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January 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…~b~c Ut ofT l iip Vol. 1f.-No. ,,0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, .MO0NI)AY, JANUARY 25, 1892. PRICE, ToRE CENTrS. Ny'e and Burbank. Ias, clay books and other objects siy Track Athletic Cup.''(O the ( of YOUR illustrating the subjectsIlie swill body of te cup is the Greek soruiCET 7(I 1n audience of about 2oo MtiI so rvd argenmber 5f stre- A niandjsItieneath the ficld OUo11Il yBADGEL Bredin 'niersty hll atudayoptican viewss. The tickets for the scen...…

January 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. C ~ g "~~jI~~ atmospthere of University Hall for "I O M 'a ; t'L fully a half hsour longer. An andi- ence shouldl show its alprieciation-of ibibdDily (tinda ecepte)'duingan especially ine effort by one or THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION twvo encores; after that the encores' siinlyl seers to protong the program and tire those who are giving it. If subsription prine$. e vtriyeai'n', orsl thisprioriscuous alpplaurse cont...…

January 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTICE' S n lunts. Ot- (In tll 1sesit t ilOttall Ujistel ths Vel t arh ft li the Eietsttt ( t s . llT - A l, T IM , T N' ) S A M1 S , ' NO WAR WITH CHILI! Buot war on the trice of Clothsing, Hats, Caps, Underwear, (Gtoves, 'Mittens, I lostery, t'RUNKS. VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cults, Overalls and Jackets. W~e are g oing= to let thretptblitc loose aniosargtthtrty-eight thloussantd dolliar.. ($35go.oo) weorth of mterc...…

January 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…TH~E U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New \\ia'0l')0111,,( 01101' of Alain and(1Liblelrt Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a tiee stock of Guitars, Bianjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find m~-oM vz:'u S -zc mE 26 South Fourth Avenue, City. Pure'A BN ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. EW~i''AiLSHEir) 1851. Fresh j CO1'H$E. one year. Three full terms CleanJalilar iiand March. CleanENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. and other (1'...…

February 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…lac . of sn . W1aijj. oIL. i I.-N o. 1O01. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THIUI{SDAY, FEBRUIARY i>t1.82 Yale-Harvard Basebal I hicaleN ce'sprients thet foliow- staeme ts ate ,Icilarvardin rief- tl''ite ti :twoi le °s Iniitthec'iit' Ottitrimsnte I a e an omout of what tool mpreiiiisi iotialc and Mar art istttitit.tWhile the tct sls I~uh ishcd ar tra , th ar I 'll lasit it then vs 'h t , tiwis noct the right wayitc icondct." aseti s."t. t tt tate...…

February 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…TIDlE U. OF M. DAILY. can only conclunle that they are sin oi 1 O ~l FOTES M S E Z ~ C. of'MJ. cati~I. tentional, prompted by theunowar C l ee F R H1+CN EM SE rantedl assumption of the Crimsn's+ (S°dysexete) arnL T xt , .Greek, Latin, French, German, and Mtentc1 the Colege year, by editor atnl by a puerile desire to be- TeV1Bonks, New ant] Secondlitanti at little the[,. of NI. 'The attituticf + t THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION E h'rmo oa...…

February 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…A THE U.,OF.M. DAILY. THE W O S M S.~ -- 'HE3 still raging at, the . T. Jacobs Conit GlovS' IGREAT GlovesONE-FOURTH DrepS Shirf~, OFFOl (childe's Sits. E V ERYTII ING Ties, goes until farelt 1. ontte attd avail DI ul r~ ALE you self of thtsyol/d'ni pipottnfy The J. T. Jacobs Company, ZL~T T 1= E 'T'O O S~i2Vf i ANN ARBOR .27 tttd 29 MAIN STRtEET. MAga Ardor Stebm Laulfy. CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (mucessor ra e.) + + WORKUCALLED FORandDELIVTERED...…

February 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAiN COMPANY. Nc- rW trsrooiii-. (0Corner 191of 111 1(1 a ld bl'tv strecti. I will Ope the 11111all ypio loga too stock 1of Guitars, 1Itiljos, (tc. PRICES THAT VVL.L .AS':TONISH YOU. _~ )mlip Fintd Aoa wM 'otc Z=7= 25 Soith ot 11-fiAre11110 (City. HAT$ . ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. The i Ll I 11 tL I Pure F'resh AT 1)01"JttS14osr tdear'. Thr 'ell]]tiermis ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (mo) I'l 'Fh N...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…11$/ItOt Al . Wiziljj. Voi,. IL-No. 12 6). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1-IDLIAY, IA 1tCII 2-5, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Harvard Base Bat!t. \\Win-ans, Hot. Don ll.1 )ickinson manifested by the stuideints, are tand IH[n.Geo. L. Vaple and thaitgrowving seaker and less important, \nililthlaticaedlestt ae beent ecr. of them had acceptedth le itt5 I antI nnless a ce-action occuirs, wsll I Caion to attend. At present tite3= soonigounuder, carryini...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 01 1o1tsieicci ng.15 li e shall watn hinm 1 eodtimi eth: o aln i e 1'ofIdered il thi it D ily (Sui na s exceptel)d ring. ots 1.o u the ('elie tya,1y otid fterbs T ext Iltese ( ihiii.;es wiltet ub it tt ed THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION itte1 etn ftieasiftii - iest NMay. i 4 'e lr FOR THlE SECOND SEMESTER Bobs i tS.New ttiiil ernlldlittI tit Sbcitinpiee$2.50nper eaiti itrlty i 'Y University Booksee, - - State Street,...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOOIDS ! NEW GOODS! See our line of 50C Neckwear, shown in window. -'- T= HE TWO SAMS- Ciiur SPR.IlNG aindSIT \IMERlSITINGS tie arrivieteilail\e. our f W claili tIaveiithe bes"t eltelislie ini thle imari'el t, tthe 1lowe'.! pric(es. D)i ntbitea Stilt, Single P'an't, ori'Sprinig Ovelcoal lii! ii you litve seet.nouinte. A large lie of TruitksinldBag t4 lwFav" ()21 The J. T. Jacobs Company, AINN ARBORl. 27 and tl MAIN ...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Newc \\iroi'tiiiii C(rner of iAlaiiin(ndLibe tvStireets. I will "Opena the Ball" by plicing a line stack of Guitars, Bailios, etc. 1- -,T--Thrmee Pais Fo rFifty 4 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. -ild -7iism-i's s /Mvz: -P= 25 South 1Fourth Avenue, City. 2Z-5 C=2T AC Qentp YOUR GIRL Fine Choco~afeS -AT Albany L aw School' HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. r-,rAni SRI 018511. COtU11E1 oii...…

May 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…i I 1 I i t f 8 Voc. I [--No. I TINI VElhSITLY OF MIC1.HUAN, WED)NESDAY, AY ?§, IS92. HARNESS DISABLED, Illness and Overwork Cause an Ab- erration of His Mind.--Trans- ferred to His Home in Indiana. l I r e ()n: ofthe ichers ()t' _'liiettityt Itaili, s,,ceelto) he ini iii i(%i t l - ii lhe left litre til the ctastevoi trip tast wteethntidheit tntr of his rotitioi ilinl t. osetlih's sicpi( It is 1bit sauil that sri.- cral H ains !lie ott (t...…

May 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M._ DAILY. C. f ':Jfl ail- while admitting individual variations F in noo-essentials tio suit all styles of far ad fgue. f hedesign which Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ace it dMile I thubie t sd Iw theCuilesee year, by Ms ilri osbi oteIw THEU. F M IDEPNDET SSOIATONanti Nebraska co-eds conimends THE . O M.INDPENDNT SSOIATON itself Si) the judgment of our girls as btscriptiun price $2.,50 per year, invariably desirable for...…

May 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. See Our Line of TENNIS SUITS. The Two Sams. The GREAT HAT SALE Off' Z== S=LSON CJommiencing Thursday, May 26, we will give you the choice-(of all X3.0o, $3.50, and $4.00 D)erby-1:1ats for $.7 This sale will. continue for- a few (lays only. A ny one in need of a first class styl- ish hat will do well to examine these gfools and prices. THE J. T. JACOBS Co., 27 and 29 Main Street . Th=1n I -rm o lr== ir= ENISOCEEATH00TEs O...…

May 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M, DAILY. WEE THE PEOPLE. ANNj ARBOR OGI COMPANY. et N 'zt 31 jI'()i() O I Hof M an d Liiel I-v la ti'o . I il opeUpnih 1I 0111 pair itesoc f liais0141joet. Special -, _Suit Sale at NOBLE'S -'HI - THAT WILL ASTONI'H YtU.- Find 7Ko Mv"o c ao So -, YO RGIRL ' Albanv' Law School I ' llA 111 I Il ) :1 WI) li aps-ei I Vi a'baox1I0hoseP ae Cot' 110, oli, earii. The11eV hIl 1111S requairedl. Te ',11Jl."IIlll'C .Illl1 ') ( 111d1 1M 11I ll...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…Vol- III.-No. li. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER , 182. P~snoo~ Ttt1,,:1; nern. 1 in1fIHflT~ ated tie in-it ehtfore at the nl SENIOR LAW CLASS ELECTION. A iILr -F iii U ~TiRi caucus.iihe nou ''acod'''99tn.n4 s- TIhe Class Finally Succeeds' in Elect- l.pesenit beinOto smiell0aitrt. hig'Iga President. - A& Tie Freshma nElection Last ee ol "aie on sninr laneclatss nscinlleil at i' sl ii 03 Friday was a Genuine O acsel'i7tt:30iriii l-h...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iiubscrrptioatprice $2.5t per year, invariably iu advanen ingle capital3 rens. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ottier of the DottY, at Stottets, swtth any ot the editors or a uthorezed solicitors. Commounications shotuld reach tbe office by 7 ocloch P. . it they ore to appear the next lay. Address all mtotler intended tar publica- tito the Ma...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR. GENTLEMEN:- AT THE TWO SAMS. Elegant line of Underwear at FIFTY We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our CET Stock, as usual, includes a general andI complete line of high class CNS Better grade at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. clothing. Young M en's All grades of Underwear in 1Fine Silk, W00ol. Merino and 13a1- S7 7 = '. I TD _7== 0_ =Sbriggan made upl with all the detail, care and s...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…rfTHE LU. OF M. DAILY 8ohi tue ic1t tt W110111 {}U I I IUV CALKINS' To in ~e-ni ior ecy. 34 S. State Steet. THAT SHABBY HAT ! iJfcs°; 1501T ' em ItW!LL SOCiRCFLY DO IN FANN ARBOR.. oalytiiilthe lit i'iceotYuar la oreun anid we are(ettinly pleat ed t7see yot __ _ _L__ bitt Z itktnw tltieartttc es ?t) a lot,)( ti\st WRLC GOO S MTO V07OR 14 30 Sr7~ ALVI WIL Y, ,A STATEsi StaIZE ,2 Yeairs in the usineS$. Excelsior Laundry, CITY LAUNDRY, 0i 7FA...…

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