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June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 1

…'ICrtt o ^VOL. VI. No. 199. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1896. Fonts PAGES-3 CENTS. A FITTING TRIBUTE TO PRESIDIENT ANGELL he Innumerable ats by whils they pt eM ust M~ove havle i'ligl'std l~iybrenmss and sae I hestreweno ocuybs For Soue timie before the arranugemuents for the celebraton of Presdet m~y tasks It leasure. bee sod. We must seek nest Anell's quanrter-ceestenial were detiitely Shapied ainusber of lossiett "Nor would...…

June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF IMICHIGAIN DAILY. 3- lolildedoly by 3ihigan 1 ,(all - at tilit tiolof tese le. ((i lol' Published Daily (Seslixy excepted) during college men either tut us wihlillis the Col lect year atlpelfomanciite ori'keel 5 elliitblle, lbut THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, deaing slollieC il. our pe-eseii'. There is 11(11questi oll lut that he ve- GeIE: Times building N. Main st., o~posie lg ' Wldil gen1erlly 111llloll Its, post office. (i l...…

June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MICIGA GETI~L 1ON AL TRUNKS AND. BAGS _____- eH GA'CL-TR! - 4 OFF UALILJULY st. Tmable (Revised) Marhi 1, 1896 EASTM. WEST. A That means you bey an iroii coveredi wall Trnk 32 inch, price Mal and Es-a-35 Mall-........8 8 5.10 for $3.81 ; al all Leather Bag. i-inch, price $3.20 for S2.40; a1 N. Y. Special.--- 50 N. Y. Secial.--. 7 3o0 (oi Leather ('overed Telescope. 22-inh, price $1.3 for $1.00; or Eastern Es ...…

June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Highest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle! New York, March 25th, 1896. Mr.W. C. Paly, Sec. Jersey CityY.M.C.A. The National Board of Trade of Cycle Manufacturers hereby sanctions a public ex- hibition of cycles, accessories and sundries, at the Y. M. C. A., March 27th and 28th. This sanction is granted on the express under- standing that no exhibition of VICTOR BICYCLES will be permitted. Yours truly, R. L. COLE...…

June 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 199) • Page Image 6

…Conservator's Report Bentley Historical Library Title: Michigan Daily 1895-96 Received: Book bound in tightback style binding. Cover was 3/4 leather with cloth sides. Leather was friable and abraded. Joints were broken. Book was side-sewn by machine. Not original binding. Sewing was sound. Paper was acidic and brittle. Photocopy had been thrown in. Treatment: Disbound book. Picked book to pieces. Added z-fold endsheets. Added new machine-woven...…

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