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March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…mrik - AAl F>, r ASSOCIA DAY AKN I PRES , '4 SANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922' PRICE I I - IT HERE OF HARVARD, DUTIES IN NCY LEFT TH OF ADAMS' Pointing Ad. cement 'was made late' yes- om the President's office of ntment of Prof. Edmund E. larvard university, to head >mics department at Mich- ofessor, Day will become a ssor of economics, and will his official title "chairman partment of economics, and Af the curricula ...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…be U~niversity as. semester, so that interested students might keep on with the work as long as they wished. Such a course would be an innovation in Michi- gan's curriculum, but one which would be of value to the University, in that it would not only make' possible a considerable amount of properly-chosen reading upon the part of the student, but would also show that Michigan approves, and attemprs to further, education outside of the class r...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…[VERSITY'S MON HEALTH I. MINERS 'I ess Are SOME ASSURANCE OF STEADY EMPLOYMENT By Associated Press.) apolis, Ind., Mar. 24.-Presi- hn J. Lewis, of the United rkers of America, today gave pretation of the miners' de- r a six-hour day, five-day ing a part of any new wage nt affecting the 'soft coal in- In a formal statement he One of the greatest values to be de- rived from frequent-physical examina- tions is the detection of disease car- ...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…' ". '" :\ f . . . .. ; , r . .'"'°: The Camps - --' cinnati Reds-After two weeks tensive practice at the Mineral training camp, with Pat Mor- wtting the men through their twice a day, the Cincinnati Reds eginning to round into fine shape, are. showing signs of real base- The combination that the Reds starting out with at present is or less an experiment and will nue to be so far the coming few s. The outfield is all set with s, Duncan, Ne...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

…ieuere w311LbeLthre weights as in tue \wrestling: light, middle, and heavy. TENNIS NOTICE 1 \Basketball, Thursday night, showed Tennis tryouts report at Fer- that the senior engineers are the - ry field at 10 o'clock this morn- champions of the campus fOr they 1ing. WESBROOK. snowed under the soph lits, 25-12. The I engineers showed manifestly better teamwork than the lits and were at no time in danger. Deug did the .best -JUNIOR GIRLS' PLAY w...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 6

…'Y r U % J\ A A I ]f 6 7. JI ~'/I ! Ql i YOU WILL DO BETTER -AT-- LEMBLE'S 530 FOREST AVE. Menu For BREAKFAST Strawberry-Preserves Shredded Wheat M1ilk; Scrambled Eggs and Bacon Toast Coffee LUNCH Apple Fritters Mashed Potatoes Whole Wheat or White Bread Jam' Tapioca Pudding Tea Coffee Milk Your Con I IF YOU ARE IN NEED -OF- 'Y AND SERVICE THIS IS- THE-STORE DINNER Creole Soup Veal Chops Candied Sweet Potatoes Green Peas Whit...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 7

…I li t Junior Girls' play Whitney theater. Junior Girls' play ham's, Slater's, and in extra apparatus coming meet may isium from 9 to 12 day, Iarch 29. lances tonight are: Reynolds; Armory .t. be held at 8 o'clock rs of Barbour gym- 'higan Dames. All r husbands are in- omen are invitted to gs of the Student- ice which is being week end. At 10 morning there will on between the two i various subpjects afternoon meeting v short talks. which y a...…

March 25, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 128) • Page Image 8

…"FICI AL BULLETIN intli 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m Saturdays.) TURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922 Number 128. ngineering and Architecture: lementary examinations for removal of conditions and incom- held in April after the Spring Vacation. The schedule of different subjects is posted in the corridors of the Eng- L: A. HOPKINS, Secretary. Choir: gular rehearsal of the University Choir has been changed from night of this week to MOnday night 7 o'clock in L...…

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