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January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…The $2.50 Michigan Daily L~o"al$2.00 flail $2.50 . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JJANUARY 26, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS TED MEN TO EET IN HONOR )F EDEMEYER L H E WEATHER MAN A 1913 David and Goliath THE 3IHHIOAN DAILY WILL PUBLISH "J HOP" EDITION. i eul Services Eulogizing ate o--ressman Will Be Helda i4 o iversity Hall This .ifternoon. APICAL SKiETCH TO the BE IYEN BY F. A. STIVERS s Expected that $10,000 Can Be Rai:ed for -0h...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY t your Fall or Winter Suit from theI -est line in the city.- Dress Suits a specialty mom Wild Co Tailors and Importers 31 1 South State Street MUM Namne in Gold on Every Book Free of Charge k our Book over before you make your' Purchase. SHMEJEHIAN (64-% Students' Headquarters 1 17 LITY' AILOR should havie IOR. EAGERNESS gdon't count for Ait ABILITY. eterle Liberty street opyrighted) frr-'s Ac;=%demry of ...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THLE MICHlIGIAN D)AILY. , r 'i majesti14 c Monday Tuesday. WIednesday Sale ng 25 percent discount on our entire n's Suits and Overcoats. This in- our famous Stein-Bloch Clothing well and favorably known. e received another large shipment IMackinaw. i BIG GIRL SIE W ""The 1 Nan Halperin nd Company A MUSICAL FRiVOITYVIN ONE. ACT Book, Ly rics airi KaU3 b Fi eUm G Mrs. Lovejoy Kidder fHForence Turner Alphone. . .. . .JoeWod lhu Jack Di...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOE $4.00 and $5.00 Episopal Theological School CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The location offers unequalled oppor- t inity for graduate work at Harvard University. For catalogue addres~s DEAN H-ODGES. The Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital $1000. Surplus and Profits $61,000 The, Ann Arbor. Savings Bank Capital Stock $301,000 S urplus 5 1f0,(( 0 Resourses $3,000,000 A General aking Business~ransacted; Off...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…Ssb SOvENig EDITION > ANN ARBOX, MICHIGAN, $ATU~RDAY, FEBRUAR~Y 8, 19.3. A * 3 OTER f Al Trd t nal loc "M" iFormed Dur ig Grn Marc ATTEPT VSITOS H4 TO ENER GM ANT81A4 To ud Idivdgai EeognzedWithQuets e Bre aromAtint" PLU0 JANIO~fHOLD -F MiRTIILANOA AWIH 6 AT T BA SINGLEFRMAWEKTOF YELW AE ETO ETN I r Ega's bkdIumahad nnins swIrea hop, and othere t hop, 1MCl i ghort space lastdnight, whn ls me instancda u b o d j4mp, was co 44 r f.fty, toqued. B...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

…)TUE M[IHI&AN{ PAIJY. * odrus books of our~ workaday life the morning. No charge wifl be ande La" a4 th fina 0 'lc u BB lCHIG N D IL hve bee est pawned. LOATHSOM OGRE RESTLESSLY to students. The operation is not cr-dyatron But Vhy reasOn? )You are obstinate- BlIDES UNMASKING OF HOIPPERS pulsory, but all students a~re et aHp osusiueUinmn nitlnwppratteUiest 4fMih fy e ine-"Lt's playi" take advantage of th~is op porunity, Pub h a n xcep...…

January 26, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 86) • Page Image 8

…YTHE MICHIGAN DAILY ELOOMES VISITORS INDEPENDENTS. Guests: Misses Gladys Steele, Grand Guests: Misses Elizabeth )Bredin, Ies, E. P.Jhnston, GQ. Wiley, an W. , DltrOit lePatBntna- FRO6MNYSTAES Chperne: esdames William IRapIdB; Mildrad Wills, Sioux Fal, S. Marjorie Adams, Jutliana Moring, Ofara ICragg,Drit b r, .; MrOn U4 k in Howlnd ad R ish~op Qanfleld, Ann D.; Helen -L. Evarte, Detroit; Lucy Dicklnsbn, Detroit; Lu'cy Hawk, Battle 1Guests: Mis...…

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