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January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…TF UNION: ALL THEIR OWN Y Sir !3a Datilj ICE-BLOWN High--21 7Low-5 Cloudy, cold, chance of snow See Editorial Page Vol. LXXX No. 95 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 24, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages ....~...+-.: t propos Plas key unit of suents, faculty By STEVE KOPPMAN A proposal to establish a stu- dent-faculty council to act as a Sstanding committee of the literary college faculty, and to which near- ly all college committees woul...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE MtCHEGAN DAILY Saturdays January 24, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 24, 1970 art Faculty art show: Modern mixed media ATTENTION AL UNNDERGRAO WOMEN! Here's your chance for a night out at the courtesy of Elliot House on tan. 24 at 8:00 PM. Dining Roam 3, M~rkley Hall Featuring: Dancing, Bananasplit Bu h, Refreshments Music by Bobby Sox and the U-Trow Another Babcock-Neaton Production-"We serve to please" By LAURIE HAR...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…} i COMM 1AN DER CODY And the Lost Planet Airmen About that time a strange disease Did seize the populbtion For many folk of all degrees Did dance without cessation They kept at dancing night and day And never left their leaping Until their strength had ebbed away And death came on them creeping. TONIGHT & TOMORROW -DOORS OPEN 8 PM.- $2.00 Tour By CAROL HILDEBRAND If the central campus environment seems a little dull, there is something you ...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…* i7 3fMijpt Daiti Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Aayndrd St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. JAMES WECHSLER DAY, JANUARY 24, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING Teaching fellows need a union all their own e IT IS HARD to s...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…Lary 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PaeFv Pooc Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 764-0557 I U NC OlN T R ACTED CLASSIF IED RATES LINES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 1 doy 1.00 1.10 1.35 1 55 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2 days 1 60 2 15 2 60 3.00 3 40 3 75 415 4.55 4.95 4.95 9 50 13 50 17.35 21.10 3 dovs 2.35 3.10 3.75 4,35 4 95 5 50 6 10 6.65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.55 31.40 4 days 3 00 4.05 4 0...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY St turday, .January 24, 1970 I ' ;' You say you're feelin' cold and lonely? I Spa rtans test By CHRIS TERAS emotions have indeed been run- Just how good is the unbeaten ning high through the week's Michigan gymnastics squad? practices. The answer to this question will "I haven't seen the boys put out be forthcoming at Michigan State this well all year," he said. today as the Wolverines travel to "They're getting...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…:turday, January Z4, 1910 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page tie e ci Ecep~ Swimmers break SMU's Bill Cusumano I California dreaming in Michigan freeze It's been three weeks now and I've managed to sublimate the nightmare known as the Rose Bowl. But I still think a lot about California, mainly because it's so damn cold around this substitute for Antartica. The very first thing that I discovered when I arrived in Los Angeles was that Michigan alum...…

January 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 95) • Page Image 8

…"1t -THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturdny, January 24, 1970 -It THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, January 24, 1970 learings on The Pill spark controversy DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN M~sslengemsamismtW~aia~gm~mm#samism!###%EWW~sstW54re~ate uis Che vyChasmae , W22 M d VASHINGTON (P) -- Initial gressional hearings into the ty of birth control pills have ed with many women clear- frightened, some drug com- y stocks down, and the fed- government showing con- ...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

… THE CASE FOR MINORITY ADMISSIONS See Editorial Page Sir 43au PLEASANT Partly cloudy, mild (Vol. LXXX, No. 121' Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 24, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Page -Associated Press Le voila French President Georges Pompidon and his wife arrive yesterday in Washington where Pompidou will begin a nine day visit in the United States. Protests occur'red yesterday and more are expected over France's recent decision to ...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, February 24, 1970 arts fe Joseph Strick and estival dam the lusty Tropic HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! SHOWS AT: 1 :00-300-5:00-7:00-9:0 03 By NEAL GABLER had my first exposure to ry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, 'opriately enough, in a high ol freshman biology class. n the teacher would leave room, out would come the :rback, and the sniggers .d begin. Luckily, it was on...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

… Wednesday & Thursday February 25th & 26th 4:10 P.M. DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH STUDENT LABORATORY THEATRE presents scenes from THE CHANGELING -by THOMAS MIDDLETON THE FLYING DOCTOR -by MOLIERE ARENA THEATRE, Frieke Building ADMISSION FREE page three 94P, ir4igttn ttti NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, February 24, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Van Der fout presents unique self-defense NOW PLAYING NATIONAL GENERA...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…"_' Qfi 51r414an sain Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Pompidou and French foreign policy 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. Tuesday, February 24, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: LYNN WEINER The ease for minority admiss...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, February 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764=0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deadline 12:30 p.m. 557 i EFFICIENCY APT. for sublet and Fall Option. Available immediately. $100 mo. 522 'Monroe, No. 4. 769-6049. 32C44 ,4 3 or 4-Man Apts. Near IM Buildig, Summer & 'Fall 761-9592 or 769-4228 33070 VACANCIES on farm 8 miles out of Ann.AAbor. Call 483-6745 after 11 a m. 9C39 Now Renti...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Il Sales Service Rentals FOR FAST, ECONOMICAL TYPEWRITER SERVICE BY EXPERTS, CALL D BUSINESS MACHINES, Inc. Kinlkead eyes career 3022 Packard * Ann Arbor, Michigan Telephone: 313 971-5700 By NORM SCHERR For the past thirteen years swimming has been a way of life for Gary Kinkead. Now the senior star, captain and cornerstone of his team, reflects on his carreer in a somewhat wearied tone, noting, "I'm happy that this...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Cager By XYZ McFERSON Coming, off impressive back-to- tck victories over Toledo a n d innesota, Michigan's basketball team travels to Bloomington to- day for a night game with the down-and-out Hoosiers of Indiana.' The Wolverines, apparently re- gaining their sharp early-season form, thumped Minnesota 95-87 last Saturday behind Rudy Tom- -4anovich's 37 points and 24 re- bounds to move their Big Ten re- cord to 4...…

February 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 121) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'UDENTS UNCONCERNED: UGLI calm after a SDS reaffirms militant tactics (Continued from Page 1) confused about the tactics as she leafed through a book near the first floor catalogue. "I guess if it's the only way to get people to listen to demands, it's okay. As long as they just took the books off the shelves and didn't destroy them," she said, "at least I'm aware of what they're asking for." "They've alienated a lot of p...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 1

…VOTE TODAY ... Y L Sirt E~aii4 STINSGCLSA STUDENT ELECTIONS o#LXXX, No. 141 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 24, 1970 Ten Cents Twelve Pages TRIKE CONTINUES: Xroops called Strike to gains new support; move NY. mi;i attenda ce drops in By The Associated Press President Nixon ordered Estim ate troops yesterday to move the strike-halted mails in N e w , York City, declared the walk- out a national emergency, and urged' the th...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 24, A Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday. March 24~ 19 Oll theatre- Follow the fold -- but not the Sheep Documentary honors Martin Luther King Program Info: NO 2-6264 SHOWS AT: 1:00-3:00-5:00 7:00-9:10 P.M. NOMINATED FOR.9 ACADEMY AWARDS By DEBORAH LINDERMAN NEW YORK - Sheep on the Runway is a long inconsequen- tial piece about which it is dif- ficult to find much to say. Prob- ably its mo...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 3

… NW York Daily mmes New. York Post."Nr 4 /9A FRANKOViCH PROOI -7'... lNii Positivelly f ENDS Thursday low Yok ima OUCTIoN the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service E I I Tuesday, March 24, 1970 .-99L CAL- 41P 4hr 4LAP ttt1 page three Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three .. Nrwseek ~1 TECHNICOLOR 000 DAYS" From COlumbla Pictr"lWe FRI.: "ANNE OF 1000 DAYS" 3 WEEKS IN LONDON Detroit/London/ Detroit Departs Returns ...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 4

… Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Fleming explains 'U' position 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE KOPPMAN I Open it up or shut it down t THE COMING days are cru...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 5

…T esday, March 24, 1970, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deadline 12:30 p.m. 557 FOR RENT NEED a 4-bdrm. house or 4-man apt. near campus for summer? Call 769-2525. 42067 2-MAN in old house, huge rooms, front Qnd back porch, block from Union. Call 769-0364. 39061 2 GIRLS NEEDED next year. Apt, in old housefi you see 3 bdrms., 2 stories high. The address,, 820 ...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 6


March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 7

… Tuesday, March 241, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, March 24, '1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAID POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT VOTE "YES" on the LSA CONSTITUTION NOON" I I'5 THE FREE YOU TWO LSA STUDENTS vote at the following polls: Diag * Engin Arch . UGLI 11 A.M.-2 P.M. nion N. Campus Bustop * Fishbowl IMPORTANT: You must cast ballots for LSA and SGC at the same time. LSA ballots will be available only at the above-listed ...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday. March 241970 i v,.. wrsYT + ivsy. " Mn. ir,. f .i'l.1 I 'U' considers construction of low-cost housing for students I11 month lease - substantially lower than the average in Ann Arbor. Boothby says, the University' construction of 5000 units would provide Ann Arbor landlords with r serious competition, thus "break- - ing the market" and compelling landlords to significantly lower their rents. - In addition, B...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 9

… Tuesday, March 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine ,I;k, N '' ; A FACULTY COMMITMENT: Tues., March 24 and Wed., March 25 T-bA 1 m THE DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES PRES El Retablo de lay Maravi by MIQUEL DE CERVANTES (a one act farce by the author of Don Quijote) AND El Triciclo by FERNANDO ARRABAL (from the theater of the absurd) SP.M. Lydia Mendelssohn Them TICKETS: $2.00, $1.50 at Lydia Mendelssohn ticket office SENTS A I ...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'T'..---J._.. A A _.4_t_ "IA 1 ^ 7^ P e eTM-.Ae Tuesday, March 24, 1970 TEMPLE BETH EMETH (Reform) is now recruiting-teachers for its Religious (Sunday) and Hebrew School Students, Teachers, and Student Wives are invited to apply Applications can be obtained by calling: R. S. Tikofsky, 662-9319 or Mrs, M. Reinhart, 663-5017 Interviews will be held March 28 (Sat.) II Bello (This interview with Juan Bello, Sout...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 11

… Tuesday, March 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven Tuesday, March 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Eleven NBI NEW YORK W) - Bob Lanier, a 6-foot-11 agile giant, proved the importance of the big man, as ex- pected, yesterday when Detroit ma ia him the No. 1 selection in the National Basketball Associa- tion's college draft while Pete Maravich surprisingly was picked third by Atlanta. General Manager Ed Coil of the Pistons' selected La...…

March 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 141) • Page Image 12

…eive THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesdav. March 24. 1 70 ly HEMCHGNrAL ITA %A d I V %.AI ,IrI d4-I Q7 1, I'%- a UIORITIES QUESTION: Law students BAM discuss minority admissions proposals U' business students added to committees By HANNAH MORRISON feels "rather blah about it, . uer- By SUSAN LINDEN Black Action Movement (BAM) representatives met yesterday with law students in a discussion of the BAM proposals for increased mi- nority admission...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

… . _ . : 4*if*I-I ff r t - -W Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday; June 24, 1970 Athletic turds: Youth vote to stave dissent A& tr4to n :43 HOUSTON, Tex. (VP)-Some of the nation's col- legiate athletic directors say granting of voting rights to 18-year-old will ease campus tensions. Others say militants merely will turn to other campus causes. Bill Orwig of Indiana, president of the National Association of Collegiate Direc...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…'U -~-------- .~- -& U -IMF- U. -qw -iw ,I- 't 4 41r 4 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, dune 24, 1970 Wednesday, June 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY DISCIpi By HESTER PULLINGt Daily News Analysis While criticism of the Regents' interim conduct rules and disciplinary procedures has abated over the summer months, student leaders at the University believe that student dissatisfaction with the measures point to an inevitable...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…4+!' L. dad THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 24, 1970 Wednesday, June 24, 1970 States By The Associated Press In the wake of demonstrations that erupted in many of the nation's campuses during the last semester, 32 of the 50 states have enacted laws designed to pre- vent further disorders. Included in the laws a r e provisions which: ---Revoke the financial aid of students engaged in illegal demonstra...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…- ~- K Rp { Wednesday, June 24, 1970 THE MICHLGAN DAILY 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Editorials orinted in The Michigon Doily exoress the individual opinions of the author. This must be noted in all reorints. ~JAMES WECHSLERa--7 Discontent GI's with no use for thewar THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fc lassified Ad ervice, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12:00-2:00 1 6 ;3 ...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…* lMM I ~ n r4 I ... J A 4,W 7- I '' :* " Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 24 1970 Wednesday, June 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY For Direct Classilied Ad Service, Phoue 764-0557 12Noon Deadline Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 3:00 12 Noon Deadline The lonely crowd InI the Set A Feature Review by James V. Romano FOR RENT The Ann Arbor Fair Housing Ordi- nance and the University of Mich- igan Regents' bylaws p...…

June 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…aA u- I . * U Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, June 24, 1970 Wednesday, June 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PEACE EFFORT' Dayan bids Israel to prepare to release some occupied land r r By The Associated Press Israeli Defense Minister Mos- he Dayan yesterday declared that Israel should be ready to give up some of the soil it won in the 1967 war in return for peace with the Arabs. Dayan made plain, however, that Israel should h...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…V g 9 0f i Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 24, 1970 CHIEFS WON'T PRACTICE All-Star ZZI P Mfrligi~a :43 rt game Vol. LXXX, No. 52-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 24, 1970 Ten Cents hit by W WASHINGTON (4) - The National Football League Players Association de- cided yesterday against letting the Kan- sas City Chiefs report to training camp as the Federal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service announced both sides ...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

… 7W 4 A I. & ,t Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July-24, 1970 Friday, July 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Teacher shortage shifts By ERIKA HOFF Teacher shortages-a nation-wide problem in recent years-last year turned into teacher surpluses in many areas. Consequently, teaching certificate candidates have found it harder to obtain positions within the campus area to do their student teaching. And newly gradua...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

… 5 I 50 I Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 24, 1970 Friday, July 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dems Vic Lansing U' -- Four Democrats are dueling for the right to run against Gov. William Milliken. but it really looks like a two-man tussle. Close observers see the race boiling + down to a battle between former state party chairmen Sander Levin and Zol- ton Ferency. They are much better known than the others---George F. Montgomer...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…0 cr C4 0 0 #4 CO 0. ca 02 0. 0n 1-4 roI (0 0. ' I.. 0 . 0 0 02 0 L.. ., rc-I 0 I-I, .. SI cc #4 CO I-s 0 0 0c Q. cc 02 4 O pg ' 00 COC I M O f1 I. 0a .0 ! 0 _ Q COD 0 Cl (D m~ C- n. ( C. c, .. nO 0. 02 xO CO 0a a-4 cl. C. O0 O d 2 CO c0 CD 0 020 ~P 0. I ~0 PD -m I 02 I 0 I . n A c Z m 0 r-I 0 m C) 0 0 (A CN' CO COt Q 2 t7 O{ CI- I. CI- V [ I I-' 0r CO O ! C-,0 x-C 1.~ ^. Cl. C 0 . 04, 0 0 Z4 0: C-- c. C Co 0 f5 (t} 0 '- { ...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…Rag Egh 4. 1- 1* V A A' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 24, 1970 Friday, July 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page THEMICHIGN DAIL The Louise Bernikow, ABEL, Tri- dent Press, $7.95. By DEBORAH LINDERMAN On Feb. 10, 1962, Colonel Rudolph Ivanovice Abel (alias Emil R. Goldfus), a Soviet agent having practiced espionage in the United States for nine years, was exchanged for Francis Gary Powers, our U-2 man in Russia. The e x c h a...…

July 24, 1970 (vol. 80, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

…4 * 4 4 ,# f Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, July 24, 1970 Friday, July 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wpi. * 1'vent bt. d' Se ws briefs; d b l, xlot axe Cr w s w e r .N a v .r+ rsti af'C' s a t tk ' N By The Associated Press SEN. ROBERT HUBER (R-TROY), has announced the final report of his special committee to investigate colleges and universities, will not be released until after the August primary. "To release the report prior...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…ABORTION COUNSELING AT THE 'U' See EditorialPage Y lflk 43'a t SPRINKLES High-80 Low-60 Warmer, occasional showers late afternoon V61. LXXXI, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 24, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages , GUERRILLAS SPLIT OVER TRUCE: Jordan govt claims U, polic pers evict tent city, I c tvtt,tUfl tFI sIcam By The Associated Press Jordan's military leadership claimed yesterday that Syrian: troops had bee...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 24, 1970 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 24, 1970 theatre The Americanization of Darling' OPEN 12:45 P.M. SHOWS at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. Program Info: 662-6264 THE LANDLORD'S GETTING JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING BUT THE RENT. 1 State & Liberty Sts. HELD I OVER! By JAQUES British comedy hits have a nasty habit of wending their, way across the Atlantic with a great deal of advance public...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…;kph., r" sL..:" , .......¢a-e " .. ; L :':" i :"«r ..{ F ;. PRE-CANA CONFERENCE INDIVIDUAL SESSIONS Conferences held each semester, each series 6 sessions. Newman enter Basement 531 Thompson page three T4c S idrian Iat NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Thursday, September 24, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Sept, 27, 30 Ot 7:3 P..4, 7,11, 14 Women's Liberation emerges in Europe .:. MICHIGAN ASSOCIATION FOR EMOTI...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

… A4r £fidPtzn Daily Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan wormwood Presidential commissions are for presidents rb ier mmmmm 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: STEVE KOPPMAN Abort...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…Thursday, September 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-Noon 557 FOR RENT 4th ROOMMATE for house. No lease. Private bedroom. $60.00 per month and utilities. 5 blocks from campus. 665-7205. Call persistently. 16021 CAMPUS Several modern apartments still available; also Roommates Wanted Charter Realty "Fine Campus Apartments" 1335 S. Univ. 6...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY u M P , AFEMETS WIN, CUBS DROP TWO Thursday, September 24, 1970 V Star backs abound, seek national honors* ~~By The Assoliated Press PITTSBURGH-Mike Marshall put down a ninth inning Pitts- burgh threat, saving Carl Mor- " :' b r h h eton's 17th victory and the M on- treal Expos squeaked to a 3-2 vic- tory over the National League East leading Pirates last night. . The Pittsburgh loss, combined with New York's 5-4 triumph o...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…Thursday, September 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Thursday, September 24, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Huskies, Sixkiller hunt victory Cazzie returning to Michigan as world champs meet Pistons j p. By ELLIOT LEGOW Before last Saturday Washing- ton was considered just another soft touch on Michigan's no n- conference football schedule. But after the Huskies demolished Michigan State 42-16 with t h e largest yardage tota...…

September 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY t Thursday, Septembj r 2-k, 1970 Page Eight' THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 24, 1970 DAY OF TERROR: SGC members ponder role I- Reporter witnesses Jordanian damage (Continued from Page 1) the city, marking the point where exploding shells have started fires. In the southwest sector the whole side of a hill on which the Wahdat refugee camp is 'uilt appears to be, on fire. Deep valleys have dis- appe...…

October 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…TWO YEARS' UNDER RICHARD NIXON See Editorial Page 1L 1Mw i4a DUIIAI SEASONAL Higli-65 Low-45 Increasing cloudiness, chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 24, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages BLAST INDICTMENTS 4000rally at Kent State -Daily-Tom Gottlieb -Daily-Tom Gottlieb Sp ectators view fioats, Kent protest Hundreds of spectators lined State St. yesterday to watch the traditional homecoming parad...…

October 24, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…Page Tw6 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, Octabo 24, ,197© , THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 24, 1970 Margaret Bourke-White photographs on exhibit Margaret Bourke-White, war correspondent-photographer, in- dustrial photographer, editor and journalist, will be honored with an exhibit of .her work at the Museum of Art, in Alumni Hall, Oct 7 through Nov. 17. The exhibit is one of the events marking the 100th an- zine. She joined the Life ...…

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