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September 25, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…I I . . . I I . I I - ''1. 1. 1 7-M The cStudent Government Proposal .See Page 2 PY WI6F a6 D:3aii t -' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1954 COOLER,'SHOWERS FOUR PAGES S S . Regents Dismiss Prof. Nickerson President Hatcher, Nickerson Make Public Statements After August Meet (This is the last in a series of articles discussing the case of Prof. Mark Nickerson. He appeared be...…

September 25, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE M CHTGA.N n , AT v3 PAGE TWO Tmlit.i1ih I 1 £IT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1954 E The Student Government Problem Regents Action ... FAILURE BY the Regents to mention the Laing proposal for a Student Government Council at its meeting this week raises two vital questions. First of all, we wonder why the Regents did- nqt consider the plan, which arose as an answer to the manifest need for reorganization of student gov- ernment. ...…

September 25, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

… 'SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, x954 - THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE THREE SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1954 - THE MICHIGAN I~AILY WAGE THREE 'M Battles Washington In Seattle Clash Today DAILY CIASSIVIED AilS (Continued from Page 1) be sophomore Ron Kramer and senior Gerry Williams. Kramer, a rugged six-foot-three, ,210 pound prospect, won the Meyer Morton Trophy for his outstanding play in spring practice and may be just the pass receiver McDonald need...…

September 25, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

… PAM! TOV THE MICHIGAN DAILY U AD1TTDTV.AV 7,'. swww l, EIo w as1 - B1 EiLt a. Li 5rAJ.L Y JZ .5. :ijV1)LX1, C ), I954) E ', POLITICAL SITUATION: Anderson-Imbert Discusses Spain By ERNEST THEODOSSIN Having spent a six-month sab- batical leave in Spain studying the origins of Spanish poetic prose, Prof. Enrique Anderson-Imbert has had an excellent opportunity to ob- serve the Spanish people and gov- ernment. "There is complete censorship...…

June 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… THE REAL DANGER- MC CARTHY'S ISM' See Page 2 pY Latest Deadline in the State :43 t IV FAIR ANDWAR1MER VOL. LXIV, No. 4S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 FOUR PAGES US. Officials Brush Aside British Plan Proposal Widens u Asia Policy Gap WASHINGTON (M-Top Ameri- can officials coldly brushed aside Thursday a surprise British pro- posal for a Western agreement with the Communist world to guar- antee peace in Southeast Asia. The ...…

June 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…rAGGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAJLV FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 PAGE TWO FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1954 THE MICITIGAN DAILY ditPLJ Thte By ALICE B. SILVER Daily Managing Editor HE UNITED STATES ARMY declared open war on Senator McCarthy for 36 days. But unfortunately the Army has never engaged the real enemy . . .. the Senator's 'ism'. The notion that the people McCarthy and Cohn called Communists, subversives and fel- low travelers might not actually be guilt...…

June 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

… PRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1951THE MICHIGAN DAILY Yanks, Chisox Gain n Indians Larsen Out of Wimbledon; 1 T . T ranert, Seix WIMBLEDON, England (?--Bel- glum's underrated Philippe Wash- er, who said he "wasn't playing well," knocked the first hole in Wimbledon's seeded ranks Thurs- Detour MILWAUKEE (IP) - There's an extra curve in the new ~' sports car race track at State Fair Park-a detour around a Hungarian partridge nesting on 13 eggs. The ...…

June 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…rAG roue THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, ,TUNE 25, 1951 PAGE FOVl~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, 3LJNE 25, 1954 SOCIAL IMPACT OF ATOM: Experts Ponder Nuclear Problems Research Team Reports Discover of New Virus (Continued from Page 1) Opinion expressed was unani- mous that the dawn of the nuclear age offers challenges and needs adjustments in the fields of edu- cation, military tactics, scientific research, and law to keep pace with the dynami...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…STUDENTS USE JOE'S TACTICS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State A60F 41atty AVW"Rqoppl- 8 + * PARTLY CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LXIV, No. 157 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1954 SIX PAGES New Tactics By Molotov Snarl Talks Indochina Seige Won by French By The Associated Press Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, apparently shifting his ground in the negotiations for a quick ceasefire in Indochina, snarled proceedings yesterday with...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1954 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Oficial Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (before 11 a.m...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MAY 25, 2.954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TT RIPR TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .ctVAIW T1UUW'Wl~ 5 ;Michigan House Nine Cops HOLDER OF NAVY CROSS: Murphy in Sixth Year as Net Coach 1-11 Softball Champi DKE, Anderson Win Intramura Delta Kappa Epsilon, Nu Sigma Nu and Anderson walked off with trophies by leading their divisions in.Saturday's intramural golf tour- nament. The Dekes scored a low 329 to defeat Sigma ...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUlR TWE AtIC111GAIN DAILV TULSDAY, X z5, 1954 j PAEI! FOTTR '111k; f~i1&.ti1~A~ OAil2ii TUk~SDAY, MAY '~5, 1954 Students Use Joe's Tactics T HAS BEEN agreed upon by many that McCarthyism, which aims at destroying Communism, is ultimately crushing Demo- cracy and thus defeating its purpose by us- ing Communistic methods. McCarthy has been fighting fire with fire. This is so well known by Anti-McCarthyites that it has al- most becom...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FTVN TU-A , A _5, 1 5 T E M C I G N D I L r~u ' V a rauJPA r AL V !Sr i Chairmen of Homecoming Dance Big Sisters' J L.. ci.. ..i .Will Counsel ,.,; Announcea vy ctuaent Legisiature Next year's Homecoming Dance chairmen have been announced, subject to approvel of S. L., spon- sors of the annual event. General chairman of the dance, which will be held Saturday, Oc- tober 23, after the Michi...…

May 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…PAM MC THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1954 ?AG?7 SiX THE MICH~~~~IGA AL USAMY2,15 MANAGING EDITOR: Ambition, Drive Labels Lunn (EDITOR'S NOTE: The more flamboy- ant sections of this account were gathered in off-guard moments which we are beginning to regret. IHL.) By GENE HARTWIG "Harry Lunn speaking." So goes the deep-voiced tele- phone greeting of Harry Hyatt Lunn, Jr., retiring managing edi- tor of The Daily. Art Connoisseur and ...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…A 41it igaut 'OLITICAL PARTY LABS See Page 4 A6r 43 a t t I = S Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS, COOLER A VOL. LXIV, No. 141 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1954 SIX PAGES McCarthy, Mundt Support Telephone Transcript Used 'M' Divides Two Games Geneva Conference To Begin; At Evanston Red China Role Still nsettled Seek Legal Okay of Tap Information NBC TV Drops Live Coverages e By The Associated Press The Army "ma...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…IMM PAGE TWO TRH: MT t" HMu. A Ni J Z T. A .TT . s.°. V Mr f'U1R1 VL1 v 1.AiT SUNDAY, .APRM 25,195, 54 .I'"!/"'1T 1 7'f I"Y Y7 1 .A T'T#T11 7r 1 { COLLEGE ROUND-UP: Ex-Roommate, MSC Coed, De~eribes Daphne Price By LEE MARKSv A Michigan State coed, who roomed with Daphne Price, self- admitted FBI informant, in the fall of 1951 before transferring to MSC, described Miss Price as "an intelligent person who would, I believe, think carefull...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN ',' ATI1 -~SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 1954 PAGE THRE I OSU Golfers Will F~ur-eam Meet M' Record:l Falls DES MOINES-UP.1--Kansas' crack distance medley relay quartet slashed almost six sec- onds from the American record Michigan TVies Indiana, 2-2, iIn Net Match Halted by Rain' My rLeague Standings NATIONAL LEA(;1 4) AMERICAN LEA(;UE W I. - MichiganliPlaces, Stumplig Fires E Special to The Daily y COLUMBUS -- Ohio. State's golf t...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOrR THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'A"TTviri&V AVI*lFi.')X Y4kA 1H I H G I A L Y h 1 A y * U 3 ~ I W 15UINUAX. AFICLL Z5, 1°54 Political Party Labs DREW PEARSON: "7NO,I CAN'T support political parties-- I'm an independent," is the common ra- tionalization used by those who wish to avoid soiling their hands with politics. While priding himself on his intellectual freedom, the independent is actually a hindrance to our form of government. Ex- c...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY. APRIL 25, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEI I ~TTNT11AV.. APRIL ~A. I§K4 THE IIHCHIGAN DAILY ?AGX IFC Ball To Be Featured SIn.Greek Week Festivities S'U' Affiliates To Participate in Workshops, Exchange Dinners, Traditional fFC Sing Climaxing the annual Greek Week festivities, IFC Ball will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 7, in the League Ballroom. Open to affiliated men and their dates, the formal affair will fea- ture t...…

April 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 141) • Page Image 6

…I rP6iGst THlE MICHIGANDI)LY SUNDAY. APM 25.1954 ' _-._ __ J LJI .V Lii* 4-AM 7LIL.{l /Y47} LW VX !7 Nine Of Hearts Key Card In Unusual Bridge Situation South dealer: S K1096 chose to save while trump was H J103 being drawn. D 532 Observe what happens when a C AK7 small heart is led from the dummy. If East plays small, South will play the nine. West will take the trick $ N S 832 with the ten but South wins the H K108 W E H J764 remainin...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…ph THE DISCRIMINATION PROBLEM See Page 4 Y Latest Dea~dline hi. the Stie :43 ity CLOUDY, ThUNDERSTORMS i; VOL. LXIV, NO. 121 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1951 SIX PAGES McCarthy, Pearson Fire New Charges Brownell Hears Claims Of Both WASHINGTON -(P~Sen. Jo- > seph McCarthy (R-Wis.) and col- umnist Drew Pearson fired new barrages in their running feud yesterday in a free-swinging mix- up centering on charges and coun- ter c...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…PAGR TWO GRISWOLD CHARGES:;OI Poor Secondary $chools ii THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954 I DALLFIILBLEI i ( .e i r t o t:. . . x¢ # ;E1. 3 t..i 6 e .A . " z ft,,; t :x:f ;. : i ft? 3 lr _____t_____________________,I__________f____1 By FREDDI LOEWENBERG Yale University President A. Whitney Griswold, writing in the March 27 Saturday Review of Lit- erature; has charged that poor ele- mentary and secondary school ed- ucation is un...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…4' THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954. ." TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGF THREP. THuRSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954 TIlE MICHIGAX DAILY i : tiwr. nnar. r. I .ankers Clash Nationals To Be Held at Syracuse; Close Races Seen; OSU Favored t By LEW HAMBURGER ByLheWNatnaMlgte50, and in the two races at Ohio As the National Collegiate swim- State a month ago, touched out ming championships get under way Hill in the closest of decisions, tonight with the 1500 meter free...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

… rAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 19;1 t: PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN I~AILY THURSDAY~ MARCU 25, 1954 EDITOR'S NOTE: Senior Board & the Discrimination Problem By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor SENIOR BOARD has been placed in an S unusual position in its discussion today of the alumni speakers program discrimi- nation problem. A week ago the problem was brought to focus when a Negro student lead- er was not allowed to addres...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 5

…: THURSDAY, MARCH 25, x954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY VAMIF THRDYMRH 5 95 3 MCII~~fa. .I J.V A~~AB~ Z~A~J~ 'Nautical Nonsense' To Be Given Band To Play TAPPINGTWICEAYEAR: By Blue Team on Frosh Weekend At Little Club Scroll Societ Ausic b Bu ot e E EE N :y Recognizes Affiliated Seniors 4 Ticket Sales SetTo Begin Tomorrow "Nautical Nonsense" will be presented by the Blue Team of Frosh Weekend on Saturday, April 17, in the League. Blue Team chai...…

March 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

…I FAGEST T HE MICUIGA DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1954 I SL Films StudentLegislature's Cinema Gyild features for the weekend are "A Run for Your Money" and "The Male Animal" English film comedian Alec Guinness will star in "A Run for Your Money" at 7 and 9 p.m. today and tomorrow in Architecture Auditorium. Henry Fonda will play the leading role in "The Male Ani- mal" at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday and 8 p.m. Sunday. Ar~~micc~in is M PI4 1Aeid...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…Y A SOUND INVESTMENT See Page 4 t td i ha Latest Deadline in the State :4Ia itj CLOUDY, RAIN OR SNOW VOL. LXIV, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 SIX PAGES Juvenile Crimes Up in Ann Arbor Figure's Reveal 878 Apprehended For Law Violations in Past Year (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of articles discussing juve- nile delinquency in Ann Arbor.) By PAT ROELOFS Juvenile delinquency in Ann Arbor is steadil...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 TINE MICUIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 Doector Calls /_or Uns~afe The modern automobile is a modified iron miiden of the Mid- dle Ages, according to Dr. John; Ivanoff, resident surgeon with the department of orthopedic surgery. Pointing out that injuries to the head and neck cause more than half the total number of traffic deaths, Dr. Ivanoff called the steering wheel and column letha...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, FEBRUARY "5, 1954 THE MICRIGAN DAILY PACIF THRrr. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MiCHIGAN'S HOPES: L .IL L; 1 1 xr G r i -Daily-Don Campbell MICHIGAN'S "BRAIN-TRUST" .. . Phil Diamond, Don Canham, Elmer Swanson Canham's Strategy May Decide Conference Title Newman., Fletcher Win Playoff Tilts Two Clubs Meet For Cage Title In two first place playoff games in the Independent basketball, eg e e m n d w e oet leag...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

… GE rouR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 19,54 GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 19~S4 A Sound Investment THE STATE Department has recently an- nounced that preliminary talks on ex- tending financial aid to the European Steel and .Coal Community have been conducted and that "concrete ways" to offer such aid are to be discussed in the near future. To this the "isolationist" will probably reply "here we go again, ...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 5

…r THURSDAY, FEBRUARY. 15, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 THE MICHIGAN flATlY PA(41' 1 C1 V 4.X w Michigras Chairmen Announce. Sponsors of Booths for Carnival CI 65 Groups To Take Part In Festivities Thirty-eight booths, sponsored by 65 campus groups, have been selected to set the Michigras car- nival tone at Yost Fieldhouse April 23 and 24, Booths Co-chair- men Barb Burstein and Bob Gil- low announced yesterd...…

February 25, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 97) • Page Image 6

…4. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1954 _ _ _ . _ _ e,__ . ., . ,,,, SL Cinema Guild Shares Half Profits Allocation of. the half-dollars which week-end movie goers pay at the Cinema Guild box office and supervision of the behind-the- scenes operations before a movie gets to the screen are the chief responsibilities of the Student Leg- islature-Cinema Guild Board. The Cinema Guild, a service pro- ject which was taken over by SL i...…

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