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September 25, 1998 (vol. 108, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…v tnhnrranarn Onie hunidred seveni years of editorlaifreedomn News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 764-0554 Classified Ads: 7640)557 Friday September 25, 1998 R atC\+'r" - i House inquiry may expand The Washington Post WASHINGTON - The House Republican who will preside over any hearings on the fate of President Clinton set a speedy timetable yester- day for opening a formal impeachment in uiry and announced that he may den his investigation to in...…

September 25, 2000 (vol. 110, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…One hundred nine years of editoriafreedom NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 www michigandaily com Monday September 25, 2000 ate,. LJ' wonban Napster By David Enders Dail Staff Reporter A u er nur comes as Hank Barry, the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Napster Inc. and a University alum, visited campus to talk to students at the Business and Law schools Friday, the same day University officials announced their decision not to ban the ...…

September 25, 2001 (vol. 111, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…One hundred ten years ofeditorialfreedom 74TI ti NEWS: 76-DAILY CLASSIFIED: 7640557 Tuesday September 25, 2001 V*I.CI, o. 1Anr Atbr; 0001 he ich@ n l 1 New group promotes affirmative action By Karen Schwartz Daily Staff Reporter Inspired by what they said was the need for a prevalent student voice advocating affirmative action, mem- bers of a new campus group met yes- terday to discuss who they are - and who they are...…

September 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The MichianDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907. N.2 Vol{. XVIII. NO. 2. VETERANS JOIN FOOTBALL S9QUAD Ne tn and Sullivan Finally Put ne A perac-ofly Scrim- nmage Today. Wish tite appearance it football re- galia of"Fredl Newton, tend and tackle on the itnft eleven, tle list iof veterans uitott whomn Coach Yost wiii largly de- pentdtt regan the prestige tat was nter Mich igan's,, was practically completed yesterday. New...…

September 25, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…'U'NEEDST STUDENT BOOKSTORE Ci I r ir43UU~ 41Iat ii PARTLY CLOUDY fligh--67 Low-45 Showers ending this morning, fair, slightly cooler tonight. See Page 4 Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 9 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1962 SEVEN CENTS Reveais Compliance to State Speaker I SIX PAGES o~licy Communists Banned By Legislative Action Hilberry Describes Rule as 'Interim' Until Co-ordinating Council Meet...…

September 25, 1964 (vol. 75, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…PRIORITIES AND THE WAR SPIRIT See Editorial Page 'Y Sir~ at t Low-4 with westerly winds Continuing pol Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No.23 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1964 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT Us Fall Enrollment Soars to Record of 29,16 Officer Aunnounces Twelfth Annual Rise . Literary College Leads Increases With 755 Jump over Last Year By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM The enrollment for the fall semeste...…

September 25, 1963 (vol. 74, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…COUNCIL DISCARDS RESPONSIBILITIES See Editorial Page Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom ~~IAi1 CLOUDY High--75 Low--52 Warm this afternoon; showers in evening VO. LXXIV, No. 21 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1963 SEVEN CENTS "[ 7 .u- n i V'. *u.y-.~ ww SIX PAC WMU SPEECH: Barnett Asks 'Free Electors' IFC Gives Own Proposal E By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily KALAMAZOO-An emotion-charged crowd of nearly 50...…

September 25, 1979 (vol. 90, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…PASSING UP See editorial page Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom hti1Q SEPTEMBER SHOWERS lligh-750 Low-400 See Today for details Vol. LXXXX, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 25, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement Council approves city police contract By PATRICIA HAGEN Ann Arbor City Council unanimously approved a new two-year contract last night with the city's 117 police officers. After three months of negotiation...…

September 25, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…THENCASE FOR JOHN SINCLAIR See Editorial Page C, 4c Si1rtai &t1133 CHILLY High-72 Low-35 Cloudy and cold, chance of frost Vol. LXXXII, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages FINAL DECISION: SGC to vote& on judiciary1 By ROBERT SCHREINER Student Government Council President Rebecca Schenk said last night SGC will make a final decision next Thursday on whether to comply with administrative step...…

September 25, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…Blacks level charges at local police By CARLA RAPOPORT About a mile from campus, West Park stretches along a busy street. A largely black community bordering the Park area simmers with bitterness towards the Ann Arbor Police Department.. Tensions in the community polarized last month following a confrontation at the park between police and black youths, at which time several police- men and youths were hurt. Directly fol- lowing this incident...…

September 25, 1959 (vol. 70, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…FPA STATEMENT: ROAD TO PROGRESS Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :43 a t I SHOWERS, COOLER Hligh-72 Low-53 Warmer, clearer for weekend See Page 4 ;, LXX- No. 4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1959 FIVE CENTS SIXP IGis ANGRY HOST-An American farmer who hosted Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in Iowa hurls several ears of corn at over-anxious news photographers. Khrushchev (far right) was reported to have been ver...…

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… W Olt f V1 H ++ y} y 11 J /V/ ! l yam "f l ' . }( it r _ t.t " '" 'yi ^' I - - ' =>r _"_ , . ° -f v , as - it . r ..- ; ' _ - ' _ > s c. . ... . - _ - y yr >, i r vi. ir, .. r, . _, / i r V. r. V v . v -+ f _ ~ 1. ... .. f, _ _ I t - _ ... , . r '' _ "f. _ _. l -- u ..t . . v *{ ._ . f. f. .f - r. - .. t .. '- t .- l I .- r, _ 1 _ a . _ r - '- : - ^f r t f. . ..__ Y, ^- R 1. "" f - 'j= r t , n f f . : _ v J w-. ^ N' "v J J r r : r t .. + ...…

September 25, 1968 (vol. 79, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…UNION DISCRIMINATION: * EVERYONE'S PROBLEM See editorial page Y A6igztu ~Iait46 GR AYERi Iligh ' C'loudy anid windy Vol. LXXIX, No. 23 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 25, 1968 Ten Cents Ten Pages HEATED SES SD SION: actions debate unfire stra tegy, leadership rages .h toll in MX1eco; By STEVE ANZALONE I and the Ann Arbor-based Radical A factional dispute erupted at Education Project, the informa-j a Voice-SDS meet...…

September 25, 1958 (vol. 69, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…LIBRARY HOURS HAMPER STUDENTS u1 Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom Da tr WARMER, RAIN Bee Page 4 VAFIVE CENTS $~aLIXN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1958 FV ET EIGHT PA c 1 $1,000,000 GRANT: 'U' Flint Branch To GetLibrary j _ _.. By RALPH LANGER The University's Flint branch and Flint Junior College will receive a new million-dollar library building next year, Harold Dorr, Dean of State-wide Education, said yesterd...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o to 1' k o VOL. Y1L ANN ARBOR, MIR., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. No. 2. Announcement I~Our special line' of foreign and BUT FEW CANDIDATES. First Day Finds the Usual Conditions Existant. Yi-i-erI-da vale lirst. afternoon oi f domestic fabrics l~l~i 1feeis il e h ol balseoon of 11001. Froissft abolsle- For the Fall and Winter of 1900o has ly -n(tising 1-au 1)3eljudgedl asto svlat arrived and is arranged foria spec- aliii- lean tha...…

September 25, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of Editorial Freedom E 41 igau LIUIIQt1 eS kP(HAIRN K .rEt Expect a high in the upper 60s. Scattered showers should end by tonight when the mercury drops to 40. ,Vol. XCI. No. 19 Copyright 1980, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 25, 1980 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages I Spanish prof causes By MARK PARRENT J Because of a professor's admittedly confusing class announcement blasting the pass/fa...…

September 25, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…Back on track See Editorial, Page 4 C I tr Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom 4Iai1Q1 Gag me Mostly cloudy today with a chance of showers and a high in the 60s. #irl' - - - . wVol. XCIII, No. 15 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1982 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Rally and march protest Israel's role in Lebanon Death toll in Beirut camps reaches 597 By GREG BRUSSTAR and ROB FRANK Chanti...…

September 25, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…SECRET SERVICE See Editorial Page Y 4f[tr4AOFgaYi A6V Ap 743 a t I# WINDSWEPT High - 60 Low - 48 See Today for detals Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 25, 1975 Ten Cents Ten Pages h - - f . 4 ltAUSEE wS i MLP C LZ'D.Y Hooky and God Kids who hate school may be getting their signals from that great professor in the sky-GOD. Roger Peterson is in jail for refusing to send his sev...…

September 25, 1981 (vol. 92, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-Two Years of. Editorial Freedom L itc i I43IaiIg LIPPY A good chance of thunder- showers today, with a high in the mid-?Os. vol. XCII, I NO. 14 Copyright 1981, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 25, 1981 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Political internships: Who needs the'U'? di di By BARRY WITT So you want to work for Sen. Carl Levin in Washington next summer. Or perhaps you would like to work on a project f...…

September 25, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…RHODESIAN TURNOVER See Editorial Page IY i4a~ ~Iait1 FINE See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVII, No. 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, September 25, 1976 Ten Cents Firht Pnnc*c i 1 w IL U ag c F YOU SEE NEWSAPPENCALL% D Vets wanted The Veteran's Administration is currently looking for people to. fill part-time clerical and technical jobs at the VA Hospital in Ann Arbor as part of a work-study program. To...…

September 25, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…PROFS' PAYCHECKS See Editorial Page V'Ie 5kP41 uiI CLAMMY High--85 Low-45 See Today, Page 3 Vol. LXXXVII, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 25, 1977 Ten Cents Ten Pages Shiver Me Timbers! Navy in14 By TOM CAMERON Bo is giving us just what he said he would - close football games. And yesterday's 14-7 win over Navy may even have been a little too close as the Midshipmen threatened to upset the #1-ranked Wolverines right down ...…

September 25, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…20 FATAL PRESIDENTS See Editorial Page pp, Yl r e 414 gan D~ait MIDDLING High-72 Low-51 See Today for details Vol. LXXXV, No. 18 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 25, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages Ten Cents PREFERENTIAL MAYORAL VOTE Pro fs. question guru Clad in a sporty red lumberjack hat and match- ing robe, Indian holy man Swami Baba Muktan- anda ass'ured a group of University professors and teaching fellows yesterday that...…

September 25, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…GRAND JURY SHOULD BE FIRST See Editorial Page I C, .4.r Lilt i~au A6 .A, A, :43 t I QUESTIONABLE Tyigh-8 s Low-61 See Today for details Eighty Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 25, 1973 Ten Cents Ten Pages plus Supplement ir c*J3E NWSlAPPCAL6,DNL Associate deans named Two professors, Billy Frye of LSA and Maurice Sinnott of Engineering, have been named associate deans of their re...…

September 25, 1989 (vol. 100, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…-~ 9k- ~- - T~V~t --~. SPORT S Mike Barrowman, Michigan's world record holder in depth: Field Hockey and Volleyball MORE 'M' football coverage OPINION 4 ARTS Animation festival lackluster 9 South African Struggles 11 Jill p! I! 1 1 ll ''I E N IIIN IN N IIIII lakidtrnlail Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 25, 1989 T*. MmhiNaiv U.S. coast still .struggling with Hugo's wrath ...…

September 25, 1991 (vol. 101, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…A TODAY Chance of rain; High: 59, Low: 42. TOMORROW Chance of rain; High: 54, Low: 39. 4v 4 One Banana, Two Bananas humanizes MS. See ARTS Page 5. A century of editorial freedom opyringt 1991 Vol. Cl, No. 155 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 25, 1991 he Min aily Iraqis s detain more U.N. inspectors UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Iraqi troops yesterday detained 44 U.N. inspectors for the second time, . and officials accused them of being ...…

September 25, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…444 Copyright 1990 Vol. C, No.14 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 25,1990 The Michigan Daily Bush declares conditions for sanctions will remain intact WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush said yesterday that South Africa's campaign to abolish white supremacist rule is irreversible and assured President F.W. de Klerk the United States won't impose new conditions for lifting economic sanc- tions. "These conditions are clear-cut and are no...…

September 25, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…. Toxic Waste.- 'The Pick-Up Artist' I S.eMagazine: John Logie .The List - Interview: Mr. B Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom Volume XCVII - No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Friday, September 25, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Witness startles jury with testimony By KENNETH DINTZER A packed courtroom was stunned yesterday when a sorority sister of an alleged rape victim testified that the woman may have gone out that night seeking a ...…

September 25, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 132) • Page Image 1

…FridayFOCUS4 No one talks about institutional racism at the U-M. Why? Most people are afraid of being labelled racist themselves. Take a closer look at this complex and sensitive issue. You think Bill Clinton is slick? Wait until you see "Bob Roberts." This 1990 senatorial candidate has a soft spot in his heart for Bob Dylan-style music and Pat Buchanan-style politics. SPORTS1 The Michigan-Houston football game starts at 3:3C p.m. tomorrow, ...…

September 25, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…. "I pa w- Wednelsday ©2002 The Michigan Daily * Ann Arbor, Michigan TODAY: One-hundred-eleven years offeditoriadlfreedom The morning and afternoon will be clear and sunny with mostly clear night skies. LO"56 Tomorrow: Vol. CXIIIeNo. 17 Blair: Iraq closer to having nukes * LONDON (AP) - Iraq has a growing arsenal of chemical and biological weapons, and plans to use them, Prime Minister Tony Blair said yester...…

September 25, 2006 (vol. 117, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…0 Monday, September 2 News 3A At Baker College, better grades mean cheaper housing Opinion 4A Imran Syed on the populist dilemma Arts 5A Studio 60 sizzles is debut 5, 2006 FEL HOCKEY WNS IN OVRT NDAY One-hundred-sixteen years ofeditorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXVII, No. 15 62006 The Michigan Daily "(U of M College Republicans) have this naive outlook on the world that we can work together with the Democrat...…

September 25, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…-------- - W eather Thursday September 25, 2003 @2003 The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 18 One-hundred-twelve years feditoriadfreedom Partly sunny during the day and night with winds up to 13 mph. , :62 LOW: 44 Tomorrow; 6& 52 REASON TO DANCE Sources: NCAA lifts Blue's postseason ban By Chris Burke Daily Sports Editor It turns out the Michigan basketball team will be able to play for some...…

September 25, 1966 (vol. 76, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…No. Carolina.. 10 1Michigan St. . No. Carolina St. 7 Penn St. ... . . 42 1 Notre Dame . .. 26 Indiana . . . . . . . 8 Purdue . . . . . .14 Northwestern.. 26 14 Missouri . .. . . . 21 Oregon St. . Illinois...... .14 Ioa.... ... 17 UCLA . . . ... . . 31 Minnesota.....35 3 Syracuse . . . . .12 Stanfordi...... 21 ADVISORY GROUPS: IT'S NOW OR NEVER See Editorial Page Sir ,i~tAau :43 a it CLOUDY High--6 Low-35 Showers is afternoon Seventy...…

September 25, 1965 (vol. 76, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…MAN AGAINST MACHINE See Editorial Page Y AOF 41P A t r g an 1Iat COOL High--62 Low-50 Partly sunny; possible showers late afternoon Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1965 SEVEN CENTS Progress Reported in Expansion of Flint Ca By JOHN MEREDITH for the University branch, not for classes to the heretofor junior- -When the new institution is however, Vice-President for Busi...…

September 25, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…Minnesota . . 26 Purdue Nebraska... 14 UCLA'. . . * * 27 . . . . 27 Ohio State . , 24 Iowa SMU . . ... 0 Oregi on State 22 Northwestern 19 Wisconsin . . 24 Illinois 12 Oklahoma .. 3 Stanford ... 7 Indiana r STUDENTS CRUSADE FOR INTEGRATION See Page 4 Lwi Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 6 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1960 s Sees GOP As Aiding In Rights Progress Cited By Rockefeller By MICHAEL...…

September 25, 1984 (vol. 95, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom Lit an 1 Iai1 Pond Cloudy and breezy with a chance of showers. High in the low 80s. oL XCV, No. 17 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 25, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Eeon. arsonist loses appeal By JERRY MARKON mental state at the time of the fire was with wirereports "that. of a child," and defense ~ The Michigan Court of Appeals psychologist Max Hutt testi...…

September 25, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…Wolverines plow over Badgers M' does not get kick out of 38-21 win By CHUCK JAFFE Special to the Daily MADISON - Welcome back to the 1970's, Michigan football style. The Wolverines displayed feeble and mistake-prone passing and kicking games yesterday, but still ran with con- fidence across the Camp Randall Stadium turf, rushing for 351 yards en route to a 38-21 romp over Wisconsin in front of 77,708 fans. THE WOLVERINE offense dominated aga...…

September 25, 1986 (vol. 97, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

… an BIai1Q Ninety-seven years of editorialfreedom Vol._XCVII- No. 16 Copyright 1986, The Michigan Daily Ann; Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 25, 1986 Ten Pages Reagan to assist rallies iLucas tus of the Reagan said, "It was a new beginning= for the country and for ICAN party is our party...Today we are the party majority party of new ideas and open doors." y due to your Reagan expressed optimism our vision," about the Republic...…

September 25, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…j:1; b r A lit inw Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 25, 1985 4IatQ POI. XCVI - No. 15 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Eight Pages Study questions "Star Wars' WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan's "Star Wars" missile defen- se program could "substantially in- crease" America's safety under cer- tain conditions, but that it will never he able to protect the entire country rom nuclear attac...…

September 25, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…w r One hundred four years of editorilfreedom ti Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low in upper 40s. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high near 70. Monday September 25, 1995 DPS suspects arson in Baits II house fire Housing Fire A fire on the ground floor of a North Campus housing unit is the first in University Housing this year. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. There. have been three fires near the. University over "l the last...…

September 25, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…One hundred si years ofeditorialfreedom News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 7640)554 Thursday September 25, 199 ;. . . , .*v~ ' ' RS ' Er:, x. a :, ., .' : i 5 7 d.'- _. . , , , m , . 0 "There's a sense that what happens to one happens to all." - E. Royster Harper Dean of Students piag vigil planned for tonight By Peter RomerFriedman Daily Staff Reporter In the aftermath of the death of LSA Sior Tamara Williams, members of the University community...…

September 25, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…E~j tri-Rr ni t tit! Weather Tonight: Mostly cloudy, low in upper 40s to around 500. Tomorrow: Chance of rain in afternoon, high in the 60s. One hundredflve years ofeditorialfreedom Wednesday September 25, 1996 MSA approves 1996-97 budget with few problems By Will Welssert Daily Staff Reporter The Michigan Student Assembly passed its $205,870 budget unanimously at last night's meeting - not only that, but they did it in about an hour. "...…

September 25, 1923 (vol. 34, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…vi an ~~a1 Secti One ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1923 PAGES PRICE; Fl -- __ .. . . ...._ f 19231824 LECTURE COURSE INCLUDES TENBIGNUMBERS DUNSANY =P L A YS INNOVATION IN NOTABLE LIST -41? SPEAKERS EX-GOVERNOR LOWDEN OPENS COURSE OCT, 12 William Allen White, Judge Ben Lindsey,' Stephen Leacock Also Booked What is expected to be one of the most popular lecture courses given in this University will be opened October 1...…

September 25, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 4) • Page Image 1


September 25, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…LISHED itp at1 IEMBER SOCTIATED PRESS g 17V MT.LV TTIW L7 VOL. XXXVIII, No . 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1928 TWELaVEP ERGENCY SUPPLIES POURED 1111 INTOSTRICKE adio Communication Only Means Of Contact With Ravaged Districts ,200 KNOWN DEAD march For Dead Continues As Reco:nstruction Work Begins (By Assqciated Press) WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Sept. :.-While the surveys of the needs ' the hurricane ravaged area ...…

September 25, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 6) • Page Image 1


September 25, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…f k State rust Pay rRising Enrollment L Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom. ~aitjP FAIR, COOL See page 4 ..m ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1957 i ,..... ..... W.r.... t )b Condemned U.S. Menace tle Rock' Violence Undermining ited States Prestige - President INGTON (M)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower, telling the v he sped federal troops to Little Rock, said last night that there menaced the very safety of th...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_______ ~ ~~~ ,lUNIVERSTYOF MC A.___ 1 4i [ N ) ~ I M 1 o l't Yif F'1 ARo. N0OTIMELO Men\rdH tc l a S ti st P10-i LoP * *~ NE FRAERNIYiHOsE P ii'o~oi tt:.t : ( _t.. f Hot .I oy.h f o-t. ( ioolaAb llEfl1111 iS El i F?1 in a ton Iow o VoiPo \ed Pt h i I '' Oo it I 0 in tite kan dike o I i 0 m 1 I I t.i t O . iWt PiCES. Pteoi'o N 1w ( ill )t T f )f Fi]I\ ;11311 .ice t), 1) ;ice iC 3 i 1'IIr ltl7lit l'i;lt ?1 11it' tIll! tl t.) tl)) New V. of M. C...…

September 25, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…4 INA 0 0 z LAI I- v _o 0 ax 0 -- - - . . _ _ _ y ,. =r ,_ -. _ -, '- _ u .~ - r" .. .. "' .. .r "-, . .... .r ,-. d. . .f 'I. ._ . .. ,. fir. , "' '-- t '!. J. is ,-, r. .' .' r ._ 'r ._. .... ._. . r ' . . ,r .fV.. r. _ _ _ f. . - r -.. " , _ .. "r. _ _ Y. _. _ !. a _ . _ - - _ , _ _ . ... r. _ 1. __ - - . _ _ e :. _ -- _ i .- _ f l. - '_' _ t. .I. _ '_!. :C -!. _ i : .: t: _ CL .;. '. J. " ._ -: J +-' + v. .. f _. - M ..._ w _ -" rw .-. s l...…

September 25, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

… COED DORM COMMITTEE (see Page 4) C 11 as Latest Deadline in the State 43 t1 PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No. 6 0 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1956 SIX.PAGES i i S .X PacTEI Men-Women Ratio Holds Firm At 24. En- ineerin~y Graduate Egypt Asks UN To Curb Nations' Charges British, French Actions ga. g tata ftL' - - - - -,-a. v I - va -c - -. Schools Lead Gains In Canal Dispute Threaten Peace By JAMES ELSMAN JR....…

September 25, 1954 (vol. 65, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…I I . . . I I . I I - ''1. 1. 1 7-M The cStudent Government Proposal .See Page 2 PY WI6F a6 D:3aii t -' Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXV, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1954 COOLER,'SHOWERS FOUR PAGES S S . Regents Dismiss Prof. Nickerson President Hatcher, Nickerson Make Public Statements After August Meet (This is the last in a series of articles discussing the case of Prof. Mark Nickerson. He appeared be...…

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