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January 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, t\'I)ISOX., J.\ANY 25, 000 Vol, XXI. No. BRADLEY THOMPSON 1RI DFEA TO RESIGN IN JUNE 'ccToofeh () ils lthra Ro mococ icon, Moo> ccc aftrndotn 'this After Over Score of Years Civil is te'firt timico freshmaic c cothcs been crorcl'occi sinceo c . 'ii itheot War Veteran Will IStep From ear ;' jot tic ott toteocdhico' Ifast Law Chair Iro'cicc co-C ..0Cro, J S ctt, C S confeici B Stccotc Iite 1 ok Subtitutc Ics taricicto,...…

February 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…heF 5. -- ._ _.___i. Xs._ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,: SAT"R DAY, l, hIRTARY 5,1Q oo. . TRACK OPENING IS FXXCY tI ~ R S1,?ffC~f\J5 SU AROFF FILLS fspR (( U S ~ SET FOR TONIGHT It aims I ,dres-s rtif Ihe : UNIVERSITY HALL t'os~~r 'tt ensLege .alhe sf nhabu New Material Will Have Chance elisterhsencstortry eesiie Second Appearance of American To Show Metal in First of The leagu teeassra th . Artist Arouses Enthusiasm sb otar,sft wrf Indoor Meets e...…

March 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MJCIIIG4 N, ,"I 'It) NN V, ANCI Nttt.t Vol. XXI. CORNELL SEEKS REVENGE HANCHETT MADE REGENT CNIORI Grand Rapiids Man N'amed as Judge- Knappens Successor l'unitn; i '(>It' 'tin it it It t i'T heta In t' uset h I N TONGHTS BG IIEE t ii~n i ii tt}I 1 ihm'nn I'ntldtx, .Nnil1 ()h 'i o Ii ni N) i (I t at o)II tnfnilefti foeInn h' nd \\ a Every Atom of Wolverine Strength Will Have To Itnittit ,fit I tl.Nr icw i itotcii ol~ \\-il t...…

April 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 'Ii~ h't, \i'ill , 25, P511. Vol. XXI. 'VARSITY ATHLETES I' II P INlS\ lI 'N l W LO ESUNSHINE tSprlmgguier tie aspies ofth of the latitortotr for testin" ni'teritl Baseball Players M~eet Oil vet at Purdue t i netrsel, swill talk t(on1"hi onilthe iPia naa ''anal. I is lcture wiill ITomorrow; Track M~en Go iineii cldeaettet t t tiSomeioflihi re To Philly Saturday li22ar)pliialat, g~nnsfo t coit uci' , aiiil planti n...…

May 25, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…Vo.XLANN ARBOR, MICHIGANTi 1Iif[6-DAY, IMAN 2,T1ff.Nt 16 Vol. XXI. No. r66. WOLVERINES BEATEN' IBgOOYAU TSAI CAO DEE CHEOLOO BY CLAWING TIGERS MlI--- ____ I ) 1/SI Michigan Loses I-i'-Fought I'-N LA iEOh 1,\ss GA.M?s. Game to Princec by 5 F- St, ffffurfo. I WN 1 ,(4'P' to 4 Score Junor 11 t .....I fp 110(1 VARSITY SHOWS GOOD FIGHT f1p .""".".t z h3 Sei (o t tlttlst ..o 1 0110 Np /5 iatthe 1/o ic/hipan Ia/y.) The111' l101 ere1 the winners i...…

October 25, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…e Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1911. LAW TEAMS PLAY TIE GAME. Teams are Evenly Matched and Goals Are Not in Danger. The senior and junior laws battled to a scoreless tie in the second game of the interclass series yesterday after- noon. Though the game was spirited neither team's goal line was in serious danger at any time during the play. Pyle and Leitch starred for the seniors. Myers and Rabout were the grou...…

November 25, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…4, Michigan Dai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1911. ever load WILL MEET FRESH TODAY! MUSIC MASTERS OF NATION WILL MEET Asso-iation to Hold its 39th Convention Here From Dec. 26 to 29 inclusive. v with a rooting game is he foot- all ex- Cole Will Use the Same Line-! Up that Defeated Olivet j Three Weeks Ago, I* i# k * AIN'' IT FUNNY?, * * * * R -0- * * * * TO RECEIVE VARSITY REPORTS, j0TED ARTISTS WILL ATTEND. 1 ...…

June 25, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…vYEWOLVERINE Vol IT. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 191. No i. BEN GREET ACTORS SENIORS TO DANCE ill be laid hwhic will tm.ndt all BIGtsPREPtheIspi.Ltime. lectri[a SH W T IhEK M D U T C S E E aies, spot lights, atel o ed globe1IIAj features will furish coonttless sorptisea daetg the eveittg. FOR COM TENCEMENTlW1E1 ___ -~~~ ebchis, Dean Jorda Rc tptioOMnY ChairmantiNt EE Three of Shakespeare's and One Barbour Gym Will Be Turned 0. . Carp...…

July 25, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1911. RUTHVEN TELLS OPOF PNSMOURNUECTRLSEM."PALACE OF TRUTH" MEXICAN PEON AGE As'rfesor is .Karpiski, of IS MOST POPULAR tile mftheais=autwl etrnte"istory'of Our Numerals,"in tileF west teeture rooimi of the physics laboes-f Expedition to Neighboring Re- tory tomorrowe afternoon.o. Karpin- Gilbert's Play Secures the Most sk ilbgnwt hr ktho h oepublic Affords Unique history of niumlerals ...…

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