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September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_______ ~ ~~~ ,lUNIVERSTYOF MC A.___ 1 4i [ N ) ~ I M 1 o l't Yif F'1 ARo. N0OTIMELO Men\rdH tc l a S ti st P10-i LoP * *~ NE FRAERNIYiHOsE P ii'o~oi tt:.t : ( _t.. f Hot .I oy.h f o-t. ( ioolaAb llEfl1111 iS El i F?1 in a ton Iow o VoiPo \ed Pt h i I '' Oo it I 0 in tite kan dike o I i 0 m 1 I I t.i t O . iWt PiCES. Pteoi'o N 1w ( ill )t T f )f Fi]I\ ;11311 .ice t), 1) ;ice iC 3 i 1'IIr ltl7lit l'i;lt ?1 11it' tIll! tl t.) tl)) New V. of M. C...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…ANN \ ii TT - al N )\ LVaAl BE 1 LAST NIGHT S PRACTICE SINGINGI-EEL-. MINSTAHT_ Iet I, t~I , f ,.;. Coln. "ill. :: tliiir li;. : Itt ilt-r 11 I2}i , li t l ]1 I. I - t Ii 2 ( 1 I ': i)Ittt- Ill( ii 1'til I ltil fin- tot- 1" t'lltii- i i i ---tlii ; I -"IlE1 . l \' 1rt-t 't3 : t I ~l t o- llil"'ttl1 t a t i ii+ [[001 f>tO-l t. ~ ~,ttt ~i ~ rill i -tI IIi'tllt rl- i~ l tli. '1t1" I I I t + I " :lit 1 11 1 :i it'11t: his :11141 1 I hh, :t 1111 It...…

January 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…,I7r~~4 DAPIL W .... ...w{ ,T$$+ YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, SATURDAY. tJANUARY 25 1902. No. 87 ---__ SENIORS WON. of, Mi s loglis. Whi'1sesed'slast 1ilght. the cwwb isaid: "t iall Nel ai sid h irstGameof trit t ill aShwe-d up xsill ducltlllpti TheFirt Glls ofthe Class Serii's in froml stirt tii liiiiili. Basket Ball was Won by the Cuss altin IDutcher.'(15. said: S'01 If 1902 -Score to 0.Q Ir il pedy dI :111jill isa- lii as liii'lsti' si d.ll Our ...…

February 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…,, :. . .... . ._ .. - ... . x*FAS \ C 0' SIELL TRA~iK £(ISSIP J~ i1{ ,1 ti, " 1' 1 111k-4 i t, t 1 Ii ,1 I I Iii "< ' ;I ' ;l t{ 1 i "i '14 TH 1 1tt3i .I lit{ \ II it \ I'itt I' \ ; : 1 I T 1I f t 1t 1 t ll t r i t l i llT i 11i111 ITT iTT 111 t, \"I ti~t;1it~TT 1'; I 1 1: 11 II fi ilI t tliti l T l1 rITT IiT 111 ITIH I 1, t I Itii li t ' t \ ,,, 1 1' 1 11 t 1 t t I.t i111 it 111 1 tI tIII it \ t 11 tl I t t kIT 7\ ''111I I t~ t I TI...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…. _ DAIL ~ L FIO Ai2 SL. A. ELECTION Noticert tot Candidates and Voters I'hiil~~i)1 ~^..1... "("uwl l n14i1 11 ~lti JJ J~1t)1 1. 1Jil 1ttit I ll ttlit I t. I4411. t)1': ~r1111.Illtkil. lo 41111 1' 1 ; i t I t t ll i r 1 t) i s 1 11 IIlls t;I 1llt1 t~ ,1 htllJ 1;I 4 x n1 t 1 li 0il ~t 11 1 t 0 ; V Il l Il l I l 0 01 " i t I 1't . :(11#1 I] 1 111 001 I v It ,, ~ el11 :I ilis111':tlrl t110 ,0 2 11 4. 001 41t ( 1"F i ~ , 1)( 1 1 io 1 ) 111 1 ~111 ...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…A N.NARBfORl, MICiHl., ShtNT). I MAY 0, 92 FIRST YEAR. No. 1 71 CHICAGO DEFEATS MICHIGAN Corrjgi as Poor Control Togetherlwith Michigan's Poor Littinlu Give the Visitors an Easy V itoy ,dii [Ill p slil ;it o 1 1 i i 1ttIi lit tit,'litlil i d w l :1 %' k ] i :10 Ii hi , Il Ii, it lo Ih til I, It i tl talt XI ii I'I'I t l it it \\ilitttll ui itlll li . ;Ii'I 1; . lii t ii ii i 'ittti lit iii thu Till tutuiyoll "X Il. it it s 111it i i i Itiltlti...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…qr Adft E)AI ows. ISS:ZZZ 7 :77; L7r -- AINN ARBOR, IVICIL. SUNDAY, MAY 42.5, 1902 $8T YEAR. No. 171 JUNIOR LAWS WIN Wherry Left for Chicogo Law Profs.iFavtor Shirt W\aists, TeStrong '03 Law Team Dfeated 1)11ti tLilt" I itt (t l tI t Lt 0 Iltt ()it iiitit(- !J4:',I'.' ';Iliii 11Ito li t '" JIt' It ii ii\ ' 1 ilf t1i )lfo lt Hilldtild si'ii it t ( H; w llor 9 1 l ouit tt 1 i tI 'll tit I t iit Is IlejziIl " 1r vn t't(. htu o l :1Il\ll r \.I;1! ...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…. lLNI TheI IN )AL'NEW b - mssD.L/C~r~ have just receiv- ed a new line of, Woolens for fall, and winter. The' largest assort- ment:., in.. the_ ciy BU1SINE.SS -IANAliFR(, T. 7rt ( -.15. C .1 ~' v OO(s New and Second Hand. [rhe Best 'it Fountain PEN In the City. New & second Hand Books 177 ir Ila.tste''W n 177 II ,8 I1 SHEEHA & CO - 7- --- ---- £ 4 r nia/ rs it t k TextBooks willNewv andI Second Hand B Oror(stres " 1- (A.5 5. at1 I ' ily of 0 -...…

October 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…THlE AICHIG ; N DXLYNEWS curt 7 M Leid i iy i~rchaiy' it '[ ( Taiior. \ 1 k,. f .A Al r have j ust receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort- ment in The city AN N \<O lc 'Our (onsu fl( PaI(ksUs' "Why''" "Why" w' e 1 v i 'll 1 I ji!. AA I SHEEH IANIll& sCOU1 320 S. Stdtc street. lOAN AINN 11)1 00, E I)TOIAA, CtnAL Al A 11: tthi 1 icc :m j t '1 New subscribers S2,5o) in1advatice t4:3,1." 11} ; ' ./.lll ~ ~ f'\ . I...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…C t . crop-, trs T1,, 1': r , IOCI Iit A. tlrtt " D AlIL) EWS 'fie E.', of Al. DA!1.1, 3t t; ',;,. It 'lie 'VAW;ITY NE'W ;, 2.1 Latest Books64 :titt' . a too. :illa ETERLE .HOUST1ON, '',: :';Ih o lI)I 10016etics BUSINESS IANAGFI6, '101 \X' o ..(l' d 1'0 It 6.l 'rhill.4'6 t OL E JB. IIC ON, '041L EDITORS, Athletics 1,orr .AT GJENERAL NEWS 14ao6~h 1. Mary, '. Murk 1 , ',. RIW ILD coo a'aolludty, .kr'f, (6 u. s A Ir H n,' I,;. 1166,116606 11 11.1...…

January 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 2

…'LHIE MICIJIGAN DAILY--NEWS tel WILD 600 LEADING MERCHAN OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings. in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. W0i. ahngo ONE OF OUR HOT WATER BOTTLES; wsould prove a blessinZ worth its weight in gold during;th,t season of COLD &GRIPPE 75Cto $1.50 S#CAMPUS I)R U'i:STORE! R. E. JO...…

February 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

….t ; eYS ,,t E f is ' , s5 >, . 7 [ y K t' ji ?1 ki i V2 . e a - . l. h',tt ~ ~:b~ M edical B ooks, C. E.BARTH EL L G _ET PEIA MERCAANT TAILORS- a inpction.h ------------ --------------------- "sIt' GIVEN AWAY FRE +++ With every 5c purchase a chance on + $10.00 BOX OF CIGARS + AT THE+ [ DELMO)NIC +. I cremoveda, all tockarit ure strom THVE SMOKE F 4. THE D ELMONICOw ini FR ED E IB T.4+-+4+4'-H4 44 +.. +++4- Z-4+4 a{ Athens Theatre 3 Nights Com...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…I il l'~ All l'jlIA A , tTAllTI~lNIN tlh v, >G ~ zdir. OL p j L o r'} z 0LI- a-1 t- ,. . .., , .;.e '} i +Y :.. .... . . - f . r . ~ ,ti' 'G t, a <: j f: K i. ^ .itL t k . _ ; _w=. L__ i , L-#. Vim! D I IAI_, 2t -v Nht rfM AL, 12111,Year ~MICHIGAN DAILYNEWS PUB: A. (lInc~ xI1ANAIING EIlTORl, ()T~T) 1.1N iisi 511 1nls olnIthe Born]'Charge lei s uc sucis i I I l l i l i i 1~11- l111i:it t Iliii 't Il d L v li l ll 1: . I it . t llitil ~ ttlilt I...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…F1EIE IMtCIIIGANDA ILY--NEWS I 20 dE~ uO C5 41~ ... 0U 2 14 tn 100 In ." MIHGA AILY-NWS UBECWSe Th iU o . DIY, e..1..El of'I) 31 hAN. MCIADAL-EWS PB. O. nc, 113... ff)3F3a13, Secy,3W.. "T.3 3 V. Pre . .3 . M xeTa3 . R. 3 13 334 3333 r,;I111 133331 311 ol 3 tc ,110.1 11111 A1I'l W i1 l 1111%irliw 1113l1 I F I I I t3I1I1 I 1 a1.11 1 14-o Nv31 I.s I 11113),~jl~1 (1 1313111 33 33 1 :11 lli; "~jl w~l pr lI~lll, V 1101, 3333 a --;I ils" 111 ioll ( 1...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…4FTHE IMICHJGANL)AILY-NEWS' 0 mn 0 ..1 [4 0 W tu .i1 D A I E3 JS it.I t wl I lillif i i I i ls Thot13. of,-; DAILIqi, S t s, 4 itI' V ( iS lotisi i. .rt ss. t~i, t li 4 It it i l 4 . 1il 1tt 1. ii Oil l -1 ill ( 4 )I I il ol t lo s IPHISINGrhr l'liiioimis r ll o MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PB. C1)(mc) tilflif Terri .U uni ~ . V. of WigiLY, 121 t Y ofir Eoc Ied - ii hiO os.. 11An ti iArbor ii~iio Post0 qce.i itiitS.. iii til ii ii t SN S l N hE ,Ii I t...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIG~AN DAILY-NEWS - - S. L. A. ~Tckots ETI y our Work IN, ti Neuv_ We a~-1;II i:0t11' " It T[l 4 ,i s oodyea~rr' ii t h > l1 J e iV=Ca sell b' Corner ~r (7 r -tj Corner State ad Liberty Streets J ~yo our own Pen x Fom 15 fitted with a 14-Karat TOSOLID GOLD PIEN forM $7.0 $"1.00 AS ALEADER.\P %e Every Penk Sold By Us is Guaranteed to Give Perfect ,Satisfaction. 1 °\ - u. t r ., . z 'v t'S: "2. ? :_ c ,i~iy, ,y,,' .. ' w,.t. r' + - i 4" ...…

October 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…THE 1M ICHIGANDAILY--NEWS If you want to know This is worthy YOUR ATTENTrION what smartly dressed ° men will wear this sea- I't ol ,le LbrtavCmui sonaskto ee BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, wxtmrStein= HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY d Sniart Clot hes lsruunt& uple Li~nthntI& pflEB3ERBAC7 &SON, A NUACTUt J E .. t i Dr'anc n OLOFU ()[I .3L ILC :3L. PALACE AND PARISIAN ' S mss. K b° v 106-1 t " o I w do" y S yt; <l~n IIxIIx, ti' I Io il ~f,« Wi.lxx _xx i I ,,i r ...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…PALACE AND PARISIANI s Tilt t} ~ c N-I rex t 1 tI. F, BOWLER, Agt. 7liese S1)5. thu C, 402 NlaynarJ St. p d:ill s ()ii 1 t'Fe1itluall Supplies 1 111 ,ltit e R X -'12t' t: , U~iltt'icd I ti Mr.loll 1lc i: i..t A tpadg r-,t inrof' ~ t! tX 11:2 v:2 cl te ttn. it 1i it? litt' hever invent- i t l icI int ilutio cont i 338tS. StateSpot al- liiiid 2 Spld l ing Bros, N e d grk clatro, i [l..1 r ': U5' cn it. f 3iitr. '~ i1 It S VLN[SUSE l11E NMl(lIGAN...…

January 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 3

…TI1lEMICIGRAN DAILY--NEWS Our new assortment of B3 sth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. +I+ All that yo s could desire of our stock is complete in these lines and it will be to your advantage to look them through before buying+ 2 S.OMainStreet.e.V W~~yfN& L L[ "HN -. SOHANVZ OHAS. DIETAS EXCZEL51OR LINNbRT ToLIES AoME A ILORS vDRY WORK A SPECIALTY: HANDWORK~ __ 601 EAST WILUiAMS STREET 1.15 WEST HIURON ST., 'Phone 506 Thsspace belong...…

February 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…'z ' i !iiris c 1K . , .. a" n ..G ' . a w..+ r4 . . s,, 1 t 4 Mi"-LO H 4 r \\iU i , L I %ras .ss ;5j1. hs sli c isi fEO. H. MSHLE& . ILLER "~YoLD BllIRDPARLORS~ , , 32 S" STATE STREE T STYLE SF31i'ICF;V .STLUDENTS *, 4 ALWAYS 4 4y PA FROI1E 4+ t + . , m~ . _. ._. ; ~ , & ri~ 1..1 ."i S1fi. ;I . 1: . 1 I"* 1 1 Yj Iv I I 1 11 11i ' }1. I 1 I# t 11 X 1 .1 :1 i1 .1 1.I: t tl il' 11II... Ii t' ' . u i s jss-! ri a} Is. Is IItt 5 k a li l1#' i ,i ?...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…++++++++++++++++++++++V.+++ ++++ ++++ ++++ t~d++ +++f 4 + ++44.4, +++4-4++qM1.1 TopCoats They're All Here Spring 'ias Rain Coats Every article of miens appareling approved of Spring N cwar by fashionable dressers Spigs t Ffc ~ 'HNJ_ SCHANZ OHAS. DIETAS Ill 41s AN INTA1ILO1ERS __ 601 EAST WILLIAMS STREET EX(CELSIORK ' F DYWRKASEILY:-NIOOR 11RK PES HURO.Y M<NVOF This space belongs to Goodove "No better Turkish Cigarettes can be made." (o Cork Ti...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE -_MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS iAmong the Smaller Things of Life SV10Go io r oilatirn titan tran Iira, all t), r i tl ttinzar'rwe iar a' F-iih r Troil o'a atiot, critiral i-a . This a'cM ' rtd c iat t iiit whothi raintw r ecallo-a' the a,t i i A. drtr'sor ti aik"THIS STORE IHEADQUARTERS FOR MEN'S EFURNISHINGS. Come thi ~4'eekl ir Fancy Shirts. Ta it t i-ar itt !1$1.50. $2.00.$250 -indI$2.75. Err tianr ashtltV'ni'at -t$1.00,$150, $2 and$3 M e1"i Wt'...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…'THE-MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS 1116 Most GoHninon hill that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES woul1d :be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to te'il you how good thete ctotlses are. The makers attach their t'c' neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that sot the slightest defect either of style, fabrics or tailor'ing, is p...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…ThtE MICtiIGAN IAILY-MIEWS Cood Morning. Have You Read the DaIC~ B Delivered DailY Before brea fast _ SPE1_CIAL PM/ZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. Not oPen to snbsc-rii ron lubin1We (T IIf N f,1 1 0lIt' I(F r e 11 ee , ff E A ),[Itjv I II tbsl-blt 'loN eivery until paid in full. it illllNews.Ii C Mail subscription price to Daily, ...... ...... ...News, City. Hazing Resolutions Il,2 :11'sltil r )o 1411 '\ 4i1 . 1 ' lli 4 I I ' ltl i~~' 4t 1 1 1 i r,.t 1ltl...…

October 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…L. 'a THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS l PUMI Uff ND OMEN L oTHfI NG0BETE AT AINY PRICE. If you are particular and hard to fit come to1u IRubber Goods, "Gym Shoes," 11S I T ET Fine Shoe Repairing.I'AINS .'T E flair Brash j ItENTS ('IIIIElIZ. At I- l z IIIAIMTn Car n il liiiand Iutn-esSn lia di MtICHIGIAN NOTES. n-Ali:NTLr, n-RS e l ri Itol s ]: i FO inePictujres. arid Artistic Picture Framinig (60 TO DeEIES You will he surprised at the low prices on r...…

November 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…A.. Bros0- 7 - rt.',4 ,,1 .. 1 / <I> . ? 1 -011 15.)l" L L / M _ L. .i4.0 ;UrO:p 24 i , h s 1 I:t:' I I SI:1. 41 'i i 1:i \( I01 Iti iw~I'II,! " iI ..~''I .1I Y at r C o o \ I t :I217 4 4"' ci \i tl TtI 1 t 11(I' L I } }' I2l ( 4 LLL' 2(II . oi'iii '"i i 'Itl°ii o 4! I I nt 11.442I 'I 4 nt221:,71211<(YI "L iILLL1 III ( t lli ( ii {i .'ii i oh i i t i4 {"I 4111 SLO fI',I ii , i l i ;I44 1 ' iL 4 I I~ill A > II L LILWi-I %oI - - - -----i i ___-_...…

January 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 87) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS J3 ~G PP i vR*tESC'vfPT1O-NS TO iJsx. ~ 11 ~ f~ DC Xl I use onoly the very best miter is EU UI 1E( XI -5-\\ e are expertI pharmatists, radua tes, i reniceil W H Y * 1;El.. Si --1We caretollys echeck everyt] .io to avi i sOtatites. IIE4CAI p1E-Oiriprices are as low ss iwe can manethiemtind ose the DBEST materials- CALKNSPHABMACY 324 50. STATE S rIGIKwi6I( Billiard rarlors and BO N~II 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKI...…

February 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…txk~~ t - S.. 7 Id I t ,_ALEPS O STR. '13 ANSwE H I.N'LNIAN,(il~riti. rt iiiI I _, ,. ( LALLINDAR AND READLN& NOYICE~ I .. FRT !t 1' inALU, K 4J . W. IAitlNitIN I V. taiRmlt 1' i+ J WV.S itis ISti 1f: No BAXNK j 7C-. t e he SHp to ae °h it 1~, II - 1.1:1 il II ISIllI'S I 1:11 JAN WW IwFitY"10.I li.- " t1 I,it 1: 'i p. 111 N.i 1 1;. -o i( S W m. (il Itiiilh. 'i 'tl l kI 1 ltr In i N .s W i II IIp ndIA1 ,111 1li. 1{r? t) X1 r ii W111"''i I- N~th...…

April 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…Better'y Afew, years ago Fire lDollars was 5 ~ the standard price for a hat. To- day one can be had for Ti E, a JA WES =. Fi'ully guaranteed--A hat made with particular care for particular men. WAGNER & CO,, LAT'E5T SHAPES-, JUST IN, Sole Agents ( o - 4 A vSi~ PiNGVw R' FY AndI!~ n THE}. 'l'hii 9 VLED L.i'FO COLUMBUS a. ::, s) N, t11 neralFraveling Agent, BETTER 'T' -AlAN VF THlE SL'rtl TEIPOKf1R Open~s flat. Atomsaticallyx ad t#r large 1uaUl ...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE VICIII(-A.N, DAILI NEWS TAILORS, 123 S5outlh fain Street. 116KW16k Billiard Parlors adlBowlino 707 -N Bitt I.NtIRSI1a AVE'NITE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. 11 T i ~ o f(v yfi r t '1 1 F tNI ndRO1 iiIt TOLEDO T COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDl'AN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIIGAN E5TTER THAcN E is VER The SOILEEDE TEM PO R4 RY BtDOttt F.J CIIL tofe3 2.oS s- ii -- ii FULDE .... The Tailor.... 11g S. Main St. Ann Arbor Thb finn fMor ,avinus Ba...…

May 25, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAlLI -NEWS rM. GINGER AL BETTER THAN THE LIiPORTED 5c CALKINS5' PHABRMACY 324 SO. STATE ST. I rlGkwiGk IBil1idr arlors MudBowlino 707 NOtRTHtUNIVERSITYYAENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I! That metsthe tt. i of f o tyti ng: s ER1VICE, 1 I OffONT asoId ROAD )l. wi~th Prlr ar TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGAN LINEN PAPER 15, 20, 2,5 and 30c a lb. SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 1165S MAIN STREET F...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…THE ICHIGCA\DAILY-NEW AUTI IMN A PPAREL This is worthy YOUR ,ATTENT~ION FOR ME.N OF 1"FA SHION ( I I ASl' I iL H HjAE r 'f t xiI~i l I llill l' ea I. 1e Wel hat.tN X' 111 tei l xx ixx rli I ix 11 ST E IN BOHCOMPANY, LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 1i w l lakf, , I i BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY kp lostruinents &Splies 1, _ l h s a o a oi4'E B E R B A C H & S O N , M PE RS U R S N D Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN - j - -...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…fil II~I IltA21N lIA ILY->NL\VS PUR:TA I1 U HairBuilics, Comobs, loudi Soap, Sponges, du---e' erg tl nug t or r yor room. 1,EN1>11'-,' FiePicturesl'~w~ Ait (9 llwOe e lt' it ;t,' +DeFRIt)S ALINSPHrMACY . ". . StaBin I., Z P' han,'S N(i1T Zahria'sMarket. Choice M eats for FrzaternityTrade.' 1_41,x'PRICE SO0 ~Toilet Goods z kJ A BRON'SDRUG STORE O ri : 1 M. 4 n11 r .0 1111?s0 Lock repairing, key fitting GEN'ERAL 1IACIIINEWORKONE\I0 WM. J. WINGER...…

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