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January 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…\NN \ RYiOR, \1((.C \SIC T ROW \ RI-A .' r "1 21'..,,1908. Vol.. XVIII. No . 87. COGMEDY CLUB DRAWS APPLAUSE sThe Recruiting Officer' Proves to -be Good Vehicle--Dramatics Placed on Firm Literary Badis. r So mttny elenents of te performanee by the Comteytlub~n last nigttdenant mention that it to diffitlt to select tl c fess which mat receive attetio. Tie whole titdertakittg was tretetiots atd exactittg, detatdigtot oly real act ng ailit...…

February 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…The MicignDal ANN ARBOR, MICPITG' , TU2SDA , F.BRUAPA' 2, Ize VTOL. XVIII. NO. TOO. FRESH ITS DEFEAT JUNIORS HANDILY Championship of Lit Department Decided in Fast Game- Chicago May.Disrupt "b3ig Eight." Playing a fast, accrate game of bas- ketbai the fresh ]its defeated the junior its last night foe the championship of A the depatment. At the ens of the first af the score swas 20 tss to aniwiess timse was aleditie 'fresissen, by as grea...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos repres...…

April 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY. A PRII, 25, 1908. No. 149. WOLVERINES FIGHT 1 IN EAST AND WEST gase Veterans Invade Ferry Field -lichigan Seven, Await (long at Pennsy-Class 'Baseball. , White Captain Rowe anti his sextet of companion stars are strisving to main- tain Miclhigan's prestige in the east this -%afternoont, Captaina Suliivan wsitt tbe et- deavoring to werest hasehati honors frona the husky lads f...…

October 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N ov IX. OHIO STATE GOES DOWN TO DEFEAT tBuckeyes Clearly Outplayed- Splendid "Teamwork of Varsity 1 Eclipses Individual Playing. (5x iiito t'he M1ician D taily) (ohiltiitO ()Oc)t 4 In an 1- el m ii g"'lve'td-t- li igaii 1 t\l.L'.t y h oe f to to n 1 d ofl ihin rooters ase on tcle (01or fearitfIdefetAlledice' haicretftom fild(1ftilt thiree inti- of pay, ut eactl thrten uln- i- ter'ib(ohn(Ohio's tullack roke a,, o negt-irie ...…

November 25, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…4 mor to Nt an ic.L ANN VICHICAN, NOVI"'MI"I"N. -,;, 1 oo8. NO. 50, NOL_. XTX. B.kSKETBALL MEN PRACTICE DAILY Fifty Candidates Out For rTeam; Scarcity of Centers, Plenty of Forwards and Guards. hccii enough to 1 C oa mHa o i idaato the tel -hue 10 rito ') a great mal il-iti ()f thei ca ddae for( thehas- kc hal tem, hanh v~tit lo 00I I-t il tt l( ill M k h 0c11. A o1 0 ) l tra o e a the oc itc m c () wh \\l he ava ahle and 10 110 1 lil ()t ...…

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