec ...…

February 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods S. 106 &Co. EAST HURON ST. BROWN'S Drug Store 120 IE. Liberty St. P:ROF. SCOTT EMPHASIZES LITERARY VALUE OF BIBLEI The salue of the bible to the English- spseaking peopsles as a standard of liter- ary' exellence was esophasizedi by Prof. Scott in ais lecture bsefore the Young Women',, Christian Association at Newr- berry fHlil yesterslay. Viesring, it punrely fro...…

February 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…'I'll 'i I Ii I \ i1)A Ii I A Gea id= intrSl Ni / SA SUITS aid OVERCOATS Fre-M MEN AND YOUNG MEN We M4.ttst Do This lrx Order to Room Our Sprint Stock STA yLER.W(Q WUVE RT H WALK-OVER I OXE RDS $3.5() .FOR MEN AND WOMEN 10 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST AKRRiV[D, _ ,,:u L[b ; , _> .i-'titC siprietty ale. Sgsfioriliil id 55 itllOcf ill (l111 ld111: tilskii> also " ;l5CI5 ttilt i ,., .r .e rr - _. _..l ~~~~I' ° w ~ ~ u ..~xa uoz~w:r~ May FeF St...…

February 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY~ OF MIC UI[GA N DAILY. 3 JUST HILDEBR AND A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICI THE NEW TAILOR .E. 120 WASHINGTON ST. LAZE: ° _ 1 .1 ;G- 3 Z IZA . m m m m m . /tea s m 4, ° I MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Novmber19, 189 Detroit Night Eopress. . .......55A1 Atlantic Express ............44" Grand Rapids Exprss........110" N. Y. Boto Sptciai...........45 Fast Easten . . 9 431 ...…

February 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…THE UMIVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 3 ± OUR . Of last 8aturday was attended by agol number of buyersofgd hats. They expressed themselves as greaty pleased with the spring shapes---and acted accordingly. They couldn't help it--Knox is in a. class wOf its own. You're invited to call and see them.......... G OOD SPEE D'S * 117 MAIN STREET Micbiian Central NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE, THE SHORT LINE ANN ARBOR TO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with d...…

February 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Iux rh field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees...+ You the tost skillful and artistic service to he ha danywhiere.+ Wealways arry a large and complete line of seasonahie wool- $ ens. We~. have the agen- for B~each & :Newel's Custom Shirt'., 'ad can show yoit a large, beautiful and exelusive line of chirt- 4 1g --"perfect itting. Burchfield's line Tailoring Trade, 106 I.. Huron DISH SA L 1=r 1SDay lnFebruary' 15 b eofe an th...…

February 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGA;N DAILY. what smartydreTsssed IiyYO fTL B~ men wsill wear thixtSeSia- 1 1.. r Soill askio Isee ( F PALACE AND PARISIAN G LAT it x WExx; i '4r U -IC0fIA YEAR A upon ttthe o i Iii l thIse t. i llit 1secur-~OC That's the piacexwhere you00 inn 1 di ngaisfactio n ilat ia fair jrie. gets up-to-datewoutk, witlh Ouret abt~lihed polity of excudintg frol the least tr oubte to your- our sock tvery limake and maetrial of 7P N eelv...…

February 26, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…~AH.B THEY /A RE D ANDES t BL ,4 601HEAST SQLI \ZSSTRAET D -TAS- S TJ {bFY Thsspace beflngsTto Good Go'vernn t+c. l ub ___ GRISTIN J. A'LLMENDINGER k 1I . . I d"% r ...E LERIN.... EGYPTIAN DEITIES "NO better Turkish Cigarettes can be made'1} EGYPTIAN EMBLEMS (Cork Tip "L) Our line for 1902: COLUMBIA, CRESCENT FIERCE, STEARNS, SYR~ACUSE, and Gathers M. STAEBLERS Tll home : 00 TO: FI YNLS BILLIARD PARLORS T'oy thb.Ka00 ;end gt : ojootz_ 312 S. S...…

February 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. U T 1nKktof Hie iainoii'a 1i S & M'VLBl'ack wits [ a AIJLT[[SS [ITIN JI I IN in iennara,. Thidviw l 'hvliiiand 'itorst ai d ( W . IioddS + in ini'le or double kbr astdl'# Ji JI V'i'aiii atiiil IlE iilar Sa i r t lia .'""$3.00 [OR [ADItS $3.00 4$15, $18, $20 U TZ +;r The only shoe in the world designed by a Wei veall :sizes iiii tok now ndmu iiilit ion TheClthierwomen---fjo women. nicel Ci Iall anIiil l .t i G fr1MACK( & Co....…

February 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f S.m-Btirchfield's .~Trade can Deliver. The .Goods Sa~~B~clfied 106 & Co EAST HURON ST. Or tito lFUTLES; C.,308 State St. HOT WHEAT or } BUiCKWHEtAT,'CAKES JOQLLY'Si 10' . st At > 'IT B-IS PIPES Own nakl" - $175 teSS It) +rcoul _ $.00)toa$1.50 ARCEl~it>ANCF0 ' BellPhoer98,52R4 doePhon,,98i 4 R -A -DOLPH & CO. Funeral Directors 209t S. 4th Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich. PILLOWS and BANNERS AT IDarling & Malleaux MtlINNESOITA UNION ...…

February 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…OUR PRICES 15440 15to40 I5to4O 11 15to40O 15to40 15 to 40 15 to 40 15to040 15 to 40 15to40 15to4D 15 to 40 15to40 15t040 15to40 15to40 15to4.0 15to40 15 to40 15t4o40 15 t040 151to40 15 to40 15to 40 15 to 40l15 t040 15 to 4015 t040 15to40 15to40 15to40 15to40 15 to 40 15to040 15to040 15to040 15to 40 15to04Q THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. CALENDAR. HENrRY C-l awCo.' Feb. 26. 27, -&-"MAichigenda," Wed- nesday, Thursday and Fridlay evenings. TAILORS 1I Hi...…

February 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…I F 'M T C I I T ('F A N T) A T T, Y ALAPI CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE# v . Be your own Beauty Doctor T HIERE is but one method of acquiring and retaining a heau16til, clear, delicately tinted comiplexion. The piires of the skl imust first he rid of all im- puirities, and the circulation gently stimulated to carry nutri- tion to all the tiny cells and tissues. 4 10 Pompeian Massagse Cream huds up and rounds out the contoutr of the face an...…

February 26, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY JUST RECEIVED $1000 In Your Inside Pocket IIIsonwhat you con save on a suitorovercoat code to your oede by os. We guaancteecaaperect I-I'~~r~fit or coccil. Call and aec ouobliceio to boy. HOerimmeorte nteeo of ovee 3,000 fl samples willleace you. All Woel Suits and Overcoats frno $12.00 up. T o H aV6Gorc, akr&M rh Front Room over Flest National D. fA -TINKER~ & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for...…

February 26, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY POPULARBOOKS.Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade,. CLOTH IBINDINGl-__________________ 25c EA CH -Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state a BLACK ROCK, by Ralph Connor of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. Elizabeth and lierGernoanGarden ARTI5T ICALLT AN ECHAN1ICALLT CI An English Woman's Love LettersWewlbegatopveitoyuT Books Everybody are Reading and Talking Truly Yours, About. S. BURCHFIELD 106 E. Huron -Q...…

February 26, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…SOne Night Out to r fET°I ru n g " .:+ (sigHoe Ws __ __ IA * I.i .I.I~is Big Four Route :.. Missouri Pacific Ry. ______________ 4 \ Iron Mountain Route From Detroit and Toledo :Of°, " +UI1I ric 'UNION 1DEP01 IN 330 1+I . *1 SIRI'IE Th ,"l nw V~ S IEtttt t Toledo and $ ~ ' Cindciin a t i , . 11 ' 1T1TP C,2' '2 1 No disagreeable Transfers r 109{-111 1. Washington st., Anin AI bor i writs 13i,:Fur Agents for Inlorma- + tio,0o Visit RNTSCHLE~R'S H...…

February 26, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…FIALLv"ESS OCASIONS Ojur Styles are Exclusive See Our Windows Before Buying II PURITfiN ftIO[ J 60.,II9 MiI I!t NA1 t#..- 7 a.' .' ea .+ }. +.!,a1+ ,+u .a w '_ tOOr.r.+ t. t+ . :~W ., ... J.2 1l ItNSCtIt BRt, 1RISTIC FRtAMING1 We sell I' 1(JTOGjRAPItilt. AT KENTSILER'S. B licken sderfer S 1 0S.j.'ltt 5) Tye rtr ~ New Pht1 leta iieta House J CALENDARa T ypew ritersI'll(:l__'_______of__11e_________I'lli I' lfx CALKNS' PHARMACY, 41 it .1t1 l" 0"4...…

February 26, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…THL IC~A S IIXY11,W1 Ln~ '~H - i4' ttt S x CCK t " NG_..'" "-VALL pr.-J V t. Gz.~ COM -T -77T V EO -OilA~~ gN flEy1 - Capital Stock. $W.0.II ii~e n, i'I,tO. tteH'Hnce-,. i00,0.IO eOeganlm'AI nder the (*naalBank ug Laws ir hs tt. -evne alepoithn4and cell, towah Inge ounfie v incipal vciis'ofthe aUnited -State,. Datsasaead upan prpere lS-ntltioln tJFrelaaaa: C}hael('e IB. {llaock . tre.: W. ID. Harr man, Vice-Freq.: IM. J. FritCash(iber. FIRT NA...…

February 26, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN GAILY. DISSOLUIION SALE STILL O Some Sp~ecial Bargains Lef t in SFLANNEL SHIRTS * ~~ AND SWNEATERS CUTTING, REYER & CO. 109-111 [ast Washiogtoo .FUN FOR TWO FUN FOR A CROWD t FOOT BALL POKER... Combines all the interest and excitement of the two great American games. M SCUFI-,Zn Li nen ARE THE, BE-ST. I")rka Iitr i!P Clad pvd "LiDep" +rt,,-, a.,.t A -o-, .--t . ixs ;nri as Lint-.n ar« Sbrain& and - - -silV() eed lawVOh, Dwight...…

February 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

… edy ilit iii 11 is of our skillful taki d' ti he ii irtc ot selectr fasc int teken clotheisV5 h',S c itic x ermid thre a touch~l ofr fo cci aks'i'ygarmnt twe fasiuotn Zzp ef. 53 S ih in ievery idetail,. . W cgive a try onl with each oirder. l) it t Witt until ttie l i rshlisoi we will hold allorderalyiiiv ic o -ti mis S\,ott UNIVERSITY NOTICES Seth csiIIicr -iilito at1 ii f I Ihe fic-:h lits -. o vc 1t ~I (1)It iidav t- 1) iiiisin Tapaiii ...…

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