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October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…E LiEv ti CIA ON CAMPUS See Editorial Page NIFTY High-5 s Lbw-30 See Today for details Vol. LIX, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 24, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement The job ain't hot, but Brickley wants it By RICHARD BERKE James Brickley admits the lieutenant governorship isn't such a hot job. And he should know. Brickley held the post from 1970 to 1974 and calls it "a somewhat strange office" and a "kind o...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…STEVE'SLUJNCH We Serve Breakfast All Day * Try Our Famous 3 Egg Omelet * . E om" * with your choice of fresh bean sprouts, mushrooms,* green peppers, onion, ham, bacon, and cheese. See Us Also For Our Lunch & Dinner Menus * 1313 S. University Mon-Sat 8-8, Sun 9-8 769-2288 **************** ******** * Page 2-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily SACUA profs hit Negotiators fail to conclude SALT pact spy code, (Continued from Page 1) ti...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…;f Ir U SEE NE YS APN CALL NLtY Still optimistic Mr. Tony's sub shop on S. State Street is boasting to its customers of the return of its prodigal air conditioner, "Our air conditioner is back," proclaims the sign on the front door of the fast food joint. When asked why the air conditioner's on when its almost November, employee Darlene Shelton replied only, "Last weekend it was nice." Maybe Tony's is moving into frozen foods. 0} Take ten The ...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…IPuge 4--Tuesdgy, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eurocommunism on trial in France By David Osborne 1 lis(r'° Note: Since Jimmy Carter's electuon ; Ithe presidency, the rising I . 1?jllwli c >/ l tan independent Euro u m'HJ d \is inovement has been one of tIe adminis 'retion 's biggest worries. Here, Paelic Xe w Service Contributing Editor IDarid ()siw ln '>ie reports from Paris that Ie / e to ihe death or tinumph of the cntii Er'o...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 22, 1978-Page 5 HEAL TH SER VICE HANDBOOK: Hypoglycemia: What's itabout By GAIL RYAN. QUESTION: I hear the word hypogly- cemia being used a lot. From its various parts I can make out that it has something to do with a low amount of sugar in the blood. Can you give me in- formation on its specific meaning? What causes it? Can it be cured? ANSWER: Hypoglycemia is, as you have correctly determined, a condition...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Comedy tomorrow, tragedy tonight Join the Arts Page By OWEN GLEIBERMAN The critics can't seem to say enough against Interiors. And where the gripes with the film are numerous, all of them seem to focus on the idea that Woody Allen's first non-comedy is a pose, an affectation. Certainly, if one goes an- ticipating high-falutin' artiness, super- ficially, at least, it is there in abundan- ...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 7

…- Adik - ldd v w r K 'L S j I The Michigan Doily-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-Page 7 GUITARISTS BREAM AND WILLIAMS A T HILL: Solos spice up strung-out show w Keith Jarrett arrogant, but better than ever By GERARD PAPE Seeing Keith, Jarrett in concert for my third time, Sunday night at Detroit's Ford Auditorium, I had the following thoughts: 1) Since the first time I saw him it was from five feet away in asmall New York jazz club, I...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 8

…8-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily w. tPOOL morton ave G At AN' +WV.1. .f W Si 1 fI 1 I A I D- I. I 1 961-.1;0Q ,tion i Inhe''r TN G~AF -ft fr T4 N. Y r - ,e; CA LL 764-0557 FOREST HILLS 11. 'wYP7iiL VWARRINGTOIN 4LES3.Of':RLE W"' ' - IP 7A Aseeks Jr to ass isF in diversified AOMIN5 ba flte,r in S$adus. 4"2 Seci:ai Sienrc )OKEEP floist. mov., type 8:30.4 *twn 11 iPh P Ind 130 i dC vale ' s'~ fl UNCON...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-Page 9 U I Will 'Mr. Nice Guy' finish first? I YOUR TICKET POPULAR MUSIC TO THE BEST SELECTION IN JAZZ ANN AND ARBOR (Continued from Page 1) tenure will become the longest of any' governor's in Michigan history, and he will become, the second most senior governor in the nation. MILLIKEN'S incumbency, despite the state's Democratic majority, is un- deniably strong. -Ninety-seven per cent of t...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 10

…m. ... - . ,,..~,. . ,, w.. Page 10-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Ah By GARY KICINSKI Attention seniors:. Dig out that old rabbit's foot, that dusty horseshoe, an abandoned sweetheart, or anything else you consider lucky-there's going to be a basketball ticket lottery. The Michigan Athletic Department announed yesterday plans for a drawing to be held in Crisler Arena on Thursday, November 9. The drawing e ps Prime cage seat...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-Page 11 Campbell's Scoop by Paul Campbell KAY, SO IT'S a bit early to be charting a title race in the Big Ten. Only three games are history. But, remember, this is the first year in a decade that all but two teams aren't busy planning for next year. The fans and players are having more fun, while the sportswriters and bookies are worrying about how to appear smart about five teams. So forgive me fo...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 12

…Poge 12-Tuesday, October 24, 1978---The Michigan Daily Greene Pursell square off REN CEN BASH: Kennedy touts Dems By MIKE ARKUSH and AMY SALTZMAN Republican Rep. Carl Pursell and Democratic City Councilman Earl Greene (Second Ward) squared off last night by attacking one another's capabilities for leadership as Congressman from Michigan's Second District. The candidates tussled before ap- proximtely 50 students at Markley Hall. GREENE ACCUSE...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 13

…-- -qqqqplqpp--- T--- Page 20-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily EVERYTHING Y (} 11\ ) 4 YOU NEVER EXPECTED FROM AN APPLIANCE STORE. PRICES GOOD TODAY THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 Where Else Sight und oand . But Highland, Low Audio Prices like T Plus many more surprising low prices on the top brands in the industry! Save on every brand we carry. in every price range. Save on great names like PIONEER. MARANTZ. SANSUi. TECHNICS, ...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 14

…FI CD -4 c (n 0~ c 10 -1 (D S O C7 O . 3v s _ .- " a ; r . .' __ , W QV 30 o SID C, = 0 0 0. 0 0- a. 0* n 3 At 'n 0 Am Cm= c4 a' DI Un r CA I- D= N. h.. d '! a , ao c °. cn ' .o ~i ar " 3 H OwD 0 0o ooo M A ST CD 04 I 0 *0N C ) =v 0 .0 0) . *0 * .0 «. a U …

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 15

…Pge" 18-Tuesdy, October 24, 1978-The MiCiga' Daily The-Mich oil~y-T .., Oct4 Is there reggae after Marley? Is there reggae after Marie, (Continued from Page 3) TOOTS AND THE Mayals, also turn- ing their island music into a religious prayer to the Rasta, have a nice selection of Rastafarian songs on their Reggae Got Soul album-but their earlier Funky Kingston LP-before their act went Rasta-sounds less forces, less contrived. The album makes...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 16

…Page 4--Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, Exposing yourself to color film Once there was a wa By BRAD BENJAMIN Still a growing pastime, photography is by now one of the most popular hobbies in the world. Whether it is reliving spring break on Miami Beach or reminiscing about the time you caught a dorm-mate off guard, those moments are all reproduced in_ "glorious color" through photography. And it'...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 17

…Page 16-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, Octo is preserved on 35mm UMlDRFDIiM AVAILABLE AT: The Michigan Daily Student Publications Bldg. 420 Maynard Street AND Graduate Library Texas new wave booming MA2 (Continued from Page 6) business. Writing songs of social con- cerns and hard-won good times, they have won a new audience, younger and - occasionally - more aware. But there really is little to th...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 18

… Page 6--Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Panhandling for country sounds The Michigan Daily-Tuesday A few tips on shooting stars By SUE WARNER In Texas, we are told, everything is big. Indeed, the tall tales of rodeo cowboys, oil magnates, and, more recently, cheerleaders, seem to get bigger and better as they generate out to the "other" states. Texas has become a state of mind, and the rest of us would like to be a part of it ...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 19

…t -Q 0 CL 0 n 4o (a 0 - d V 0 O ci) CuCo 3 as uo ~ & . ~ 3 >13 U) ca 0 Cu Cc ch )U +O'OCcS R .G p .34 O ( QU *~ .0~ O 1. - y) GO) Of~ - cr w0Ew> ..._. ' / - t i Q 1 ' . !' i " y . 3E. C 0 LmO c O O p . >U), Q ' CQ) O ~^ C -00CZ En (V CZC - 0 C Q cu ) - s: Cu . cu cs - o)wc-s 4E~ E -a = E o- 0. - AE E u 4, 6 h o, V Z F aE £' co .' n = a J#-O~ AZ a Y um >- -fN" tO.- d ' Q - n :: U am o _U Ux I-LL 0 WN. u w r~ - UQ - 0 0 ~J V (1) as '0 0x...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 20

…-U- -,0mmwp - The Michigan Daily-Tuesd Page 8-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Cashing in on recycled re( By MIKE TAYLOR When I first walked into Wazo Records three years ago, I couldn't quite believe my eyes. Used records, .thousands of 'em, were piled high in a room that couldn't have been much larger than a dorm single. I started to browse, and within ten minutes or so, I was holding fifteen albums in my hand. It was as ...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 21

… Page 12-Tuesday, October 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 24, Contest winners B LOODY HORROR was only narrowly averted. Those of us around the Daily will likely long remember the screams and tor- tured cries hears when we found out there was no photographer around to handle the important mission. Our only hope was chief photographer "Papperazzi" Freeberg, who was shooting the wedding of Belgian Prince Anton...…

October 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 41) • Page Image 22

…T (0 (o 2 C c 0 0- 0 A No V S t0 A -i * , If you're thinking about buying a quality cassette deck, like the Aiwa AD1250, there's an advantage to buying it at Tech Hifi. We'll give you a 7-Day Moneyback Guarantee in writing. Which gives you an entire week-to play the Aiwa AD 1250 in your home. In the unlJkely event it doesn't please you, return it to Tech Hifi and we'll give your money back. Without giving you the third degree. Also, at Tech...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…VORSTER'S RETIREMENT See Editorial Page \: ' £iEI41px Itl AUTUMNAL High-upper 70s Low-near 50 See Today for details l Vol. LIX, No. 16 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 24, 1978 Ten Cents Ten Pages LEACH TOSSES THREE SECOND HALF TDS Blue aerials rip Irish, 28-14 By HENRY ENGELHARDT Special to The Daily SOUTH BEND, Ind. - Michigan's 28- 14 win over Notre Dame yesterday might have looked easy, but it wasn't. The 2-0 Wolverines pl...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Sunday, September 24, 1978--The Michigan Daily Vance's Syrian trip postponed (Continued from Pagel1) finishing houses, warehouses and roads for a naval base. A few years ago, the Saudis barely had a navy. A mile up the coast, the Saudis are creating an entire town and industrial area from scratch. The town is intended to be an exam- ple of a turn-about for the Saudi economy which, as one official put it, "exports oil and imports every...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

… Take Ten The University's Inter-House Assembly recommended the Board of Governors of the Residence Halls drop the dorm requirement for sophomore women on September 24, 1968. But it was ten years ago, af- ter all, and the Assembly members still reacted favorably to the Board's decision to retain a mandatory live-in rule for first year students. Also ten years ago members of the all-black fraternity Kap- pa Alpha Psi were raising questions abou...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…P age 4-Sunday, September 24, 1978--The Michigan Daily e SO-OKING BACK THE WEEK IN REVIEW the anti-spying conference It is fitting that the University Orovides the setting for the first $ational Organizing Conference to Stop government Spying. 0The conference is occuring amidst an environment of awakening conscious- aess as students and faculty try to veigh the role of intelligence gathering 4gencies on campus. On the first day of the conf...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 24, 1978-Page 5 - U.S. CONDEMNS STRIFE: Congress backs Somoza WASHINGTON (UPI)-A bipartisan group of 78 members of Congress, mostly conservatives, asked President Carter yesterday to show his support for Nicaragua's embattled President Anastasio Somoza to avoid making that country a "new Cuba." Meanwhile, the United States and 15 other nations yesterday supported a Mexican proposal censuring reported ...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…6-Sunday, September 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily .ar _.n-25 [LI ;MAN Iv~l R13 ' iPdOOL 1jW Eonj ,l~twI, i"i . I SI A A I I tif t iej 9- E 'ediat Occ 961-1200 4100 i Inffe kn4 it. F 4pust S ;x WBFP 41 ft rhA rsI LYN GARDEN: rn -1,' fr " 5I IN. Y r" le CALL 764-0557 FOREST HILLS 4RMS $21A Ave. Nt '1"~ " W ARRINGT4 -"'rLE 53S.Uil:Rt.L $Sep"'v I CPIA sees Jr to assis in diversified *~ hrrr ; o fije 7 71Sa sn, J- $Or SA 'ii...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 24, 1978-Page 7 FRIDA YA T THE JAZZ FESTIVAL.' A saxophone celebration! By ALAN RUBENFELD Dexter Gordon and Johnnie Griffin treated Ann Arbor to a taste of magic Friday night. The two saxophone giants provided the Ann Arbor. Jazz Festival with such sizzling performances that the people lucky enough to be there will likely be talking about it for ages. Their 'tandem playing highlighted a five hour jazz ma...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 8

…ush4 Page 8-Surday, September 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily 50 years old and still org Se p t.- T4-2 F 0 By NINA SHISHKOFF - A line of sleek limosines are parked in front of the brightly lit marquee, let- ting out flappers in sparkling gowns. A ghostly image from the twenties? A closer look reveals that most people present are wearing blue jeans or lesiure suits, not the cat's pajamas. The Michigan Theatre on East Liber- ty street opened i...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Sunday, September 24,1978-Page 4 a w. ' Y f ?Mt J o itt'1 \' t WY, 2 x BIG TEN ROUNDUP Huskies By The Associated Press BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - Tailbacks Mike Harkrader and Derrick Burnett ran for one touchdown apiece yesterday and safety Dave Abrams stopped two Washington drives with pass intercep- tions as Indiana handed the 15th-ranked Huskies a 14-7 upset in college football. The victory squared Indiana's record t 1-1, whil...…

September 24, 1978 (vol. 59, iss. 16) • Page Image 10

…Page 10--Sunday, September 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Michigan Thunder! (Continued from Page 1) wide and the Wolverine lead was six, 20- 14., After an exchange of punts Mike Harden halted Notre Dame progress with an interception along the sideline at the Irish 41. After a line plunge that gained a yard, Leach drilled a pass into Ralph Clayton's hands and the junior wingback ran two yards into the end zone, where he received a golden dome in...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

… l -cmichiga n DAI LY Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents I -1isr Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 16-S Wednesday, May 24, 1978 Sixteen Pages 1I namPnt nL--k session begins Doily Photo by JOHN KNOX POSTAL CARRIER Cal Foster's load may be a it heavier during the coming days as local letter-writers hurry to send off their correspondence before the two-cent rate hike goes into effect next Mondgy. 2-cent stamp jump UNITED NATIONS (AP) - The U.N. General Assemb...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Belgians pull out of Kolwezi KINSHASA, Zaire (UP)-Belgian north of Kolwezi in Zaire's southern 4,000, should regroup and resume the showed that the rebels forces pulled out of the battered copper- provne aT LION of about 500 Tahe reported meeting isolated massacre of some 170 mining city of Kolwezi yesterday and Oel atALiO sot 5 T r t m i s e dozens of blacks on the me left 600 French paratroop...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-Page 3 Council votes on budget tonight By DAN OBERDORFER that "I cannot remember them very well," he said. When City Council meets to adopt a The Republican caucus met Friday new budget tonight, the Republicans night to arrange its proposals item by are expected to change significantly the item, Trowbridge said. Members were $37 million budget proposed last month, slated to meet again last night to c...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily michigan DAILY Chicago's Rogers Park: A Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom gothic architectural showcase 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 By Jeffrey Selbst three-story apartment buildings is maintained in this way. Vol. LXXXVI11, No. 16-5 News Phone: 764-0552 Streets lined with real trees. line every street. One might well Besides these common effects Cars parked end-to-end along the ...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 24,'1978-Page 5 Recognize Peking, congressmen urge WASHINGTON (UPI) - The majority of a 10-man congressional committee which visited China in January said yesterday the United States should break formal ties with Taiwan and extend diplomatic recognition to the communist gover- nment in Peking this year. However, four members of the delegation filed separate views rejec- ting the, notion of an "artificial dea...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Chamber concert superb By JEFFREY SELBST national Chamber Music Competition sinuous motives intertwine and each to hear a quartet with as much energy Monday night in the Pendleton Room at Evian, France, 1976; winner, East soloist has a chance to shine. The and precision as this. of the Michigan Union the International and West Artists Competition, New Allegretto which closes the piece retur- Y ...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-Page 7 Arabs turn out own weapons CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-The Arabs have gone into the arms business in the Middle East, and the fledgling industry already is selling its Western-designed military hardware ins half-dozen coun- tries. The Cairo-based consortium is welding Egyptian manpower and fac- tories, Western technology and Arab oil dollars in an effor to lessen Arab dependence on foreign arms makers....…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily U.N. disarmament talks open (Continued from Page it day said in a Washington intervievtwith The Associated Press that one of the Russians' main incentives for flexibility in the talks "is that they recognize we can keep up with any competition they can mount" in the arms race (See related story, this page). AFTER WORLD War I and the use of new weapons such as poison gas and tanks, the League o...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 9

…Camping on campus? By JUDY RAKOWSKY popular? Perhaps the graduates regard It's not the Rivieria, and it hardly such outings as an opportunity to compares with the Bahaman or Palm become nostalgic about their carefree Beach, but the college campus may college days, or to show the children someday replace the cross-country where mommy and daddy attained vacation trek that many equate with their vast wisdom. But it just may be family holidays, th...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Diplomats laud Brzezinski's China visit TOKYO (AP)-Diplomats in Peking yesterday said Zbigniew Brzezinski's talks with Chinese leaders fostered a new mood of Chinese-American cooperation after months of uncertain- ty and spurred chances for establishing full diplomatic ties, Japanese correspondents reported. Brzezinski, President Carter's national security adviser, briefed Japanese officials ...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-Page 11 Feds told to fight inflation, take pay cut _. .. . w " WASHINGTON (AP) - High-ranking federal officials should set an example in fighting inflation by cutting their own pay, former Federal Reserve Chair- man Arthur Burns said yesterday. In a written statement to the Senate Banking Committee, Burns advoated a voluntary 10 per cent pay cut for the President, all his appointees and mem- bers ...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily .,n 7a5 . ;- .. o e~ ouM roar .n..... aT s'ira MAh , .....,. r.r .s rer':i .. *Y_ c . H z rve i i" a r " CO. iZ r , s FMEEM w IF, IM - - asw BFs .x. 0 ^ K! s }I HI !dtote 0 NTT e6r' 461.1?06 _ t ;. eot.x-sis .r Ir.s V r" rr I*A , . 7LdAC7 )C]KKFF se oc tiar AM yap - 3O5vi.oS2 - . .,. N. Y3 . . onsw, a r - K AM 0 5 H -b 0 )OKJ( FOR SALE 72 TRIUMPH Bonn. 650, gold and white, C.I.) Gradu...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 24,r1978-Page 13 MR 1IiI'IJ4AI (Continued from Page 12) PE RSONA L Operation Smile: Now through May 30. AVON-662-4401 cFtc CUSTOM T-SHIRTS-We got 'em. Many styles. Many colors. Lettering available. Also team uni- forms. The Inn Shop in the Ann Arbor Inn. 8 a.m.- p.m. - cFtc ROOM A ND BOA R D RETIRED PROFESSOR, male, living alone, desires student live-in and do occasional errands in ex- change for room, singl...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Wednesday. May 24. 1978-The Michigan Daily At 12, Mariel's a college soph LOS ANGELES (AP) - Like many college freshper- California conditionally last fall at age 11 when she professionally, took her mother's last name as her sons, Mariel Aragon hasn't decided exactly what she enrolled in two courses. After she successfully com- stage name and prefers to be known as Mariel Aragon. wants to specialize in, but she has plenty of time. "I'...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 15

…THE SPORTING VIEWS Preakness Day .. . ..more- than a horse race By BILLY SAHN PIMLICO, MARYLAND ' HE PREAKNESS, the second leg of the prestigious Triple Crown of thoroughbred horse racing, is hardly the place for a cross between the Hash Bash and a Michigan football game. For the horses and their backers and jockeys, the atmosphere was one of the conservative horse racing elite. But for the forty thousand to fifty thousand people on the infiel...…

May 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 16) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Wednesday, May 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily BEAT BRUINS 4-1 Habs win brawl For the first time in a week, the Montreal Canadiens were able to beat Boston at the Bruins' own game as the Habs took a 3-2 lead in the Stanley Cup finals with a 4-1 victory last night. THE PENALTY-MARRED affair saw the Bruins begin play at the Mon- treal Forum in much the same roughhouse fashion that had enabled them to win two games in Boston and even the ser...…

March 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…STUDENT AID See Editorial Page 1r tir UIQ PASTORAL High -44 d Low--24° See Today for details Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 137 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, March 24, 1978 Ten Cents Lawyers to cash in on Edison By DENNIS SABO Copyright 1978 The Michigan Daily First in a two-part series What began as a friendly chat bet- ween a Chicago lawyer and a Southfield drug store owner on the scenic ski slopes of Aspen, Colorado, six years ago has developed i...…

March 24, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, march 24, 1978-The Michigan Daily Activists assess anti-war effort By MARTY LEVINE The anti-Vietnam war movement of the 60s and early 70s was instrumental in dampening and ending the war, ac- cording to speakers who assessed "The Movement" at last night's final Viet- nam Teach-in panel. ' Bob Ross, one of the founders of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), said "the anti-war movement did not make a revolution, and it did...…

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