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January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…±1J pt a I PRES' DAY AND ?LIGE SIR TIC] I'. :.. r ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1922 PRIOR 9'I a y RENCE f MANY :STIONS BERIAN, NAVAL, AND SHANTUNG PROBLEMS NEAR FINAL SETTLEMENT PAN'S SUGGESTION SETTLES TREATY ROW fny Difficulties Swept Aside and Agreements Reached As Work Speeds Up (By Associated Press) Washington, Jan. 24.-Swinging into ;h speed again, the arms conference lay made quick work of the Siber- x ques...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…c a Stet. incloses postage. Cose the sentiments ex- OFF .BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL ....................ugh W. Hitchcock . ...... . P. Lovejoy, Jr G. P. Overton M. B. Stahl t Paul Watzel .... .., ..........L. Armstrong Kern E. R. Meis. .Thointen W. Sargent, Jr. ....George 1E. Sloan .Sidney B. Coate. .George .Reindel ..... - lisbetk Vickery R Meiss wick B. H. L I Geltz Robert M. Loeb dy 'J. E.Mack Heath atirine Montgomery Hibbard R. C. Moriarty ...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…J Cfool lUI /l USZC Students To Give Reciral Tonight Advanced students of the School of Music will give the next student's re- cital at 7:3U o'clock tonight at the school. Their program will be as follows: Quartet, A minor, Op. 29.... Schubert, (Second and Third Movements) I D. Hartley Sinclair, Josephine Conn- able, Vio.ins; Clarence Post, Viola; W. L. Newbury, Violoncello Sonata, Op. 53 (1st Movement), Beethover, Marian Bland Sonata, Op. 10,...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

….. .. ' ! t . . .. ,. .. " C~ : . . ... . . ~ ., .. _.. .f ". ., . . '. '.: "' ;. .. ..,, , , . .- ". z: .. " . :z ! :. r2 ':_ . * I r . . . , , , rmural Items the Interclass Bowling will be rolled on Thurs- on. The two high teams of the semi-finals which will today, will qualify for the The teams still in the as follows: junior engi- neers, junior lits, and upper. Laws. senior engineers Today the following hockey games are schedule...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

…e'MINNESOTA CONTINUES TO HEAD THE muICONFERENCE BASKETBALLSTANDINS Purdue Close on Gophers' Heels with But One Less Victory and No Defeats to Its Credit MICHIGAN AND IOWA DUE TO RISE FROM SECOND DIVISION 4L es on ground most popular 11 are missing part of pleasure of college if you do not make of them regularly. W. Minnesota..............4 Purdue.................3 Illinois.............. .2 Wisconsin........... Chicago. ..........2 Ohio S...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…I versity Of Ilichigan League --a---- LTIONS ANNOUNCED LEAGUEPIN CONTEST gns from which to choose the nnbership pin for the University higan League may be submitted ontest to be carried on within xt month. All women are in- to enter the competition sub- the following conditions. 'he actual size of; the finished not to exceed one-half inch in eatest extremity. 2. The com- s are free to use any symbol will bring out the idea of the zation, bu...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 7

…it WLIomen I formal, $20; Delta Delta Delta, in- formal. $90; Gamma Phi Peta, spring fo m l 7 ; H l n d w e r ei -1once, inform al, $70; Jordan house, in- formal, $70; Delta Gamma, spring formal, $20; Kent residence, informal, $20; Kappa Delta, informal, $60; Kap- fow35Cents Every. Passenger Insured Against 'Accident E YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SEE "The Sheik" WITH RUDOLPH VALENTINO and AG'NES AYRES SPECIAL IMUSIC _______WITH MAX STERNLEIB'S ORC...…

January 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 89) • Page Image 8

…EFICIAL BULLETI -11 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1922 Number 89 of the University and Mrs. Burton will ay afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. be "at home" as no conference of the Deans today. M. L. BURTON. ilty Lectures:° Atessor Alfred E. Zimmerfn, of Oxford University, England, will speak day, Jan. 25, upon the subject "Greek Political Thought in Relation ern Problems", and Thursday, Jan. 26, upon "The Political Frame- f Economic Policy". Both le...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…L w man ~~'al ac 2 DAY -. , ~- No0. N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922 PR OSMTTEE Hindu Swordsma, At All Nations Sweeping razor-edged swords in t X direction of a man's bare ,neck an splitting aT potato as it rests on human had with a downward strok of flashing steel are just part of th VOltS ADJUSTED COMPENSA- repertoire of A. K. Savant, Spec., wh TION; LEAVES MEANS will appear in the All Nations Vodv UNSETTLED on March ...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…I- .--. - I L NEWSPAPE.R OF THfE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN very morning except Monday during the University 'oard in Control of Stu~dent Publications. MBER 01F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS dated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for fall news dispatches credited to it or not; otherwise spaper and the local news published therein. the postoffice, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ,n by carrier or mail, $3.50. / nn Arbor Press Building, Maynard St...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…I UllI NJELLI Has Most )n in heaters ARES fthe R.O. T. ost promising eclared Major gular army, The unit is reached the ch character- s of some of but at head- znit is looked o achieve the ge ilinois, and ere are 24 the area. annual in- and spent y in Ann >st urgent need of the Michi- at the present time is ade- :e for conducting the classes necessaries of the organiza- bullding in which it isnow ,s far inadequate, and soon be vacated. ...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…LIM . . ._ _ na... wr. rr .w. .. i EFEATS 19 OF 23 SN GJCESS PLAYERS rient of a final score for Lme played by George against 23 opponents si- Wednesday night in the, >t be made until Barnes Freedman, '23, play off a ho has a wide reputation. as a chess expert, was able to defeat 19 opponents, losing only to 3 and the 1 game resulting in a draw. The three men who defeated Barnes were Moody, Cuiley'and Washburn. According to The Daily of S...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 5

…>lers This Afternoon1 y be, accord-' rdest one of s been neg- gan team in lced In-a met souri V aey cnampions although they lost both Rerience gained, is of nce. Michigan's team meet this year, but any er-confidence on the ng although the men get going. 5 lb. class, DeFoe of ts Galpin of M. A. C. e an interesting match 'e fast and heady. The will see either Jenkins Michigan, pitted against A. C. Hanson is one, iural Items ri the fraternit...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 6

…r l 1%.Jf L Y _ 7L1~~2t U I AM& ............ .... ... ...r .r 1 I ; TI I YOU WILL DO BETTER Menu When U AT LEMBLE'S it 530 FOREST AVE. IF YOU ARE IN NEED BREAKFAST Grapefruit Steamed Bran Toast-Poached Egg Coffee Hash Browned Potatoes Creamed Tuna Fish Brown Bread-White Bread Currant Jelly-Sour Pickles Oregon Peaches-Sponge Cake LUNCH groceries in any qua will pay you to see U No. 10 canned goods best quality. - F-- ,...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 7

…women i ersity All senior girls should be measured tioii5 for their caps and gowns at Mack & this Co.'s before March 1 in order that n Ar- they may wear them to the Junior club, Girls' play. main All houses that had candy and blue t. the books for sale during the examination tries, weeks should turn in the money to by a Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, at once. n the The official color for the cap tassel Iter- for seniors in the School of Education, 'cl...…

February 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 104) • Page Image 8

…'II' R ILETIN I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2;' il Number 104- y, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: quested that schedule blanks, which will be found in the messen- or which map be obtained at this office, be filled out and returned e boxes or directly to this office if possible by March 3 JOHN R. EFFINGER. I: ogy I will begin Feb. 27, at 11 a. In., in the West Amphitheater ical building. WARREN P. LOMBARD. I C Teaching of English: , o...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…mrik - AAl F>, r ASSOCIA DAY AKN I PRES , '4 SANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922' PRICE I I - IT HERE OF HARVARD, DUTIES IN NCY LEFT TH OF ADAMS' Pointing Ad. cement 'was made late' yes- om the President's office of ntment of Prof. Edmund E. larvard university, to head >mics department at Mich- ofessor, Day will become a ssor of economics, and will his official title "chairman partment of economics, and Af the curricula ...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…be U~niversity as. semester, so that interested students might keep on with the work as long as they wished. Such a course would be an innovation in Michi- gan's curriculum, but one which would be of value to the University, in that it would not only make' possible a considerable amount of properly-chosen reading upon the part of the student, but would also show that Michigan approves, and attemprs to further, education outside of the class r...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…[VERSITY'S MON HEALTH I. MINERS 'I ess Are SOME ASSURANCE OF STEADY EMPLOYMENT By Associated Press.) apolis, Ind., Mar. 24.-Presi- hn J. Lewis, of the United rkers of America, today gave pretation of the miners' de- r a six-hour day, five-day ing a part of any new wage nt affecting the 'soft coal in- In a formal statement he One of the greatest values to be de- rived from frequent-physical examina- tions is the detection of disease car- ...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…' ". '" :\ f . . . .. ; , r . .'"'°: The Camps - --' cinnati Reds-After two weeks tensive practice at the Mineral training camp, with Pat Mor- wtting the men through their twice a day, the Cincinnati Reds eginning to round into fine shape, are. showing signs of real base- The combination that the Reds starting out with at present is or less an experiment and will nue to be so far the coming few s. The outfield is all set with s, Duncan, Ne...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…ieuere w311LbeLthre weights as in tue \wrestling: light, middle, and heavy. TENNIS NOTICE 1 \Basketball, Thursday night, showed Tennis tryouts report at Fer- that the senior engineers are the - ry field at 10 o'clock this morn- champions of the campus fOr they 1ing. WESBROOK. snowed under the soph lits, 25-12. The I engineers showed manifestly better teamwork than the lits and were at no time in danger. Deug did the .best -JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY w...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…'Y r U % J\ A A I ]f 6 7. JI ~'/I ! Ql i YOU WILL DO BETTER -AT-- LEMBLE'S 530 FOREST AVE. Menu For BREAKFAST Strawberry-Preserves Shredded Wheat M1ilk; Scrambled Eggs and Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Apple Fritters Mashed Potatoes Whole Wheat or White Bread Jam' Tapioca Pudding Tea Coffee Milk Your Con I IF YOU ARE IN NEED -OF- 'Y AND SERVICE THIS IS- THE-STORE DINNER Creole Soup Veal Chops Candied Sweet Potatoes Green Peas Whit...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

…I li t Junior Girls' play Whitney theater. Junior Girls' play ham's, Slater's, and in extra apparatus coming meet may isium from 9 to 12 day, Iarch 29. lances tonight are: Reynolds; Armory .t. be held at 8 o'clock rs of Barbour gym- 'higan Dames. All r husbands are in- omen are invitted to gs of the Student- ice which is being week end. At 10 morning there will on between the two i various subpjects afternoon meeting v short talks. which y a...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 8

…"FICI AL BULLETIN intli 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m Saturdays.) TURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922 Number 128. ngineering and Architecture: lementary examinations for removal of conditions and incom- held in April after the Spring Vacation. The schedule of different subjects is posted in the corridors of the Eng- L: A. HOPKINS, Secretary. Choir: gular rehearsal of the University Choir has been changed from night of this week to MOnday night 7 o'clock in L...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…hi :43 AL- V PRE DAY AND N SER1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1922 PRICb SMITH CRITICIZES DAILY EDITOBRL U' Declares "Making tile Faculty in Sunday's Issue Tl Misleating Pay" Os- v to Vi Y OF TEN PEAKS, ONE OF THE SCENES TO a Best, well known lecturer, who will speak at BE SHOWN BY DR, 8 o'clock tonight in stand the ersity take. to observe ssed at the sterday in at the re- the fresh- Pattengill auditorium. it was se L...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… Jiivmrit7 not otherwise tkeraeasad Street' words, if signed, the signs="~ )ut as an evidence of faith, n The Daily at the discre- The Dai~ly office. Unsigned ation. No manuscript will stage. s the sentiments expressed P. CAMPBIL e*h A. Bernstein "15 When Judge Kenesaw M. Landis assumed the po- sition of "King of Basebathmore than a year ago, a certain writer declared that, with such a man at the helm, the Great ,American Sport was com- ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…1 A U- ster is yo 3 PPLY STORE ULAN ANU AUVB5UH5 iversity Ave. END JOINT SESSION :hitects' Materials DEANS BURSLEY AND EFFINGER ns .Loose Leaf Books RETURN FROM MEETING IN RENTUCKY d Supplies 'Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, agency Tobaccos Dean J. R. Effinger, and Vernon F. Hillery, '23, returned Saturday from the University of Kentucky where they attended the joint session of the deans and advisors of men in Midwest- ern colleges and ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…s, T p i _ , ji. i ; ' i . \ r.. "" .; BLITYu'l y tests made in the .m classes this year the poor physical ajority of the men n general, the tests percentage of men' .y that the average during each class nental activities of g, jumping, climb- . These tests give rts of the body are and by charts, the aan the. year sely; It was found hest activities were age percentages of For this reason, ex- the use of these two fill make up a ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…'ting .at 4 o'clock, :)n vs. dents, senior lits, freshman lits vs. junior open more Mn- so ity baseball started yes- ules will not appear in use of lack of space, but were sent to each house be final. Necessary to be furnished by the ses. In case of rain, must be postponed, will t week, thus making no1 schedule of this week. :all 2268 to verify post-; rainy days. .usiasts have agitated an Li league for facultyl he intramural office has ;an...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…THE r u t A. .. L 5I11I' SL TO WEAR TOQUE 'Continued from Page 1) o do anything until the mem- the Ivigilance' committee apol- to his mother for their rowdy t at my house. It was arranged that were done in the proper he would do as he would have i the first place if properly ap- ed. As for the council's threat e my son expelled, it only fur- the faculty with some amuse- to ,cheer their otherwise. dull nic lives. No university fa...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 7

…tea, coffe hes, sala am of som Freshmap and sophomore entries in ta the tennis tournament have been se- s- lected and arranged in the preliminary x- round of matches which are to be play-i of ed off by Thursday night of this week. ed The names of the girls and their op- ns ponents in these rounds are as follows: or Freshmen-Kingsley vs. Ranck, Scher- an1 er vs. Eggert, Kadow vs. Crause, Mc- Kay vs. Murphy, Houle vs. Cronin, e, Jarvis vs. Dick...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 8

…IAL BULLETIN P. =. (11:80 a. 0. Saturdays.) TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 Number 146 on of the University will be held in Hill Auditorium April 26. President Marion L. Burton will be the "University Mprale". or the hour of .the convocation will be dismissed. apply to the clinics in the Medical and Dental Col- i - ... .. WHAT'S GOING ON I at 11 o'clock in the first floor dressing t A TUESDAY 4:15-Charles Cestre lectures in Na. tural Scie...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…WERS I V. i AlitA6 t l DAY AND NILGHTJ SERVICE / ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 PRICE MMMWAW IL MEN MEETI:NG JOURNALISTS, ACCEPT CATION OF SIGMA DELTA CHI [ANGE IDEAS ON klTION PROBLEMS ects Scheduled for Three ogram of Discussions and' Speeches R. legates to the first of high school ed- advisors of high s are due to arrive the beginning of the ention, sponsored by Sigma national professional jour- ternity, is t...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…wv- argils. be expected It,may not become a perfect machine next year or even the one after that. But it will eventually, for the foundation has already been laid. Nothing but patience, earnest effort, and co-opera- tionr both between newspapers and between each editor and his universty radio station, are now needed to insure the project's final success. WEEDING OUT BEFOREHAND When President Marion L. Burton and others use the expression "Gre...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY UDENTS' SUPPLY STORE 1111 South University Ave., T .Engineers' and Architects' Materials Stationery Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Books Cameras and Supplies Candies Laundry Agency Tobaccos GOING OUT OF BUSINESS Black Silk Hose 55c a pair;.6 pair for $3.00 DONALDSON, 711 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. p ri 0 I- LAST TIMES TODAY ROMANCE B E& PT LYTELL eFACE the drama of a phantom shame CLEMENTS LIBRARY WORK DELAYEDB By QRYMEN PL...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…[ICHIGAN DAILY 1. -..Rr r.. ir .r... ,err rM.rr ..... .y " 9 . ati H f n +" " .+ y d;as fa a " e a . " .w' " " " a " ., " a far , ;-*. * { .. _ . ' .. 7NUTLE A Place to bring your friends Try Our SPECIAL STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Nowhere is the food better , Nowhere is the service more prompt TUTTLE'S LUNCH ROOM Maynard 'Street i Pyraltin Ivory Toilet, Articles Brushes - )'irrors Jelvel Ioxes - Combs Pin Cushions - Trays - Puff ox...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIALS ANNOUNCED FOR CONFERENCE MEET CHARLES A. DEAN WILL ACT REFEREE WITH C. A. WIL- SON STARTER .AS I Alilmni returning to the University of Iowa. commencement may also take advantage of the reduced fare. Blanks entitling the holder to receive the re- duced round trip rate may be secured Kipon application to H. H. Jones, Iowa athletic director, and will be honored uion presentation at any railroad tic- ket office...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TT I that they will see their team play as S SECTIO ATgraduates but it will give the rest of the classes the opportunity of view- GA SFng the graduating class together in Student councilmen will be at the vations for a special block of section. to take care of the seating of baseball game the seniors, who are urged to be on ayseniors at the time as the seats will be opened to all ve beent made by the Student after a reaso...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 7

…LII ULI IM fI U l u sary that all girls who are to receive awards be present, for they must be there in person to accept them. They are not given otherwise. Is IR W 1 - have been selling asked to turn in the ing tickets immedi- awson so that a re- iay be made. I sports should if possible. 11 offi cers for the rear will take is afternoon [1 hall. Im- installation of class com-j freshman and 3are aft ,aniza- g their r sum- having funds...…

May 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 172) • Page Image 8

…w im-. iVIII. r IFFICIAL BUlLETIN d until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1922 Number 172 MICHIGAN BEAT GOPHERS BY 4-RUN RALLY IN 8TH (Continued from Page One) pitchers were required to stop their onslaught. Brown led the clouting for Minnesota, getting three hits, one of them netting three bases. Vick and Uteritz starred at bat for the Wolverines. 1 Lecture: sor F. H. Koch of the University of North Carolina will ...…

June 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 5) • Page Image 1


June 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE SUl ER MICHIGAN DAILY ., m. T4l ixunumrr FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer- ssion by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEUIMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- iblication of all news disptches credited to it or otherwise edited in this paper and the local news published therein...…

June 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE SUMMERMICHIGAN DAILY I - --i EAGUE BEGINS FOR SUMMER IIIENE FISHER, '23, APPOINTED ACTNix HEAD; COM211ITTEE MEMBERS NAMED Ilen'e Fisher, '23, has been appoint- ed acting president of the Wom'n's league for the Summer session. Con-' mittee chairmen have been announced as fo'lows: Social chairman, Portia Coulder, '23; publicity chairman,, 1>r. othy M. Bennetts, '23; member'ship chairman, Reba Hadley, '23; treasur- er, Janet Menges, '23...…

June 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY " #4 Criliq ue (Continued from Page Three) inety-nine books out of every hund- ed are bad, and even selecting with he utmost of precaution, nearly half f the volumes I take up are bad; ot as bad as Connell's book, but bad nough to keep me studying synonyms f derogation in endeavor to refrain rom being too monotonous repiti- ion, bad enough to keep me in a con- tant state of irritation. The business becomes cloying...…

July 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

… #umnmpr I., AND rlan aiI ASSOCIATEI PRESS DAY AND NIGHT N SERVICE r o. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922 PrIC, I -. AGENTS' '8 EVENTED BITR ATION REPARED TO FORM NEW SHOPWORKERS' UNION PEACE MOVE D O. RAILROAD i;Outbreaks Mark Progress of the Walkout; Grand Trunk Cuts More Trains (By Associated Press) hicago, July 24.-The averting of a ke of approximately 10,000 station nts, preparations for the formation new uni...…

July 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…)F THE SUMMER SESSION OF SITY OF MICHIGAN except Monday during the Summer of of Student Publications. [E ASSOCIATED PRESS exclusively entitled to the use for re- patches credited to it or otherwise e local news published therein. at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second on by carrier or mail, $ I inn Abor Press Building, Maynard Street Buiess, $o; editorial, 2414, :ations not to exceed Soo words, if signed, the signa- ssarily to appear in print...…

July 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…l shortstops, of the] 1ST BE IN THURSDAY owns more than 75 est of which is Mas- as built in 1841. r 'buildings on the uditorium, which has y of approximately Library. Alumnae said to be the most of its kind in the PAIRINGS, FOR FIRST ROUND SIN- GLES AND DOUBLES ANNOUNCED The first round in the summer ten- nis tournament must be played off and the scores turned in at the director's office in Waterman gymnasium be- fore Thursday evening, if...…

July 25, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…dl% 1V11 vs aavt-xt v Ly 25 1s." (Illustrat- rebster as Epidemiol-. . S. Warthin. an's Educational club] niversity women, the lay, July 26 on No. nine-Cadillac! y, Detroit. Leave at at 2,:35. Trip ends m. e Construction. (I1-' of. L. M. Grain. -Faculty of the Un- of Music. .(Hill audi- would attempt to gain control of the Trans-Siberian railway. Finally the . peditioti turned into nothing more or less than a railway guard and from that ti...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…, # , I ~~~i. ' E) '0 .. ...... ._ d. .... ....,,.. ,. ..... A - " x 5.-"^ r 06 n t ' . ' ,,u ; ti . . -: y ... Xo71 } ;jO SLCtlON: A:NN AF~.I3OR, MICI-II(~ kN, MONDAY, SPPTFU\l UWR ~ 1927 rI'1 T. I ACE 1PfTCE FIFE Hf .y.. F * F , t S F ,1 ' ' 'Y, t ' _ ._:__ . ._._. ..._ a....._ ., . _...___., ,v.... ...._. _. _ _ .. v : . .. . ,.. . ._.a... JHO O.R 'a ' t Cpl ° . _ _ 4 , :4 t' _ _ <. 4ad .h } y Will Open Tall Term ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… F3 qT COUNCIL 113 ILII PEAER BONLQRA)O T, AS~, (APnnIp THIS 14'N ER IN ORATORICAL SERIES1< A lctcure cours;e that will b tinglte of the for)3emosZtspeakers and liter'aryT maen of the Un zited Statces to Ann Ar- bomtl. rsst h ?(;l(._:le --tudets of h University, ha,, been a<rrang.'ed1 and co-mpleted by the Oratoric al Assosc~ia-. lionl. Th c Colls;eOWill be ;pla ced under6 way on Oct«llwen Sir Robert ,Barden~ w ill sp)eak and Avii1 closeo n...…

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