June 25, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 1
…vYEWOLVERINE Vol IT. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 191. No i. BEN GREET ACTORS SENIORS TO DANCE ill be laid hwhic will tm.ndt all BIGtsPREPtheIspi.Ltime. lectri[a SH W T IhEK M D U T C S E E aies, spot lights, atel o ed globe1IIAj features will furish coonttless sorptisea daetg the eveittg. FOR COM TENCEMENTlW1E1 ___ -~~~ ebchis, Dean Jorda Rc tptioOMnY ChairmantiNt EE Three of Shakespeare's and One Barbour Gym Will Be Turned 0. . Carp...…