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April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…hi :43 AL- V PRE DAY AND N SER1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1922 PRICb SMITH CRITICIZES DAILY EDITOBRL U' Declares "Making tile Faculty in Sunday's Issue Tl Misleating Pay" Os- v to Vi Y OF TEN PEAKS, ONE OF THE SCENES TO a Best, well known lecturer, who will speak at BE SHOWN BY DR, 8 o'clock tonight in stand the ersity take. to observe ssed at the sterday in at the re- the fresh- Pattengill auditorium. it was se L...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

… Jiivmrit7 not otherwise tkeraeasad Street' words, if signed, the signs="~ )ut as an evidence of faith, n The Daily at the discre- The Dai~ly office. Unsigned ation. No manuscript will stage. s the sentiments expressed P. CAMPBIL e*h A. Bernstein "15 When Judge Kenesaw M. Landis assumed the po- sition of "King of Basebathmore than a year ago, a certain writer declared that, with such a man at the helm, the Great ,American Sport was com- ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…1 A U- ster is yo 3 PPLY STORE ULAN ANU AUVB5UH5 iversity Ave. END JOINT SESSION :hitects' Materials DEANS BURSLEY AND EFFINGER ns .Loose Leaf Books RETURN FROM MEETING IN RENTUCKY d Supplies 'Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, agency Tobaccos Dean J. R. Effinger, and Vernon F. Hillery, '23, returned Saturday from the University of Kentucky where they attended the joint session of the deans and advisors of men in Midwest- ern colleges and ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…s, T p i _ , ji. i ; ' i . \ r.. "" .; BLITYu'l y tests made in the .m classes this year the poor physical ajority of the men n general, the tests percentage of men' .y that the average during each class nental activities of g, jumping, climb- . These tests give rts of the body are and by charts, the aan the. year sely; It was found hest activities were age percentages of For this reason, ex- the use of these two fill make up a ...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 5

…'ting .at 4 o'clock, :)n vs. dents, senior lits, freshman lits vs. junior open more Mn- so ity baseball started yes- ules will not appear in use of lack of space, but were sent to each house be final. Necessary to be furnished by the ses. In case of rain, must be postponed, will t week, thus making no1 schedule of this week. :all 2268 to verify post-; rainy days. .usiasts have agitated an Li league for facultyl he intramural office has ;an...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 6

…THE r u t A. .. L 5I11I' SL TO WEAR TOQUE 'Continued from Page 1) o do anything until the mem- the Ivigilance' committee apol- to his mother for their rowdy t at my house. It was arranged that were done in the proper he would do as he would have i the first place if properly ap- ed. As for the council's threat e my son expelled, it only fur- the faculty with some amuse- to ,cheer their otherwise. dull nic lives. No university fa...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 7

…tea, coffe hes, sala am of som Freshmap and sophomore entries in ta the tennis tournament have been se- s- lected and arranged in the preliminary x- round of matches which are to be play-i of ed off by Thursday night of this week. ed The names of the girls and their op- ns ponents in these rounds are as follows: or Freshmen-Kingsley vs. Ranck, Scher- an1 er vs. Eggert, Kadow vs. Crause, Mc- Kay vs. Murphy, Houle vs. Cronin, e, Jarvis vs. Dick...…

April 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 146) • Page Image 8

…IAL BULLETIN P. =. (11:80 a. 0. Saturdays.) TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1929 Number 146 on of the University will be held in Hill Auditorium April 26. President Marion L. Burton will be the "University Mprale". or the hour of .the convocation will be dismissed. apply to the clinics in the Medical and Dental Col- i - ... .. WHAT'S GOING ON I at 11 o'clock in the first floor dressing t A TUESDAY 4:15-Charles Cestre lectures in Na. tural Scie...…

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