September 25, 1922

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September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…, # , I ~~~i. ' E) '0 .. ...... ._ d. .... ....,,.. ,. ..... A - " x 5.-"^ r 06 n t ' . ' ,,u ; ti . . -: y ... Xo71 } ;jO SLCtlON: A:NN AF~.I3OR, MICI-II(~ kN, MONDAY, SPPTFU\l UWR ~ 1927 rI'1 T. I ACE 1PfTCE FIFE Hf .y.. F * F , t S F ,1 ' ' 'Y, t ' _ ._:__ . ._._. ..._ a....._ ., . _...___., ,v.... ...._. _. _ _ .. v : . .. . ,.. . ._.a... JHO O.R 'a ' t Cpl ° . _ _ 4 , :4 t' _ _ <. 4ad .h } y Will Open Tall Term ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

… F3 qT COUNCIL 113 ILII PEAER BONLQRA)O T, AS~, (APnnIp THIS 14'N ER IN ORATORICAL SERIES1< A lctcure cours;e that will b tinglte of the for)3emosZtspeakers and liter'aryT maen of the Un zited Statces to Ann Ar- bomtl. rsst h ?(;l(._:le --tudets of h University, ha,, been a<rrang.'ed1 and co-mpleted by the Oratoric al Assosc~ia-. lionl. Th c Colls;eOWill be ;pla ced under6 way on Oct«llwen Sir Robert ,Barden~ w ill sp)eak and Avii1 closeo n...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…nning tihe usual social functions. A arty for freshman women to be giv- n at 7:30 o'clock 'Wednesday eve- ng in IBarbour gymnasium is the firstf cial function of the year. Miembership in the league can be E_;su Activities were somewhat limited .his sumumer for the Women's league 'eeause of the com)paratively small unier~of girls attending the Summer sess ion. The 'Women's league is an organization 'of wvomen at ?Michigan, ormned for the purp...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…mber of Western Conference. :iaton. Associated Press is exclus to the use for republicatio dispatches credited to it or n credited in this paper andt published therein. ered at the postoffce at An gan, as second class matter. scription by carrier or mail, ices: Ann Arbor Press Buildir Street. les: Editorial, 2414 and 176- 960. extends her most sincere welcome. Monday During the coming year they will be Board in known as freshmen. They have E...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…ALL WOMEN AVERAGE 78.80, MEN 71.14; GENERAL SORORITIES HIGHEST ENTIRE UNIVERSITY AVERAGES 72.51 Women Show Consistently Higher Grades Than Men in Each Group Michigan athletes last year failed to keep their scholastic standing up to the average of the previous year drop- ping from 74.38 to 72.39, a decrease in average of about 2 1-2sper cent, according to the annual scholarship chart showing the relative 'standingsl of the different fraternitie...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…MJ L1 ,l J6. ,,..W RIOS BLOW FIELD STRONG RHEAD, GOEBEL, KIRK BACK; WINS MAY BE AVLAILABLE LATER IN SBEASN FRITZ, KIPKE, ROBY, kPPON BACK AT WORK er, Knode, Keefer, and Dunleavy Round Out Strong Offensive" Corps ,u Fielding H. Yost, with his won- il ability as a builder of winning all teams and his 22 years of rience as head coach of Michigan ity elevens mould a center sec- for his forward wall that will ef- .ally plug the gap left by the...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…'I, :PECTS TEAM AS STRONG V YEAR; PURDUE HOPE- WITH GREEN SQUAD NSIN' PROSPECTS k; 5 VETS RETURN -n Chinces Impaired ; Purple Planning for ture Campaigns By Ndte: The Daily has made special arrangements to receive accurate weekly reports from other Big Ten athletic camps during the season for each of the major sports. The re- ports here are the first of a series! that will be included in this service. PURDUE Lafayette, Ind., Sept. 24.-Conf...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…It AFF a.l TORGS Tally.He was made brigadier gen- FO RMER REGNT OIVeral by President Wilson. General Spaulding's family com- prises his widow, four sons and ono daughter. The children are: John C. Spaulding, Detroit attorney; Frank M. Spaulding, mayor of St. Johns; Brig. Gen. Oliver Lyman Spaulding, Col. Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr.; Major regent of the University from 1858 to Thomas M. Spaulding,sof the United ,,, , Ii-I -__- -E 12-States arm...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 9

…I 0 Orr ism., It 1 ialt' JPF - t .,. NO. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1922 PRICE THREE C: AHEH[WSKI AND Chimes, Gargoyle Predict Eextension CpAE A And Improvement During Coming Year 19Editorial and business staffs of the Chimes contest, will appear in the Gargoyle. campus humor magazine, Football number of Chimes. and Chimes, campus opinion monthly, Special Issues Forthcoming are approaching a'working basis, af- ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…it A RESHA I R CAMIP GIVE'S 3 0o BOYS leaders and instructor: at this year's camrp were: G. L. Bowie, '23, WN. A. C(cldberg, grad., 'J. WV. Morey, '22,4 next 4Idls ofn. oulnion and interest in 9i~o& w&4 are reproduced on ouro W' hatLeverx the advantage of ourc gen, fiet l> 'r 3 bumets-d shtould be thea last to underestimate . Ifrei-d t tgitshoud be candidlya amtted that they have the effect of I ltiifug the oportufities for the f r- spon...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

…n the campus of the r advantages both in advancement and in ey of the various of- ressing the fact that ons offered induce- to lower classmen but ien as well, the man- nd business managers ons have given brief work of their organ- 1 of the official student publica- s are controlled by the Board in ;rol of Student Publications, h is composed of both faculty student members. However, each operates as a unit and is able anage the affairs of its ...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…I into actioi. these days. 'Alonzo Stag,. coach of Chicago ~U andi one of the zrand old it~ of the game, is as active . s ever. N orthwestern adherents believe that their eleven, under the guidance of Glenn Thistlewaite. former coach of Oak Park (Chi- csago) high, will give the "Big Ten" team,, real r,!-position. Ten" teams real opposition. Iowa, .winner of the conference title last y( , is co '-nt of re- peating under the able coahing...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… K ,:" ' '? i Ls ': ! MignThe Dal xedstiht 'ebd ft elMchgn n and Woe hat wloe aktocamu nd, othe University. epcthyer - n2 iggs, istory, f this already .EU is isitton tspana d ingevery= evey th"ngIn ts-poertokee '~n te wih herap!dpors en ae.:n wiI adallyasn unotway oni MihgnUI'lb r acivit oterwie, ill e dealt ithine Dall Th Mlhigii an nd om inerined ihian r di ® actiitiesa et cotnt.-T e-Ofiia ulei, h- fW ich, v r' td n -r, I held re TT...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…L W WOMEN WILL BE ENTERTAINED Dawley of the physical education de- partment, and Frances Ames, '23, uresident of the League, will stand in the receiving line. :ing out bills, card indexing ad- isers, etc. When the bills are ly to be collected tryouts are sent. with them. hie circulation department sells magazine. It takes charge of the scription campaign early in thej r and the stand and campus sales ' month throughout the college . They al...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… P cIdue to the fact that the studentL lay out and mark a crosswalk on there have gone through a longer North University avenue at this cor- perodof leentryandtehnialner. Respectfully submitted, JTAL ENROLLMENT training than have those of the Unit- GeorgeE. Lewis ed States. e. S. Van Nortwick " 'When interviewed at the time of A. H. Blanchard. his leaving as to his views on the The committee, as announced last- economic conditions in Poland, P...…

September 25, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…I BULLETIN I Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a. in. Saturday.) Volume 3 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1922 Number 1 All Students-Opening Assembly: All students are urged to attend the -opening assembly which will be d in Hill Auditorium at 7:30 p. in. Monday, September 25. President= Orion LeRoy Burton will speak on the subject "That Mind of Yours." Members o...…

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