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May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…A RDIER Y S~r ia :4IutI1J S -t tor One . V OL. Na. 175 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 25, 19~24 TWENTY PAGES PRICE~, Pigs jfGH:j "Laffrimavera" Given Laudable s a ,"rPresen tationr At Last Concr Bil Y SM L MR 1h BALDIN IiINS SEC OND lJA('E FOR WICHIITA I'AIA44 rEA BUCKE-YE STAR EQUALS NATIONAL 220 REC ORD Texan Star Ilreak Record "III igh Hiurdles; Ruled 00u Because of high Wt11ind 1y1, Ii A. 114)well ;qutat...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…____ ____ ____ ____ ____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY N 19IEB CTS Decreed Political Successor Of LateI B ~ BUNCEChinese Presidenat statg, oreChnse ambassador toIi Syse OfBo the United Staesand lea(Ier of th e Miecnantcat yw trn o Constitutionalist party, hsh.n ad the Pltcl'ucso to PD r.Sn Ytier A d n irr Sen, as deocreed in thf- political vJiliey is nLirr t ,' . _ - .. ;t_ f ~r- 14 , tit.- j Work Northern Lights' Secrets Revealed BY Reproduction ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... ; _. .....,. ---_... 1 Texas Observes .v - r ° " Ingrid Alving, '26, secretary and LOCAL CAMPAIGN OPENS AT MEETING TOMORROW Official opening of thle University of Michigan League campaign in Ann'l Arbor will take place at a meeting for all Michigan women which will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow in Barbour gymnasium.f Every Michigan women is expectedj to be present at this meeting and is requested to brin...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY JAL NEWSPAPER OF THlE UTVERSITY OF 311CRI*AAN sed every mnorning except Mlond'ay the University year by the Board in of Student Puhlications. )rs of Western Conference Editorial ton. Associated Press is r; elusively en- the use for republication of all niews tes~ Credited to it or n.,)t otherwise iu n is paper and the local news pub- herein. -ed at the postofice at Ann Arr, in, as second class matter. Special rate a e gra...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~~L[MEiSpanish King Is Made A Figureheadl r~ c~ssBy Directorate That Saved His 07A.149tei pe!" AUon Some 1PhalT of Lkbor Party 'ganI#4dton iUnited Staites; I1NTkRCO1LLE(4TE TRWVYOTS Alihigan'si firmt class in intercoAlleg. pae debating was chosen yesterday by the ineibers 6! the punblic speakig f~;ulty following the try-out of 47 mn and 28 womeni. Tlve m n ~iandethe -ame number of women w-ere chosen for the class, and ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ ~ ' - }. ::, I t'l .....r"...._ Z000000 AAO KMGBP dO I .*1 ti t Yiir . .nr. r.. w i+. " rrlm M1 I I t I u i ju "UUUA-A-l."w- 00, I MIIIIIIi oil 1''I" J SCORE VARIT L1LFRSMichipan W'!p TEw- snIes In Iornlitg Matches 10-2; Accnt Ior 12 Ponts 7n Fr>o mes "R -TY B B CAPT. SMITH AND A SIYODEDiE AT TURN IN LOW SCORES 4W BAY IINNE 62 Michigan's Varsity golf team easily defeated the Indiana University golf- ers ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , . . .. lFIE ICOLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LOST BETWEEN FOREST and Hill A orium, Grey and black shell glasses. Finder please call 15 "PAIR OF BONE rimmed glasses. der please call Ml. Leland, 984 FORS) A.udit- rim FOR MAP OF Ann 528-R. page 20. Fin-j '-J. Arbor Hills see FORD SPEEDSTER in excellent con- dition, geared to 70 miles an hour, good tires. For information call: Exceptional Values in Income He ADVFRTISING LL ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 8

…THE MICI--IGAN DAILY .................. .®. - . . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _-. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN P'ublicationl in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of thie University. Copy received bi, the Asitant Lo the President until i uptiV.;(11., 3o )a. ni. Saturday { Volume 1S suNDA ,k NA11Y Di, 1i2l Number 173 -_ -,.-...... Proclamaton by the Governor: Our country, the proudest, the most nighty of nations. sovereig...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 9

…V billi/ WIT1ERS DRAMA 10 PAG~E 11I oe 40 4 j4tr n DaiLj Secti, Two .N. 75AN ~iO, IC~IGNASUDYWA 25 12 No._ 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S NDAY, MIAY -25,1921 PRICE, FIVE .. GAN I P RESENTS OLYMPIC TRYOUI ~Tcarns Will" 1 SHOULD SHOW UP, WELL arry_ U. S. Colors 3 ............ ........... ,.,.,,........... . ... r- - - -------------- ----------------------- Seven States Send Athletes To M en1 [n cou sir i; ' I S. C1" ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WSW. s-. . Hj We kBeg. TON1IGIIT (Sunday) I 25 6ARC $1 Sat. Parties and State Government Tues, Tiur4., 15th Annual Season First Week By Thomas H. Reed i (This is the sixh of Professor Reed's series of ar- licle's On gv0ernmlwtt and political par/ies. The seven lt and last of these articles, which will discuss theS non- partisan movement, will b~e pub4lished next Sunday.) State government on the whole is much...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Political And Economic Situations In, India 4 4 4 An Interview With Ganhdi Bombay, India- ficult problem that now confronts us April 14, 1923. and time alone will solve it. Caste Due to a rather unfortunate com- is merely a frank, scientific statement bination of circumstances I am able to of fact in India as it exists in all give to the readers of The Daily j countries to a 'greater or Less degree, accoftut of al ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 12

…THE MICJ-llGAN~ DAILY /73f,04 'p ,,~, ~Read the Daily ' i -41 , weak to me. The war is dragged in, Y - ~-- - -____...- )iajestic fortunately only briefly, and the whole "°° ' ugPont" w~h' tr iiT H thenme of the latter half of Mir. Brom- tu~Mjsi oa u fm IN RV I W ieds toy enes rondthiiene 1a ~ltthrough VWed~nsday is an entertinng 3081- 12 0. ain St 'ta teMntrwuddevour them coibi~nat ion of: society, love, murder----._.__ __ allinth ed. u...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 13

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ._ T.. ____ _ ,. _ :.. man . Atusic and Drama to 4 jo Summer YA .; Seldes Favors Synco pa t M usic in the is to be given, but local musicians will V sS essio offer a regular series of concerts, with r -summer Session an occasional visiting soloist, and sev- A s 267'5CNisCal___o + eral lecture-recitals are scheduled. Ausicdduring the summer session, !Members of the faculty of the Un- c THE LIVELY ART OF MR. ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 14

…TI_1*)%THE MICHIGAN DAILY Bwtilding 4 4 e-:4 A lice Freeman4 inent Men Express Need r Michigan League Buildng ORCHEST RA TO PLAY HE he Women's League campaign ch is being carried on by the alum- of the University is heartily en- ued by the prominent men in Ann .O an elsewhere. Some of their :ements In regard to the need of a gue building are as follows: President Marion Leroy Burton: The Michigan League Building is the women. The wh...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Viii Broadcast Olympic Results,Game From WCBC Satu ILAN TO GIVE SIMULTANEOUS IRECT WIRES TO CARRY DETAILS TO LISTENERS IN EVERY PORT OF ,OUNTRY NOTIFY ENTRANTS Inegative side always goes to the grid conclude the Wuerth early week pro- served tea with a kick. Need] W hat The W ild W aves A re Saying- return, while the positive side is: "gra "'y, her profits werrend R adio s " nected to the negative of the "A"'. "Tea With ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HIS NASfERS VOKE'' , _ .? (HIMSELF) In, His / AND HIS Sensational Orchestra K4 Concert Program OF "6An Experiment in Oft %0 Am erican Artists "MUSIC" "Mae= I HILL AtDITO IJV Y Thursday, M~ay , a:- at U.00O P u U f,~ r ' g ' ., This "King of Ame~ican D.'ance Music..! can be heard! only on *? t i { A 6. .' ; 'r' +, k HEAR HIS RECORDS AT Grinnell Brot"noers s1 S. MAIN, Scha...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 17

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE RBOR REi L EST TE PROSPE vim; / . .. , OUTI1 Holmes Claims Realty Values Are Stronger In Ann Arbor I L ESTATE MAN STATES 1 APPRECIATE BEAU. by F. Roy Holmes Reators of Ann Arbor are asked almost daily as to their opinion of Real Estate conditions at present, and what they thing of the prospect for the future. . Speaking for .one of them, I believe if there Is any city in the United States in which realt...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 18

…T Ht MICHiIGAN OAILL 7 - r . U U. 3't a*Ut m U -A MU U a-U'U'-U f nU a U.i-K No city in the' United States offers better opportunity thane does Ann Arbor, for the establishment of a beautiful,, pleasin~g and delightful home. No homes, in America offer, greater opportunities than do those of An~n Arbor, for re- 'finied living conditions and at the same time~ ssatisfying incomes. In the Southeast section- of our city, two blocks from t...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 19

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILY PA THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA I Increase Noted In Nationwide PG IIECTProperty Taxes1 __ aT _ rntinued from Page Seventeen) roperties in Ann Arbor. In this yiew Mr. Carr told of the dream as had of making the remark-l eautiful land to the east of Ann' a picture spot in Michigan. eels that Ann Arbor Hills is a; opment that he may leave to the generation as a momument to ife work of city building. Tremmel who is a Michigan i...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 20

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAn Ir "for Better ___Vxworn - M. IM 41 , o Ire---"' '' x MAL., O/ Y a TRACT O 0 o Uo 4Ls No S * Use '&Acr .'i- tom - I t = 7 5 r SPA) O ANNuARBOR HILS t *, -OU___ to See 441-F-I for Please do not drive over the newly made roads when, wet. We are allowing the roads-which cost over $15,000--to settle" before "putting on. the gravel. In driving 'out go to our fartherest entrances-those on the Washtenaw Av...…

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