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July 25, 1918 (vol. 9, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…a LY Ni~urrinr ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER No. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1918. PRICE THREE CENTS EARSIONICGVI IHis Sixty Piece Band to nusual Program at Hill Auditorium NEFIT OF RED CROSS had many triumphs in my ye done things of which I But the greatest ambition 3is to lead. a hand down asse in Berlin playing "The ;led Banner." I will be sat- my life work when that is SOLOIST ELL RECEIVED r IN CONCEHILSI NIGIJI /...…

July 25, 1916 (vol. 7, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…AT YOVUR DOOR THE ONLY OFFICIAL 8 TIMES A WEEK, 75c SUMMER NEWSPAPER VOL. VII. No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1916 PRICE FIVE CENTS WILL PRESENTFLA6 TOlCALCOMPANY Will Mold Presentation Ceremony at Hill auditorium on Friday Elvening ElABORATE PRORI AMi PREPARED Ann Arbor will see one of the largest patriotic celebrations that has takeq place in the city for -some time when a lage flag will be presented with fitting ceremonies in...…

July 25, 1914 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…~AT YOUR DOORTHREE I 1 T J J DJ1TH FLOFFICIAL~ EVENING S A WEEK, 75c V '4 7 ~j SMMER PUBLICATION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, JULY 25, 1914. No. 14. Vol. V. ENGINEERS AGAI N r i GREET MAKE S LAST 'T)10 INISH I INI)L~ OMRK RG TRO NCELITTEA Cncthe nepieancd fondatoi sue FA TR U CTI E~ 1 hose Expteiiig 1Hee 1 t As APPEARANCE TODAY onretnewsincendbildin ilbe F C Vii Offic of Summer___ completed within a week. Th( soth HanOui ht Second IDe...…

July 25, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Week, 750 mer Session Student; VOL. III. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TH UESDAY, JULY 25, 1912. No. 13. NATURE IS STILL LEC"RESONOOKIIPLATES, BEN GREET PLAYERS GODsRni TI' GARDUSMAY REMOVE ALL GREATEST HEALER Speaker Tells of Significnce, Histor ARRIVE WEDNESDAY Bs OHanve B il re asor-Son g OBJLE TIONSTOTHE anod Mlaufacture of:Nme flRIHldArun Dr. C. W. Edmunds Says Physicians Labels. omeo and Ju...…

July 25, 1911 (vol. 2, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVERINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1911. RUTHVEN TELLS OPOF PNSMOURNUECTRLSEM."PALACE OF TRUTH" MEXICAN PEON AGE As'rfesor is .Karpiski, of IS MOST POPULAR tile mftheais=autwl etrnte"istory'of Our Numerals,"in tileF west teeture rooimi of the physics laboes-f Expedition to Neighboring Re- tory tomorrowe afternoon.o. Karpin- Gilbert's Play Secures the Most sk ilbgnwt hr ktho h oepublic Affords Unique history of niumlerals ...…

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