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March 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…L~e. ta o Al . WiU g. VMOL. .-NO. 121. UNIVERSITY OF MlIChIIGA'N, WEDNESDAY. MAkR Ih 25, 1 491. YIitcE, TaREse CENTS. Meeting of the Regents. The Medic Ball Team. The ze~ent me thi monin at It is not very generally knrown o'lok ihrsernrsetaong the "'medics'' that they save O'clok Thee wee precotbeens 'rantedl the privilege of ilsoos- kegts 5Whitman, Kiefer, IDraper,isaislltmfrmhe nieI- riltt and Cocker. The first hos nablltmfrmhented- ties tra...…

March 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 2

…Pu THE U. OF M. DAILY. obn.According to our siew of t~1 Q~ yr.o' lenmatter the orators were ttnfortit- L Hate in the selection of their themes,I WE WILL FOR THll.NEXET FOUR WEEKS i ttihe l (i 0leiclpti is yehtthirteanlt ftbtiytiwI Offer fisve tons of paler of ill kinds to be sold hy the boiund at reg ., muh toug t ad lieray sill 1Ii11rates. Trv ur C Iwn iI periatl inen at 2j enits leer SI. m, M. INDEPENDENT A SOCIATIO N. tiilttiittt aii tte rs...…

March 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old LT of M. should have a =7,T=_..=Z=Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. L1:B1 Y E B I I 3 1 Pries Ion rot, iQo(dality o yic f h al 1 1ilinond (Guitaii Mi iigo, 11) cts. I'aii 0aanl,ndailoSroo L. If.Clenment, ALLIPTGL ?TO OLGAFT-CO THEI TWO SAM-So T RAJDE A. ' BROWN'S DRUG STORE (OIIN Et MAIN \AND) JILION T lI.EET.S. LAR1 EST -01 ' K O F 1. 0 111,E1' 'GOODS AND FE,('(;i:S10, TolACCOS AND 1&. L L 'l' Z" ('16A oT...…

March 25, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 124) • Page Image 4

…TNF UL(WFMAILY1 TIME TABGLF j4LE F vftITh 11001515), Nl-W YORK. ea . 51,so ,l-iI .1, '11 I I , :.+, .:5 , a. I.. W i ,''eno t II .. t,1Clinton 0t. 1: ,1 .U ,5 1 0, .'w1 , . . 01( : p. . heavNeES SO5 0rng 1 LIiIANN AIRBORIfrom Cmiit Jot ,ait MY ENTlIESTOCK O OS A GEL S, ' u S lrrii Sree. 5 !).!5,11.55, a. li., and 1.11, -5:71 CTIIC. GO, 1111 Waaash Ave. E 0 9 -50, ) l 1 I1.. jWE RYp.LYRiALn.lL O 1~ .CLARK,Manger eave Y PSILAN'rI at 1, 2.40, 4:s...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…11$/ItOt Al . Wiziljj. Voi,. IL-No. 12 6). UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 1-IDLIAY, IA 1tCII 2-5, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Harvard Base Bat!t. \\Win-ans, Hot. Don ll.1 )ickinson manifested by the stuideints, are tand IH[n.Geo. L. Vaple and thaitgrowving seaker and less important, \nililthlaticaedlestt ae beent ecr. of them had acceptedth le itt5 I antI nnless a ce-action occuirs, wsll I Caion to attend. At present tite3= soonigounuder, carryini...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 01 1o1tsieicci ng.15 li e shall watn hinm 1 eodtimi eth: o aln i e 1'ofIdered il thi it D ily (Sui na s exceptel)d ring. ots 1.o u the ('elie tya,1y otid fterbs T ext Iltese ( ihiii.;es wiltet ub it tt ed THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION itte1 etn ftieasiftii - iest NMay. i 4 'e lr FOR THlE SECOND SEMESTER Bobs i tS.New ttiiil ernlldlittI tit Sbcitinpiee$2.50nper eaiti itrlty i 'Y University Booksee, - - State Street,...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. NEW GOOIDS ! NEW GOODS! See our line of 50C Neckwear, shown in window. -'- T= HE TWO SAMS- Ciiur SPR.IlNG aindSIT \IMERlSITINGS tie arrivieteilail\e. our f W claili tIaveiithe bes"t eltelislie ini thle imari'el t, tthe 1lowe'.! pric(es. D)i ntbitea Stilt, Single P'an't, ori'Sprinig Ovelcoal lii! ii you litve seet.nouinte. A large lie of TruitksinldBag t4 lwFav" ()21 The J. T. Jacobs Company, AINN ARBORl. 27 and tl MAIN ...…

March 25, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. Newc \\iroi'tiiiii C(rner of iAlaiiin(ndLibe tvStireets. I will "Opena the Ball" by plicing a line stack of Guitars, Bailios, etc. 1- -,T--Thrmee Pais Fo rFifty 4 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. -ild -7iism-i's s /Mvz: -P= 25 South 1Fourth Avenue, City. 2Z-5 C=2T AC Qentp YOUR GIRL Fine Choco~afeS -AT Albany L aw School' HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. r-,rAni SRI 018511. COtU11E1 oii...…

March 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…e . of ltl4 VOL. II-Nio. 12$'. UNIVERFSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATUIRDAY, MLARII 25, 18909. PitTias CENTS. PROF. SALMONS LECTURE. The Advantages and Disadvantages to Employer and and Employed Considered. last ct-acing, it U'niversity chapel,, P'rof. Sailion preseinteid the rtillictti- ties withitit salt eimpioyers have to contensd, and the ad\-aiitages and i tltstslsanta-es uniler iwhicht the (Io- meestie servant labisrs.I Somie of the diffictul...…

March 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ' .a WW Tat. Anwthrowing hammer of regu- . ~ of__ ~ lation wih aenodrdadSiPRIIN G STYLES, 1898 sn egtha enodee n ill sooo be on the campus. It is Publishedl Daily (sundays excepted) during much needled as the one now is use ititiio s"- Oth i e ~eshowininlivhe H(IE tLINE her-elbefore. liusia, ltn ,and Latent the Cnlenee~r, by .iit THE U.O .INENENASOITN has only a twelve-pound ball, while the proper weight is sixteen pounds. ...…

March 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…GREAT CLOTHING ALL OVERCOATS AT OFF.~ ALL SUITS AT 4- OFF'. THE U. OF M. DAILY. SALE. We have mae arrangements with A. Benjain & Co. to I take orders for their elegant and NOBBY - SPRING - OVERCOATS ALL SINGLE PANTS AT --1OF' Their lmae v.nwral o ip(i r( - vutI I pAea-se~ to have yoot call and inspect thcen. See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS. KENNEDY c& REULE.. ,EEWOSA S Ann Arbor Savings Bank TEARS," AnAror Mch. Capital Stock, 15...…

March 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY ITS F f _AA i EN A A -;<++- -_- ~ U: xVT 0111 COMIIL NTS2 1r)rirtl'< /1rr~o/r sir00l tr1tc On Saiiturday evenilng, 100 CII( tAoI TIi'n OcicEvco. Sp cslto" il ol.(oc I cml( ;I'Iedition, giing a l COInl dctc, instiated account of the Ir1l ' zONLYl trvc' 4QjrQ Woild's Fair. This edition will be in grreat de1mnd. E"very- I i ii(Lo«,Ini,,'i,'ON one wvelcomne to one copy until the supply is exhausted. t . otl tt tet - II' STFAIln....…

March 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…l e 1. of , . a l . VOL. V. NO. 125. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1895. PRICE--THREE CENTS. VO.Vto 2. NVRIYO ICIAMNAMAC 5 85 RIETRECNS A MASTER OF THE VIOLIN. M. Ysaye is playing, a" yet his tech- nical dexterity is marvelous, but it -. EUGENE YSAYE AT UNIVER- is so absolutely subjugated and made SITY HALL TONIGHT. the servant of his artistic conceptions that only at times, whn one is as- Program to Be Given-Favorable toishe...…

March 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

… J c i 1 i i i f c c c c t 1 TIlE U. OF M. DAILY. g ffY. M. C. A. ORGANIZED. ('ld of ive years it will bei' ilaceu in KJ STi1 I lI~ f , C It Is Not Intended to Conflict With __________romofthymasumJS__RI IE I the S. C. A. Work. The cup. whirls hi5 a valuable andi Published Daily (Sunda y exceipted) during lbesautiful onle, will probabl~ly be iplacedi A SHtPMENT OF the Collrge year, by Dusrbng the last tein days several on exliibiio ss inia. f...…

March 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. .,A LcfIGAN (E T ,~ Yesterday's Religious Services.I Time Table (iRevised) Nov. 18, 184. iSlitrWollll Eddy o- poket on "'ur lisi- EAST. WEST. donl" ai the S. C . A. 11W till-Sunliy P. M. AM Mail and Es-1 _ 350 Stall-_______84:3 ft*noons. Flit o'rsisvwort' in l N. Y. Special.... 5 15 N. Y. Special.... 7130 Eastern Es---10 25 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 ilioi-i-olo- of thei St11ll: ill ollllllr A. M. Pacific Es---12 15 Atlantic E...…

March 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Schaller's Bookstore!I GRIP MOORE & WETMORE THE 6 S. Main st., and State st., cor- ner of William st., have a+ complete stock of Formerly with George Wahr, 19 E ! -E. Washington st. Headquarters for everything a Student needs in the .A.LL KINDS line of Text-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. -AT- MARTIN SCHALLER, E. A. Mummery's E DOWA-TOWN BOOKSELLER, NEW DRUG STORE, 1CR S. Washington st., one block ...…

March 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 127) • Page Image 1

…'IC o )NESEIAY, MARCEL2H s. Foun 'PAGE S-3 CENS. VOL. V I. No. 127E. ANN ARM~ORI, MICHIGAN, XXED SINABLE MEN W\ILL MEET. BICYC ES. I CHICAGO TO SEND EXPERIENCED' We deie to :ito ritce that wet lI pro1)0 ,to m1Licea bh id' h l Ill DEBATERS TO ANN ARDOR, hav seurediaheagery rth e I y~ eI II 11100 fil Records of Speakers on Both Sides 0 ID ZT~iii lilt-Michigan's Men Have Had Thor-I Bi eeewihs eaned a If h ouEh Preparation-Contest Apt to best...…

March 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 127) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. ~g ~ cotu~inisse ins all iabout1 115 (01) Addti- ArI~j~44' ~I..+I. Vo ins art'constantlly ba. il- madce, land 101110' V(ry inipt .rlit 0callectioaswill Published Daily (Susnday escepted) during goon be recceived, ainsoig which is ass the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ixhauistive' i-olleetiontof (it Slilfllialt- OrrotE: Times building Nj AMain st., opposite ga"h. D.Rc rdo, fte post office. Aice...…

March 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 127) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. MWHIGAN GENTIFAL Time Table (Revised) March 1, 189. Mall and Ex--350 -Mal ---------8b N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Specal... 780 Eastern Ex.-.10 12 N. S. Limi ed..--_9:25 Atlantic Es.---713) Pacific Es_._12 1 . N. Express--. 5 AO Western Ex.-2 0 G. . Espress 11 05 Ch. Nt. Es.---10 it G.RE...--..557 . W. R~cULES, i. W. HIAve, G. 9. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt. Ass Arbor RAILROAD. Time 'table, ,Ta. 1, j m.96 7:2a....…

March 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 127) • Page Image 4

…TiIE LUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. FINE[ST SIINGS AN . LATEST STY![[5Ctosiug ouit League Bal will bat further and last longer than zny other make. it contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Eivery I"official" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade marl: is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMANVWHEEL C0. ---for Spring land Sumnmeri'Suiiis-...…

March 25, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

…the I. v 4 A A VOL. VII. No. 135. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1897. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. W I ...ANN.UAL ADI)RSS OF S. C..f Reeie IafLDin o WNlVil Be Given April 4 by Rev. W. ties for Spring Suits ). Mackenzie, of Chicago. and. TrouseringsAfe consderable negotiation, the / oficers of the Stdens' Chritian As- 189 7 iiio(-iationhv eue te Rev.I. NO. 2 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. delve their anunal address. )r. ______________________...…

March 25, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. i Pu 'tiobed Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Collecte year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OreFitmp':'linen building, 79 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. 51 "At[NG EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 97. A4SOTr OtANAGItNGsEDITOR F. S. SIMsONS, '98. ATULIrC EDITOR* Hi. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L. BU1SINES8S 3IANA(STER 0. H. 11AN, '98. EDITORIS E. L. GEostEIt, '98 L. H. II. COnwiN, '99. F. M. Loomis, 'S8. BUTLER, L...…

March 25, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Steio, Block and Hawmrslough DIOS. Fioe Spion Suits Are now in our stock and ready for your inspection. N finer or better made clothing in the country. You will find themn only at our store. Golf Suits in Great Variety. I OBERTDYOUNG BFROS.. HAT"S The leaders in New York as wvell as in Ann Arbor are only sold by us and are the best hats ever produced for the mon~ All the new and leading shapes. We also make...…

March 25, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…THlE UIVERSITY OF VMICHIGAN s LY.L Jos. W. Kllauf, WHY D)ON'Tr YOU TR Y - PATRONIZE HOLMES' LIVERY A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle atI and get the best service. rP LL R BROWN'S DR G S RE Office and Stable, 32 Forest Latet Noeltes i Cens fuitigs.Ave. Telephone 106. Latet Nveltes a Gets aitigs.Half pounds and mounds, 10 and 20 cents. A few boxgs of Branch Office at Pa'mers' Pharmacy _________Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound 10 cents....…

March 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…tIjc U. of Alt. Wail II, VOL. VIII. No. 126. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's . Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Buitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PPS ES ALlE!{ FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of...…

March 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVEII1TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orric.: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS,'00 L. BUSINESS IANAGER O. H. IANs,'00 L. EDITORS 11. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GInsE, '03 L. G. D. IUNUTT,'00. BUTLEa LAMB,'00. T. R. Woonow,'8 1. A. CAMrncLL,'0. Allan fCAPrElL, 'S F. ENGELeARD,.'98. F....…

March 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OV MICHIGAN DAII.A. Exhibit of Swell Spring Conceits ....Ltadies' Suits, Skirts, Jackets, Capes anld Waists..... Never has the advent of spriug brought to our do,)r such elegantut Hi 'xIRA I tONAIt n Ladiesv Wearing Apparel, such I: QULSITE EXCLU SiIVNSSs as wve are nlow showing in our cloak room. Every garment his that tlioirough TAILORED oSTY LISHINES that air of GRACElUL DFBONAIR So muen desired by effective, nobby, (dressers...…

March 25, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…nE UIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store HOLMES' LIVERY,' 515 East Liberty St. BEST SERVICE IN TiE CITY. Token of pring!. i-- We have just received a large shipment of WR IGHT, PETERS & CO. CELEBRATED FRI FO'"kOTWEAR FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00, $4 00, $5.00. Also Our'~. New 3 Strap Sandels $1.OC), $1.50, $2.00. Phone tos JOS. W. KOLLAUF TAILORINC 1 . .l i 1 r r 118 E, WASHINGTON ST. UP STAIRS. Ann Arbor, Mich. HO ...…

March 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…lZbe '.of ri o VOL. IX, No. 131. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1899. THREE CENTS. G. H. WILD CO. Will announce that we have now received our Spring and Summer Woolens. Our stock for the incom- ing season is the largest we have ever shown, is exclusive and confined, in both foreign and domestic goods, and is composed of the best fabrics in every line that can be obtained. We carry the largest line of Woolens in the city. We invite...…

March 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THE UN IVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN DAILY. Publihed Daily (Sndas excepted) daring the College year. at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN trae: The Inland Pres, Henig Blck. Bth Phons 007. MANAGING EDIOR4~. F. EaaneAoD, '00 L. BUSINESS IMANAGE. O. OI N,a,'0(L.. EDITORS. Athletic Edior, T. R. WooDOac, '11 L P' . JONES,'9, A. H. MDlOUGAL, '000E. F. D. EAMNc, 00 C. H. LUND, '05M, G. D. OleocTue. '00 E. J. B. WO,'f1. The subciptio pic of the DILY io £.a for the c...…

March 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HIDBA D THE NEW TAILOR, 444++++++4++++++ .++4++44++4oo~ooof++++4++++++o++4+++++4+++........ oo+++4f4+44+44+000000004+ MI lGIINFIRL (CORRECI AND STYLISH TAILORING. h igr al ot. CENTRAL STANDARD) TIME Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. 'Mail and Express ...........3 47 P. BI. N. Y. & Boston Special ....... 4 58" Past Eastern ..............9 43" Atlantic Express............7 45 A. B. Detroit NMient Express..........…

March 25, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SpelalOffr! The New Werner Edition -OF THE- Encyclope~dia Britannica. The Best Reference Library for the Home, the Office, the Library. Nearly six feet of printed matter. (Each volume is 11 in. long; 9in. wide; about 2s inches thick, and weighs about 5 pounds.) Can it all go into your head? Not likely! Better have the work itself to refer to when in doubt. The entire se...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 1

…[-I oi: N. DAILY. No. 18uit. VOL. XIIZ. . AINN ARB3OR, MICIL, WEDNESD)AY, MA.RCII 25, 1903 WANT BA IRD TO STAY' -it '(-" woud be drild or fthe if- lr1 t t ItIst heti o h l I Itg - - of saller dt til 1y t ig te Resolutions Unanimously Adopted at (cttit of the gtntrt buiness !0OI, All Mass Meeting -to Obtain Mr. itirtto tnttd. Mr. :1. E. tttrrtstitudnt riwttn- Baird's Release From icr of the lord of Contttrosad ht Contract AMr. 1Itotwo wilingto ...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 2

…THlE U'NIVERSITY OIF MICHIGAN DAILY. i THE U. Spring f piipt .. ._-1'. i 1 - 1" i m .. .. , li 3 I arum s(,s1rcl 1X11 other cia ; rt- V M . DAILY znE nts Ind oft ell 1wilofiled IIi tfatn ito tizc, doll-illiold of :m(Ollor. Tho nth- 1 III 11"T (It A nn ,II- r ,,.; ," .. lriie a tx"i: ti i c. ;; a 1 n tnatl '- j -it iitt Viti'or ilY/)! \Ti hi- tety( itje ol' MANAsGINGjEt)lTOtP, &kR11.1 I. L Cl I' )i. '0;;. BUiSINEiSS 1'IANAOII5, EIlTOR3., Athlet...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 3

…pwtus4O ~THE UNIV1ER.SITY OTF'MICHIGAN DAILY. I Ig i I } z z RACKET BRAND Y '._ 2 for 25c :v . III( THE RIGHT THINGS n E N OUG OTE ? , x t7 1 11 cS i t s , O x e r c o a t s , H a t s , C a p : , a n o z tt t h e Fxclive Pattern en's Fuit hn Mel) "1)o Ilk) Madras, Cheviot, V Stl olitixx' oI '1I Linn nP erae xis i Wager&6 o.ADAMS RAN RELE When you put your pipe aside light up a MOGUL Cig- arette You'll he surprised at t h e dlelightfulne...…

March 25, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 130) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. Of one of the best and most perfeCL fitting Custom TRADE Mlade Shirts. We have a large assortment in pretty effects in Oxford and Cheviot weaves from 'ZION I9AND i.oo to $2.50 J..BSfg.CUTTING, R EVE R & Co lac}and mi J. G BUS, Cgr. Wasingon Sree University Tea RoomsRETCL, AT PHOTOGRIAPHER. LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron 5ts. CORNER .STORE. Open from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. Classical Conference Program Tea, Coffee, ...…

March 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1904 No. 126 CORNLLiENTRIES STRONGti FINAL ITENT, WILLIAMS MEETFING. fAIR-CUTTINGl END[D. A Great Dual Contest Promised for Michigan Will Mot Wisconsin Tonight Mr. A. B. Wilians of Yale, Will Speak Annual War Between Freshmen and Saturday Night-Only 47 Reserved n Debate-Distinguished Oft Tonight on "A Fundamental Law Sophomores Was Stopped Last Seats Left-Cornell Men Ar- cials Selected, of College Li...…

March 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IG. I. Wild Comlpally Leading Merchant Tailors SPRINO WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you+ our London Serges, Loudon Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Comfpaly i 0 E. WASHINGTON STREET. The Great Gamel s - r...…

March 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Straight [ront Varsity .... : uprbSh owins ofI If yon want to see the snalilpiest style ever piroduced in Clothes, ElSper yuwant to see the new H. S. & M. 'Scisight 1±'ront" Varsity. T I I IL ~ /II I~ D yuIn order to see the suis as it really is, you naed to try it on, S P R IN G I'L5tEUk....EIN k.IE [ and stand before the glass, you'll omuch ratber give up the price + of it thao give u1p the clothes. * Beautiful cr eati...…

March 25, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IF YOU WISH To IHAVE. Dwght E. Watkins7j TYPEWRITING A SitDrpiacadt32S.MiS.r A Pair of Trousers An Overcoat Forest Avenue Meat Market r/ Made to your eteasure and a fit guaranteed, go to Poultry, Game and Fish in Season l - 5 30 Forest Ave. Phone 401 - Cutting, Reyer & Co. ~ pllIffp ~lA~HL 19-111 E. Wsingon teeS, I COOK HOIUSE BDIAiDiHAUL) COLLARS .~Under New franageme. L[ne Who Have just received a large line of cloths f ru...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…k It 0 I E s ( E , I ; I I ,, iC! ',,, i, -y a ',, o v W ' v 3 W T 1W +I 3 r J G, n . ''. c3 . .., U > w ' .v ' ./ . J /'1 : .- -. f. 1. fi f. f. J J f - .. . .- f .,r + ) /. /' i- I Y~ l '_" J " ... . . _ .' J l J _f, J N J j J r J - r j, s - >, O O r C -77 i. s L Q v^ G b O 4 w rG7 3 0 0 O a C{0 t70 C j 01 I~~f . . .' ' I Y t: t^ r . - { ^ . ; N ( ,- "f a ' ': N r y _ : : . .. r .-. ".-. J. . . , :J *- zn .- C. r 1, . f: h f H . ',, ' 4 - L ...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 2

…1 H NI CIIGAN DAILY * " +4e~* 4 4 + + THE 1-IIC I G- AN DAILY. aal dan e a IiI :I~'.tteAT : .Maaginr- Editora. 71 AilX BY tAililY r Tailoing RIF Mu -~r + A aaa t os __ __ __ __ __ -._. __f .Y k I. D E j New' _ _-- --- -- a-- a.__ L all aC.' OUN f Exc-an 4........- .0OAaaaaa Y . Herr f Waaaaa ............... Ia N1. 1r niia' eaaa-a aI ll aml>, ai mw f al ea twaaa ea aal"a001 aaalarasaaIt i aaaala jalao ,1t ihchacla &a aaaa aaaraa he -a \aaa \r;t...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 3

…TtE hMICHIGAN DAILY ~ [ART SIIAFNdR M RX ~MACK &CEYS, TEARO X "u l s iltlttti pj Coatasnd L4 r1? The Clothier, TbeDRe dfu pen la 217 So.Maiti St. $: Everything First-Class 2nd Floor K+#+++ +++++44 f++ +4.I+++4++ +++ +i+++.t+++ t*++++++++++ + "" "a 4 . e + ++" + w .1 -. r+r 1ie"r"_++". .-. 6- . I...Money Loaned.. W. J. LOURIM ,1. + S Business Stric t.v Confidenitial tNOCH uIL C101L" kabaianc Calls atten ldd d?,-iorcii, t. loffleel it itLw d I A...…

March 25, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 125) • Page Image 4

…1'2 1 MICHIAN DAIL'Y. ITKAN IAL IPHOTOG(LAPIEHk; WALK- THE WALK- OVER SHOE CO. yStudy with a Good Light t~THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMPI ALL STYLES AT' ALL PICEtiS. 's The Ann Arbor Oias C'tompatN. x$3.50 For Men and Women $4.00 A. G. SIaldio & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTVS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS C A. 0. SPALDIN(J & BROS. NE1 Y lli5 5I4A PRESIDENT Suspenders* un it' C. 5l. t' srntii ta Mut t 5tttttt".1...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…The Michig-an Daily IO.xvi. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY MIORING. _MARCH 2. SCHOOLMASTERS HOLD CONFERENCE THIS WEEK GREATESTi MEET OF SAO Michigan Schoolmasters' Club Meets in Ann Arbor o Thursday, Fr- il dy W NYand Saturday. 1(ji G R RE 'hiwek Ana Ailor iS to hinvadd_________- - hb a Ie'toll of school tacheri. Sern-' victory foi gti abd toiuiilvmmgitieeon jtltn((hIf Relay Race Decides the Big Meet in (t unl foi u(11(111 sweeti lountigsfreshti...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ITailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FU[[ DRSS SITIS A SPEICIALTY 311 s. State St. Ann Arbor, Mich. Our Engraved Visiting Cards and Stationery ae imice fo us by a metopolitin firmi famoisalike for the qiuality of therxxwork a ni ditheir original sty les We11 glidly qiote y on prices on any branchI of this wok an slowv sam pes Sheehan & Co's Students' Boo...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…TH IHGA AL for Art and Skill in Tailoring Call or% SAM BURCHFIELD & CO. Tihe Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET the Best Wool Serge Cap add 6own At $1.75 from Swtingout to Comnencement At $1.00 for Commencement.-Week 'This offer is extended to all Senior Classes, or srdii rrds of ~a ah let ave their order'wvith us before April st Don't delbt. .e ire your order at. onefor tie rsel, isi (11)por / rl Oo ever worn...…

March 25, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY w - I t .^. r^!r" ^.rw 'i 'v' 1^M'r Wt^r~^ r1", ^v r~w ^V "5, 7 1 ilockifig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Colon Toledo,;and Co- lumbus PEA NUTS Finest Quality Roasted Peanut-; per lb. t14e. Salted- Va. Peanuits, Bleached per lb. i5c. 2 lbs. for 25c. Peanut Brittle per lb. I sc. ___ We b...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…The Michis an Daily ANN NARBOR, \AITCITOAN, XVEDi T);SI).kY. MJARCH 25, 5908. VOL. XVIII. No. 1Ts. OLYMPIC TRYOUTS ARE MERELY GUIDES American Committee Will Use Discretion in Selecting Team to Compete in London. The Detroit News prints the follow- ing anonscenent fronm Ness York re- garding the coitdltct of the tryouts for te Anmericani Olympttts eant: Tliat the Amsericant comitstte cslih is charged swith selecting the aios teas tos repres...…

March 25, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

…THlE.MICHIIGAN DAILY F " ~THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G 7 .. Wild Coilpan ll 11 'grog ditor -ARCi ER F. RI 'CHIE Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD. ils eOf fine ISto "la s' I . tides all th hratest Ni S51 hades andtilpo-Da.te Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, 1'e ather .$hade, G.rays and Fancy IBlues. Your patroinage resptctfully solicited. G. H. Wild Coumpany 311 South State Street The Bali Sl~iits--C.loves-Balls-Btats- itdfact eveirythinig neede...…

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