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October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…1, l r ' :... 1,. s:L .,,, .,_ . \ , - : 1 . f VOL. I. No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1890. PRICE 3 CES. CO-ED SPREAD. -HaPiness Reigns Supreme in Adamless Eden. Last evening about 350 ladies from the different departments of the University assembled at Nickels' hall. The occasion was the fourteenth annual Freshman spread. The entertainment is given to the Freshman girls by their Sophomore sisters. Formerly only the memb...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…K- t 4 - 111 _ h y\ 'I V V k F y \ / r 1f ,yy,_ 70L.I. No. 25. UNIVERSITY OF MICItGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1590. PRCE 3 CENTS. EXTRA, F THE RETURN GAME AT AL- BION. of M. WINS.---SCORE 16-0. The Game Characterized by Hard Play and Much Slugging. tspeecialto the Air ."] ALBIoN, MiWr., OCT. 25, 1890. The game was called at 3:30, this afternoon, with Allen as um- Pire- About 300 were present. The teams lined up as follows: b of M oitions Alion....…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pubiished ',t 100 (F 1030 ect''lt during the College ) eo', by THE U. OF M4, INDEPENIENT ASOCIATlON. Sutscripti'onprice'1'21,,50 per year,invariably to (Oaeucoi ('cent. Ot(tialeat Shehsto' d tostt; fice newst tat vey left tt 1: n.ho' tthe 1DAILY, F)perta Io 1)ock, t i b iane', at tflt'orto, h of ie ed'itors'. Commnic(ations shAold reach't the o'ceby 10t A. M. it((he'3lieto (appeatrthe atfat tt3. Addtruoo t llte...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…'C. of 'MZ. "$aif J. Pithiihberi Pallt-(unitiyr ecepted) during the Cllee ca, by THE U. O M. 1EEPENET ASOCIATlCN. Subscription ptice 99,50 pe )'ear, ivriablny it ariaite e. Sigletceestetcent, on -tae it Shehirs and Piostieenewsrrstandrteey evenintg rret 'coc. sutteiptinininyhie leit at the tir be 0't te DA IL, it pee i bockt, itat etnu's, t Stlets, refrithrttiy oft the editors. Comnca ir tins si hould reh the offtee ty 10x.. rt. r tiey tiertai...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, S'MOKING JACKETS e TH+E NEW ASCOIT. AllAror~ Jfllf~y VOORHEIS &DITS BE AfSTo OK N HECTY.SAES.TIOS BETWR NTECT! S A ESCALLED FOR andDELIVEREDI. FIRST CLASS WORK. t -IAI I{AiES ToST UIESTS. fe _23 South Fourth Ave. If\LL / ND 3EE US , Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inich of the roadt. V'iolin alud Guitar Strings, 10) ets.; Banjo and...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS, SMOKING JACKE7ES! THE NEW ASCOTT. ARR arbor StompL pfjy, VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, 'WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. "Si'ECI'A It 5TF5 TOSTDETS Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. -JA LL ANLJ SEE LUs. Of 01(1 U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitars P'rices lowest, Quality highest. Guaarateed every inch of the road. Violin and (Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; B...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…TI4E U (T7 M DATLY ---THE NEW- I IIO IG- - CLOTHING HOUSES 171, 173, 175 Woodward Avenue, DetroitI M chi n. S'UI'SUPERIOR + U DEiREC7IT Men's, (NTii'ii.t.MEN's FuRNIilmNiG;s i Ld sI HATV /AN iN&CLUDINGW--- -§< Latest Novelties Arrivin - W rights Hseaith Underwear. Black Underwear. Medlicott Goods, Natural Wool, and Cheaper Grades. NEW BOOK STORS i This -:- Displav +is Unsurassed. 6 South Mairn Street. 44 Sout'r State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BO...…

October 25, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…IS ShII~NG- CLOTI-IING HOUSE ( 71JSUP1CJ u1( ~tCJO .!f;it" 3 {"DE+"E1 7:73TPE5V-'dwlOdcw u D 'IeIl'SI". 'I 11i1ti I"I; Childvoll's CLO I III NG H ATS' A N CAP - CLlI DIN Ii AN\'s Health Underw ea r. Black U uderiv'ear. Medlicott Goodls, Natural Wotol, and C heaper Grades. !_ao~ Lo Noiiiltics 1-Krr j L i 4.-ti t -KTWr*T DCtCnTZ7Qm- ~ T 1 N. 1vY iJ1'V\J.L . f. KJ .C>> V-/LU. tomK' This Display-: is Unsurpassed. 67 l :RSI1 M3Tr I I I1.S. ...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…Vol- III.-No. li. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER , 182. P~snoo~ Ttt1,,:1; nern. 1 in1fIHflT~ ated tie in-it ehtfore at the nl SENIOR LAW CLASS ELECTION. A iILr -F iii U ~TiRi caucus.iihe nou ''acod'''99tn.n4 s- TIhe Class Finally Succeeds' in Elect- l.pesenit beinOto smiell0aitrt. hig'Iga President. - A& Tie Freshma nElection Last ee ol "aie on sninr laneclatss nscinlleil at i' sl ii 03 Friday was a Genuine O acsel'i7tt:30iriii l-h...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, by THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iiubscrrptioatprice $2.5t per year, invariably iu advanen ingle capital3 rens. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ottier of the DottY, at Stottets, swtth any ot the editors or a uthorezed solicitors. Commounications shotuld reach tbe office by 7 ocloch P. . it they ore to appear the next lay. Address all mtotler intended tar publica- tito the Ma...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUDENTS. UNDERWEAR. GENTLEMEN:- AT THE TWO SAMS. Elegant line of Underwear at FIFTY We wish to call your particular attention to the fact that our CET Stock, as usual, includes a general andI complete line of high class CNS Better grade at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. clothing. Young M en's All grades of Underwear in 1Fine Silk, W00ol. Merino and 13a1- S7 7 = '. I TD _7== 0_ =Sbriggan made upl with all the detail, care and s...…

October 25, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…rfTHE LU. OF M. DAILY 8ohi tue ic1t tt W110111 {}U I I IUV CALKINS' To in ~e-ni ior ecy. 34 S. State Steet. THAT SHABBY HAT ! iJfcs°; 1501T ' em ItW!LL SOCiRCFLY DO IN FANN ARBOR.. oalytiiilthe lit i'iceotYuar la oreun anid we are(ettinly pleat ed t7see yot __ _ _L__ bitt Z itktnw tltieartttc es ?t) a lot,)( ti\st WRLC GOO S MTO V07OR 14 30 Sr7~ ALVI WIL Y, ,A STATEsi StaIZE ,2 Yeairs in the usineS$. Excelsior Laundry, CITY LAUNDRY, 0i 7FA...…

October 25, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…lie tt* of Aik Ah VOL. IV.-No. ?2. THE MEN !N LINE. Players who are Trying for Eleven-Present Condition aod Future Prospects. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. at quarter, the formuer being the COL. BAIN'S LECTURE. rr"*A/E5VE GOT ]EI4-1 the surer aud stronger player for ttie ptuee. He Spoke on "Traits of Human COLSDO ne pos ectsfhrhuh-s ue ~ Charecter"-An Evening of En E I tttmall sifting. Freuind has...…

October 25, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. c c. of 1z. $Tatty. Pubisohcd Daily (Sunays ecepted) drnna the Collee yea, by THE U. OF 14, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sltsciption price &.1.50 per yea, invariably fu adancet Single coist 3 cet. Sbsrip- tons may be left at the of1c of the DAILY, at Stofittt's, with ay of te ediors be authorized solicitos. Commanications hold each the office by 7 O'clock P. . it they ae t appear the net lay. Addest all matter intended oe ptbli...…

October 25, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGNIED 88. ICOPORTE 186I U. OF M. CALENDAR. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H. CLEMENT, Fri., Get. 27-Riley andi Sherley in S. L. A M1 So. RMANST. IDirector anl Manager. LAUNDRY Sat. Oct. 8 Senior law election, low lecture EXCIELSIOR LAUNDRY :toom.830 20 EALST HUCRON STRHEET. Satterday, Oct. 2.-Ninety-six class meeting, Good WoektGutnnteed. Goods cled fttr Ronm A, 9a. m and delivreed. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Slaturday, Oct. 18...…

October 25, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I us - + BROOMS 1-4 oE7El Saturday, OCt. 250h. 7 to 9 P. NI. only. Calkins' Pharmacy Al 2.50,oo , 00 9tosaod$ tr o Hots, exceptong Silvermao's & Roetof.. FOR $1.98. EIGHT DAYS ONLY FRIDAY. Oct. 20 to SAXTURDAXYlOct.28th. All Styleo ooti Sizos. STATE STREETN STATE STREETSf & ~ O. 6SOUTH MAIN STREET 7 AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM, hlave a full1 ssortmuent of 11NVESiI ITY ET BOOKS, nsew al second hand, anti all kinds ...…

October 25, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…,iz tt - 0 alai ln. loom VOL. V. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25-, 1S914. PICE-TI R-lo CENTS. REGENTS MEET. school for nrses, and the iiiprovel- THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION NoC pST D T ea ii Ilie law deartmenrlltN.G ODoTU EN Pres. Angell Addresses the Board.m Closes Its Sessions.-Election of Much Business of Importance Is cerniiigitie btter le said: Officers The Net Convention Trst eriiittltho. Transacted. It hardly need ...…

October 25, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pi'sh~ed faty (Sundays ected)t'ttt't the Ct alet'-eyeart, by 1HE . Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCAIOUN t:)FF'aE:T 'imnes blilm N. fMain t., apposite post office. Susrpinprisea$2.50 per' yeari, invaiablly ina dvane't. Singlet'copie's 3cet..ub1sript- tonssmay be'left. at the'offittaof 1tb4t'DILY.., at Stafflett's, at State st. se staa6, althanty at the 'tittots ar authize oiios Coammnitcatitons.shoidretathit h1'offibt'iy 7 locka p,...…

October 25, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 01?AM. I)AILY. M HIAN CrNTPAL Dr. GibbronCancer. Time Table (Revised) July 1, li -l189i4i.ilW(itiiyJi'li'i i eASe.S. cce sliditiiionhiel its first lnoetiliff of tlieP.-N A.M.ailand Ex---40s M i -------843 icii ii liiiHoiiieoltltiie liiiiliii;RIlut N. V. Sp eial---a5i0 N . . peci al_- Eastern Ex--10 25 N. S.Limited.---'925iii'ht. Tiele nbei o ef the board oif AtllanticExRe-- --47P. elic cud the Michligan Library D. N.Espress.--- 5 ...…

October 25, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. m z1 -P. CRANDALL TYPEWRITER ine on ly high traide Machine on the' Markert solatIaRas oalerie Simple; Durable; Writing in Sight; Permanent Alignment; Instantly Changeable Type. J. S. PEARL, Agent, 5'iRWaolijeglon 5t., Ane Arbor,'11th. M1_ STATE,-IABFR, Ot-eiclci 11 W.Walie)-ole ci 'II e\o.8 VocecSI . C' . 1:i., 'Phone No. 51. . FLAG PINS $1.501 "Fellow and Blue But- tons 60c. With U. of lM. or the year 75e. WM. ARNOLD'S, J...…

October 25, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Amok, tt VOL. VI. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 23. UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1836. FOUR PAGES-S CENTS. ~ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One1! gnitar is not enough, how- H$ jII ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- il S dents. That'swhy we have S constantly in stock several dozens of guibars of various I9$ makes and prices. SBETTER LOOK AT OU...…

October 25, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 4 .. ; ' - ' NOBLE'S STARF GENITLEMIENli Clothing noun 35 5. MA IN ST. The crowning part of man's at- tire is his hat. snd is needs are gaily goodl one to glee th.eeces- A sary finishin- touch. See aur Imperial. RAT-G/S ?TRL CD $3.00 t N91727 9 IN OUR WINDOW. THE VICTOR INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL Is unquestionably tie finest ball on tlie market today. It's light iess and durability sake it a favorite owithi all players. Pri...…

October 25, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…Ije ARL Am, Alk t VOL. VIII. No. 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1897. FouR PAGES. I i i SPLAYED GREAT BALL. pose MNichi gan this ear. Others in Freshman Law Election. -IL Dthe1111e were cosiderablttlo 1w im N IL D 'Varsity Defeats Oberlin by a aility. The taner tis one t he flrst year law lass indulged in Has received a full line of Novelties Score of 16 to 6. yo re "whirlwind" and bease of btO hen the electionca noe off Sa...…

October 25, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFIo: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. 11. HANS,'00 L. EDITORS . 1, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. E. L. GEISMoER, '93 L. - -- Monday BUTLER LAMB,'00, - - - Tuesday G. D. HUDNUTT, '00, - Wednesday T. R. Woonsow,'9, - - Thursday ...…

October 25, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF ICIIGAN DAILY. ONWARD AND UPWARD! Science is driving commerce, and one must either keep the pace or be left hopelessly behind. That is why we have secured the exclu- sive sale of clothes hearing the lahels of The Stein-Block Co's. and Hammersiough Bros.' These clothes are far--and--away ahead of any ready-made clothes that you have ever seen. They are designed hy genius and fash- ioned by skill. They are equal to the hest mad...…

October 25, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…THE UIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. CHEST PROTECTORS j AND CHAMOIS VESTS! i IThis is the time of year "A4 Swhen we need protectione from the raw, ccld winds.4 A chest protector is much4 Imore safe to wear than a sweat- er becanse yon don't have to4 *leave it oif when yon "dress4 up," and being out of sight, it 9don't make a man look slonchy 4 * at any time. We have them 4 for ladies, too - dainity, well 9made and comfortable. 4 50 Cents Upward. 9...…

October 25, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 26. ANN ARBOR, 11ICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1898. FoUn PAGES. I Yesterdaq's Football Practice. Masonic Meeting. Gmnaium Work. All of the football men reported Last Saturday evening the Uni- This year for the first time gymna- for practice yesterday except Caley, versity Masonic Club held the first of sium work will be compulsory But whose shoulder is bothering him a a series of entertainments to be given as ahost everybody knows, ...…

October 25, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 26) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. __will refuse. And we cannot blameI Before Buying Your +o t +P + h lmifrlc fspotwe Paubliuhed Daily (Sundays excepted) dating Oth e A (15d thotalmnmiappreciate 'what is reaeho ieti.o Alooee thoseUNValumniOFMwhoIAhave ncon-d FL QhU IT OOR OVERCOAT THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. tributed, when they saw a tastily ar- ranged trophy rooiiiwould no doubt See oitrs. WVe guarantee the Style, Worki anuship and1( Material. cO...…

October 25, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 26) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 YmSUITS GOOD8PEED & 80N9 G Ya UT~N UFT.Mi T l CORCT AND STYLISH TAILORING, ASSOCIATION. WM~v. VOUiGHT-WMyI . it.OX,, IHE GRAND LAUNDRY, We operate the finest tailoring trade in the city, and OF DETROIT. equal any in the State. Tha best high grade laundry in the Stale. The We respectfully solicit your valued patronage. apmciedomestic finish in the west. lave finish also given. All work praoaptly, All garm...…

October 25, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WATE MAN W,'s6 S. MAIN ST., and JOS. W. KOLLA UIF, WA ER ANS WW WETMOnRE342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St. DEAL , UNIVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, Second-hand and New, "' , ecetvrdeo new anfGosdericatah Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, TR UERN FOUNTAIN Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, R SEI . Let,ofWorkmian hip. PEN AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. MVAKES ITS MVARK L Wehv eiedt aif aln etwan...…

October 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…VOL. X. ANN ABOR, MItCH., XEINESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1899. No. 27. D ATHLETIC BOARD MEETING Coming Dates oi the Philological IS BEGINNING WORK. W I LSoceti. ILTreasuri-Virginia Game-Reports Ani interesting series ef i bji'('l is The W omen's League Makes Exten- r t from Games-More Directors- annuner frthelin rnetin s cof ti Phl- isie plans. TT Standing Committees- teoclSctyrio ring te crent Tie" VoiiencrsLegue, the srngct Class Protests.yer Among ...…

October 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…2 bished Daily (Snday exceped drig t: College yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Osce: The Ilad Pes, Hteanig Blck Both Phoaes, l17. MANAGING EDITOR. F.ENEaLIAD,'01L. BUSINESS MANAGER. 0. 11.1 aNs O0L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . . . 1,. ilcasce, '011 T. I. Woonowa, '00 L. A.t. McDooeALL,'It A. G. BOows .'0. E. J. B. WOO, '00, L.J.MOctwO1IRY,'O, W.D,1.Ittcooc:, 'lIE The subscriptio pri lc cDALtc.c02f1 the college yea, with a egaro deliey belti noon...…

October 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…flHE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 r-l- Zt m.T- =T=",_'7--,mamsmrm -Srt -- _ I i ALWAYS T HE B ST IN S EKh Z 11----'r== I-== [-'T'T,_ _';_'TtT_1 r _-Z".._L_.-- - -' - 7I TYLES AN vD QUALITY 117 South Main Street *~-LomiW oTOjE HEST MAKES OF J MICHIGAN CENTRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARIITME. Taking ffeet Joune 25, 1099. DetroiNil-ht Expres.......... 5 5 Ii.s. Atlantic Exps............ 7 440 GrsandlRpisEes ...... .....…

October 25, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…JUST PUBLISHED SThLKLY & 606 BY RU DYARD KI PUNG Publishers Price $1,50 Our Price $1.10 SHEEHAN & CO. University Booksellers Stationers and Engravers 320 SOUTH STATE STREET. U. of M. Barber Shopitjji and Bath Rooms. thi nStill .22 stte ost. J. R. Trjanowski, Prop. VWtRREN BARE GUW ,FANTEEON S3TISFfkCTION. 114.® A. STUDENTS' LECTURE ASSO- CIATION. Twelve Numbers to be Given Tis Year. Tickets On Sale at Wilders. COURSE OF 1899 - 1900. 3. Congres...…

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