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November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…V Leonard regains title -See Page 7! ;rt Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom C, he Lii: !IuiI CLEARING Look for sunny skies today with a high in the upper 30s to lower 40s. Low in the 20s. Vol. XCI, No. 72 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 26, 1980 Ten Cents Eight Pages Studer fleeing after I By STEVE HOOK Three University students captured a fleeing jewelry thief yesterday afternoon moments...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Wednesday, November 26, 1980-The Michigan Daily Ford to pay $23 million in discrimination settlement WASHINGTON (UPI) - Ford Motor Co. yester- day settled discrimination charges for $23 million - including $13 million damages to minorities and women either refused jobs or denied employment ad- vances. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, calling it "one of the most significant nationwide discrimination cases," said the Ford ...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…HAPPENINGS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 FILMS AAFC-Love on the Run, 7, 10:20 p.m.; Bed and Board, 8:40 p.m., Aud. A, Angell. Cinema Guild-The Man Who Knew Too Much, 7, 9p.m., Lorch Hall Aud. Cinema II-Camille, 7 p.m.; The Heiress, 9 p.m., MLB 3. MEETINGS LSA-SG-Meeting, 6:15 p.m., 3099 Union. PIRGIM-Project Community, 7 p.m., 1439 Mason. Stilyagi Air Corps-Meeting, 8 p.m., Union Conf. Rms. Residence Hall Council-Meeting, 9 p.m., 3909 Union. Campus Chape...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION____ Page 4 Wednesday, November 26, 1980 The Michigan Daily Edie idganiverit Mcig Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan ,Higgins ()I 1 wT K Vol. XCI, No. 72 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 . , _ .. !' \ ;.. . ' .. Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board r r J t . WIV.-e m .' It's Thanksgiving-you're going to study, right? T HANKSGIVING-that most dreaded of hol...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, November 26, 1980 Page 5 Out to lunch with Lydia Ooh la-la! Those naugzht-ee French By ANNE SHARP It was the first time I'd been in Second Chance for a couple of years. Being a timid soul, I was not about to risk being pummeled and mutilated by some Cro-Magnon with a hand starm- per, but the lure of seeing Lydia Lunch and her new backup, the Devil Dogs (her old band, 8-Eyed Spy, had ap- parently disband...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6-Wednesday, November 26, 1980-The Michigan Daily If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of CAMPUS or STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies e WI Klling stones h WrGIMME SHELTER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Wed-Sat Nov. 26-29 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through today's Classified Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If yo...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 7

…SPORTS The Michigan Daily Wednesday, November 26, 1980 Page 7 Leonard beats Duran to regain NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Sugar Ray Leonard regained the World Boxing Council welterweight championship last night when Roberto Duran quit during the eighth round for no apparent reason. Duran was along the ropes facing keonard when he suddenly turned, said "No" to the referee and walked away. At first neither Leonard nor referee Ocatvio Meyran could belie...…

November 26, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 72) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8-Wednesday, November 26, 1 980-The Michigan Daily p Ax t:~ ......... i^"X' yS kt . r :} h If 1 - 1. , .*. .......... If . I f 'h t, , } .' fax a, 1 t SI 1 Ia~ I j~aa I 2 T. \ :: \1f 4t E 2~ 'r~ I: aa~..t tI t . f... f 1 I x 4 4\ I a...'... a fY . n: . : v ~...... ..h 4 If ou think you could pick )ur eer with your eyes closed, here's your chance. Probably Just one beer drinker in 3 can pass this test. All three major premium beers...…

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